ملتقى طلاب وطالبات جامعة الملك فيصل,جامعة الدمام

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E6 English Literature Students Level six Forum

موضوع مغلق
أدوات الموضوع
قديم 2015- 4- 15
الصورة الرمزية *شجرة*
بيانات الطالب:
الكلية: اداب
الدراسة: انتساب
التخصص: انجليزي
المستوى: خريج جامعي
بيانات الموضوع:
المشاهدات: 7300
المشاركـات: 3
الملف الشخصي:
رقم العضوية : 168373
تاريخ التسجيل: Tue Dec 2013
المشاركات: 82
الـجنــس : أنـثـى
عدد الـنقـاط : 1703
مؤشر المستوى: 45
*شجرة* has much to be proud of*شجرة* has much to be proud of*شجرة* has much to be proud of*شجرة* has much to be proud of*شجرة* has much to be proud of*شجرة* has much to be proud of*شجرة* has much to be proud of*شجرة* has much to be proud of*شجرة* has much to be proud of*شجرة* has much to be proud of*شجرة* has much to be proud of
 الأوسمة و جوائز  بيانات الاتصال بالعضو  اخر مواضيع العضو
*شجرة* غير متواجد حالياً
حل مناقشات Applied Linguistics + modern novel

حل مناقشات اللغويات التطبيقيه

مافهمت طريقة السؤال حاط عناوين المحاضرات بس مافي لا ناقش ولا اشرح

مافهمت عليه ذا الدكتور قمت نسخت له من كل محاضره شويه كلام

1- Applied linguistics and teaching approaches

A –i first language education, when a child studies their home language or languages
B – additional language education, often divided into second language education, when
someone studies their society’s majority or official language their
home language, and
foreign language education when someone studies the language of another country.
C – clinical linguistics Is the study and treatment of speech and communication
impairments , Whether hereditary, developmental, or acquired (through injury, stroke,
illness, or age)
D-language testing is the assessment and evaluation of language achievements and
proficiency, Both in first and additional languages, and for both General and specific


2- Teaching approaches

the teaching of modern foreign
languages was influenced by the dead classical languages, Latin and ancient Greek.
Modern language learning, it was assumed, brought students into
contact with great
national civilizations and their literature's

3- Error Analysis theory

Teachers and materials designers were urged to identify things learners need to do with the language (i.e. conduct a needs analysis)

and simulate these in the classroom


4- Interlanguage theory

learning would take place without explanation or grading , and without correction of errors,
but simply by exposure to meaningful input
it was believed that neither explicit instruction nor conscious learning had any effect
view os SLA was derived directly from mainstream linguistics research into
child first language


5- Acquisition and learning are used in producing language. Acquired competence (subconscious knowledge) allows the learner to produce utterances while learned language (conscious language) serves as a monitor. The monitor allows correction of the ianguage

6- Krashen's Monitor Model

This has come from theoretical linguistics in the work of Noam Chomsky . His idea is that the human capacity for language , as illustrated by a child's acquisition of the language around them, is not the product of general intelligence or learning ability , but an innate , genetically determined feature of the human species

7- Krashen's view of classroom language learning and teaching

the author illustrates how and under what conditions the immigrant women in her studyt created, responded to, and sometimes resisted opportunities to speak English. Drawing on her data analysis as well as her reading in social theory, the author argues that current conceptions of the individual in SLA theory need to be reconceptualized, and she draws on the poststructuralist conception of social identity as multiple, a site of struggle, and subject to change to explain the findings from her study. Further, she argues for a conception of investment rather than motivation to capture the complex relationship of language learners to the target language and their sometimes ambivalent desire to speak it. The notion of investment conceives of the language learner, not as a historical and unidimensional, but as having a complex social history and multiple desires. The article includes a discussion of the implications of the study for classroom teaching and current theories of communicative competence


8- Personality Factors

1- The affective domain

2- Self-esteem

3- Inhibition

4- Risk-taking

5- Anxiety

6- Empathy

7- Extroversion & introversion

8- Language aptitude

9- Motivation
– Age

9- Teaching receptive skills

How we read and Listen

Reasons for Reading and Listening

1- Instrumental

2- Pleasurable

Top-down and Bottom-up

Different Skills

1- Identifying the topic

2- Predicting and guessing

3- Reading and listening for general understanding (SKIMMING) :

