الموضوع: كلية العلوم الصحية ارجوكم مُساعدة
عرض مشاركة واحدة
قديم 2013- 4- 29
بيانات الطالب:
الكلية: الاكاديميه
الدراسة: انتظام
التخصص: تمريض
المستوى: خريج جامعي
بيانات الموضوع:
المشاهدات: 936
المشاركـات: 0
الملف الشخصي:
رقم العضوية : 141062
تاريخ التسجيل: Mon Apr 2013
المشاركات: 1
الـجنــس : أنـثـى
عدد الـنقـاط : 50
مؤشر المستوى: 0
koko777 will become famous soon enough
 الأوسمة و جوائز  بيانات الاتصال بالعضو  اخر مواضيع العضو
koko777 غير متواجد حالياً
ارجوكم مُساعدة

اختباري للهيئه بعد كم يوم
بلييييييييز ابي حل هالكم سؤال الله يعافيكم

while teachingdiabetic patient to give himself insulin U should stress that injection shouldnot be given in any one spot more often than every

a.36 hr
b.one week
c. 2week

how long should the affected extremity be kept elevated after tha application of cast

a. until the cast dry/
b.for24 hr after castin

during labor a mother experienced dystocia which of the following should the nurse watch out for
a. fetal death
c.cord prolapse

in a nephritic syndrome aside from clinical manifestation what else can the patient complain upon consultation

12hour after delivery the fundus is at the level of

a. one fingerbreath below the umbilicus after 1-2 hour
b. one fingerbreath above the umbilicus
c at the level of the umbilicus

the most vital immediate observation to a new born

respiration rate

nursing measures that can be used to lower core body temperature include

a. immersing the pt in cold water
b.placing the pt on a hypothermic blanket

which of the following action is included in the principles of medical asepsis

a.maintain a sterile field
b. clean an environment until it is free from germs

a shool age clint admitted to the hospital because of decreased edma with glomerulonephritis..which of the following has highest priority

a. monitor intake and output every 12 hr
b. monitor the weight every 12 hr

for patient on thrombolytic therapy manual pressure must ba applied on the site punctures for at least

a.15 min
b. 10 min

pt with head injuries are not given sedative because drugs may:

A.depress the pt respiratino
B.mask the pt symptoms
c.lead to cerebral hemorrage
رد مع اقتباس