E5 English Literature Students Level Five Forum |
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2017- 10- 31 | #2 |
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2017- 10- 31 | #3 |
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🦋Homework 1🦋
1- What is the best and nicest response when someone gives an apology? d- That’s OK. That’s all right 2- What is the best and nicest response when someone introduces another? d- Glad to meet you 3- What is the reduction of the phrases (what’s your kind of food?) b- Whatcher kinda food 🦋Homework 2 🦋 IF you are a policeman, what should you say to someone who break the laws? You must not break the laws. If you want to express an disagreement with another person you should say I see your point of view but Where is the right stress patter of Can or Can’t here I CAN’T RIDE a BIKE 🦋Homework 3🦋 if you want to ask politely someone for more clarification, you should say c - Could you repeat that 2- When Americans are not enthusiastic, their voices’ intonation usually… b - Doesn’t go up 3 - In English, when you want to respond to a negative question or statement with intonation that goes up at the end such as “you don’t have ONE? You should say … a - No, I don’t 4 - What is the superlative of "unpleasant"? b - most unpleasant |
2017- 10- 31 | #4 |
ãÊãíÒÉ Ýí ÇáãÓÊæì ÇáËÇãä ááÛÉ ÇáÇäÌáíÒíÉ
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ãäÇÞÔÇÊ ãåÇÑÇÊ ÇáÊÍÏË -- 🦋 1🦋 The 1st lecture gives you different steps for (how to begin a conversation, make small talks, introduce someone, apologize, express thanks, and end a conversation). Give me an example for each situation.. the answer is : how to begin a conversation. = What country are you from? make small talks . = It hot today,isnt it ? introduce someone . = Have you met my mother ? Apologize = Forgive me . Express thanks How thoughtfull ! End a conversation Good - bye . ————————————————————— 🦋2🦋 The 2nd lecture gives you different steps for (how to ask and give directions, communicate when using public transportation). Make a short conversation between Student A and Student B asking for and giving directions. ---- 1: Excuse me,how do you get to a bank ? 2 ; Well, in that case, go straight ahead on this street until the third traffic light. Take a left there, and continue on until you come to a stop sign. 1; Thank you very much for taking the time to explain this to me! 2; Not at all. Enjoy your visit! ———————————————————————— 🦋3🦋 The 3rd lecture discusses the intonation in questions with or. Explain the intonation in question with or. Support your discussion with examples. There are tow kinds of question with the word or : yes/no question and yes / no either /or question : 1- In yes/no question, the answer is 'yes' or 'No ' the speaker voice goes up tow times. e.g : Q: Would you like coffee or tea ? A : yes please . 