4- Reading and listening for specific information (SCANNING) :

5- Reading and listening for detailed information

6- Interpreting text

Problems and Solutions
1- Language
a- One way of helping students is to pre-teach vocabulary that is in the reading or listening text.
b- Extensive reading and listening: This suggests reading and listening at length, often for pleasure and in a leisurely way. Extensive reading and listening take place when students are in their own.
c- Authenticity: Authentic material is language where no concessions are made to foreign speakers. It is normal, natural language used by native speakers of a language.
2- Topic and genre
3- Comprehension tasks
4- Negative expectation


Teaching Productive Skills

Teaching Productive Skills

- In order for communication to be successful, we have to structure our discourse in such a way that it will be understood by our listeners or readers.

- Coherent writing makes sense because you can follow the sequence of ideas and points.

- When people with similar cultural and linguistic backgrounds get together, they speak to each other easily because they know the rules of conversation in their language and their shared culture.

- When they write to each other, they obey certain conventions.

- Such rules and conventions are not written down anywhere, nor are they easy to define. But at some cultural level, our schemata help us to communicate with each other successfully.



Writers and course designers have to take a number of issues into account when designing their materials. Once they have a clear idea of how their theories and beliefs about learning can be translated into appropriate activities, they will have to think about what topics to include.

- This will be based on perceptions of what students find engaging, what research shows in this area, and on the potential for interesting exploitation of the topics they might select.

- It will also be necessary to consider what kind of culture the material should reflect or encourage, and to ensure some kind of appropriate balance in terms of gender and the representation of different groups in society, racial, ethnic, and socioeconomic.

- Writers and course designers also have to decide what language varieties they wish to focus on or have represented, and they need to adopt a position on how authentic the language should be, especially at beginner levels.
- Once these decisions have been taken, coursebooks writers and language program designers can then turn their attention to the central organizing strand of their materials, namely the syllabus.

12- Planning Lessons
- Lesson planning is the art of combining a number of different elements into a coherent whole so that a lesson has an identity which students can recognize, work within, and react to --- whatever metaphor teachers may use to visualize and create that identity.

- Plans, which help teachers identify aims and anticipate potential problems, are proposals for action rather than scripts to be followed slavishly, whether they are detailed documents or scribbled notes
13- Testing
Placement test
Diagnostic tests
Progress or achievement tests
Proficiency tests
1) Types of Test Items
Multiple-choice items
Short-answer Objective items
Communication items
2) General Testing Terminology
Test and Quiz
Objective and subjective test items
Speed and power tests
Formative and summative evaluation
Norm-referenced and criterion-referenced tests

ان شاء الله اذا حليت الباقي ولا حصلت احد حالها اشارككم فيها هنا


التعديل الأخير تم بواسطة *شجرة* ; 2015- 4- 15 الساعة 04:49 AM
قديم 2015- 4- 15   #2
الصورة الرمزية *شجرة*
الملف الشخصي:
رقم العضوية : 168373
تاريخ التسجيل: Tue Dec 2013
المشاركات: 82
الـجنــس : أنـثـى
عدد الـنقـاط : 1703
مؤشر المستوى: 45
*شجرة* has much to be proud of*شجرة* has much to be proud of*شجرة* has much to be proud of*شجرة* has much to be proud of*شجرة* has much to be proud of*شجرة* has much to be proud of*شجرة* has much to be proud of*شجرة* has much to be proud of*شجرة* has much to be proud of*شجرة* has much to be proud of*شجرة* has much to be proud of
بيانات الطالب:
الكلية: اداب
الدراسة: انتساب
التخصص: انجليزي
المستوى: خريج جامعي
 الأوسمة و جوائز  بيانات الاتصال بالعضو  اخر مواضيع العضو
*شجرة* غير متواجد حالياً
رد: حل مناقشات اللغويات التطبيقيه Applied Linguistics

الروايه الحديثه

-Dis1:What is Verisimikitude"and how does it realate to the Novel

Refers to the illusion that the novel is a representation of real life

Dis2:-What is the difference between realism and naturalism Realism:Middle class
Objective, but ethical
Sometimes comic or satiric
How can the individual
live within and influence society?
Honore Balzac, Gustave Flaubert, George Eliot, William Dean Howells, Mark Twain, Leo Tolstoy, George Sand

2-Naturalism:Middle/Lower class
Investigative art
Objective and amoral
Often pessimistic, sometimes comic
How does society/the environment impact individuals?
Emile Zola, Fyodor Dostoevsky, Thomas Hardy, Stephen Crane, Theodore Dreiser

Dis3:Printing affected the way literature produced and the way it circulated.

