E7 English Literature Students level seven Forum |
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2016- 3- 29 | #41 |
مميزة مستوى 8 E
رد: ܟ♥ ( التجمع النهائي للنقد الأدبي والنظرية / د.فوزي سليسلي/ الأختبار الأحد 24.7.1437 - فترة أولى ) ♥ܟ
. تكرر في اختبار 35 الفصل الاول و لكن بشكل مختلف. نصيحة صيته : كثفي الحفظ في الاسئلة ( احفظي السؤال و الاجابة ) لان احيانا يكون الجواب من ضمن السؤال في نماذج اخرى مثلا Roland Barthes wrote the famous essay A. "What is an Author B. "The Death of the Author C. "Morphology of the Folktale D. "The Narrative Discourse في نموذج اخر Who wrote "The Death of the Author" A. Michel Foucault B. Jacques Derrida C. Roland Barthes : One of the most important concepts that Post-structuralism developed is: A. Eurocentrism B. Logocentrism C. Feminism D. Marxism Logocentrism is an important concept that was developed by A- Structuralists B- Post-structiralists C- Formalism D- Semioticians ومن بين الاسئله المهمه اللي تكررت بكل الاعوام السابقه وايضاً جاء بالواجبات ،هذا السؤال : Structurealism in literature is continuation of the work of البنيوية تابعت عمل ادب ؟؟ مين طبعا هم ، الاجابه ، Russian formalism الشكليين الروسيين المحاضرة 8 أفلاطون اسمه بالانجليزي ،، Plato من اهم اعمالة..الجمهوريه (the Republic) الحبكة. اسمها plot علشان مايصير فيه لخبطه اثناء الاختبار او عند قراءة السؤال ؟؟ سؤالين من المحاضرة الثامنه وجاء بالاختبار الترم اللي راح والأعوام السابقه Analepsis ? الرواي اذا يروي قصه وتوقف وتذكر حدث بالماضي past When the narrative stop top pick up some information form the past Prolepsis When the narrative stop top pick up some information from the future Prolepsis الرواي يروي القصه ويتوقف ليذكر معلومات من المستقبل أربطو Analepsis = past ماضي Prolepsis =future مستقبل |
2016- 3- 29 | #42 |
مميزة مستوى 8 E
مراجعة ع الماشي
. (1) "The subject of literary science," according to Roman Jackobson, "is not literature but… A. Grammar B. Metaphor C. Literary Style D. Literariness (2) Structuralist criticism continues the work of: A. Formalism B. Symbolism C. Linguistics D. Marxism (3) In his study of fairy tales, Vladimir Propp established:
A. Twenty character types B. Sixty character types C. Thirty-one character types D. Seven character types (4) How many Actants are there in the Actantial Model A. Sixteen B. Thirty C. Six D. Twenty-one |
2016- 3- 29 | #43 |
مميزة مستوى 8 E
رد: ܟ♥ ( التجمع النهائي للنقد الأدبي والنظرية / د.فوزي سليسلي/ الأختبار الأحد 24.7.1437 - فترة أولى ) ♥ܟ
(5) What discipline or school of criticism did A.J. Greimas belong to? A. Linguist B. Structuralism C. Marxism C. Formalism (6) Who developed the Actantial Model? A. Michel Foucault B. A.J. Greimas C. Gerard Gennette D. Roland Barthes (7) Who wrote "The Death of the Author"? A. Michel Foucault B. Jacques Derrida C. Roland Barthes D. Mikhail Bakhtin |
2016- 3- 29 | #44 |
مميزة مستوى 8 E
رد: ܟ♥ ( التجمع النهائي للنقد الأدبي والنظرية / د.فوزي سليسلي/ الأختبار الأحد 24.7.1437 - فترة أولى ) ♥ܟ
"The death of the Author" asks the reader to: A. Kill the author B. Reestablish the importance of the author C. Dismiss the author from the analysis of literature D. Disrespect the author (9) How does Gerard Gennette define the "Time of the Story"? A. An imaginary time B. Any past time C. The time of the Narration D. The time in which the story happens (10) The "Time Zero", according to Gerard Gennette, is: A. The time in which the story is being told B. The time in which the story happens C. An ideal time D. An impossible time (11) Vladimir Propp develops his 31 functions in order to apply them on: A. Literature B. Novels C. Folktales D. Short stories |
2016- 3- 29 | #45 |
مميزة مستوى 8 E
رد: ܟ♥ ( التجمع النهائي للنقد الأدبي والنظرية / د.فوزي سليسلي/ الأختبار الأحد 24.7.1437 - فترة أولى ) ♥ܟ