2- In either /or question , the answer is one of the two items from the question .The speaker voice goes up on the first item and down on the second item . e.g : Q : would you like coffee or tea ? A: Tea , please . ————————————————————————- 🦋4 🦋 The 4th lecture talks about people who talk about their future goals. Talk about your future plans. I want end my study ,I do more to learn the English language even to practice writing and conversations, and I want Open restaurant Plans to reach this goal: Study the food art. __________________________________________ 🦋5🦋 The 5th class tackles topics like ordering food in English and stressing can/can’t. Discuss only one of the two topics. Support your discussion with examples C: May we see the menu, please W :Sure, here it is W: Can i take your order C: yes, i'd like a hamburger and a milkshake W: How about you ? C:i'd like a ham sandwich W:would you like anything to drink ? C:No,thank you . just water ————————————————————— 🦋6🦋 The 6th class reviews the speaking skills you have learnt so far. Write any short encouragement-using expressions of encouragement- for those students who are afraid from speaking in English. Try to practice the language with friends and family in order to overcome the fear, do not worry the subject is very easy, Good Luck. —————————————————————- 🦋7🦋 The 7th class consists of topics like using modals, present participles and past participles as adjectives. Discuss the rules of one of the modals. And then discuss how the present and the past participle can function as adjectives. Don’t forget the examples. Modal verbs, sometimes called modals, are auxiliary verbs (helping verbs). They express such things as possibility, probability, permission and obligation. Can, could, might, may, must, should, will, would and shall are modal verbs. We use a modal verb before a second verb. Modal verbs are not followed by ‘to’. Modal verbs can have more than one meaning and usage. A participle phrase will begin with a present or past participle. If the participle is present, it will dependably end in ing. Likewise, a regular past participle will end in a consistent ed. Irregular past participles, unfortunately, conclude in all kinds of ways [although this list will help]. Since all phrases require two or more words, a participle phrase will often include objects and/or modifiers that complete the thought. Here are some examples: Crunching caramel corn for the entire movie Washed with soap and water Stuck in the back of the closet behind the obsolete computer Participle phrases always function as adjectives, adding description to the sentence. Read these examples: The horse trotting up to the fence hopes that you have an apple or carrot. Trotting up to the fence modifies the noun horse. The water drained slowly in the pipe clogged with dog hair. Clogged with dog hair modifies the noun pipe. Eaten by mosquitoes, we wished that we had made hotel, not campsite, reservations. Eaten by mosquitoes modifies the pronoun we. —————————————————————————— 🦋8🦋 The 8th class reviews the major skills you have taken so far. However, it focuses on understanding reductions in English. Discuss why it is important to learn reductions. - to speak like native speakers - reduce time spent talking and In a normal or fast speech, you will hear"reduction" of some words. For instance, want to may sound like wanna. learning to understand reductions will help you