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اسئلة اختبار أدب الأطفال الفصل الثاني للعام 1435-1436 هـ د. بسام أبو زيد
[أسئلة اختبار - أدب الأطفال - د. بسام أبو زيد]
اسئلة اختبار أدب الأطفال الفصل الثاني للعام 1435-1436 هـ د. بسام أبو زيد
عدد الأسئلة: 48
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1) Read the following poems , and then answer the questions below: Hold fast to dreams For if dreams die Life is a broken-winged bird That cannot fly. Hold fast to dreams For when dreams go Life is a barren field Frozen with snow. What is the rhyme scheme of this poem?__________.
a) aabbccdd
b) ababcdcd
c) abcbadcd
d) abbacdef
2) Who is the writer of this poem? ________.
a) Robert Louis Stevenson
b) Langston Hughes
c) Thomas Hughes
d) Brothers Grimm
3) One of the best themes for this poem, Dreams, is that ___________________.
a) Our dreams give our lives meaning and purpose
b) Our dreams can be frozen
c) Our dreams give us depression and sadness
d) Our dreams make us hopeless and desperate
4) The figure of speech in "Life is a barren field" is ____________________.
a) Simile
b) Personification
c) Irony
d) Metaphor
5) The figure of speech in "For if dreams die" is___________________.
a) Simile
b) alliteration
c) Metaphor
d) Irony
6) "Hold fast to dreams" give us the meaning that ________________.
a) We should never give up on our hopes and dreams
b) We should hold tight to our human behaviors
c) We should hold fast to our life
d) We should not be afraid of death
7) What is the rhyme scheme of this poem?
a) aabbccdd
b) ababcdcd
c) abcbadcd
d) abbacdef
8) What is the title of this poem ?
a) Bed in Summer by Robert Louis Stevenson
b) The star by June Taylor
c) The Cow by Robert Louis Stevenson
d) Dreams By Langston Hughes
9) In 1744 , Englishman ________ published A Little Pretty Pocket-Book. It is considered a landmark for the beginning of pleasure reading marketed specifically to children.
a) Brothers Grimm
b) Thomas Hughes
c) John Newbery
d) Ann Tyalor
10) ________, a movement concerned with reforming both education and literature for children around 1768.
a) Naturalism
b) Fanaticism
c) Modernism
d) Philanthropism
11) What helped in spreading books, including those for children, around the globe?
a) Indian magazines
b) European colonization
c) Noble Prize winners
d) The Chinese Revolution
12) Alice's Adventures in Wonderland fantasy appeared in 1865 in England.
a) John Newbery
a) Harry potter
c) Lewis Carroll
d) Nandalal Bose
13) The Wonderful Wizard of Oz is ________ book. It is one of its most famous books in 1900.
a) An American children's
b) A frecnch children's
c) An English children's
d) A German children's
14) Poetry in the form of ____________ is often the first literature presented to a child.
a) Simplified books
b) Syllabi
c) Nursery rhymes
d) Nursery schools
15) ________wrote the first Italian fantasy novel, The Adventures of Pinocchio, which was translated many times.
a) Rudyard Kipling's
b) J. M. Barrie
c) Carlo Collodi
d) Lewis Carroll
16) People often label ________ as the Golden Age of Children's Literature in Russia.
a) the 1920s
b) the 1950s
c) the 1940s
d) the 1930s
17) The figure of speech in " And blown by all the winds that pass " is _____________
a) Simile
b) Personification
c) alliteration
d) anaphora
18) Modern children's literature is classified in two different ways ________.
a) adults tradition of oral tradition
a) genre or the intended age of the reader
c) intended age of education of the reader
d) published books of genre
19) The late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries are known to be as ________.
a) a moral and religious children's message
b) a classic period
c) classic children's tales
d) Golden Age of Children's Literature
20) Dictionaries and encyclopedias are ________.
a) Included in children's literature
b) Excluded from children's literature
c) Included with researchers in children's literature
d) Excluded from Orbis Pictus
21) ____________ are stories passed on from one person to another by word of mouth .
a) Drama
b) Folktales
c) Novels
d) Epic
22) A ___________ is a type of short story that typically features folkloric fantasy characters, such as fairies, goblins, elves, trolls, dwarves, giants, mermaids, or gnomes, and usually magic or enchantments.
a) Fairytale
b) Folktale
c) Poem
d) Legend
23) Cinderella is a good example of a _____________ .
a) Folktale
b) Legend
c) Fairytale
d) Long poem
24) ________________ often involve and quests, their event occur outside the ordinary laws that operate within the universe
a) legend
b) fairytale
c) folktale
d) fantasy stories
25) "Alice in Wonderland" is a fantasy that ___________________________.
a) Stats in the real word and moves into a fantasy word.
b) Begins and ends in a fantasy word.
c) Is set in the real word but elements of magic intrude upon it .
d) Has no reality at all.
