ملتقى طلاب وطالبات جامعة الملك فيصل,جامعة الدمام

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-   -   نماذج من اسئلة لمادة التركيب اللغوي - الدكتور الفريدان (https://vb.ckfu.org/showthread.php?t=321864)

τмόόн Ła чήτђч 2012- 5- 2 08:20 AM

نماذج من اسئلة لمادة التركيب اللغوي - الدكتور الفريدان
آلسلآم عليكم ورحمة آلله وبركآتة

نماذج من اسئلة لمادة التركيب اللغوي

المحاضرة الاولى :

Change these to negative:
1- I do my homework.
A- Idon't do my homework. B- I did n't do my homework.
B- I doesn't do my homework. D- I did homework not.

2- Sarah like her job.
A- She doesn't like her job. B- She didn't like her job.
B- Sarah don't like her job. D- Sarah liken't her job.

3- We have a nice boss.
A- We didn't have a nice boss. B- We don't have a nice boss.
C- We haven't a nice boss. D- We doesn't have a nice boss.

4- The dog eat the meat.
A- It don't do my homework. B- It did n't do my homework.
C- It doesn't do my homework. D- It did homework not.

Change these statements to questions:
1- Reem work hard.
A- Do she work hard? B- Doesn't work hard she?
C- Does she work hard? D-Did She work not hard?

2- Waleed drives to his work.
A- Did he drives to his work? B- Do he drives to his work?
C- Does he drive to his work? D- Don't he work to drive ?

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المحاضرة الثانية :
Write in negative:
1- My cat has a swimsuit.
A- My cat have a swimsuit. B- My cat dosen't have a swimsuit.
C-My cat doesn't has a swimsuit. D- My cat didn't have a wimsuit.

2-Ali and Ahmed write a letter.
A- They doesn't write a letter. B- They haven't write a letter.
C- They didn't write a letter. D- They don't write a letter.
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المحاضرة الثالثة :
أعتقد بأن هذه المحاضرة سهلة وهي إستكمال للمحاضرة السابقة
ا لمحاضرة الرابعة

1- Ali …… playing football.
A- Am B- is C- are D- does

2- Sara is …… an apple.
A- Eat B- ate C- eating D- does eat
3- The Dog ….. now.
A- Are eat B- Eat C- Is eat D- Is eating.
4- The boys ….. to the gym everyday.
A- Go B- went C- going D- goes.
5- Oula is …. To the radio right now.
A- Listen B- listens C- listening D- had listen
6- Reem and Rose usually ……. Their parents.
A- Visiting B- Visit C- Visits D- Visited
7- Majed ……. a toyota .
A- Drives B- Drive C- Driving D- Drove
8- My grandmother …… to a new house.
A- Moved B- Is moveing C- Moveing D- Move
9-We …. Anew house.
A- Are buying. B- buy. C- buys D- bought
10- I …. Drinking coffee.
A- Like B- liking C- likes D- liked

How to make the sentences in Negative ?
1- I am eatting.
A- I am not eatting. B- I am not eat.
B- I am doesn't eat. D- I don't eat.

2- Sami reads his book.
A- Sami is reading his book. B- Sami are read his book.
C -Sami don't read. D- Sami doesn't read his book
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المحاضرة الخامسة :
Select the best answer:
1- The stores ……. At noon today.
A- Is going to close. B- Are going to close.
C- Doesn't going to close. D- Am going to close.

2- I ..... a health club next month.
A- Am going to join. B- Is going to join.
C- Are going to join. D- is joining to

3- The meeting ..... in 20 minutes.
A- Are going to begin. B- Is going to begin.
C-Am going to begin. D- Has begin to.

4- Mr. and Mrs. KHALIFA ..... their home near the beach.
A- Isn't going to build. B- Doesn't go to build.
C-Aren't go to build. D- Aren't going to build.
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المحاضرة السادسة:
Which of these sentences is in the simple past ?
1- A- I visit my mother last week.
B- I visited my mother last week.
C- I am visiting my mother last week.
D- I was visited my mother last week.

2- A- I go to the market yesterday.
B- I am going to the market yesterday.
C- I am go to the market yesterday
D- I went to the market yesterday.

3- A- Oula came to class.
B- Oula is coming to class.
C- Oula comes to class yesterday.
D- Oula is come to class now.
Which of these sentences are in negatives simple past ?
1- A- Reem don't come to class.
B- Reem doesn't come to class.
C- Reem didn't come to class.
D- Reem did come to class.

