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التسجيل الكويزاتإضافة كويزمواعيد التسجيل التعليمـــات المجموعات  

الترجمة التتابعيه ابوبكر 9+10
[أسئلة مراجعة - الترجمة التتابعيه - د.احمد حليمة]
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاتة موفقين جميعـآ
عدد الأسئلة: 18
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1) 9TH LECTURE 46. For most of the twentieth century, nearly all training programs and institutions were geared top spoken-language interpreting in multilingual ………………….settings.
. Local
2) 47. A lasting tradition of training was established by……..
Greek scholars
First generation teachers of interpreting
3) 48. This first generation teachers of interpreting established the tradition by …………….
Writing a catalog
4) 49. Apprenticeship is the transfer of know-how and professional knowledge from master to student, mainly by exercise modelled on ………………..tasks.
a. Virtual
b. Real life
5) 50. This was promoted by the Paris School of AIIC and reaffirmed that Apprenticeship was a good one for training interpreter especially at ………….level.
6) 51. As the certainties of the Paris School paradigm came to be questioned in the 1980s, calls for a more ……………….approach were also made for interpreter training.
7) 52. Representatives of the cognitive process-oriented paradigm have applied their models to skill training for interpreters, highlighting aspects such as…….
a. Component skills
b. Strategies, processing capacity management
c. The development of expertise
d. All true
8) 53. Alongside a scientific approach centred on processing-skill components and stages of expertise, …………………..approach to curriculum foregrounds the personal and social aspects of instruction interaction and the process of socialising student into a ‘community of professional practice’.
a. A humanistic
b. A religious
9) 54. Thus concepts such as ‘situated cognition’ ‘reflective practice, and ‘cognitive apprenticeship can be used to ……………….a more student-oriented and interaction-oriented refinement of established interpreter training practices.
10) 10ST LECTURE 55. Depending on the level and duration of a given training programme, candidates for interpreter training are expected to have a competence profile of some traits. One of these traits is (knowledge). It means the knowledge of …..
a. Languages
b. World
c. Both
d. Neither
11) 56. Another trait is (cognitive skills). They relate to…..
a. Analysis
b. Attention
c. Memory
d. All applies
12) 57. Another trait is (personality traits) which include…..
a. Stress tolerance
b. Intellectual curiosity
c. Both
d. Neither
13) 58. A variety of procedures have been adopted by different institutions to test candidates for knowledge, skills and personal qualities which are considered necessary to successfully acquire professional competence in interpreting. This is called….
a. Aptitude testing
b. Comprehensive testing
14) 59. For conference interpreting, traditional examination methods include holistic communicative task such as……………
a. Bilingual or multilingual interview
b. Impromptu speech production
c. Oral summary rendition in another language
d. All true
15) 60. These procedures have been criticized for…………….
a. Being quite subjective
b. Lack of validity and reliability
c. High cost
d. A and B
16) 61. Another type is the use of translation tasks such as
a. Written translation
b. Sight translation
c. Written summary in another language
d. All possible
17) 62. Personality traits could be summarized as follows:
a. Motivation and learning style
b. Coping with physical as well as emotional stress.
c. The ability to grasp rapidly and to convey the meaning of spoken discourse
d. All true
18) 63. Another trait of personality traits is doing well at ……………..detection tests as well as ‘subskills-based text of verbal fluency and comprehension.
a. Recall
b. Cloze
c. Error
d. All true
معلومات حول الكويز
الترجمة التتابعيه ابوبكر 9+10
[أسئلة مراجعة - الترجمة التتابعيه - د.احمد حليمة]
تفاصيل أخرى:
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاتة موفقين جميعـآ
تم حل الكويز 831 مرة بنسبة نجاح 79%
القسم: E8
مناقشة الكويز: الترجمة التتابعيه ابوبكر 9+10
معلومات صاحب الكويز
حفيدة شاعر

قام بانشاء 29 كويز
كويزات العضو
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شرقاوي كيوت100%
ammar hamad100%
أم فرح وقمر100%
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فيصل عسيري100%
nona b100%
حسن آل مبارك100%
ام دااانه100%
كويزات مشابهة
علم اللغة النفسي / المحاضرة الثالثة عشر + الرابعة عشر
الترجمه التتابعيه ابوبكر 7+8
اسئله أبو بكر (4-5) النقد الادبي
النقد الادبي- المحاضرة الثامنة
علم اللغة النفسي / المحاضره التاسعة + العاشرة
الترجمة التتابعيه ابوبكر 11+12+13
النقد الادبي (6-7)
واجب علم الاجتماع الطبي
المحاضره الثانية عشر مقرر قضايا ثقافيه ومعاصره ( للفاروق )
كويز مقرر تقويم المشروعات الاجتماعية
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# اسئلة الاختبار النهائي برامج الحاسب المكتبية الفصل الاول لعام 1435 (9534)
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