26) Why do writers use the fantasy genre? Because ______________________.
a) It is confined to the Boundaries of the word
b) It limits possibilities
c) It can open possibilities
d) Its provides normal and old perspective on the real word
27) Who is responsible for group of tales called Mother Goose ?
a) Brothers Grimm
b) Charles Perrault
c) Mark Twain
d) John Bunyan
28) ____________ Sequence of events showing characters in action.
a) Plot
b) Point of view
c) Character
d) Setting
29) In The Queen Bee, who went looking for the two brothers?
a) Their father
b) Their brother
c) The family dwarf
d) The Bee
30) The best-known version of Little Red Riding Hood is by __________ and dates from the 19th century ( 1800s).
a) The Brothers Grimm
b) Charles Perrault
c) John Bunyan
d) Edward Burnett Taylor
31) Some people who are ________ do not like this story, Little Red Riding Hood, and say that it does not show women in a good way.
a) Romanticism
b) Socialists
c) Feminists
d) Linguists
32) What is the moral of the story Sleeping Beauty ?
a) Love and goodness conquer all.
b) Don't talk to strangers.
c) Don't send your child into the woods alone.
d) Listen to your mother.
33) Russia's earliest children's books, primers, appeared around 1500s. An early example is _______________, published by in 1571
a) Le Morte d'Arthur
b) Aesop's Fables
c) ABC-Book
d) The Facetious Nights of Straparola
34) Alice's Adventures in Wonderland is written by _______________
a) Tom Sawyer
b) Harry Potter
c) Lewis Carroll
d) Charles Perrault
35) In "Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star", the line " Up above the world so high " implies _______.
a) flying high in the sky
b) the difference of social classes
c) a wish to observe the world from a high position
d) the possibility of a rising star
36) One of the top artists in the West illustrating for children was ________.
a) Kay Nielson
b) Panchatantra
c) Randolph Caldecott
d) Nandalal Bose
37) __________ mainly in England and North America, also played a major role in developing writing for children by publishing books intended to teach children to read and to instruct them in religious teachings.
a) Puritans
b) Christian
b) Muslims
c) Catholic
38) exaggeration used for humor or to make a point
a) allusion
b) understatement
c) hyperbole
d) symbol
39) Pinocchio written by ___________
a) Rudyard Kipling's
b) J. M. Barrie
c) Carlo Collodi
d) Lewis Carroll
40) Besides the clear warning about talking to strangers, there are many interpretations of the classic fairy tale, Little Red Riding Hood, and many of them are ___________.
a) Political
b) Experimental
c) Social
d) Natural cycle
41) Who is the author of the Odyssey
a) Hesiod
b) Homer
c) Aesop
d) Daniel Kline
42) _____________ is considered to be the first illustrated children's book.
a) Woodcut
b) Struwwelpeter
c) Orbis Pictus
d) Hercules
43) The first illustrated children's book is considered to be Orbis Pictus which was published in 1658 by the Moravian author ________.
a) Joyce Whalley
b) Comenius
c) Byzantine Egyptian
d) Seth Lere
44) What is the figure of speech in "Like a diamond in the sky."? ________.
a) Simile
b) alliteration
c) irony
d) anaphora
45) ________ sparked the publication in Chicago of one of its most famous books in 1900, which was The Wonderful Wizard of Oz.
a) American children's literature
b) American Library Association
c) children's books
dd) Scholarship
46) ________ divides children's literature in Europe during 500-1400 into five genres: Didactic and Moral, Conduct-related, Educational, Religious, and Popular.
a) Homer
a) Aesop
c) Nandalal Bose
d) Daniel Kline
47) Twinkle can also be known as :"shine on", which means ________.
a) "continue succeeding."
b) “ stop succeeding”
cc) “ falls down “
dd) “ goes up”
48) One of the first uses of Chromolithography a way of ______________
a) making multi-colored prints
b) repeating the same images
c) refining children's books
d) translating children's books
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اسئلة اختبار أدب الأطفال الفصل الثاني للعام 1435-1436 هـ د. بسام أبو زيد
[أسئلة اختبار - أدب الأطفال - د. بسام أبو زيد]
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