Literature was no more a public act, a performance where a poet delivers his poetry directly to the public or a play performed in front of an audience. Literature is now a book that is read by a reader in the comfort of his/her home.

Still, bookshops, coffeehouses, salons and reading rooms provided new gathering places where people discussed literature

Dis4:Stylistically, Defoe was a great innovator. Instead of the ornate style of the upper class, Defoe used the simple, direct, fact-based style of the middle classes, which became the new standard for the English


Dis5:Crusoe sets on a sea
voyage in August 1651, against the wishes of his parents, who want him to stay at home and pursue a career, possibly in law.

After a tumultuous journey that sees his ship wrecked in a storm, his lust for the sea remains so strong that he sets out to sea again. This journey too ends in disaster and Crusoe becomes the slave of a Moor (Muslims in Northwest Africa)
After two years of slavery, he manages to escape and is rescued and befriended by the Captain of a Portuguese ship off the west coast of Africa. The ship is en route to
Brazil. There, with the help of the captain, Crusoe becomes owner of a plantation.
Years later, he joins an expedition to bring slaves from Africa, but he is shipwrecked in a storm about forty miles out to sea on an island (which he calls the Island of Despair) on September 30, 1659.

His companions all die, save himself, and three animals who survived the shipwreck, the captain's dog and two cats. Having overcome his despair, he fetches arms, tools and other supplies from the ship before it breaks apart and sinks. He proceeds to build a fenced-in habitation near a cave which he excavates himself.
Crusoe leaves the island December 19, 1686 and arrives in England on June 11, 1687. He learns that his family believed him dead and there was nothing in his father's will for him.

Crusoe departs for Lisbon to reclaim the profits of his estate in Brazil, which has granted him a large amount of wealth. In conclusion, he takes his wealth overland to England to avoid traveling at sea. Friday comes with him and along the way they endure one last adventure

together as they fight off hundreds of famished wolves while crossing the Pyrenees

Discussion Question 6:
Discuss the theme of colonialism in Robinson Crusoe

The . Robinson Crusoe is the true symbol of the British conquest: The whole Anglo-Saxon spirit is in Crusoe.
vCrusoe attempts to replicate his own society on the island: application of European technology, agriculture, and even a rudimentary political hierarchy.
vThe idealized master-servant relationship between Crusoe and Friday.
vCrusoe represents the “enlightened European.” Friday is the “savage” who can only be redeemed from his supposedly barbarous way of life through the assimilation into Crusoe's culture.Nevertheless, within the novel Defoe also takes the opportunity to criticize the historic Spanish conquest of south america


What are the characteristics of modernism? How did it affect the novel?

By the end of the 19th century, artists and novelists were already becoming unsatisfied with realism.

Rejection of Realism and Naturalism became common.

a wide range of experimental and avant-garde trends (all the –isms: dadaism, surrealism, expressionism, futurism, etc.)

A reaction to the modern, urban experience

A rejection of the bourgeois values

Discontinuity and Fragmentation

Realism stressed the role of art as a mirror of social reality, the values of bourgeois society, and notions of progress.

Modernism questioned art’s capability to reflect reality, questioned the coherence of that reality, the bourgeois values of society and the notions of progress and happiness.

Life and reality are not coherent or simple and it is an illusion to think that the novel or art in general can simply depict them like a mirror.

Bourgeois values and morality are fake and superficial


Juxtaposition and multiple points of view

Emphasis on individualism

“Self” is seen as artificial, a social fiction

The individual is stripped of the traditional defining categories of personhood

8- Discuss the Berlin Conference and the Belgian colonization of the Congo

The Congress of Berlin was not the start of the "Scramble for Africa," but it laid down the rules that governed the European conquest of Africa for the next fifteen years. It was unusual because international conferences were usually held to sort out the aftermath of a war, but almost never to settle problems before they led to war. But all of the major powers had reasons to attend, especially France, Britain and the new powerhouse, Germany. Although there were many issues at stake, the most important one was the future of the Congo River basin.


