E8 English Literature Students Level eight Forum |
ÃÏæÇÊ ÇáãæÖæÚ |
2014- 12- 17 | #561 |
ÈáÇäßÇ .. áÓÇäí íÚÌÒ Úä ÔßÑß ..ÇÓÃá Çááå áß ÇáÊíÓíÑ ãËá ãÇ ÓåáÊí åÇáãÇÏå ÈÔÑÍß ÇáãÎÊÕÑ ÇáãÝíÏ ..
2014- 12- 17 | #562 |
ãÊãíÒÉ Ýí ãÓÊæì ÓÇÏÓ ÞÓã ÇááÛÉ ÇáÇäÌáíÒíÉ
Situated identities
That is, different identities or social positions we enact & recognize in different settings åäÇ ÇáåæíÉ ÇáÍÇáíÉ ..ÊÚÑíÝåÇ íÈÏà ÈßáãÉ åæíÇÊ ãÎÊáÝÉ Social languages different styles of language that we use to enact & recognize different identities in different settings åäÇ ÇááÛÇÊ ÇáÇÌÊãÇÚíÉ ..ÊÚÑíÝåÇ íÈÏà ÈßáãÉ ÇÓáæÈ ãÎÊáÝ ãä ÇááÛÉ Discourses” with a capital different ways in which we humans integrate language with non-language “stuff,” such as different ways of thinking åäÇ ÇáÎØÇÈ ..ÝíåÇ ßáãÉ åíæãÇä íÚäí ÈÔÑ Conversations” with a capital long-running & important themes or motifs that have been the focus of a variety of different texts & interactions (in different social languages & Discourses ÇáãÍÇÏËÉ ÝíåÇ ßáãÉ ãæÇÖíÚ |
2014- 12- 17 | #563 |
ãÊãíÒÉ ÈÇáãÓÊæì ÇáÓÇÈÚ áÞÓã ÇáÅäÌáíÒí
áÞíÊ áßã ÇÓÆáÉ ááãÚÊÞá æÇÈí ÇÍØåÇ ãÍáæáå ãÇÝíå æÞÊ ÇÍÓåÇ ÔÇãáå ÈÓ ãÏÑí ÇÐÇ Ýíå ÇÍÏ ÓÈÞäí æÍØåÇ
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2014- 12- 17 | #564 |
ãÊãíÒÉ Ýí ãÓÊæì ÓÇÏÓ ÞÓã ÇááÛÉ ÇáÇäÌáíÒíÉ
2014- 12- 17 | #565 |
2014- 12- 17 | #566 |
ãÊãíÒÉ ÈÇáãÓÊæì ÇáÓÇÈÚ áÞÓã ÇáÅäÌáíÒí
Çæß ÇÌá äÈÏà Úáì ÈÑßÉ Çááå ...
Discourse analysis will enable to reveal the …………….behind a text or behind the choice of a particular method of research to interpret that text. a- hidden motivations b- Clear motivations c- Phenomenon motivations 2- Discourse analysis is meant to provide ……………………of the hidden motivations in others and in ourselves, and therefore. a- a higher awareness b- Less awareness c- Fewer errors 3- Discourse analysis is meant to enable us to solve concrete problem by making us ask …………….and epistemological questions. a- Ontological b- Diglossical c- Biological 4- Analysis of discourse looks not only at the basic level of what is said, but takes into consideration the surrounding social and ………. Contexts a- Geographical b- Political c- Historical d- Technological 5- Critical thinking about the analysis of texts is as ancient as… a- Mankind b- Animal c- Language 6- Discourse analysis is perceived as the product of …………… a- postmodern period. b- Pre-modern period. c- During modernity period |
2014- 12- 17 | #567 |
ãÊãíÒÉ ÈÇáãÓÊæì ÇáÓÇÈÚ áÞÓã ÇáÅäÌáíÒí
Discourse Analysis (DA) is a modern discipline of the social sciences that covers a wide variety of different …… ……………… approaches a- Sociolinguistic. b- Psycholinguistics. c- Pragmatic. 2- Discourse Analysis takes into consideration the …………….. a- surrounding social only b- historical contexts only c- surrounding social and historical contexts. 3- Discourse analysis will enable to reveal the hidden …………behind a text a- Result b- Author c- Motivations d- Critic 4- In Discourse Analysis(DA) one term is looked upon a lot more favorably than the other, and this is what a Discourse Analyst would consider, as well as looking at the relationship of these terms with a ………………… a- Wider world b- widely used term c- a narrowly used term 5- Language has a magical property: when we speak or write we craft what we have to say to ………. the situation or context in which we are communicating. a- Fit b- Contradict c- Criticize d- Described 6- Discourse analysts will look at any given text, and this just means anything that communicates a message, and particularly, how that message constructs ……………….. a- a social reality or view of the world b- cybernetic reality and view of the world c- linguistic reality and view of the world |
ÇáÊÚÏíá ÇáÃÎíÑ Êã ÈæÇÓØÉ Another day ; 2014- 12- 17 ÇáÓÇÚÉ 11:31 AM |
2014- 12- 17 | #568 |
2014- 12- 17 | #569 |
ãÊãíÒÉ ÈÇáãÓÊæì ÇáÓÇÈÚ áÞÓã ÇáÅäÌáíÒí
if institutions, committees, and committee meetings didn’t already exist, speaking and acting this way would be…….
