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الترجمة التتابعيه ابوبكر 11+12+13
[أسئلة مراجعة - الترجمة التتابعيه - د.احمد حليمة]
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته موفقين جميعـآ
عدد الأسئلة: 28
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1) 11ST LECTURE 64. While the trend to carry out transaction in business, politics, arts, and science on a world-wide scale could be assumed to boost the role of interpreters in international communication, ……………………..as a lingua franca largely offsets this potential need.
a. The spread of French
b. The spread of English
2) 65. As much as the official language policy, and interpreting policy, of the EU will preserve Europe’s heritage as the heartland of multilateral conference interpreting, the spread of ……………………is likely to shrink the market for conference interpreters there as well.
International English
3) 66. At the same time , the related trend of ……………………makes more international (usually English) informational input available to more local and diverse recipients (as in the case of ‘glocalized’ training of sales personnel).
a. Globalization
b. Localization
4) 67. This trend tends to sustain the need for conference interpreting services, either in bilingual meetings involving English and the local language, or in events with asymmetrical language arrangement. Asymmetrical means…..
a. (One-to-many)
b. (One-to-one)
5) 68. The former case highlights the role of ……………..interpreting, not only in the tradition liaison mode but especial in the simultaneous mode (including simultaneous dialog interpreting) for which the implications of A-to-B interpreting have yet to be addressed more fully.
a. Multi-lateral
b. Bilateral
c. Both
6) 69. In the case of meetings with only English spoken on the floor and interpreted into a range of languages, more fundamental issues of …………………..where interpreters may be ‘relegated to mere localisers of dominant ideologies’.
a. Power relations
b. Cultural adaptation
c. Both
7) 70. The increasing presence of China and other Asian countries on the international stage and diverse developments in these countries tend to have some …………………..implications for interpreting practice and interpreting studies.
a. Broader
b. Narrower
8) 71. These broader implications include……
a. The enormous quantitative growth potential for the profession
b. More pronounced cross-cultural,
c. Not least ideological differences
d. All true
9) 72. Also, one of these implications is particularly ………………challenges which are likely to give rise a more prominent role in interpreting research to specialists in linguistics, foreign language teaching and bilingual studies.
a. Cross-linguistics
b. Bilingual
10) 73. Globalization is also applied to movement or migration of people which manifests itself in increasingly ………………..diverse societies.
a. Multi-ethnic
b. Linguistically
c. Both
11) 74. Public institutions in host countries, for example, tend to need intercultural communication or polices to ensure access regardless of…………….
a. Language
b. Cultural background
c. Either
12) 75. The ………….of interpreting and interpreters could be manifested in identifying new training needs , developing new policies and carrying out ‘action research’ on issues such as student selection and assessment as well as new methods of instruction.
a. Problem
b. Role
13) LECTURE 12 76. 50 years after……………., advances in telecommunications and digital data processing technology began to usher in development which stand profoundly transform the way interpreting is practiced in the twenty-first century.
14) 77. The most visible manifestation of ‘the technologizing of interpreting’, is to ……………interpreting in international conference settings and videoconferences.
15) 78. Its effect on simultaneous interpreters’ working conditions and on the profession in general will be a focus of research for years to come, with issues such as…………….. requiring particular attention.
a. Stress
b. Visual access and p
c. Psycho-social factors
d. All true
16) 79. In communication involving deaf and hearing-impaired people, the increasing availability of ……………telecommunications equipment is likely to facilitate remote interpreting arrangement.
17) 80. More efficient technologies for converting speech to text, and written input into spoken output, may favor the use of ……………..communication and make interpreters redundant.
a. Internet-based
b. Script-based
18) 81. The role of technology tend to have strong repercussions on interpreter……………..
a. Point of view
b. Training
19) 82. Furthermore, interpreting researchers will also benefit from the availability of new equipment and tools to enhance the efficiency of empirical data …………..
a. Collection
b. Analysis
c. Both
20) LECTURE 13 83. To take one’s first steps towards the goal of completing an interpreting research project, one needs to follow some steps. The first step is that you need to gain………………….. of the territory of interpreting.
An overview
21) 84. The next step is that it is vital to find your bearings and reflect on your …………….that is, where you stand with regard to both your professional and you institutional (academic ) environment.
Point of view
22) 85. The next step is that these contextual factors, including the prevailing research paradigms as well as your relevant personal experience, will largely determine underlying ………….. or theory, or interpreting.
. Mode
23) 86. The next step is that you should be able to choose a research ……………that interests you.
24) 87. The next step is that the reading process will help you formulate a specific ………………and consider ways in which might be addressed.
a. Research question
b. Survey
25) 88. The next step is making your basic stance as …………..as possible for yourself, and for others, is an important step after all because it largely informs the way you will design and implement your study.
a. Implicit
b. Explicit
26) 89. The next step is deciding on a………………, for instance, may not mean the same to someone testing a causal hypothesis in a laboratory as it does to someone wishing to understand how participant behave in a real-life event.
a. Research samples
b. Research design
27) 90. The next step is that it is important to know how to …………..your study.
a. Plan
b. Organize
d. A and B
28) 91. The next step is……….
a. How to implement your research design by collecting , processing and analysing various types of data
b. How to evaluate and interpret your findings in relation to the research question and the underlying theoretical framework
c. How to report on you study in an appropriate way, be in the form of a conference presentation. A journal article or an academic thesis.
d. All of the above in the mentioned order.
معلومات حول الكويز
الترجمة التتابعيه ابوبكر 11+12+13
[أسئلة مراجعة - الترجمة التتابعيه - د.احمد حليمة]
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السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته موفقين جميعـآ
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مناقشة الكويز: الترجمة التتابعيه ابوبكر 11+12+13
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