E8 English Literature Students Level eight Forum |
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أدوات الموضوع |
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#851 |
أكـاديـمـي ذهـبـي
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رد: يخسي مشروع التخرج الي بيفرقنا ....
هناك بعض الجمل تتشابه مع جمل اخرى بغير قصد...هل يعطي الدكتور ملاحظاته على الانتحال ...الان ولا بعد تسليم النسخه النهائيه.....
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#852 | |
أكـاديـمـي فـعّـال
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رد: يخسي مشروع التخرج الي بيفرقنا ....
بعد تسليم المسودة النهائية ما في مجال للملاحظات يا ابيض يا اسود يعني ناجح او راسب لذلك انصح الكل بعدم الاستعجال في ارسال المسودة النهائية |
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#853 | |
:: المراقب العام ::
الساحة العامة ![]() |
رد: يخسي مشروع التخرج الي بيفرقنا ....
يعني أخوي محمد تخيل نفسك إنت مشرف على بحث, متى راح تعتبر الطالب غشاش, أكيد ما راح تحاسبه على تشابه في جملة عادية في وسط الكلام, ولو إنه صعب جدا أنه يحصل تشابه في جملة كاملة بدون قصد الغش هو لما الشخص ينسب مجهود غيره لنفسه, ويكون هناك تشابه في كلام جوهري وأفكار في البحث مع بحوث ثانية |
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#854 |
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رد: يخسي مشروع التخرج الي بيفرقنا ....
السلام عليكم
هذا رد الكتور التركي First, I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for submitting your first drafts, good job!! . I have read all of your research proposals and I enjoyed reading many of them. Nevertheless, there were some issues that need to be addressed and those issues were shared in many proposals. I summarize serious issues below and I hope that you find them useful. The issues are expected as this is your first time writing a research proposal but you need to amend your documents and work on those issues and then submit the final draft on/before the deadline. The title has to be specific. It must tell the reader what exactly s/he will read. General topics are not accepted. For example (teaching speaking in Saudi Arabia = general and not accepted / The effectiveness of X method in improving students' speaking fluency in Y school in Z city = clear and specific). Please read the guide for more information. Your title and other sections, clearly, have to reflect what you are going to include in the research questions/methodology sections. Make your research focused (focus on one topic and probably one skill)... The clarity of expression needs some improvements (e.g. some sentences are not clearly written). You might need to revise your document for grammatical errors as well. Some students wrote notes instead of paragraphs so please be advised that this is not acceptable. The table of contents should be organized in headings (e.g. 1 ----- 1.1 / 2 --- 2.1) where necessary. This link shows you how to create a table of content. http://office.microsoft.com/en-us/wo...001225372.aspx Please follow the format suggested in the guide (e.g. title- abstract- introduction – literature review—methodology) and write paragraphs under each heading. Please organize your sections as suggested in the guide. Please avoid writing in notes or short phrases. A paragraph or so under each heading will be enough (read the guide for the exact number of paragraphs). When you introduce an idea, please cite the reference. In other words, tell the reader where you read this idea (e.g. X is important in teaching Y according to White (1995). Then you need to include this source in the reference list. You can use some websites to help you organize your reference lists (e.g. reference machine). In the significance of research section, you need to convince the reader about the importance of your research, not the topic (e.g. why is YOUR RESEARCH important?). Write more here. Your literature review has to be written in a coherent way. The sentences have to be linked to each other logically. There must be a clear 'line of argument' that the reader can follow. Towards the end of the literature review section, you have to reach the RESEARCH GAP. In other words, you need to Say that X did this, Y did that which is similar to what Z did but nobody looked at this issue (and this will be your main research point/question). You can work on your existing literature review or add few references to make the line of argument clear. Write more here. Your research question/s have to be specific and related to one point only, which is the focus of your study. Some students included two or more research questions that are not related to each other and this is not acceptable. Also, you need to clearly state your research question/s or hypotheses after describing them in the paragraph (e.g. in numbered notes). You probably need to change your RQs.... You can write a hypothesis based on the change I will suggest in the next comment. Importantly, your methodology has to be appropriate for your research question. You can't use questionnaires to find a good way to teach speaking (for example). You can, of course, use questionnaires or interviews to elicit people's perceptions / thoughts about an idea, method, or approach. You need to write few sentences about your method (e.g. questionnaires/interviews or experiment). Mentioning that you will use X method is not enough. For instance, in my experiment there will be X, Y and Z. X is this. Y is that. Then you can explain how you will analyze your results (e.g. I will analyze the data qualitatively/ quantitatively --- I will use statistic tests - or will calculate the average of X -......etc.). Here, you might want to have two groups - you pretest them in one language skill (e.g. vocabulary acquisition) - then you teach the experimental group using translation and you teach the control group using English only - Then you posttest them to see which group is better. Your hypothesis can be (the experimental group will outperform the