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°ˆ~*¤®§(*§ part-2مصطلحات انجليزيه مع الترجمه §*)§®¤*~ˆ°
"Don't count your chickens until they're hatched
![]() "Don't count your chickens until they're hatched" means that you can hope certain things happen in the future, but you cannot know for sure that they will happen until they actually do happen. Example: "Do you think that Bill is going to offer you a promotion this month?" Reply: "I won't count my chickens until they have hatched." "Chickens" start out as eggs, and you can count the eggs, but not all of the eggs will hatch to become chickens. "Don't count your chickens until they've hatched" means don't make plans based on something happening until that thing has already happened. Example: "Next Friday I will finally be able to pay you back that money I owe you." Reply: "Ha. I won't count my chickens until they have hatched." "Don't count your chickens until they've hatched" means that you should not count on something happening until you are sure that it will happen. الترجمه "Don't count your chickens until they're hatched هذه الجمله تعنى حرفيا انك لا تعد دجاجك حتى يفقسوا وتعنى هذه الجمله انك قد تتمنى اشيء تحدث فى المستقبل ولكنك غير متاكد من انها قد تحدث ام لا مثال Do you think that Bill is going to offer you a promotion this month هل تعتقد ان بيل سوف يقدم عرضه هذا الشهر الرد I won't count my chickens until they have hatched انا لا عد دجاجى قبل ان يقفس اى انه لا يتوقع حدوث شيء قبل ان يحدث مناسبة هذه الجمله ان الدجاجه تفقس بيض ةالبيض احيانا يتحوا الى دجاج ولكن ليس جميعه يتحوا الى دجاج ولهذا قال لن يعد الدجاج قبل ان يفقس البيض حتى يعرف كم بيضه ستتحول الى دجاجه ليوصل للعد الصحيح مثال Next Friday I will finally be able to pay you back that money I owe you الجمعه القادمه سوف ارد لك المالى الذى اقترضته الرد يكون Ha. I won't count my chickens until they have hatched اى انا لا اصدق هذه حتى يحدث اى ان هذه الجمله تعنى انك لا تعتمد على حدوث شيء ما حتى يحدث بالفعل ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() word of mouth ![]() Something that you heard from other people you know by word of mouth. Example: "How did you hear about this party?" Reply: "Word of mouth." When you say that you heard something word of mouth, you are not being specific about whose mouth you heard it from; just that you heard it from another person. Example: "There has been talk at school about canceling the concert." Reply: "Really? Who did you hear that from?" Answer: "Just word of mouth. We do rely on what other people tell us, so word of mouth is one important way that we learn things. If something is "only" (or "just") word of mouth then you might not know where the "word" really started or how it changed as it went from "mouth" to "mouth". Example: "Did you hear they finally arrested that guy?" Reply: "Yes, but that's only word of mouth. " Example: "Where did you hear that?" Reply: "Just word of mouth." الترجمه word of mouth" تقال هذه الجمله عندما يقول لك شخص ما شيئا انت قد سمعته من قبل وعرفته فتقول له اى انه شيء يقال بين الناس اى كلام على السانهم word of mouth مثال How did you hear about this party? كيف عرفت بالحفل؟ الرد Word of mouth." اى انه سمع بهذا من قبل وعرفه مثال اخر There has been talk at school about canceling the concert." يوجد كلام فى المدرسه بشان الغاء الحفل فيساله الشخص Who did you hear that from كيف عرفت بهذا فيرد عليه Just word of mouth الرد بهذه الجمله اى انه سمع بهذا من قبل ![]() ![]() ![]() "everything but kitchen sink ![]() Everything but the kitchen sink is what you brought with you when you included almost everything you could think to bring. Example: "Wow, your suitcase is huge. What do you have in there? Everything but the kitchen sink?" When