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2016- 12- 5 | #41 |
مميزة مستوى 8 E
رد: التجمع النهائي لمادة علم اللغة الاجتماعي - د/محمد هلال [ اختبار المادة السبت - 4/2 فترة اولى ]
المحاضره 10
في كلمات مقبولة acceptable في ال Standard English منها (لدورة المياه) WC - Lavatory - toilet ومنها غير مقبولة non-standered bog - liv - privy - Dunny - john . . النقاط الأساسية في المحاضره 13 It is difficult to give an exact linguistic definition of Standard English because language varies in its use why do People use different styles of spoken language? depending on the situations they find themselves in what are these situations ? status age intimacy what you are talking about The style of language you use depends on the formality of the context and the amount of planning that is involved. what are the two claims made for standard English? Standard English is correct Standard English is ‘logical’ or systematic and rule-governed Linguists argue against these claims The motivation for making children speak standard English in school is explicitly given as the need to communicate effectively why was the Better English Campaign launched ? to improve standards of spoken English around the country. African American Vernacular English (AAVE Standard English is seen as the appropriate dialect in the job market. There is a close relation between the language we speak and our social standards In Britain, although many languages are in daily use, only English has official recognition For the English especially, multilingualism is viewed with suspicion and as a threat to national unity The promotion of English, both in Britain and in the United States, leads to the marginalization of the other languages which exist there Minority languages and their speakers may be seen as divisive, even dangerous, and a threat to political, social or economic stability. People, usually high class, show negative attitudes toward non-standard varieties of English in Britain |
2016- 12- 5 | #42 |
مميزة مستوى 8 E
رد: التجمع النهائي لمادة علم اللغة الاجتماعي - د/محمد هلال [ اختبار المادة السبت - 4/2 فترة اولى ]
أهم النقاط في المحاضرة 12 Representation is how the speaker chooses to refer to something or someone by categorizing them as belonging to a social group. Labels of identity are imposed by people who may be in a more powerful position People who impose labels of identity may use the labels to make a kind of social judgment We do not always control the categories people use to define our identity Determining one’s social identity is also bound up with how others perceive us. Our status within a social group can be constructed through language use Ingroup is a social group to which the speaker belongs. outgroup comprises people who do not belong to that group. style-shifting people do not always talk in the same way. They can shift their speech styles and this can involve using different words, pronunciations or even grammatical forms Audience design refers to notion that speakers will take into account whom they are addressing and alter their speech style accordingly Linguistic convergence is a process in which speakers change their speech to make it more similar to that of their hearer Linguistic maintenance is a process in which speakers may choose not to converge, but instead to maintain their own variety. Linguistic divergence is a process in which speakers choose to move away from the Linguistic norms of their hearer in order to emphasise the difference between themselves and the person or people they are talking to. Loss of a language can also be associated with a loss of cultural identity. Languages can be lost for a variety of reasons speakers may choose to shift from one language to another as social conditions change One language may be imposed and another suppressed by a