become a better listener —————————————————————- 🦋9🦋 The 9th class covers many culture notes and vocabularies. Express your opinion toward any of these culture notes and then explain how you can get meaning from context. Support your discussion with examples. In all culture , there are a questions that are common to ask a new acquaintance and other questions that people consider impolite . people in the U.S , usually do not ask : - How old are you ? -are you married? - how much money do you make? people in the U.S , frequently ask : - What do you do ? - what kind of work? - What are you from ? Getting Meaning from Context : Definition - A definition gives the meaning of words. The writer may use words, phrases, or statements to define something. The writer will use key words, or signal words to identify a definition so you need to look for them. See examples of key words below. - Someone who explores and studies caves is known as a spelunker. an unfamiliar word = spelunker signal words = is known as definition = someone who explores and studies caves. ————- 🦋10🦋 The 9th class talks about; how to make an appointment with your boss or manager. Also, it teaches you how to respond to a negative question – or more specifically, a negative statement with intonation that goes up at the end. In addition, People’s Intonation: happy or unhappy. You can do either one of the following; - Make a short conversation; in which you set up an appointment. - Discuss how American people show emotion with intonation. Support your discussion with examples. a: could I make appointment with my manger? b:Yes, of course how about Friday at 3:00? a: Oh, I'm sorry, but I can't make it that day, Could we make it different day? b: Oh, sure, how about Saturday at 10:00 AM? a: Great. see you then. When a person likes another person and wants to be friendly, the voice usually goes up: Oh, hi, How are you? When a person does not feel very friendly toward another person, the voice does not usually go up" Oh, hi. How are you? ————————————————————————————— 🦋11🦋 In our 11th class, we discuss the most common prefixes and suffixes. In your opinion, what is/are the purpose(s) of understanding the use of each one of them? How does this PARTICULAR class improve your speaking skills? Why does it take your English Speaking level forward? is it helpful or not, why? The addition of a suffix often changes a word from one word class to another. In the table above, the verb like becomes the adjective likeable, the noun idol becomes the verb idolize, and the noun child becomes the adjective childish. For many people, standing up in public and doing a speech is one of their greatest fears. For many language students in particular ——————————————————————————————— 🦋12🦋 In the 12th class, we explain, in details, the differences between Comparatives and Superlatives as well as their uses. Make a short conversation between A & Z who MUST use comparatives and superlatives. Please, pay attention to the cohesiveness and coherence of your conversations. And then, discuss the importance of using the comparatives and/or superlatives in your short conversation