we we are deciding what to bring with us, we try to take everything possible. But some things, like the kitchen sink, are just not convenient. Example: "Every time we go camping my wife packs everything but the kitchen sink." Everything but the kitchen sink means that you included almost everything you could think to include. Example: "My dad's new luxury car is great. It has everything but the kitchen sink." الترجمه "everything but kitchen sink" الترجمه الحرفيه لهذه الجمله(كل شيء ماعدا بالوعه المطبخ او غساله المطبخ) تقال هذه الجمله عندما تريد التعبير بانك قد احضرت معك كل ما يمكنك احضاره مثال Wow, your suitcase is huge. What do you have in there واااو حقيبتك ضخمه جدا ماذا تحمل فيها؟ الرد Everything but the kitchen sink?" يقصد بهذه الجمله انه يحمل فيها كل ما يمكن وكل مل تتخيل عندما نقرر ان نذهب لنحضر اشياء نحاول ان نحضر معنا كل ما يمكننا احتياجه ولكن هناك اشيء ليس فى متناولنا احضارها مثل بالوعة المطبخ ومغسلة المطبخ مثال Every time we go camping my wife packs everything but the kitchen sink." كل مره نذهب فيها لنعمل مخيم زوجتى تاخذ معها كل شيء(واذاف هذه الجمله ليقصد بها ان زوجته تاخذ معها كل شيء ممكن ماعدا الاشياء التى يستحيل اخذها مثل بالوعة المطبخ اى مغسلة المطبخ) اذا فهذه الجمله تدل على شمول كل شيء ممكن مثال My dad's new luxury car is great. It has everything but the kitchen sink." ان سيارة ابى الجديده الفارهه جميله ويوجد بها كل شيء اى انه يقصد ان السياره بها كل المميزات ولا ينقصها شيء ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() put your best foot forward" ![]() Putting your best foot forward is stepping forward and doing your very best. Example: "This week the division manager will be in town. I want each of you to putting your best foot forward." To show others (put... forward) your best effort (your best... foot) is putting your best foot forward. Example: "Don't be shy, son. I want you to get out on that field and put your best foot forward!" You say put your best foot forward to encourage others to try hard and do their best. Example: "If every man puts his best foot forward, we will win this game الترجمه put your best foot forward تعنى هذه الجمله انك تخطو للامام وتفعل افضل ما لديك مثال "This week the division manager will be in town. I want each of you to putting your best foot forward هذا الاسبوع مدير القسم سوف يكون فى بلدته اريد من كل شخص فيكم ان يتخطى للامام ويفعل افضل ما لديه لكى تظهر الافضل فيجب عليك بذل مجهود وان تضع نفسك فى المكان الصحيح مثال "Don't be shy, son. I want you to get out on that field and put your best foot forward!" يا بنى لا تهاب هذا فانا اريدك ان تترك هذا المجال وتخطو خطوه للامام من اجل الافضل تقال ايضا هذه الجمله لشجيع وتحفيز الاخرين لاداء افضل ما لديهم مثال If every man puts his best foot forward, we will win this game اذا فعل كل رجل منكم افضل ما لديه سوف نفوز باللعبه ![]() ![]() ![]() an about face ![]() ![]() Example: "If you ever discover that you are walking down a dangerous street, it is best to do an about face and walk in the other direction." You "do an about face" when you stand facing north, for example, then turn your body in one step until you face south. The term "about face!" is used in the military: The drill sergeant shouts "About face!" and all of the soldiers turn in one step to face the opposite direction. Example: "I want you to do an about face, get back in that bathroom, and brush your teeth!" To do an about face"" is also to change your position on something and take the opposite position الترجمه an about face تصف هذه الجمله ان شخص ما كان يمشى باتجاه معين ثم التف تماما للاتجاه المعاكس مثال "If you ever discover that you are walking down a dangerous street, it is best to do an about face and walk in the other direction." اذا واجدت ان هذا