2- A- Ali talk to Sarah lastnight.
B- Ali is talking to Sarah lastnight.
C- Ali talked to Sarah lastnight.
D- Ali is talked to Sarah lastnight.
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Practices المحاضرة السابعة :
Find the errors and choose the correct answer :
1-My father are lost in Makka.
A- My father is lost in Makka.
B- My father was lost in Makka.
C- My father doesn't lost in Makka.
D- My father is lost in Makka.
2- Oula and Reem is students.
A- Oula and Reem are students.
B- Oula and Reem was students.
C- Oula and Reem were students.
D- Oula and Reem don't students.
3- Rose usually is on time to class.
A- Rose are usually on time to class.
B- Rose is usually on time to class.
C- Rose to class is usually on time.
D- Rose on time to class usually.
4- Ali's family here with him.
A- Ali's family with him here.
B- Ali is here with his family.
C- Ali's family is here with him.
D- Family Ali's with him here.
5- They comes from Dammam.
A- They comes Dammam from.
B- Comes from Dammam they.
C- They come from Dammam.
D- From Dammam they come.
6- Miguel always is homesick.
A- Miguel is always homesick.
B- Homesick is always Miguel.
C- Miguel is homesick always.
D- Always Miguel is homesick.
7- Does Huda lives in Hofuf ?
A- Does live Huda in Hofuf ?
B- Does Huda live in Hofuf ?
C- Huda live does in Hofuf.
D- In Hofuf Huda lives.
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في الصفحة 16 من الكتاب عندما تشاهد هذه الكلمات فإنها تدلك على أن الجملة في المضارع المستمر البسيط :
Now – right now- at the moment – these days – today – this week – now adays.
مثال : هذا الحدث الحاصل حاليا :
I am doing my homework now.
He is taking English this semester.
مثال : هذا الحدث لما هو مستقبل :
We are moving on Sunday.
بالنسبة للصفحة 17 من الكتاب وحسب شرح الدكتور ربما يأتي منها أسئلة على نفس هذه الطريقة (حالة الجملة في الاثبات وفي حالة النفي)
مثال : في الاثبات :
I am studying now.
I'm studying now.
مثال : في حال النفي :
I am not studying now.
I'm not studying now.
أيضا كيف تصيغ أو تعمل سؤال يكون إجابته نعم / لا
مثال : Am I studying now? Yes I am No I'm not
Are they studying now? Yes they are No they are'nt
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في الصفحة 22 من الكتاب وحسب شرح الدكتور يجب التركيز على معرفة استخدام أنماط الاسئلة .
مثال :
1- ........ does Ali live ?
A- What B- When C- Where D- Which
2- ......... is Oula playing tennis with ?
A- What B- Whom C- Why D- When
3- .......... is Reem house ?
A- Where B- When C- Who D- What
4- ........... are they eat on lunch ?
A- Where B- What C- When D- Which
Find the errors and choose the correct answer :
1- Miguel doesn't knows Tarik very well.
A- He don't know Tarik very well.
B- He doesn't know Tarik very well.
C- Miguel know Tarik doesn't very well.
D- Miguel very well know Tarik doesn't.
2- I am wanting to talk to you.
A- I'm want to you to talk.
B- I'm want to talk to you.
C- To talk to you I'm want.
D- To you I'm want to talk.
3- Reem doesn't study usually in the night.
A- She usually doesn't stady in the night.
B- In the night Reem doesn't usually stady.
C- Reem in the night doesn't usually study.
D- Usually in the night Reem doesn't study.
4- Is Oula stay in an apartment.
A- Oula is stay in an apartment.
B- In an apartment Oula is stay.
C- Is Oula staying in an apartment.
D- Is staying Oula in an apartment.
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المحاضرة الثامنة :
Fill in the correct bubble to complete the sentences :
1- The sun ...... in the east.
A- Rise
B- Is rising.
C- Rises.
D- Rising.
2- After Miguel ........ his test, he left school.
A- Failed.
B- Was failed.
C- Was failing
D- Failing.
3- Sami ...... in Hofuf when he was a little boy.
A- Was used to live.
B- Used to live.
C- Living.
D- Does live.
4- .......... Oula have a nice apartment ?
A- Did.
B- When.
C- Does.
D- Do.
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* أنا لا أبخل بالمعلومة مادامت متوفرة وأستطيع تقديمها للغير .

أسال الله لي ولكم النجاح والتوفيق.
منقووول من أبو علي (الهامور)

ARYAM 2012- 5- 2 08:52 AM

رد: نماذج من اسئلة لمادة التركيب اللغوي - الدكتور الفريدان
هذي نموذج من طلبة مسوينها..
والا من الدكتور ..!؟
اقصد اختبار السمسترات اللي طافت!!!

سمسومي 2012- 5- 2 09:04 AM

رد: نماذج من اسئلة لمادة التركيب اللغوي - الدكتور الفريدان
نفس لسؤاااااااال؟؟!!

