عرض مشاركة واحدة
قديم 2019- 1- 14   #6
متميزة في المستوى الثامن للغة الانجليزية
الصورة الرمزية Basma001
الملف الشخصي:
رقم العضوية : 244383
تاريخ التسجيل: Wed Dec 2015
المشاركات: 1,729
الـجنــس : أنـثـى
عدد الـنقـاط : 508634
مؤشر المستوى: 560
Basma001 has a reputation beyond reputeBasma001 has a reputation beyond reputeBasma001 has a reputation beyond reputeBasma001 has a reputation beyond reputeBasma001 has a reputation beyond reputeBasma001 has a reputation beyond reputeBasma001 has a reputation beyond reputeBasma001 has a reputation beyond reputeBasma001 has a reputation beyond reputeBasma001 has a reputation beyond reputeBasma001 has a reputation beyond repute
بيانات الطالب:
الكلية: كلية الاداب
الدراسة: انتساب
التخصص: انجليزي
المستوى: المستوى الثامن
 الأوسمة و جوائز  بيانات الاتصال بالعضو  اخر مواضيع العضو
Basma001 غير متواجد حالياً
رد: الترجمة التتابعية - الاثنين - 10 / 8 / 1440 - الفترة الثانية 🖌📖🌟

🦋 المناقشات 🦋
منقول من المذاكرة الجماعية ل ظل الحقيقة جزاها الله خير 🌟

Interpreting is normally regarded as a translational activity, as a special form of ‘Translation
Interpreting is an ancient human practice which clearly predates the invention of writing- and (written) translation
What distinguishes interpreting from other types of translational activity is its immediacy
In principle, interpreting is performed ‘here and now’ for the benefit of people who want to engage in communication across barriers of language and culture
In contrast to common usage of ‘interpreting ‘ as an oral translation’ or‘the oral rendering of spoken message’, Otto Kade, a self-taught interpreter and translation scholar at the University of Leipzig and as early as the 1960s defined interpreting as a form of translation in which The source-language text is presented only once and thus cannot be reviewed or replayed, and The target-language text is produced under time pressure, with little chance for correction and revision


interpreting could have the following key areas of theoretic framework
(The scope of the interpreter’s task (mainly production
The perspective on the translational process (target-oriented‘production’ rather than source-dependent ‘transfer; and
(The normative specification of the translation product (the assumption of ‘similarity’ in meaning or‘effect


Business interpreting where communities speaking different languages get in contact with each other for the purpose of trading and exchanging goods, or doing ‘business’.

Liaison Interpreting is a form of interpreting practiced mainly in commercial negotiations

Diplomatic Interpreting where the representatives of different linguistic and cultural communities came together with the aim of establishing and cultivating political relation.

Military interpreting is when relations turn sour between two conflicting armed communities, as when it happens in talks with allies forces in during World War II, truce negotiations or the interrogation of prisoners.

Court Interpreting : includes task like the certified translation of documents as well as interpreting in quasi-judicial and administrative hearings

(Sign language interpreting where it normally takes place in educational settings (educational interpreting

community interpreting or public Service interpreting (in the UK) and Cultural interpreting (in Canada) is where interpreting services are established to help immigrants function in the host society as it is an important intra-social communication need.

Media interpreting or Broadcasting interpreting which is mainly focused on TV interpreting.This is obvious with sign Language interpreting or even in case of war crime tribunal


Bilateral interpreting or dialogue interpreting is where interpreting is modelled as ‘three-party interaction’ with a (bilingual ) interpreter assuming the pivotal mediating role between two (monolingual)client.

Multilateral Communication Interpreting is as in conferences attended by delegates and representatives of various nations and institutions,mainly called Conference Interpreting

Conference Interpreting (for national or international organisation) is the most prominent manifestation in our time


Interpreting is used as a generic term to indicate to the use of spokenlanguage in particular, but due to the emergence of the sign languageInterpreting, it is now used as spoken-language interpreting to bedistinguished from signed Language interpreting or ‘interpreting forthe deaf.

(Signing could refer as well to (voice-to-sign interpreting’ orsign-to-sign interpreting ) as opposed ‘voicing’ or voice-overinterpreting’ (sign-to-voice interpreting

A special modality is used in communication with the deafblind,who monitor a signed message, including finger spelling,by resting their hands on the signer’s hands tactileinterpreting


While no hard and fast line can be drawn between short consecutive (as usedin dialogue interpreting) and the ‘classic form’ of consecutive implying therendition of at least five to ten minutes of uninterrupted discourse,consecutive interpreting skills are usually taken to be synonymous with thelatter and thus closely linked to note-taking skills



It is preliminary exercises that command prime attention in introducing students to the crucial task demand of simultaneity, perceived as the skill of listening and speaking at the same time, by way of ‘dual-task’ exercises

This involves a listening task in combination with a second, different task, such as simultaneously counting backwards or reading aloud

A specific exercise in simultaneous verbal processing is shadowing, which is the immediate repetition of auditory input in the same language with either minimal delay (‘phoneme shadowing) or at greater lateness (‘phrase shadowing

