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تـــــعاريف ادب الاطفال محاضرة 7&6
[أسئلة مراجعة - ادب الاطفال - بسام ابو زيد]
مراجعة عامة من ملف كلي امل جزاها الله خير
عدد الأسئلة: 34
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- سوف تحصل على نقطة إضافية في التقييم عن كل إجابة صحيحة.
1) ..........literary realism focuses on fidelity to everyday life
realistic genre
Character development
2) ............... used to mean a person or personified animal or object
3) Character development
collection of features that bring the character to life, inner and outer qualities
4) fully developed in the story –central and protagonists
Round character
5) flat characters:
very important characters but essential to action.
less important characters but essential to action.
6) changes in the course of the action
dynamic characters
flat characters
7) Static characters
no change in the course of the story - flatcharacters ,stereotypes and foils ( a minor character whose traits are in direct contrast to the main character
less important characters but essential to action.
8) Plot
not sequence of events
sequence of events
9) the way or the order in which the writer chooses to unfold the story to the reader.
Narrative order
10) Chronological order
:writers disrupts normal time sequence to recounts some past events
events are related in the order of their happening
11) :writers disrupts normal time sequence to recounts some past events
Chronological order
12) the struggles the protagonist face
Person against –society
13) character typically faces internal conflict which pull him/her toward two courses of action.
Person against –person
Person against –self
14) involves struggle between two or more characters.
Person against –self
Person against –person
15) struggle between character orcharacters and either social mores, cultural values or sometimes the law.
Person against –society
Person against –person
16) Person against –nature
Person against –society
conflict between a character and some force or forces of nature.
17) peak and turning point of conflict ,point at which the reader knows the outcome of action
Point of View
18) resolution or tying together of the plot that gives the reader a sense of completeness at the end.
19) Point of View
the side of the story the reader sees as revealed by the author through the characters. point of view is seen through the eyes and minds of characters as the plot unfolds.
the idea that holds the story together or the author's message to reader .it is the main idea or the central meaning of the story.
20) the idea that holds the story together or the author's message to reader .it is the main idea or the central meaning of the story.
21) central theme which is of more importance than the rest
Secondary theme
Primary theme
22) themes which seem lesser importance than the primary one.
Secondary theme
Primary theme
23) Author’s choice and arrangement of words in order to create plot, characterizations, setting, and theme.
24) Associative or emotional meaning of a word; usually used to describe a character or situation
25) the appeal of the senses; helps to create setting, establish mood and character
26) Figurative Language
Words used in a non-literal way, giving meaning beyond the usual sense. Ex) personification, simile, or metaphor
helps to create setting, establish mood and character
27)  exaggeration used for humor or to make a point
28) Understatement
opposite of exaggeration; used to play down a happening or situation
Words used in a non-literal way, giving meaning beyond the usual sense. Ex) personification, simile, or metaphor
29) tends to have more meaning for mature readers; relies on a reference to something in our common understanding, our past, or our literature
30) something that operates on two levels of meaning, the literal and the figurative levels
31) Onomatopoeia:
words that sounds like their meaning. E.g. splash, wow, gush, buzz," "crash," "whirr,“ "hiss," "purr," "hush," "boom
Words used in a non-literal way, giving meaning beyond the usual sense. Ex) personification, simile, or metaphor
32) repetition of a similar vowel sound within a phrase . E.g. sweet smell of success, a dime a dozen, bigger and better, jump for joy
33) Consonance:
close repetition of a consonant sound within a phrase but not in the initial position. E.g. "first and last," "odds and ends," "short and sweet," "a stroke of luck,"
repetition of a similar vowel sound within a phrase . E.g. sweet smell of success, a dime a dozen, bigger and better, jump for joy
34) : the author’s attitude toward what he or she has written. Ex) humor, mysterious, creepy, straight-forward, matter-of-fact, exciting, boring, etc.
معلومات حول الكويز
تـــــعاريف ادب الاطفال محاضرة 7&6
[أسئلة مراجعة - ادب الاطفال - بسام ابو زيد]
تفاصيل أخرى:
مراجعة عامة من ملف كلي امل جزاها الله خير
تم حل الكويز 371 مرة بنسبة نجاح 80%
القسم: E8
مناقشة الكويز: تـــــعاريف ادب الاطفال محاضرة 7&6
معلومات صاحب الكويز

قام بانشاء 33 كويز
كويزات العضو
أفضل الأعضاء
العضونسبة النجاح
ابو فافي100%
أبو كري100%
وعد عبد الباقي100%
طالبه بالجامعه2100%
كلـــ امل ـــي100%
ثلجة حمرا100%
أبو يزيد 1100%
اجمل طموح100%
شذى الورد 22100%
Om LaYaL100%
محبة الإنجلش100%
كويزات مشابهة
كويز 28 سؤال غير مكرر لمادة النقد الادبي
اسئلة تتعلق بالمحاضرة 8
ادارة عامة الفصل الخامس
مراجعة الفصل السابع [ مبادئ الإدارة المالية ]
مصطلحات محاسبة الإدارة والتكاليف
كويز الجانب التطبيقي من النحول التطبيقي 3 لعام 1438 الجزء الثاني
الفصل الاول الادارة العامة
قضايا ثقافية معاصرة المحاضرة السادسة
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# اسئلة الاختبار النهائي برامج الحاسب المكتبية الفصل الاول لعام 1435 (9534)
جميع الحقوق محفوظة ckfu.org.

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