Heart of Darkness is a story that is framed within another story. Discuss how it is done and what is the purpose behind this stylistic strategy?

, author of Heart of Darkness, said that Heart of Darkness is a documentary--the things described in it really happened. Conrad actually did go to the Congo and was the captain of a steamboat on the Congo River. Heart of Darkness is a record of his experience. Marlow in the novella = Joseph Conrad Kurtz in the novella = Leon Rom, head of the Force Publique.


How does Heart of darkness describe Africans? Give examples.

African are also often described in zoological terms (ants, animals, insects, etc) and it can be argued that Heart of Darkness participates in the dehumanization of the Africans. Notice that no African is allowed to speak in the novel, and they are often portrayed as sub-humans and primitives. They just make primitive sounds, but they never talk.


How does Heart of darkness describe Europeans? Give examples.

the novel also sets against the hypocrisy of the company and the Europeans in general. Marlow (and Joseph Conrad through him) prefers Kurtz’s honesty to the Company’s and the Europeans’ hypocrisy.


Discuss the theme of colonialism in Heart of Darkness

Heart of Darkness pays more attention to the damage that colonization does to the souls of white colonizers than it does to the physical death and devastation unleashed on the black natives. Though this focus on the white colonizers makes the novella somewhat unbalanced, it does allow Heart of Darkness to extend its criticism of colonialism all the way back to its corrupt source, the "civilization" of Europ


Discuss the influence of modernism in Heart of darkness

Modernism began as a movement in that late 19th, early 20th centuries. Artists started to feel restricted by the styles and conventions of the Renaissance period.

Thusly came the dawn of Modernism in many different forms, ranging from Impressionism to Cubism


Discuss the influence of modernism in Heart of darkness

Oppositional relations between the individual and the social, (the alienation of the individual in his/her social environment)

Antibourgeois (because bourgeois values and lifestyle are fake and superficial)

Uses first person narrator, and he/she is often unreliable, reflecting the difficulty to represent reality

Reflects a sense of urban dislocation and alienation
قديم 2015- 4- 15   #3
أكـاديـمـي نــشـط
الصورة الرمزية totoh
الملف الشخصي:
رقم العضوية : 157953
تاريخ التسجيل: Sat Sep 2013
المشاركات: 195
الـجنــس : أنـثـى
عدد الـنقـاط : 7842
مؤشر المستوى: 53
totoh will become famous soon enoughtotoh will become famous soon enoughtotoh will become famous soon enoughtotoh will become famous soon enoughtotoh will become famous soon enoughtotoh will become famous soon enoughtotoh will become famous soon enoughtotoh will become famous soon enoughtotoh will become famous soon enoughtotoh will become famous soon enoughtotoh will become famous soon enough
بيانات الطالب:
الكلية: طالب جامعي
الدراسة: انتساب
التخصص: اللغه الانجليزيه
المستوى: المستوى الثالث
 الأوسمة و جوائز  بيانات الاتصال بالعضو  اخر مواضيع العضو
totoh غير متواجد حالياً
رد: حل مناقشات اللغويات التطبيقيه Applied Linguistics

جزاك الله الف خير 'طيب ممكن حل مناقشات النحو والصرف
قديم 2015- 4- 19   #4
الصورة الرمزية *شجرة*
الملف الشخصي:
رقم العضوية : 168373
تاريخ التسجيل: Tue Dec 2013
المشاركات: 82
الـجنــس : أنـثـى
عدد الـنقـاط : 1703
مؤشر المستوى: 45
*شجرة* has much to be proud of*شجرة* has much to be proud of*شجرة* has much to be proud of*شجرة* has much to be proud of*شجرة* has much to be proud of*شجرة* has much to be proud of*شجرة* has much to be proud of*شجرة* has much to be proud of*شجرة* has much to be proud of*شجرة* has much to be proud of*شجرة* has much to be proud of
بيانات الطالب:
الكلية: اداب
الدراسة: انتساب
التخصص: انجليزي
المستوى: خريج جامعي
 الأوسمة و جوائز  بيانات الاتصال بالعضو  اخر مواضيع العضو
*شجرة* غير متواجد حالياً
رد: حل مناقشات اللغويات التطبيقيه Applied Linguistics

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