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°ˆ~*¤*§write how you feel today §*¤*~ˆ°
Hello everybody are u o.K this topic ... write how you feel today example: today i'm very happy why: Because Tomorrow National Day Go every body |
2014- 9- 22 | #2 |
متميزة بالمستوى الخامس - إدارة أعمال
رد: °ˆ~*¤*§write how you feel today §*¤*~ˆ°
Nice idea Today i,am very happy Because Tomorrow I have a vacation |
2014- 9- 22 | #3 |
متميز بالمستوى الخامس - إدارة أعمال
رد: °ˆ~*¤*§write how you feel today §*¤*~ˆ°
2014- 9- 22 | #4 |
مشرفة سابقة
رد: °ˆ~*¤*§write how you feel today §*¤*~ˆ°
2014- 9- 23 | #5 |
مُميز بمنتدى الإنجليزي واللغات الأُخرى
رد: °ˆ~*¤*§write how you feel today §*¤*~ˆ°
I feel refreshed in this beautiful morning although I'm sad because I have to go to work in National Day. Everyone is staying at home when I went out of home to go to work I saw all cars of neighbors are still there except me
2014- 9- 23 | #6 |
المراقبة العامة
رد: °ˆ~*¤*§write how you feel today §*¤*~ˆ°
Sad ,Because someone I care about so hard with his words
2014- 9- 23 | #7 |
أكـاديـمـي مـشـارك
رد: °ˆ~*¤*§write how you feel today §*¤*~ˆ°
Thank you for topic
.. may be I need activity :I like it |
2014- 9- 23 | #8 |
مشرفة سابقة
رد: °ˆ~*¤*§write how you feel today §*¤*~ˆ°
i feel refresh
2014- 9- 24 | #9 |
مُميز بمنتدى الإنجليزي واللغات الأُخرى
رد: °ˆ~*¤*§write how you feel today §*¤*~ˆ°
I feel desperate because I am under pressure due to work and university
I am facing problem to get my tasks done |
2014- 9- 24 | #10 |
مشرفة سابقة
رد: °ˆ~*¤*§write how you feel today §*¤*~ˆ°
tired because i'm just arrived from mall
مواقع النشر (المفضلة) |
الذين يشاهدون محتوى الموضوع الآن : 3 ( الأعضاء 0 والزوار 3) | |