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اسئلة اختبار أدب الأطفال الفصل الثاني للعام 1436-1437 هـ د. بسام أبو زيد
[أسئلة اختبار - أدب الأطفال - د. بسام أبو زيد]
اسئلة اختبار أدب الأطفال الفصل الثاني للعام 1436-1437 هـ د. بسام أبو زيد
عدد الأسئلة: 50
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1) Children's literature is traced back to stories and songs, part of a wider
a) adults tradition
b) juvenile literature
c) oral tradition
d) published books
2) Which centuries are known to be as the Golden Age of Children's Literature?
a) Early and late twentieth century
b) The classic period
c) Late seventeenth and early eighteenth centuries
d) Late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries
3) ............... is considered to be the first illustrated children's book.
a) Woodcut
b) Struwwelpeter
c) Orbis Pictus
d) Hercules
4) Chromolithography is ................... in a children's books.
a) a way of engraving pictures
b) a way of refining children's books process
c) a way of making multi-colored prints
d) a way of illustrating children's books
5) As anywhere in the world follows the same basic path, all children's literature begins with ............
a) spoken stories, songs, and poems
b) written stories, songs, and poems
c) well established stories, songs and poems
d) educational stories, songs and poems
6) Perhaps the original source of the stories . The Arabian Nights was ....................
a) Egyptian mythology
b) Greek mythology
c) India
d) Aesops Fables
7) One example of oral stories that would've been enjoyed by children is the tale of .................
a) Jatakas from India
b) Panchatantra from India
c) The Asurik Tree from Persia
d) Odyssey from Greek mythology
8) Russia's earliest children's books, primers, appeared around 1500s. An early example is ................... , published in 1571.
a) Le Morte d'Arthur
b) Aesop's Fables
c) ABC-Book
d) The Facetious Nights of Straparola
9) What do we call the pocket-sized pamphlets that were often folded instead of being stitched, and were published in Britain?
a) Chapbooks
b) Primers
c) ABC-Books
d) Canterbury Tales
10) Which of the following is considered to be the first picture book produced specifically for children
a) Pentamerone
b) The Pilgrim;s Progress
c) Spiritual Milk for Babes
d) Orbis Pictus
11) Children's literature boomed during the 1800s for several reasons. One of them is .......
a) The availability and affordability of paper and printing
b) The appearance of fantasy literature
c) Noble Prize winners
d) The Chinese Revolution
12) Lewis Carroll's fantasy ............ appeared in 1865 in England. It is considered the first "English masterpiece written for children".
a) Tom Sawyer
b) The Butterfly's Ball
c) Alice's Adventures in Wonderland
d) The Adventures of Pinocchio
13) The first Italian fantasy novel was ............... , which was translated many times.
a) The Harry Potter Series
b) Giovanni's Facetious Nights of Straparola
c) Orbis Pictus
d) The Adventures of Pinocchio
14) The Wonderful Wizard of Oz is .............. book. It is one of its most famous books in 1900.
a) An American children's
b) A French children's
c) An English children's
d) A German children's
15) Poetry in the form of ................ is often the first literature presented to a child.
a) Simplified books
b) Syllabi
c) Nursery rhymes
d) Nursery schools
16) Mother Goose's Melody is collection of fairy tales written by .................
a) Charles Perrault
b) Giovannis
c) Lewis Carroll
d) Harry Potter
17) ................. , John Newbery's English-language adaptation of Charles Perrault's collection of fairy tales, brought short-verse nursery rhymes into English for the first time.
a) Mother Goose's Melody
b) Original Poems for Infant Minds
c) Rhymes for the Nursery
d) The Star
18) In "Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star", the line " Up above the world so high " implies ...................
a) flying high in the sky
b) the difference of social classes
c) a wish to observe the world from a high position
d) the possibility of a rising star
19) In "Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star" , the figure of speech in " Then you show your little light, is a ........
a) Metaphor
b) Alliteration
c) Simile
d) Anaphora
20) The most reasonable definition of the word "star" in "Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star light, is a ..........
a) A heavenly object
b) A distinguished figure
c) A lyric about little child
d) A distinguished lullaby
21) The writer of this poem is ...............
a) Brothers Grimm
b) Thomas Hughes
c) Robert Louis Stevenson
d) Ann Taylor
22) The figure of speech in "She walks among the meadow grass" is ...........
a) personification
b) simile
c) irony
d) metaphor
23) What is the rhyme scheme of this stanza?
a) aabb
b) aaaa
c) abba
d) abab
24) Who is the writer of this poem? .............