dominant power. The dialect known as standard English has special status. a. It is the dialect of institutions such as government and the law; b. It is the dialect of literacy and education. c. It is the dialect taught as ‘English’ to foreign learners. d. It is the dialect of the higher social classes. It is therefore the prestige form of English. Examples of non-standard English - multiple negation:I didn’t know nothing - the use of ‘ain’t: I ain’t got none, Characteristics of Standard English a. Standard English is related to dialects, not accents. b. Standard English is difficult to isolate and put linguistic boundaries around. c. Standard English is the dialect of the middle and upper classes d. Forms of Standard English are socially prestigious. Codification of Standard English is a process where scholars analyse and record the vocabulary and grammatical patterns of a language For English, much of this codification took place in the eighteenth century grammatical patterns that were written down in dictionaries and grammar books then became ‘rules |
2016- 12- 5 | #43 |
مميزة مستوى 8 E
رد: التجمع النهائي لمادة علم اللغة الاجتماعي - د/محمد هلال [ اختبار المادة السبت - 4/2 فترة اولى ]
. There is a causative link between culture and language المحاضره 3 أهم النقاط في المحاضرة 11 Identity is something which we are constantly building and negotiating through our interaction with others How can language indicate identity؟ here you grew up, where you went to school and how wealthy (or not) your family were will to be displayed through the variety of the language that you speak. The most obvious difference in the way people speak is in their Accent (pronunciation). Dialect (grammatical structure) Social class Education. Speakers tend to use their linguistic identity for the different reasons 1- to disguise their membership of a particular social or regional group. 2- to distance themselves from a particular social or regional group. 3- to move closer to another group they want to belong to. Names can cause problems, particularly if they don’t fit in with the conventions of a community. Children’s playground practice of ‘calling someone names’ is a powerful resource for a dominant group to enforce their dominance and marginalise others The way that people use your name in a certain context helps to establish your identity within that context. The way that other speakers refer to you can depend on a. the degree of formality. b. the degree of intimacy c. your relative status of all the participants involved in the interaction The way address terms are used can have important implications on the participants |
2016- 12- 5 | #44 |
مميزة مستوى 8 E
رد: التجمع النهائي لمادة علم اللغة الاجتماعي - د/محمد هلال [ اختبار المادة السبت - 4/2 فترة اولى ]
Names can cause problems, particularly if they …… with the conventions of a community (A) don’t fit in. (B) conform (C) agree (D) are very long. A Names can cause problems, particularly if they don’t fit in with the conventions of a community. المحاضره 11 . . Choose the sentence that is unacceptable is standard English ? A.Sally s a mother what likes her children B.Sally s a mother she likes her children C.Sally s a mother likes her children D. All the above من اسئلة الاختبار اللي هو سؤال رقم 30 |
2016- 12- 5 | #45 |
مميزة مستوى 8 E
رد: التجمع النهائي لمادة علم اللغة الاجتماعي - د/محمد هلال [ اختبار المادة السبت - 4/2 فترة اولى ]