الشارع مظلم وبه مخاطر من الافضل لك ان تلتف تماما وتمشى فى الاتجاه الاخر اى ان هذه الجمله عند قولها تفيد بان اتجاه الشخص تغير تماما الى العكس مثال The drill sergeant shouts " About face!" and all of the soldiers turn in one step to face the opposite direction هتف مساعد الرقيب فى الجنود قائلا اعكس الاتجاه فالتفوا جميعا فى خطوه واحده للاتجاه العكسى تستخدم ايضا هذه الجمله للقول بانك تغير موقفك من موضوع من اتجاه الى اتجاه اخر فنقول do an about face ![]() ![]() ![]() when it rains, it pours ![]() When it rains, it pours describes how after there has been no rain for a long time, it suddenly rains a lot all at once. Example: "It hadn't rained for over two months. Now it has started raining and it has been raining for a week straight." Reply: "When it rains, it pours." When it rains, it pours means that once something happens after a long pause, it happens in large amounts. Example: "It looks like everyone in our department is sick again, and all at the same time." Reply: "When it rains, it pours." When there is a lot of rain all at once we say that it is pouring. Some people say, It never rains, but it pours; the meaning is the same as When it rains, it pours. Example: "Sometimes we have no customers for two or three hours, then suddenly we get 20 people all at once." Reply: "It never rains, but it pours." الترجمه "When it rains, it pours تعنى هذه الجمله انه عندما يبدا المطر فانها تصب كثيرا تصف هذه الجمله انه كيف بعد ما انقطع المطر لفتره امطرت فجأه وبشده مثال "It hadn't rained for over two months. Now it has started raining and it has been raining for a week straight." انها لم تمطر منذ شهرين والان بدأت تمطر ولها اسبوع الان تمطرمتواصل فيرد احدا قائلا "When it rains, it pours تعنى هذه الجمله انها حين تمطر فتصب بكثره تشمل الجمله ايضا مجالات عده فهى تعنى ان اى عمل يتوقف لفتره حين يعاود مره اخرى يبدأ بكثره It looks like everyone in our department is sick again, and all at the same time." يبدو ان كل العاملين معنا فى القسم اصابهم المرض مره اخرى وفى وقت واحد فيرد احدا قائلا "When it rains, it pours بمعنى ان الاشياء تاتى دفعه واحده ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() turn over a new leaf" ![]() When you decide to do something different to change your life for the better, you are turning over a new leaf. Example: "This year I've joined a gym and I am exercising every day. I'm turning over a new leaf." Turning over a new leaf is like turning over a new page ("leaf") in your life and seeing what is on the other side. Example: "Wow. Look how polite your son has become." Reply: "Yes. We had a big talk with him, and he has really turned over a new leaf." You turn over a new leaf when you commit to changing your life for the better. Example: "I'm turning over a new leaf: I've decided to quit smoking الترجمه "turn over a new leaf" تعنى هذه الجمله اقلب صفحه جديده تستخدم مثلا حين يريد الشخص ان يفعل اشياء جديده ومختلفه ليغير حياته فهو بذلك يقلب لصفحه جديده مثال This year I've joined a gym and I am exercising every day. I'mturning over a new leaf." هذا العام التحقت بالجيم واتمرن كل يوم انا ابدا صفحه جديده مثال اخر "Wow. Look how polite your son has become وااو ابنك اصبح مؤدب جدا .فيكون الرد Yes. We had a big talk with him, and he has really turned over a new leaf. "نعم لقد تكلمنا كثيرا وبدأنا صفحه جديده نستخدمها ايضا عندما نريد التعبير باننا نريد ان نغير حياتنا للافضل مثال turning over a new leaf: I've decided to quit smoking انا سابدأ صفحه جديده وسوف اقلع عن التدخين ![]() ![]() ![]() التعديل الأخير تم بواسطة F!x ; 2014- 9- 27 الساعة 03:52 PM |
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°ˆ~*¤®§(*§مصطلحات انجليزيه مع الترجمه §*)§®¤*~ˆ° | F!x | English Forum & other Languages | 15 | 2014- 9- 27 03:24 PM |