a- Nonsense b- Meaningful c- Clear d- Not clear 2- Whenever we speak or write, we always and simultaneously construct or build ……….. things of “reality” a- Five b- Six c- Seven 3- "I enter a plain, square room" is an example of an area of reality which is reflect by speech the area which is reflected by this example is ….. a- The meaning and value of aspects of the material world b- Activities c- Politics d- Semiotics 4- We talk and act in one way and we are engaged in formally opening a committee meeting ; we talk and act in another way and we are engaged in “chit-chat” before the official start of the meeting . this is called a- The meaning and value of aspects of the material world b- Activities c- Semiotics 5- In Activities .We talk and act in one way and we are engaged in …………. a- formally opening a committee meeting b- chit-chat” before the official start of the meeting c- informallyopening a committee meeting 6- I talk and act in one way one moment and I am speaking andacting as “chair” of the committee; the next moment I speak and talk in adifferent way and I am speaking and acting as one peer/colleague speaking toanother. This is showing ….. a- Activities b- Semiotics c- Identities and relationships |
2014- 12- 17 | #570 |
ãÊãíÒÉ ÈÇáãÓÊæì ÇáÓÇÈÚ áÞÓã ÇáÅäÌáíÒí
I talk and act in such a way that a visibly angry male in a committee meeting (perhaps it’s me!) is “standing his ground on principle,” but a visibly angry female is “hysterical.” This is showing …..
a- Activities b- Semiotics c- Politics d- Connections 2- I talk and act so as to make what I am saying here and now in this committee meeting about whether we should admit more minority students connected to or relevant to what I said last week about my fears of losing my job given the new government’s turn to the right . This is showing ….. a- Activities b- Semiotics c- Politics d- Connections 3- (what and how different symbol systems and different forms of knowledge “count) is an example of an area of reality which is reflect by speech the area which is reflected by this example is ….. a- The meaning and value of aspects of the material world b- Activities c- Politics d- Semiotics 4- Though critical thinking about the analysis of texts is as ancient as mankind, discourse analysis is perceived as the product of …………period a- Modern b- Premodern c- Old d- Postmodern 5- Ways of looking at the world of talk and interaction is called … a- tools of fact-finding b- tools of inquiry c- tools of realization d- tools of investigation 6- “tools of inquiry” in DA means a- ways of looking at the world of talk and interaction b- ways of writing c- ways of reading d- ways of constructing good sentences 7- the different identities or social positions we enact and recognize in different settings .This is showing …………… a- Situated identities b- Social languages c- Discourses” with a capital “D 8- The different styles of language that we use to enact and recognize different identities in different settings. a- Situated identities b- Social languages c- Discourses” with a capital “D d- Conversations” with a capital “C 9- The different ways in which we humans integrate language with non-language “stuff,” a- Situated identities b- Social languages c- Discourses” with a capital “D d- Conversations” with a capital “C 10- Conversations” with a capital “C,” that is, long-running and important themes or motifs that have been the focus of a variety of different texts and interactions through a significant stretch of time and across an array of institutions. a- Situated identities b- Social languages c- Discourses” with a capital “D d- Conversations” with a capital “C 11- the use of a term like ''colonization'' or a ''occupation'' is something that is………………….. important in DA. a- Sometimes b- Always c- Rarely d- Seldom |
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[ ãÐÇßÑÉ ÌãÇÚíÉ ] : ÊÌãÚ ãÐÇßÑÉ ÇáãÞÇá ÝÇáäÇ ÈÇÇÐä Çááå a+ Çä ÔÇÁ Çááå | ÔÚäæäÉ | E5 | 31 | 2014- 12- 22 04:49 PM |
[ ãÐÇßÑÉ ÌãÇÚíÉ ] : ★★ ãÐÇßÑÉ ÌãÇÚíÉ áãÇÏÉ (ãäÇåÌ ÇáÈÍË ÇáÇÌÊãÇÚí) ,,★★ | äæÝ ÈäÊ ÓÚæÏ | ÇÌÊãÇÚ 5 | 458 | 2014- 12- 21 03:40 PM |
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