عرض مشاركة واحدة
قديم 2018- 10- 4   #3
3zf aljro7
أكـاديـمـي مـشـارك
الصورة الرمزية 3zf aljro7
الملف الشخصي:
رقم العضوية : 236250
تاريخ التسجيل: Wed Aug 2015
المشاركات: 3,534
الـجنــس : أنـثـى
عدد الـنقـاط : 352674
مؤشر المستوى: 423
3zf aljro7 has a reputation beyond repute3zf aljro7 has a reputation beyond repute3zf aljro7 has a reputation beyond repute3zf aljro7 has a reputation beyond repute3zf aljro7 has a reputation beyond repute3zf aljro7 has a reputation beyond repute3zf aljro7 has a reputation beyond repute3zf aljro7 has a reputation beyond repute3zf aljro7 has a reputation beyond repute3zf aljro7 has a reputation beyond repute3zf aljro7 has a reputation beyond repute
بيانات الطالب:
الكلية: الآداب
الدراسة: انتساب
التخصص: انجليزي
المستوى: المستوى السادس
 الأوسمة و جوائز  بيانات الاتصال بالعضو  اخر مواضيع العضو
3zf aljro7 غير متواجد حالياً
رد: طرق البحث وتصميم الأبحاث - الخميس 6/4/1440 - الفترة الأولى


1- Think of a research idea. How are you going to conduct this research? Which methodology and data collection instrument are you going to use? Why؟

A particular procedure for accomplishing or approaching something, esp. a systematic or established one.

Quantitative: you collect data through some tools and you quantify them
Qualitative: you collect data through some tools and you explain and discuss, argue, hypothesis and philosophy them.

2- Why should we include Appendices in the research paper if it is not an essential part of the text itself?
which may be helpful in providing a more comprehensive understanding of the research problem or it is information that is too cumbersome to be included in the body of the paper

3- Think of a research idea where you are going to use Observation Studies. What are the strategies that you are going to use?
Observation studies are involved in both quantitative and qualitative research methods.
some strategies: using rating scale, defining the behavior, rated by two or more individual, train the rate

4- Give three different examples of research results where there are positive correlation, negative correlation and no correlation.
positive correlation: weight with length
negative correlation: Tiredness with sleep hours
no correlation: Shoe size with sleep hours

5. Give two different examples of cross-sectional survey and longitudinal survey.
cross-sectional survey: administer a questionnaire on broadband usage among 500 university students for information dissemination using research network
longitudinal survey: In longitudinal surveys, data collection is done at different points of time to observe the changes.

6. Give three different research examples where you can use face-to-face interviews, telephone interviews, and Computer Assisted Personal Interviewing.

face-to-face interviews: to explore and uncover deep-seated emotions, motivations and attitudes.
telephone interviews: Reporters conduct a telephone interview as part of investigative journalism or a live broadcast.
Computer Assisted Personal Interviewing: the interviewer brings along a laptop or hand‐held computer to enter the information directly into the database.

7- What do we mean by Reliability and Validity in quantitative research?

Reliability is the extent to which an experiment, test, or any measuring procedure yields the same result on repeated trials.
Validity refers to the degree to which a study accurately reflects or assesses the specific concept that the researcher is attempting to measure.

8. Give of a research idea where you can use qualitative research methodology.

Qualitative Research is also used to uncover trends in thought and opinions, and dive deeper
into the problem. Qualitative data collection methods vary using unstructured or semi-
structured techniques. some common methods include focus groups (group discussions)
individual interviews, and participatation l observations

9. Think of a qualitative research idea. Which qualitative method would be most suitable for it? Why ؟

Qualitative Research Methods : Ethnography , Phenomenology , Narrative Inquiry , Grounded Theory , case study

10. What is the different between in-depth-interviews and focus group interviews ؟

ln depth interviews want to ask open ended questions that elicit depth of information from
relatively few people focus group discussions:are a qualitative data collection method

11. Which is more important: research ethics or research objectives? Why؟

research ethics, because Professional ethics deals with additional issues such as collaborative relationships among researchers, mentoring relationships, intellectual property, fabrication of data, and plagiarism, among others

12. What should you tell your research participants before conducting interviews with them ?

Everyone who participates in your study should have freely consented to participation, without being coerced or unfairly pressurised. This means they should be well-informed about what participation entails, and reassured that declining will not affect any services they receive.

13- Summarise the main difference and similarities between qualitative and quantitative research?

Quantitative: surveys, provide observed, number-based, less in-depth but more breadth of information, fixed response, statistical option, depend on the measurement, more generalizable
Qualitative: focus group, describe problem, text-based, more in-depth information, unstructured, no statistical tests, depend on skill, less generalizable

14. Think of a research idea. Write all the detail on how you intend to conduct it, including the research problem, methodology, data collection instruments, research ethics…etc.

Explain your methodological approach
Begin by introducing your overall approach to the research. What research problem or question did you investigate, and what kind of data did you need to answer it?
Quantitative methods (e.g. surveys) are best for measuring, ranking, categorizing, identifying patterns and making generalizations
Qualitative methods (e.g. interviews) are best for describing, interpreting, contextualizing, and gaining in-depth insight into specific concepts or phenomena
Mixed methods allow for a combination of numerical measurement and in-depth exploration
Depending on your discipline and approach, you might also begin with a discussion of the rationale and assumptions underpinning your methodology..!

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التعديل الأخير تم بواسطة 3zf aljro7 ; 2019- 11- 21 الساعة 09:49 PM