sample. Comparative is the name for the grammar used when comparing two things. The two basic ways to compare are using as .. as or than. Examples of each are shown below: She's twice as old as her sister. He's not as stupid as he looks! I'm almost as good in maths as in science. This book is not as exciting as the last one. The cafeteria is not as crowded as usual. Russian is not quite as difficult as Chinese. This computer is better than that one. She's stronger at chess than I am. It's much colder today than it was yesterday. Our car is bigger than your car. This grammar topic is easier than most others. I find science more difficult than mathematics. Today's ESL lesson was more interesting than usual. Note: In each of the example sentences above, the comparative form of the adjective is shown. See the foot of this page for information about the comparison of adverbs. When comparing with as .. as, the adjective does not change. When comparing with than, however, some changes are necessary, depending on the number of syllables the adjective . ————-———————————————————————— 🦋13🦋 In our 13th lecture, we discuss agreement and disagreement expressions and we practice how to avoid some of the bad speaking habits such as offending others. Also, we talk about three different levels of discussion. Explain to me these three levels of discussion, keeping in mind what we should avoid.- disagreement expressions and we practice how to avoid some of the bad speaking habits such as offending others. Also, we talk about three different levels of discussion Level 3 (dialogue) The goal is primarily to try and understand where each person is coming from and what makes them think the way they do. * avoid criticizing the person who made the comment. level 2 (Discussion) The goal is primarily to get to "say your piece" * avoid expressing disagreement without explaining why or supporting your point. Level 1(Debate) The goal is to prove that you're right and the other person is wrong. * avoid using words like never and always. ———————————————————————————— 🦋14🦋 In our 14th lecture, we discuss the major sections and speaking skills, we have learned or (learnt) during the semester. Which section do you prefer, and why? And which section don’t you like, and why? REMEMBER THE CHARACTERISTICS OF RESPECTFUL DISCUSSION . i liked The sound of it: Understanding Reductions because it teach us how we speak in professional.. I prefer all section, because I learn speaking skills. —————————————-—————————————— |
ÇáÊÚÏíá ÇáÃÎíÑ Êã ÈæÇÓØÉ Basma001 ; 2017- 10- 31 ÇáÓÇÚÉ 11:23 PM |
2017- 11- 1 | #6 |
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2017- 11- 1 | #7 |
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þOur voice goes up on the tag if we aren’t sure about the answers; it becomes a real question. þOur voice goes down on the tag if we already know the answer (sure) and are making small talk. ——————————————————————— ãä ÇÓÆáå ÇáÏßÊæÑ ÝåÏ ÇáÏåíÔ 1437 ÇáÝÕá ÇáÇæá Ú ÇáãÍÇÖÑå ÇáÇæáì 1. If someone gives you a compliment like “That’s a nice watch!” You are supposed to say: a. You can have it. b. Thank you.✅ c. Not really. It’s very old. d. why do you say that? 