(12) What types of literature does the Actantial Model apply on? A. Plays B. All literature C. Short stories D. Films (13) What is the definition of the "Plot" in Aristotle's theory of Tragedy? A. The story of the play B. It is the sequence of events C. The cause-effect chain that connects the events D. The actions of the hero (14) The question of "Voice" for Gerard Gennette, is about: A. Who sees the action? B. Who narrates the action? C. Who witnesses the action? D. The audience (14) The question of "Voice" for Gerard Gennette, is about: A. Who sees the action? B. Who narrates the action? C. Who witnesses the action? D. The audience هنا ال voice=who speak? عشان كذا اخترنا b |
2016- 3- 29 | #46 |
مميزة مستوى 8 E
رد: ܟ♥ ( التجمع النهائي للنقد الأدبي والنظرية / د.فوزي سليسلي/ الأختبار الأحد 24.7.1437 - فترة أولى ) ♥ܟ
(15) The question of "focalization" for Gerard Gennetee, is about: A. Who participates in the action? B. Who sees the action? C. Who narrates the actions? D. The audience (16) How does Gerard Gennette define the "time of the narrative"? A. The time in which the story happens B. The time in which the story is narrated C. The time in which the story is read D. An imaginary time (17) When does an Analepsis happen? A. When the narrative stops to pick up some information from the past B. When the narrative stops to pick up some information from the future C. When there is a flashback D. When there is a time gap in the narrative (18) When does a Prolepsis happen? A. When the narrative stops to pick up some information from the past B. When the narrative stops to pick up some information from the future C. When there is a flashback D. When there is a time gap in the narratve (19) When does an Anachronies happen? A. When the narrative stops to pick up some information from the past B. When the narrative stops to pick up some information from the future C. When the narrative is chronological D. When there is a time gap in the narrative شوفوا سؤال 17 و18 لازم يجي في الاختبار فتجي بصيغتين Analepsis تجي كلمة تدل عليها وهي كلمة الpast او تجي كلمة earlier Prolepsis تجي كلمة تدل عليها وهي future او will |
2016- 3- 29 | #47 |
مميزة مستوى 8 E
رد: ܟ♥ ( التجمع النهائي للنقد الأدبي والنظرية / د.فوزي سليسلي/ الأختبار الأحد 24.7.1437 - فترة أولى ) ♥ܟ
(20) Who wrote "What is an Author"? A. Michel Foucault B. Roland Bathes C. Jacques Derrida D. Vladimir Propp (21) Dante considered language to be: A. Divinely instituted B. Created by men C. Created by the governments D. Created by chance (22) Lorenzo Valla considered language to be: A. Divinely instituted B. Created by men هنا ممكن غير كلمة men ويجيب كلمة humen C. Created by the governments D. Created by chance |
2016- 3- 29 | #48 |
مميزة مستوى 8 E
رد: ܟ♥ ( التجمع النهائي للنقد الأدبي والنظرية / د.فوزي سليسلي/ الأختبار الأحد 24.7.1437 - فترة أولى ) ♥ܟ
هذا سؤال مهم انا حفظته عن ظهر قلب اتوقع اذا مو باكيد راح يجيبه
(23) What did Renaissance Humanists use to break the monopoly of Latin on education and promote the use of European languages? A. They used plays B. They used poems C. They used grammar books D. Nothing. It happened by chance (25) Formalism rejected the distinction between: A. Literature and reality B. Form and content C. Literature and criticism D. Poetry and Prose (26) The culture of Ancient Greece can be described as: A. A living culture هنا لانها كانت oral B. A museum culture C. A culture of books D. A culture of aristocracy (27) The literary culture of Ancient Rome can be described as: A. A culture of books B. A culture of aristocracy C. A living culture D. A museum culture هنا اصبحت في كتب |
2016- 3- 29 | #49 |
مميزة مستوى 8 E
رد: ܟ♥ ( التجمع النهائي للنقد الأدبي والنظرية / د.فوزي سليسلي/ الأختبار الأحد 24.7.1437 - فترة أولى ) ♥ܟ
What did Roman author use poetry and literature for?