a) Brothers Grimm
b) Thomas Hughes
c) Robert Louis Stevenson
d) Ann Taylor
25) What is the title of this poem?
a) The Cow
b) Bed and Birds
c) Bed in Summer
d) The Apple Tart
26) The poem is from the perspective of .............. who is not very happy about having to go to sleep during summer .
a) a mother
b) a father
c) a child
d) a writer
27) What is the figure of speech in "I have to go to bed and see"? ................
a) simile
b) alliteration
c) metaphor
d) anaphora
28) What are the kind of stories passed on from one person to another by word of mouth?
a) Drama
b) Folktales
c) Novels
d) Epics
29) A .............. is a type of short story that typically features folkloric fantasy characters, such as goblins, elves, trolls, dwarves, giants, mermaids, or gnomes, and usually magic or enchantments.
a) fairytale
b) folktale
c) poem
d) legend
30) Cinderella is a good example of a ................
a) folktale
b) legend
c) fairytale
d) long poem
31) ................. are the characters who do not change in the course of the story i.e. stereotypes and foils.
a) Flat characters
b) Round characters
c) Dynamic characters
d) Static Characters
32) What do we call the sequence of events showing characters in action?
a) Plot
b) Point of view
c) Character
d) Setting
33) ............. relies on a reference to something in our common understanding, our past, or our literature.
a) Hyperbole
b) Style
c) Allusion
d) Symbol
34) ............................. is something that operates on two levels of meaning, the literal and the figurative levels.
a) Theme
b) Imagery
c) Hyperbole
d) Symbol
35) Besides the clear warning about talking to strangers, there are many interpretations of the classic fairy tale, Little Red Riding Hood, and many of them are ...............
a) Political
b) Experimental
c) Social
d) Natural Cycles
36) Some people who are .......... do not like this story, Little Red Riding Hood, and say that it does not show women in a good way.
a) romanticism
b) socialists
c) feminists
d) linguists
37) The Goose Girl is ............ fairy tale
a) French
b) German
c) English
d) Arab
38) What is the moral of the story Sleeping Beauty?
a) Love and goodness conquer all.
b) Don't talk to strangers.
c) Don't send your child into the woods alone.
d) Listen to your mother.
39) ............. it is a traditional tale of two children, who die and are covered with leaves by robins.
a) Little Red Riding Hood
b) Babes in the Wood
c) The Goose Girl
d) The Sleeping Beauty
40) "Simpleton married the youngest and sweetest princess, and after her father's death became king, and his two brothers received the two other sisters." This is the end of ...............
a) The Queen Bee
b) Babes in the Wood
c) The Goose Girl
d) The Sleeping Beauty
41) Mister Antonio is an elderly carpenter. He finds the log that eventually becomes Pinocchio, planning to make it .......
a) A toy
b) Pinocchio
c) A table leg
d) A writing board
42) The children call Antonio "Mastro Cherry" because of his red .............
a) Hummer
b) Hat
c) House
d) Nose
43) Pinocchio is a naughty, pine-wood marionette who gains wisdom through a series of ................ which lead him to becoming a real human as reward for his good deeds.
a) Victories
b) Misadventures
c) Misbehavior
d) Misunderstandings
44) ............ wrote the first Italian fantasy novel, The Adventures of Pinocchio, between 1881 and 1883 .
a) Rudyard Kipling's
b) J. M. Barrie
c) Carlo Lorenzini
d) Lewis Carroll
45) The Cricket comes back as ......... to continue advising the puppet.
a) a ghost
b) a dog
c) a donkey
d) a bird
46) Jiminy the cricket is assigned to be Pinocchio's .............. by the Blue Fairy.
a) Punishment
b) Conscience
c) Nose
d) Enemy
47) The Blue Fairy is the one who fulfills "Gepetto's wish, transforms Pinocchio into a living creature, and later into ..........
a) an old man
b) a real boy
c) a ghost
d) a man
48) Unconditional love, the meaning of being human, and determination of what is right and wrong. All of these are.........
a) The settings
b) The plot
c) The events
d) The themes
49) The Blue Fairy came from the wishing ................, and granted Pinocchio life because Geppetto wished for it to be so.
a) Ball
b) Valley
c) Star
d) Cave
50) The series Giannettino, for example, often referred to the .......
a) unification of Greece
b) unification of Irish
c) unification of Italy
d) unification of England
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اسئلة اختبار أدب الأطفال الفصل الثاني للعام 1436-1437 هـ د. بسام أبو زيد
[أسئلة اختبار - أدب الأطفال - د. بسام أبو زيد]
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