ورده جنوبيه 2012- 5- 2 11:20 AM

رد: نماذج من اسئلة لمادة التركيب اللغوي - الدكتور الفريدان
شكرًا يالغاليه :004:
واتمنى لو تنزليها كمرفق:53:

تخطيت السحاب 2012- 5- 2 12:43 PM

رد: نماذج من اسئلة لمادة التركيب اللغوي - الدكتور الفريدان
الله يعطيك العافيه
المميزة طموح انثى

وزيرة 2012- 5- 2 12:48 PM

رد: نماذج من اسئلة لمادة التركيب اللغوي - الدكتور الفريدان
ألللف شكر أتوقع من نمـاذج العام :004:

τмόόн Ła чήτђч 2012- 5- 2 02:11 PM

رد: نماذج من اسئلة لمادة التركيب اللغوي - الدكتور الفريدان
2 مرفق
مو تبع آلدكتور
هذي مجهود آلطلآب آستعينوآ بهآ كمرآجعة نهآئية
وكمآن تفضلوآ ملفين للآخت لآ تحزني ,, ربي يجزآها آلجنة
آخذتهم من ملف آلسآحر آلله يوفقة لكل خير ,
موفقين جميعآ

вяιgнт мσση 2012- 5- 2 04:47 PM

رد: نماذج من اسئلة لمادة التركيب اللغوي - الدكتور الفريدان
thanks a looot sis
wish you the best

GADY 2012- 5- 2 09:44 PM

رد: نماذج من اسئلة لمادة التركيب اللغوي - الدكتور الفريدان
يعطيك ألف عافيه

وبالتوفيق يارب ..

احساس ورده 2012- 5- 2 10:27 PM

رد: نماذج من اسئلة لمادة التركيب اللغوي - الدكتور الفريدان
:lllolll::lllolll::lllolll::lllolll::lllolll::lllo lll::lllolll::lllolll::lllolll::lllolll::lllolll:

حلم قلب 2012- 5- 2 11:14 PM

رد: نماذج من اسئلة لمادة التركيب اللغوي - الدكتور الفريدان
مشكووورة قاد الدووونيا:004:
بس ياليييت احد ينزل الاجوبة عشان نتاكد من اجاباتنا:rose:

ادب 2012- 5- 16 09:38 AM

رد: نماذج من اسئلة لمادة التركيب اللغوي - الدكتور الفريدان
يعطيك العافية

( gladiator ) 2012- 5- 16 10:18 PM

رد: نماذج من اسئلة لمادة التركيب اللغوي - الدكتور الفريدان
excellent :biggrin:

سعاد^^ 2012- 5- 17 12:13 AM

رد: نماذج من اسئلة لمادة التركيب اللغوي - الدكتور الفريدان
الله يوفقك

ebra2003 2012- 5- 17 12:32 AM

رد: نماذج من اسئلة لمادة التركيب اللغوي - الدكتور الفريدان
الله يعطيك العافيه

الاجوبة موجوده بالجهة اليمنى

هيوفه دلع 2012- 5- 17 01:29 PM

رد: نماذج من اسئلة لمادة التركيب اللغوي - الدكتور الفريدان
Thanks for sharing

أبوووفهد 2012- 5- 17 02:08 PM

رد: نماذج من اسئلة لمادة التركيب اللغوي - الدكتور الفريدان

ننتظر حل الاساله ...

سَيبُونيَ احَتْسَسَي! ♠ 2012- 5- 17 02:39 PM

رد: نماذج من اسئلة لمادة التركيب اللغوي - الدكتور الفريدان
الله يوفقك ويسعدكَ
متشكررهةة اوي ’, :004: :rose:

ربى22 2012- 5- 17 04:15 PM

رد: نماذج من اسئلة لمادة التركيب اللغوي - الدكتور الفريدان
مشكور اخوي بس وين الأجوبة!!!!!!

abo ali4 2012- 5- 17 05:41 PM

رد: نماذج من اسئلة لمادة التركيب اللغوي - الدكتور الفريدان
thanks, but without answers not useful

lano 2012- 5- 18 12:58 AM

رد: نماذج من اسئلة لمادة التركيب اللغوي - الدكتور الفريدان
يسلمو بنحتاجهم الترم الجاي ان شالله

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المواضيع والمشاركات في الملتقى تمثل اصحابها.
يوجد في الملتقى تطوير وبرمجيات خاصة حقوقها خاصة بالملتقى
ملتزمون بحذف اي مادة فيها انتهاك للحقوق الفكرية بشرط مراسلتنا من مالك المادة او وكيل عنه