A. To improve eloquence and sing national glories B. To sell books and fight unemployment C. To entertain the emperor and the masses D. To educate children and entertain adults هذا السؤال سهل -- ليه استخدم المؤلفين الرومان -- الشعر والادب الاجابه ِ A Why is Western literature and criticism connected to classical Greek and Roman cultures? A. They share the same taste in literature B. They share the same religion C. Western literature is a recreation, a revival of classical literature D. Western literature borrows mythology from the literature of classical antiquity ليه الادب الغربي والنقد متصلين بـ بالثقافه الرومانيه واليوناينه -- طبعا لأحيااءrevival --الادب الكلاسيكي االاجابه C Roman writers felt inferior to Greek culture because: A. The Greeks had a bigger empire B. The Greek culture was easy to understand C. Roman was superior to Greece militarily, but inferior culturally D. It was easier to become famous in Greece than in Rome الروما شعروا بالنقص من الثقافه اليونانيه لأنه الاجابه c |
2016- 3- 29 | #50 |
مميزة مستوى 8 E
رد: ܟ♥ ( التجمع النهائي للنقد الأدبي والنظرية / د.فوزي سليسلي/ الأختبار الأحد 24.7.1437 - فترة أولى ) ♥ܟ
Recent history is showing that the Renaissance started in:
A. In al-Andalus in the 11th century B. In Germany in the 19th century C. Paris in the 8th Paris D. In New York in the 20th century التاريخ الحديث لعصر النهضه بدأ ---- من الاندلس في القرن 11 الاجابه A (33) The books of ancient Greece were translated back into Latin from: A. Russian sources B. Jewish sources C. Greek sources D. Arabic sources الكتب اليونانيه القديمه ترجمت مره اخرى الى اللاتينية هو حاط العربيه بس الاجابه اعتقد خطا -- الاجابه هي اليونانيه -- يعني c (34) Who made the distinction between Mimesis and Diegesis? A. Plato B. Cicero C. Aristotle D. Ibn Rushd هذا السؤال نحفظه صم --- شفته باكثر من نموذج -- الجوب طبعا A (35) Why did Plato ban the poet from the city? A. He was jealous B. He doesn't like entertainment C. Poetry cripples the mind D. Poetry is not good for health ليه افلاطون حظر او طرد الشعراء من المدينه -- لأنه الشعر في نظره يشل العقل -- والاجابه هي c (36) "And narration," says Plato, can proceed by: A. Imitation B. Narration C. Imitation or narration or a mixture of the two D. By indirect speech الاجابه c --لأنه افلاطون كان عنده قسمين في كتابه هو المحاكاه والسرد Plato analyzed poetry as an imitation in his dialogue. A. Phaedrus B. Sophist C. Ian D. Republic اسم كتاب افلاطون الي حلل فيه المحاكاه ---Repubic (38) What did Aristotle write? A. Drama B. Poetry C. Speeches D. Philosophical works ارسطو كان فيلسوف --الاجابه d (39) In which one of the following books did Aristotle analyze tragedy? A. Rhetoric B. Politics C. Poetics D. Metaphysics وش اسم الكتاب الي حلل فيه التراجيديا ارسطو --- الجواب c (40) Tragedy was defined as "an imitation of an action" by: A. Dryden B. Plato C. Horace D. Aristotle الي عرف المحاكاه بانه حدث ---- هو ارسطوو -- |
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