Much less controversial than shadowing have been preliminary exercises with a focus on content processing, such as simultaneous paraphrasing,shadowing tasks combined with cloze exercise, or simultaneous interpreting of well-known fairy tales

Beyond the first stage of training designed to familiarize students with the technique of SI, it is important to emphasis the need to focus on the process rather than the product, to teach strategies particularly for coping with lexical and structural difficulties, and to create a training environment that is as close to real-life condition as possible



Based on translation studies, the discipline of interpreting studies,with theoretical sub domains based on a list of situational variable

Varieties of interpreting (consecutive Vs simultaneous); the medium of interpreting (human, machine, computer aided interpreting); language combinations; culture combinations;area/institution interpreting (interpreting in court, in the media,etc..) text relations (text-type, degree of specialization , etc.); and partner relations (source-text producer Vs target-text addressee)

eight dimensions could be adopted to map out the theoretical territory of interpreting studies (i.e. Domains and dimensions of interpreting Theory, Pochdonkey, 20011):

Medium:human, machine,computer aided interpreting

Setting: international(multilateral conference, int.Organization, media,court, police, health care, etc...)

Mode: consecutive ,simultaneous whispered, sight

Language(culture)Spoken→conference language →migrant language

Discourse:speeches→debates→face-to face

Participants:equal representatives↔individual vs.institutional representatives

Interpreter:professional interpreter↔semi professional↔natural or lay man interpreter

Problem:simultaneity ↔memory ↔quality ↔stress↔effect↔ role


a humanistic approach
approach centred on processing-skill components and stages of expertise to curriculum foregrounds the personal and social aspects of instruction interaction and the process of socialising student into a ‘community of professional practice

Thus concepts such as ‘situated cognition’ ‘reflective practice, and‘cognitive apprenticeship can be used to underpin a more student-oriented and interaction-oriented refinement of established interpreter training practices


-general entry requirements for training interpreters
1. Knowledge (of language and the world)
2. Cognitive skills ( relating to analysis, attention and memory)
3. Personality traits ( including stress tolerance and intellectual curiosity)

aptitude testing for training interpreters
For conference interpreting, for example, traditional examination methods include holistic communicative task such as:
• Bilingual or multilingual interview
• Impromptu speech production
• And oral summary rendition in another language
Personality traits could be summarised as follows:
§ motivation and learning style
§ coping with physical as well as emotional stress.
§ the ability to grasp rapidly and to convey the meaning of spoken discourse

doing well at Recall, Cloze and Error detection tests as well as ―subskills-based text of verbal fluency and comprehension
A Screening procedure for training interpreters could be as follows; a five part written test for language proficiency and general knowledge, series of oral test, including written recall of a recorded passage, error detection and sight translation


There is a close relationship between globalization and interpreting studies. For international conference interpreting, itself an early example of a ‘global profession’, globalization is a mixed blessing. While the trend to carry out transaction in business, politics, arts, and science on a world-wide scale could be assumed to boost the role of interpreters in international communication, the spread of English as a lingua franca largely offsets this potential need. As much as the official language policy, and interpreting policy, of the EU will preserve Europe’s heritage as the heartland of multilateral conference interpreting, the spread of international English is likely to shrink the market for conference interpreters there as well


The most visible manifestation of ‘the technologizing of interpreting’,is to remote interpreting in international conference settings andvideoconferences

Its effect on simultaneous interpreters’ working conditions and on theprofession in general will be a focus of research for years to come,with issues such as stress, visual access and psycho-social factorsrequiring particular attention

In communication involving deaf and hearing-impaired people, the increasingavailability of audio-visual telecommunications equipment is likely to facilitate remoteinterpreting arrangement, whereas more efficient technologies for converting speech totext, and written input into spoken output, may favour the use of script-basedcommunication and make interpreters redundant

In the long term, advanced prosthetic technology (cochlear implant) made available toorimposed on- deaf people may well make the community of signed-language userseven more heterogeneous, and the market for sign language interpreters morefragmented

The role of technology tend to have strong repercussions on interpretertraining, including the need to introduce would-be interpreters to the efficientuse of state-of-the-art electronic equipment in and outside the booth; the needto prepare trainees for various types of remote interpreting arrangements; andthe deployment of digital training stations and web-based source-text archivesfor classroom instruction as well as self-study

Furthermore, interpreting researchers will also benefit from theavailability of new equipment and tools to enhance the efficiency ofempirical data collection and analysis

Fieldwork involving discourse data can rely on digital, and lessobtrusive, recording equipment and subsequent transcription will beaided by specialised software and speech recognition systems

This will also enhance the feasibility of applying corpus-linguisticmethods to large corpora of source, target and parallel texts fromauthentic interpreted

السؤال ما هي الخطوات التالية هو الأكثر أهمية في استكمال مشروع بحثي
هنا أنا أخترت

To have a ‘model’, or theory

# #14

هنا أكتبوا ايجابيات وسلبيات المنهج

التعديل الأخير تم بواسطة Basma001 ; 2019- 1- 14 الساعة 01:38 AM
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