E7 English Literature Students level seven Forum |
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2015- 5- 8 | #51 |
أكـاديـمـي مـشـارك
رد: تجمع النقد الادبي .... !!
احس ما كأني جالسة اذاكر
2015- 5- 8 | #52 |
أكـاديـمـي نــشـط
رد: تجمع النقد الادبي .... !!
الله يعين الماده غثيثه
اقترح نقراها بالعربي ونفهم قصصها وانتهينا؟؟؟ |
2015- 5- 8 | #53 |
أكـاديـمـي نــشـط
رد: تجمع النقد الادبي .... !!
هو شاااطر يجيب من بين السطور :o
2015- 5- 8 | #54 |
أكـاديـمـي مـشـارك
رد: تجمع النقد الادبي .... !!
2015- 5- 8 | #55 |
رد: تجمع النقد الادبي .... !!
نحفظ اسماء الأدباء؟ يعني هل مثلا ممكن يجيبنا لنا كلام ويسال من القائل؟
2015- 5- 8 | #56 |
أكـاديـمـي نــشـط
رد: تجمع النقد الادبي .... !!
اسئلة المحاضرهالخامسة 73-Homer’s poetry was an oral culture that people ………….. in the street and in the market place a-read b- sang c-none of them 74-Greek culture was a “………….” that sprang from people’s everyday life. All the Greeks – old and young participated in producing this culture a- living culture b-dead culture c-none of them 75-Greek culture became books that had no connection to everyday life and to average people. a-In Ancient Greece b-In Ancient Rome c-none of them 76- In Rome, Greek culture was not a living culture anymore. It was a “…………….” culture. Some aristocrats used it to show off a- museum b-dead c-none of them 77-Horace, was …….. a-a poet writing advice in the form of poems b-a philosopher-critic like Plato c-none of them 78-Horace’s hatred of the popular culture of his day is apparent in his “…………….” a- Letter to Senca b- Letter to Augustus c-none of them 79-as Horace advised the poem should be conceived as a form of ……… similar to a painting a- movable beauty b- static beauty c-none of them 80-Each one of these principles that Horace advised would become central in …………. a- shaping European literary taste b- shaping Greeks literary taste c-none of them 81-Horace tells writers that a play should not be shorter or longer than ………… acts a-four b-five c-six 82-Horace advises, that poetry should ………… and please a-enjoy b- teach c-none of them 83-Whenever Horace talks about the laws of composition and style, his model of excellence that he wants Roman poets to ……………… a- imitate the western b- imitate the Greeks c-one of them 84-I hate the profane crowd and keep it at a distance,” he says in his Odes a-Horace b-Plato c-Aristotle v 85- Horace shows prejudice to the culture of everyday people, but he does not know that the culture of Greece that he sees in books now was itself a popular culture. a-correct b-wrong 86-Study Greek models night and day,” was Horce legendary advice in the …….. a- Ars Poetica (270). b-Ode c-none of them 87-Horace wants Roman authors to imitate the Greeks night and day and follow in their footsteps, but he does not want them to be …… a-inventors b- mere imitators c-none of them v 88-In the “Epistle to Maecenas” Horace complains about the slavish ……… who ape the morals and manners of their betters: a- imitators b-writer c-none of them 89-In the process of following and imitating the Greeks, Horace differentiates himself from those who “mimic” the ancients and slavishly attempt to reproduce them a-wrong b-correct 90-In imitating the Greeks, Horace claims …….. a-revival b- originality c-none of them 91-In Ars Poetica, Horace also advises the aspiring poet to make his tall…… a-unbelievable b- believable c-none of them 92-Horace’s ideas about imitating the Greeks and about poetry imitating real life models were both ……. a- imprecise b-precise c-none of them 93-From 68 to 88 C.E, he was the leading teacher of rhetoric in Rome. He wrote the Institutio as a help in the training of orators a-Horace b-Plato c-Quintilian 94-At the same time, Quintilian continues to advocate imitation, and goes on to elaborate a list of precepts to guide writers to produce “accurate” imitations. a-correct b-wrong 95- ( The imitator should consider carefully whom to imitate and He should not limit himself to one model only - He should not violate the rules of genres and species of writing, and should be attentive to his models’ use of decorum, disposition and language ) this written by a-Horace b- Quintilian c-Seneca 96-Latin authors never discuss poetry or literature as an imitation (mimesis); they only discuss them as ………….. a- an imitation of the Greeks b- an imitation of the Arab c-none of them 97- Latin authors are familiar with Plato’s and Aristotle’s analysis of poetry. The Poetics or Republic III and X do not seem to have been available to the Romans: a-wrong b-correct 98-Latin authors used poetry and literature for…………..: a- To improve eloquence b- To sing the national glories of Rome and show off its culture c-all of them
2015- 5- 8 | #57 |
متميزة بقسم اللغة الانجليزية
رد: تجمع النقد الادبي .... !!