. شرح تروك السلام عليكم مذاكرة اسئلة الاعوام الماضية مغامرة , الافضل المذاكرة ثم مراجعة اسئلة الاختبارات او قراءة كل محاضرة بتركيز عالي ثم مراجعة الاسئلة راح اضع نبذة بسيطة جدا عن كل محاضرة ثم اسئلة الاختبارات اللي وردت عنها من ثلاثة نماذج سابقة للاختبارات فيه تكرار للاسئلة وفيه تغيير في بعضها وبعضها ما تكرر ما اعتقد بيمدي اخلص كل المحاضرات و لكن بسوي اللي اقدر عليه المحاضرة الاولى تتكلم في البداية عن مجالات المعرفة عند دراستنا للغة وهي اربع مجالات When we study language we discover more about different fields of knowledge: 1-Psycholinguistics علم اللغة النفسي is the study of how listeners recognize words and utterances, or how damage to our brains results in certain kind of language disorders. 2- Applied linguistics اللغويات التطبيقية A branch of linguistics where we study how to learn and to teach different languages. 3-Sociolinguistics علم اللغة الاجتماعي The study of the relation between language and society and the different varieties of language people use 4-Artificial intelligence الذكاء الصناعي The study of how to make computers more sophisticated. ثم استخدامات اللغة : Language can be used in different ways: A. Language used referentially استخدام مرجعي B. Language used affectively. استخدام مؤثر C. Language used aesthetically. استخدام جمالي D. Language used phatically. وفيه تعريف لكل واحد منها ^^^^^^ نجي على الاسئلة اللي وردت عن المحاضرة الاولى من نماذج اختبارات ومنها متكرر سؤال ورد عن تعريف اللغة النفسي في اختبارين بنفس الصيغة : وسؤال عن استخدام اللغة في التاثير مرتين بنفس الصيغة وسؤال عن الاستخدام الجمالي للغة في الشعر مرتين بصيغ مختلفة وهنا سؤال عام 35 ما تكرر عن الاستخدام المرجعي هذا اللي شفته عن المحاضرة الاولى .. وبعد شوي الثانية موفقين |
2016- 12- 5 | #46 |
مميزة مستوى 8 E
رد: التجمع النهائي لمادة علم اللغة الاجتماعي - د/محمد هلال [ اختبار المادة السبت - 4/2 فترة اولى ]
المحاضرة الثانية Power and language. Definition of power تعريف · Power is the ability of its holders to force compliance or obedience of other people to their will. Saussure’s theory of language. نظرية سوسير للغة Saussure divided language into two parts.. تقسيم سوسير للغة إلى قسمين : 1- Langue is ‘our [innate] knowledge of the systematic correspondences between sound and meaning which make up our language (including the knowledge of what utterances are possible . . . and what utterances are not). Parole: is the actual use of language in both speech and writing بعدين كلام عن الدال والمدلول : Signifier: the sound sequence which makes up a label Signified: is the meaning or concept associated with the signified بعدين الرابط بينهما يسمى arbitrary The link between the signified and the signifier is arbitrary هذا ملخص لملخص اهم ما ورد في الثانية نجي للاسئلة اللي شفتها متكررة سؤال عن تعريف power بصيغتين مختلفه هنا سؤال ورد مرتين عن القسم الاول من نظرية سوسير langue وسؤال عن القسم الثاني Parole في ثلاث اختبارات مع بعض التغيير وهنا ايضا سؤالين عن اقسام النظرية وهنا سؤالين عن الدال والمدلول والرابط بينهم في 3 نماذج اختبارات هذا اللي شفته عن الثانية ,, شوي الثالثة .. موفقين |
2016- 12- 5 | #47 |
مميزة مستوى 8 E
رد: التجمع النهائي لمادة علم اللغة الاجتماعي - د/محمد هلال [ اختبار المادة السبت - 4/2 فترة اولى ]
المحاضرة الثالثة نظرية سباير وورف واقسامها قسمين The Sapir-Whorf hypothesis. The hypothesis refers to two parts:A. Linguistic relativity B. Linguistic determinism ثم تعريف 1- Language and Politics اللغة والسياسة Politics is concerned with power: the power to makedecisions, to control resources, to control other people’sbehavior and values. 2- Ideology تعريف Ideology: : Any set of beliefs which, to people who hold them, appear to be logical and natural. Political discourse. الخطاب السياسي · Presupposition الافتراض المسبق Presupposition is the background assumption embedded within a sentence or a phrase. · Implicatur تعريف Implicature leads the listener to infer something that was not explicitly asserted by the speaker. الاسئلة عن المحاضرة كثيرة .. سؤال تكرر 3 اختبارات عن نظرية سباير وورف اللي تقول فيه رابط سببي بين اللغة والثقافة سؤال عن اللغات للثقافات المختلفة لها ما يميزها من انظمة لكن ليست بالضرورة متساوية وورد مرة واحدة سؤال عن الافتراض المسبق Presupposition ورد 3 مرات بنماذج مختلفة تعريف الايدولوجي , ورد عنه السؤال مرتين بشقلبه :) سؤال عن تعريف السياسات Politics تكرر مرتين فيه فقرة بالمحاضرة عن كيف تطبق الاعتقادات السياسية How to achieve political beliefs. لها ثلاث طرق 1- Physical coercion يعني زي الاجبار الجسدي وهو مرتبط بالسياسات الديكتاتورية Associated with dictatorial regimes 2- Legal laws باستخدام الانظمه وهو مرتبط بالسياسات الديموقراطية Associated with democratic regimes 3- Persuasion and consent. وهنا بالاقناع جاء سؤال عن الطريقة الاولى وتكرر في اختبارين |