🍃ÇÐÇ ßÇä ÔÎÕ íÚØíß ãÌÇãáå Ãæ ãÏÍ ÝÅä ãä ÇáãÝÊÑÖ Çäß ÊÞæáÉ ÔßÑðÇ 2. Complete with a tag question: These tomatoes don’t look terrible, ________? a. do they ✅ b. don’t they c. don’t these d. do these 3. To start a small conversation with a stranger in the post office, you … see: 🍃ÍÏíËß Ýí ãßÊÈ ÇáÈÑíÏ ãÚ ÔÎÕ ÇÌäÈí a. Where are you from? b. It’s nice to have a chance to celebrate, isn’t it? c. This line is really slow, isn’t it?✅ d. Can you lend me some money? 4. If you are introduced to another person, a polite way to respond is: 🍃áæ ÊÚÑÝÊ Úáì ÔÎÕ ãÇ ÝÇáØÑíÞÉ ÇáãåÐÈÉ ááÑÏ Úáì åÐÇ ÇáÔÎÕ :ÊÔÑÝÊ ÈáÞÇÆß a. Pleased to meet you.✅ b. I’d like to meet you. c. Have you met my friend? d. He is a friend of mine. 5. One good way to express your appreciation is to say: a. You’re welcome. b. That was very kind of you. ✅ c. No problem. d. Don’t worry about it. 🍃ÇÍÏ ÇáæÓÇÆá Çá ÌíÏÉ ááÊÚÈíÑ Úä Çá(ÇáÅÚÌÇÈ /ÇáÊÞÏíÑ/ÇáÇÚÊÒÇÒ ) åæ ÇáÞæá: Ã. Úáì ÇáÑÍÈ æ ÇáÓÚÉ. È. æßÇä åÐÇ áØÝ ãäß.✅ Ì. áíÓ åäÇß Ãì ãÔßáÉ. Ï. áÇ ÊÞáÞ ÈÔÃä åÐÇ. ———————————————————————- Ýí ÇáãÑÝÞÇÊ ÔÑÍ áÞÇÚÏÉ Çá tag questions æ common expressions in conversations |
ÇáÊÚÏíá ÇáÃÎíÑ Êã ÈæÇÓØÉ ãäÕæÑ ÇáÚÈÏÇááå ; 2017- 11- 2 ÇáÓÇÚÉ 07:56 PM |
2017- 11- 2 | #8 |
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🦋 ãä ÇáãÍÇÖÑÉ ÇáËÇäíÉ 🦋
Vocabularies Population =group of people Suburbs =area surrounding a city Mobile =moving or able to move Residence = the place or house where one lives Adventure =trip or experience,usually exciting Census =official count of how many people there are in a certain region —————————————————— 🦋ãä ÇÓÆáÉ ÇáÏßÊæÑ ÝåÏ ÇáÏåíÔ 1437 ÇáÝÕá ÇáÇæá Úáì ÇáãÍÇÖÑå ÇáËÇäíå 🦋 1. After asking about direction, you were told that the bakery is beside the post office. What does "beside" mean? 1. ÈÚÏ ÓæÃáß Úä ÇáÇÊÌÇå¡ Þíá áß Ãä ÇáãÎÈÒ ÈÌÇäÈ ãßÊÈ ÇáÈÑíÏ. ãÇÐÇ ÊÚäí ÚÈÇÑÉ "ÈÌÇäÈ" íÚäí¿ across the street from Beside =next to✅ in front of around the corner from 2. Identify the expression you can use when asking for direction? Which mosque do you go to ? Is this bus going to the Grand mosque? Which bus would take me to the nearby mosque How do I get to the Grand Mosque? ✅ 2. ÇáÊÚÑÝ Úáì ÇáÊÚÈíÑ íãßäß ÇÓÊÎÏÇãåÇ ÚäÏãÇ íÓÃá Úä ÇáÇÊÌÇå¿ ßíÝ íãßääí ÇáæÕæá Åáì ÇáãÓÌÏ ÇáÍÑÇã¿ √ 3. “Whadaya do?” What is the long from of this reduced question? a. What do you do ? ✅ b. What are you doing? c. What did you do? d. what did he do? ————————————————— 🦋Ýí ÇáãÑÝÞÇÊ Reductions form 🦋 |
2017- 11- 2 | #9 |
ãÊãíÒÉ Ýí ÇáãÓÊæì ÇáËÇãä ááÛÉ ÇáÇäÌáíÒíÉ
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🦋 ãä ÇáãÍÇÖÑå ÇáËÇáËå🦋
Çåã äÞØå Gerund gerund : is a noun made from verb + ing e.g : improve ( v) + ing = improving ( noun Çágerund åæ ÃÓã ãßæøä ãä : ÝÚá + ing ØíøÈ ßíÝ äÝÑøÞ Èíä ÇáÜ present progressive æÇáÜ gerund ?! ÇáÌæÇÈ ÈÈÓÇØÉ , áãøÇ íÌí ÞÈá ÇáßáãÉ ( Çááí ÝíåÇ ing ) áãÇ íÌí ÞÈáåÇ (verb to be ( is , are , am æÞÊåÇ äÚÊÈÑåÇ present progressive ÃãÇ ÅÐÇ ßÇä ÇáÜ verb to be ÈÚÏåÇ æÞÊåÇ äÚÊÈÑ Ãä ÇáßáãÉ gerund æÃÍäÇ ãÛãÖíøä .. áßä ÃÍíÇä ÇáÌãáÉ ßáåÇ ãÇÝíåÇ verb to be æÞÊåÇ Úáì Ãí ÃÓÇÓ ÃÍßã ÅäåÇ ÝÚá Ãæ ÃÓã ¿! ÇáÌæÇÈ íÇØæíáíä ÇáÚãÑ Åäå Ýíå ÈÚÖ ÇáßáãÇÊ ÅÐÇ ÌÇÊ Çááí ÈÚÏåÇ íßæä