control group in the posttest....in this skill....etc. You need to write much more under the other sections as well (read the guide). In the Ethical consideration section, you might want to mention whether your participants are vulnerable (e.g. children – people with special needs…etc.). Also you might want to mention that you will get the 'ethical approval' from your department/college before colleting the data. Think about the 'consent form' which is a form participants have to sign. What will you include in it ? perhaps telling them what you are going to do with the data and who will have access to it, how you will analyze the data, and your contact information. You also need to tell them that they can withdraw from the experiment at any time. Limitations of the study has nothing to do with where you will conduct the research (e.g. the study will be conducted here or there…etc.). It is about the factors that could negatively influence your research (e.g. time limitations, possible delays due to XXX, participants might not take the questionnaires seriously/understand it…etc.). Please avoid writing as if the study has been carried out and published as this is a 'proposal' (e.g. the participants 'did not do this and that'). This is a proposal so you can write about what 'might/could happen' while conducting the research. In other words, avoid using the past form 'the research was conducted in X city' and use the future 'the research will be conducted in….etc'. Please only cite references that you have used and cited in your writing. Some students included references that they have not used in their writing and that is time-consuming because I have to read and check whether that student used the article or not in his writing. If you used it, cite it like this – X (year) said/stated/proposed/advocated/…etc. Please follow APA citation guidelines available here http://www.library.cornell.edu/resrch/citmanage/apa Or you can use an online service that will do that for you. http://www.citationmachine.net/apa/cite-a-book# GENERAL REMINDER: Please avoid PLAGIARISM, copying or translating anyone else's work/research. When you submit your final draft, your paper will have to be checked by a software that can detect any copied, paraphrased or translated work that has not been referenced. Plagiarized work will get F (0). Please note that COPYONG one's work and writing the citation is still plagiarism. You need to paraphrase what the author said AND give reference. I'm sure some of you did not mean to copy but if it happened, please make sure that you only include your own writing and cite other people's work (e.g. say X (year) did this and that). Please read the guide for more information about how to avoid plagiarism. This is only a reminder so it does not necessarily relate to your work. On the first page of your proposal, please include the following declaration. ((((I confirm that this research proposal is my own work and that it is not copied/translated from any other person's work, and that it has not been previously submitted for assessment either at King Faisal University or any other educational institution. NAME))))) Please note that I write these comments to help you get a better mark and pass the course. I look forward to reading your Final draft. Good luck! Abdulaziz نفس الرد اللي مرسلة للشباب ولا ارفق ملاحظات على الفرست درافت مادري يعني ارسلة مثل ماهو ولا اعدل ولا وشلون اسوي حيرني |
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#855 |
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رد: يخسي مشروع التخرج الي بيفرقنا ....
نفس الرساله جاتني من الدكتور فحاب اسألكم هل لو فيه ملاحظات الاقيها في Action Item مع العلم اني مالقيته في رسالة الدكتور الاخيره.
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#856 |
أكـاديـمـي ألـمـاسـي
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رد: يخسي مشروع التخرج الي بيفرقنا ....
لو تكرمتوا ساعدووني في مشرووعي
الدكتور طلب مني اختصر العنوان وطلب مني كم شغلها راح اسردها لكم هذا عنوان البحث كيف اختصرة |
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#857 |
أكـاديـمـي ألـمـاسـي
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رد: يخسي مشروع التخرج الي بيفرقنا ....
صراحه ،،،ما قصر استاذكم!! لو من البداية مدرسينا هالرساله بس راح نفهم البحث شنو بالضبط!!
كفى ووفى ما شا الله عليه!! عطاكم خلاص كتابة مشروع البحث واستفدت من كل كلمه كتبها!!! افضل رساله من استاذ بحث حتى الان !! مو اللي كل رسايله تذير وتهديد ووعيد!!! خوش استاذ!!! |
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#858 |
متميزة في مستوى سادس قسم اللغة الانجليزية
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رد: يخسي مشروع التخرج الي بيفرقنا ....
التعهد والتوقيع هل ضروري يكون بالبحث او عادي ؟!
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#859 |
أكـاديـمـي ألـمـاسـي
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رد: يخسي مشروع التخرج الي بيفرقنا ....
وين التعاااون ساعدوووووووووووووني فرجوا عني كربة هالبحث
:""( |
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#860 |
أكـاديـمـي ألـمـاسـي
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رد: يخسي مشروع التخرج الي بيفرقنا ....
طيب ممكن احد يساعدني كي اعيد ترتيب العبارات ؟؟
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مواقع النشر (المفضلة) |
الذين يشاهدون محتوى الموضوع الآن : 1 ( الأعضاء 0 والزوار 1) | |
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الموضوع | كاتب الموضوع | المنتدى | مشاركات | آخر مشاركة |
[ استفسار ] بخصوص مشروع التخرج ( محتاااارة ) | تيتشر ريماز | اجتماع 7 | 25 | 2014- 10- 31 07:28 PM |
[ استفسار ] مرسلي الدكتور عن مشروع التخرج فهمون الله يجزاكم الجنه وين احصل ايقونة مشاريع التخرج | نواف الحارثي | اجتماع 8 | 1 | 2014- 10- 15 09:42 AM |
[ موضوع عام ] إرشادات وملاحظات عامة بخصوص مشروع بحث التخرج | P e a c e | E8 | 47 | 2014- 9- 10 10:26 AM |
[ استفسار ] تجربتي وخوفي من مشروع التخرج وتاخرني عن التخرج | سعيد القحطاني8 | E8 | 40 | 2014- 9- 6 08:45 AM |
[ استفسار ] مشروع التخرج | tooty71 | اجتماع 6 | 1 | 2014- 8- 25 12:03 AM |