احب اطمنكم اني اختبرت مادة للدكتور فوزي يوم الخميس الاسئله جات مكرره بنسبة ٩٥٪
يعني لاتشيلون هم ان شاء الله سهالات ،،، انتبهو ما اقولكم كذا عشان تعتمدون ع الاسئله خلوها كـ مراجعه بس بشكل عام الدكتور فوزي اسئلته في تحسن كان اسلوبه قبل بالاسئلة يتوه الحين واضحه الاسئله ،، |
2015- 5- 8 | #58 | |
أكـاديـمـي مـشـارك
رد: تجمع النقد الادبي .... !!
الله يجزاك خير ويبشرك بالتفوق يارب الحمد لله ماعنيت قبل من إختباراته بس ذي المادة مرة دسمة وغيثة ولا كني أذاكر نمر على الاختبارات السابقة |
2015- 5- 8 | #59 |
أكـاديـمـي مـشـارك
رد: تجمع النقد الادبي .... !!
اختبار النقد مع الترجمة
اولا اسئلة ابو جنى السوال 1 "The subject of literary science," according to Roman Jackobson, "is not literature but… A. Grammar B. Metaphor C. Literary Style D. Literariness موضوع العلم الادبي وفقا لرومان جاكوبسون ليس ادبيا لكن Literariness السوال 2 Structuralist criticism continues the work of A. Formalism B. Symbolism C. Linguistics D. Marxism النقاد البنائيون يواصلون عمل الشكليونFormalism السوال 3 :In his study of fairy tales, Vladimir Propp established A. Twenty character types B. Sixty character types C. Thirty-one character types D. Seven character types في دراسته للحكايات الخرافية فلاديمير بروب انشئ 7انواع للشخصيات |
2015- 5- 8 | #60 |
أكـاديـمـي مـشـارك
رد: تجمع النقد الادبي .... !!
السوال 4
How many Actants are there in the Actantial Model? A. Sixteen B. Thirty C. Six D. Twenty-one كم عدد الحدثيات في النوذج الحدثي 6 السوال 5 What discipline or school of criticism did A.J. Greimas belong to? A. Linguist B. Structuralism C. Marxism D. Formalism مالمدرسة التي انتقدت فعل اي جي جيرماز لانظمامه اليها ؟ البنائية السوال 6 Who developed the Actantial Model? A. Michel Foucault B. A.J. Greimas C. Gerard Gennette D. Roland Barthes من اللذي طور النموذج الحدثي ؟ اي جي جيرماز |
مواقع النشر (المفضلة) |
الذين يشاهدون محتوى الموضوع الآن : 1 ( الأعضاء 0 والزوار 1) | |
المواضيع المتشابهه | ||||
الموضوع | كاتب الموضوع | المنتدى | مشاركات | آخر مشاركة |
[ النظام الأفتراضي ] : تجمع مادة التذوق الادبي | samo0oy | المستوى الثاني - الدراسات الاسلامية وعلم اجتماع | 119 | 2015- 5- 24 07:51 AM |
[ مذاكرة جماعية ] : %% تجمع النقد الادبي مراجعة اسئلة ابو بكر شاملة المنهج %% | Another day | E7 | 310 | 2014- 12- 21 02:53 PM |
[ المستوى الخامس ] : تجمع مادة تاريخ الخليج العربي القديم | Abu Yazeed | التاريخ | 86 | 2014- 5- 17 07:32 PM |
[ متنوعة ] : العالمي نصر الارقام القياسيه | المندوب السامي | ملتقى الرياضة | 55 | 2014- 3- 2 07:43 AM |
[ مذاكرة جماعية ] : علم الاجتماع الحضري | أولى متعثره | اجتماع 5 | 14 | 2013- 12- 31 11:25 AM |