gerund ÈÏæä ÊÝßíÑ .. ãËá Ôäæ ¿! ãËá (enjoy - suggest - go ( went æÞÇÆãÉ ØæíáÉ ãä ÇáßáãÇÊ áÇÒã ÊÍÝÙæäåÇ .. ÇáãæÖæÚ ßÐÇ ÈÓ ¿! áÇ , ÈÇÞí ÔÛáÉ ÒÛääÉ ÃÍíÇä íÌí ÇáÜ verb to be ÞÈáåÇ áßä äÚÊÈÑåÇ ßæãÈáíãäÊ ( åæ gerund Úáì åíÆÉ ßæãÈáíãäÊ ) - Çááí ãÐÇßÑíä ÇáÞæÇÚÏ æÇáãäÙæãÉ ÇáäÍæíÉ ãä ÞáÈ ÈíÐßÑæä åÇáßáÇã - , ØíøÈ ßÐÇ ÇáæÖÚ ÊÚÞøÏ Úáì ÎÝíÝ , ßíÝ äÝÑøÞ Èíä ÇáÜ gerund æ ÇáÜ verb æåã ÇËäíäåã ÞÈáåã verbto be , ÇáãæÖæÚ íÇØæíáíä ÇáÚãÑ åæ ÇáÈÓÇØÉ ÐÇÊåÇ .. ßá Çááí Úáíßã Åäßã ÊÍØæä ÇáßáãÉ Ýí ÇáÈÏÇíÉ æÊÚíÏæä ÕíÇÛÉ ÇáÌãáÉ , ÅÒÇí ¿! ÎáæäÇ äÔæÝ åÇáãËÇá ÚáÔÇä ÊæÖÍ ÇáÝßÑÉ : what I really like is travelling äÔæÝ ÇáÂä ÈÚÏ ãÇäÌíÈ ÇáßáãÉ Ýí ÇáÈÏÇíÉ : traveling is what I really like ÇáãÚäì ãÇÊÛíøÑ , Ýí åÐí ÇáÍÇáÉ äÚÊÈÑ ÇáßáãÉ ßæãÈáíãäÊ ( gerund ) .. ØíøÈ æÅÐÇ ßÇä ÝÚá ¿! ÔæÝæÇ åÇáãËÇá : she is sleeping æäÌíÈ ÇáßáãÉ Ýí ÇáÈÏÇíÉ : sleeping is she !! Çááå Ãíå Ïå ¿! ÇáãÚäì ÃÎÊá ÊãÇãðÇ ÈÇáÖÈØ ÇáãÚäì ÃÎÊáø , Ýí åÐí ÇáÍÇáÉ äÚÊÈÑåÇ Ôäæ ¿! Ãíæå äÚÊÈÑåÇ verb ÑÏ ááÑÇÆÚÉ ßÇÑíÒãÇ👑 ãËÇá ÂÎÑ ááÊæÖíÍ Gerunds áæ ÇÚÏäÇ ÕíÇÛå ÇáÌãáå æØáÚÊ ãÚÇäÇ Çæßí íÚäí Gerunds The most important thing is learning learning is The most important thing + ÇÚßÓí ÇáÌãáÉ Îáí ÇáßáãÉ Çáí ÝíåÇ ing Çæá ÔíÁ ÇÐÇ ÕÇÑÊ ÑÇßÈå æäÝÓ ÇáãÚäì Ýåí gerund æáÇ ÝáÇ ãËáÇð he is eating eating is he ÊÕíÑÉ ÌãáÉ ÎØà ÈíäãÇ my hobby is eating eating is my hobby äÝÓ ÇáãÚäì ÇÐÇ åÐå gerund íÇÑÈ Êßæä æÖÍÊ ÇáÝßÑÉ —————————————————-— ÊÚÇÈíÑ ÇáÊÔÌíÚ ááãæÇÕáÉ áãä íÞæá áß ÞÕÉ: Right OK Realy? Yeah? And? Well? And then? And so? Wow Gosh ————————————————- 🦋ãä ÇÓÆáå ÇáÏßÊæÑ ÝåÏ ÇáÏåíÔ 1437 ÇáÝÕá ÇáÇæá Úáì ÇáãÍÇÖÑå ÇáËÇáËå 🦋 ÇáãÍÇÖÑÉ ÇáËÇáËÉ 1. “Ali’s favorite hobby is reading.” How does the gerund act in this sentence ? a. Complement ✅ b. Object c. Subject d. Present Progressive 1. "åæÇíÉ Úáí ÇáãÝÖáÉ ÇáÞÑÇÁÉ ." ãÇåí ÕíÛÉ ÇáÝÚá Ýí åÐå ÇáÌãáÉ¿ 2. ? What do you call the person who steals things from stores and put in his bag or under his coat a. a store detective b. a shoplifter✅ c. a racist d. a vain person ÇáÔÎÕ ÇááÐí íÓÑÞ ÇáÇÔíÇÁ íÓãì 3. All these questions are considered impolite to be asked in the states except for….. ßá åÐÉ ÇáÊÚÈíÑÇÊ ÛíÑ ãåÐÈÉ ãÇÚÏÇ a. How old are you? b. Are you married? c. Where are you from? ✅ ?d. How much money do you make 4. ?Would you like coffee or tea? “If the speaker’s intonation goes up times at the end of this question, what would be the correct answer a. Tea, please. b. Coffee, please. c. Yes, please.✅ d. Yes, would. 5. If someone is telling you a story, what expression of encouragement you can use to show that you are interested in the story ? a. Really? ✅ b. Pardon me! c. Excuse me? d. Forgive me. 🍃ÇÐÇ ßÇä ÔÎÕ íÞæá áß ÞÕÉ æÊÑíÏ Çä ÊÙåÑ áÉ ÈÃäß ãåÊã æÊÔÌÚÉ ÝÊÞæá áÉ :ÍÞÇ ————————————— 🦋íæÌÏ äæÚíä Ýí ÇÓÆáå word or🦋 yes / no questions Êßæä ÌæÇÈåÇ ÈäÚã Çæ áÇ Either or questions íßæä ÌæÇÈåÇ ÇÍÏ ÇáÎíÇÑÈä Yes no questions Would you like coffee or tea? Yes please åäÇ íßæä ÇáÇÑÊÝÇÚ ÈÇáÕæÊ Èßáãå coffee æ ßáãå tea áÇä ÇáÌæÇÈ äÚã Çæ áÇ ÈÓ äÝÓ ÇáÓÄÇá ?Would you like coffee or tea Tea ,please åäÇ íßæä ÇÑÊÝÇÚ ÈÇáÕæÊ Ýí ÇáÎíÇÑ ÇáÇæá æäÒæá ÇáÕæÊ ÈÇáÎíÇÑ ÇáËÇäí ————————— |
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2017- 11- 5 | #10 |
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