2016- 12- 5 | #48 |
مميزة مستوى 8 E
رد: التجمع النهائي لمادة علم اللغة الاجتماعي - د/محمد هلال [ اختبار المادة السبت - 4/2 فترة اولى ]
المحاضرة الرابعة Persuasive language. لغة الاقناع v The power of Rhetoric قوة البلاغة تعريف Rhetoric : is the art of using language so as to persuade or to influence others” A. Rhetorical Devices used by Politicians: الادوات البلاغية المستخدمة من قبل السياسيين B. Metaphor الأستعارة is a way of comparing two different concepts C. Simile التشبيه asserts that something is similar something else. D. Personification التجسيد Personification is a rhetoric device that entails giving human characteristics to inanimate objects or abstract ideas E. Euphemism الكناية Euphemism is a rhetorical device which uses mild or inoffensive language to make something seem more positive than it actually appears F. The Rule of Three القواعد الثلاثه G. Parallelism التوازي A rhetorical device which expresses several ideas in a series of similar structures. H. Pronouns الضمائر are a device which can be used by either to emphasize or to obscure responsibility and agency. · Language and the media اللغة والاعلام تعريف التمثيل اللغوي Linguistic representation is a level of language use which is concerned with the relation between how a story is told and how this can lead to different view or versions of the same story or event. الاسئلة عن المحاضرة الرابعه سؤال عن تعريف التوازي سؤال تكرر عن تعريف البلاغة سؤال تكرر عن تعريف الكناية |
2016- 12- 5 | #49 |
مميزة مستوى 8 E
رد: التجمع النهائي لمادة علم اللغة الاجتماعي - د/محمد هلال [ اختبار المادة السبت - 4/2 فترة اولى ]
In the United States, negative and …………. are associated with Spanish-accented speakers criminal stereotypes critical stiff types curly stripe crispy meal file -Mexican stereotypes in film and television have one thing in common: Mexican Americans are almost always portrayed as ……..: they are drug-pushers, gang-members, pimps’ calm violent nice Quiet Matched guise experiment is a method of investigating people’s ……. to different languages. attires latitudes attitudes tattoos Speakers tend to use their linguistic identity for the different reasons: A. to disguise their membership of a particular social or regional group. B. to distance themselves from a particular social or regional group. C. to move closer to another group they want to belong to. D. All the above هذة الاسئلة من المحاضرة رقم 14 |
2016- 12- 5 | #50 |
مميزة مستوى 8 E
رد: التجمع النهائي لمادة علم اللغة الاجتماعي - د/محمد هلال [ اختبار المادة السبت - 4/2 فترة اولى ]
The grammar of standard American ................ because it contains multiple negation does not allow a sentence like I didn’t know anything OR does not allow a sentence like She didn’t see nothing ؟؟ does not allow a sentence like She didn’t see nothing multiple negation . . تنبيه : سؤال 22 في اسئلة اختبار الفصل الاول 1436 الجواب الصحيح : c |
مواقع النشر (المفضلة) |
الذين يشاهدون محتوى الموضوع الآن : 1 ( الأعضاء 0 والزوار 1) | |
المواضيع المتشابهه | ||||
الموضوع | كاتب الموضوع | المنتدى | مشاركات | آخر مشاركة |
[ مذاكرة جماعية ] : تجمع ترجمة تتابعيـه| الاخـتبار :الأثنين | | الفتره الثـانيه | 4 - 4 -1438هـ | | .. Mony | E8 | 384 | 2017- 1- 2 06:42 PM |
[ تجمع ] : تجمع تحليل الخطاب | الاخـتبار :الأربـعاء | | الفتره الثـانيه | 29 - 3 -1438هـ | | نهرالعطا | E8 | 234 | 2016- 12- 28 07:04 PM |
[ مذاكرة جماعية ] : القيادة وتنمية المجتمعات المحلية | ر يا ن | اجتماع 8 | 13 | 2015- 4- 26 01:11 AM |