E5 English Literature Students Level Five Forum |
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أدوات الموضوع |
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#201 |
أكـاديـمـي ذهـبـي
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رد: نظرية الترجمة
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#202 |
متميزة بملتقى الطلاب والطالبات الترفيهي
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رد: نظرية الترجمة
هنا في ملفات إن شاء الله تستفيدون منها ومعها الـ 20
http://www.ckfu.org/vb/showthread.php?t=587257&page=2 |
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#203 |
مشرفة سابقة
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رد: نظرية الترجمة
جزاكِ الله خير شوق
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#204 |
متميزة بملتقى الطلاب والطالبات الترفيهي
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رد: نظرية الترجمة
المحاضرة الأولى
http://i.imgur.com/ehUerfB.jpg http://i.imgur.com/q3RmBWP.jpg http://i.imgur.com/NXq0O0l.jpg http://i.imgur.com/wYoXjOC.jpg http://i.imgur.com/u2rQV29.jpg البقية يبغى لها مراجعة من الملزمة |
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#205 |
متميزة بملتقى الطلاب والطالبات الترفيهي
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رد: نظرية الترجمة
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#206 |
متميزة بملتقى الطلاب والطالبات الترفيهي
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رد: نظرية الترجمة
معليش أعذروني تأخرت كثير اليوم عليكم ولدي عليه اختبار عشان كذا مادخلت بدري
المحاضرة الثانية أحسها مفهومة أهم شيء الجدول الفرق بين المحاور و المترجم في ملزمة مس هيفاء معرفة re-encoding & encoding الخصائص الرئيسة للمترجم مكونات الكفائة التواصلية للمترجم خطوات الترجمة لا تهملونها و لا تخلونها تشل تفكيركم مشوا في المادة و احفظوا اللي بعده و اللي يصعب عليكم خلوه في الأخير و شوي شوي تبدأون تفكون شفيرات نظرية الترجمة و تحسونها سهله هي بس يبغى لها تشغيل مخ و الدكتور كذا سؤال جابه بالمعنى بالموووت عرفت أحل السؤال و أهم شيء بالكم مايصير مشغول و انتم تحلون الاسئلة لأن كلمة تغير المعنى و لاحظوها بالأسئلة إللي حليتها بالملف وربي يوفقكم و يصير سهل و لايصعب عليكم و ولا علي صح نسيت لا أقول لكم حلو الكويزات تراها تثبت المعلومة بإذن الله |
التعديل الأخير تم بواسطة شوق@ ; 2014- 5- 13 الساعة 01:25 AM |
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#207 |
متميزة بملتقى الطلاب والطالبات الترفيهي
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رد: نظرية الترجمة
هنا حل الكويز
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#208 |
متميزة بملتقى الطلاب والطالبات الترفيهي
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رد: نظرية الترجمة
1- the origin of the word translation is ?
A- Latin B- English C- Arabic D- French 2- The origin of the word „translation‟ is the Latin word : a- 'translatus‟ which means „transferred‟. b- „translator ‟ which means „transferred‟ c- „transferred‟ which means „translatus‟ d- „translatus‟ which means „translation ‟ 3- The dictionary meaning of the English verb „to translate‟ is ….. a- translator ‟ which means „transferred‟ b- to express or be capable of being expressed in another language or dialect c- transferred‟ which means „translatus‟ d- „translatus‟ which means „translation 4- the dictionary meaning of the French verb to translate is ..... A-The origin of the word ‘translation’ is the Latin word ‘translatus’ which means ‘transferred’. B- „translatus‟ which means „translation ‟ C- it means ‘traduction’ as a noun and ‘a traduire’ as a verb D- ‘to translate’ is ‘ to express or be capable of being expressed in another language or dialect 1- defines translation as “the replacement of textual material in one language SL by equivalent textual material in another language TL”. A- Bell B- Newmark C- In the present sense D- Catford 2- defines it as “a craft consisting in the attempt to replace a written message and/or statement in one language by the same message and/or statement in another language”. A- Bell B- Newmark ~ 6 ~ 2013 ѕυℓтαη C- In the present sense D- Catford 3- as an ‘art’ especially when the scholars of last century were preoccupied with the translation of literary text as a pastime ; A- Bell one looks B- Newmark C- Bell two looks D- Catford 4- It as a ‘profession’ where the majority of translators are professionals engaged in making a living rather than a pastime. This is mainly clear in the translation of technical, medical, legal and administrative texts. A- Bell one looks B- Newmark C- Bell two looks D- Catford 5- translation is a ‘generic term used to refer to the process of rendering a text in one language into an equivalent text in another.’ A- Bell B- Newmark C- In the present sense D- Catford Being preoccupied with the translation of literary texts as a pastime activity, scholars of the last century looked at translation as ………………… a- a science b- a craft c- an art d- a profession 1- Translation is the replacement of a representation of a text in one language by a representation of an equivalent text in a second language.” A- Gerver B-bell C-nothing D- D- all of the above 2- “Translation is a generic term for the interlingual, sociolinguistic and cultural transfer for any message from one community to another through various modes of written, oral, or mechanical means or combinations thereof.” A-bell B- Etchnia Arjona (Gerver 1977) C- nothing D- all of the above 3- 11- which one of all the definitions of translation has more comprehensive which stress the dimension of semantic and stylistic equivalence in translation? a- Newmark's definition b- Juan's definition c- Catford's definition d- Bell's definition - What were the various modes did Ethnic Arjona mention in his definition of translation ? a- Written and oral. b- mechanical means c- combinations thereof d- all of the above 2- How can we achieve Equivalence in Translation? a- The semantic sense of each word and sentence. b- Its communicative value c- Its place in time and space. d- The information about the participants involved in its production and reception e- all of the above 3- Which one of the following we need to look in to achieve equivalence in translation when we are faced by a text- written or oral in a language ? a- The semantic sense of writer. b- Communication Point c- Its place in time and space are not important . d- The information about the participants involved in its production and reception 4- Using the Six Wh-Questions in looking for Equivalence in translating a text. (when ? - Is concerned with the ………….) a- purpose for which the text was issued b- manner of delivery c- time of communication realized in the text d- the mode of the discourse 5- Using the Six Wh-Questions in looking for Equivalence in translating a text. (Who ?- Is Refers to the ………….) a- the participants involved in the communication b- the sender c- the receiver d- all of the above 6- Is the message contained in the text, the content of the signal, the propositional content of the speech acts. A- why B- when C- what D- how 7- Orients us towards the intentions of the sender, the purpose for which the text was issued. A- why B- what C- when D- how 8- Is concerned with the time of communication realised in the text and setting it in its historical context; contemporary or set in recent or remote past or future. A- when B- why C- how D- what 9- manner of delivery: the tenor of the discourse; is it serious or ironic A-when B- How C-what D-why 10- medium of communication; the mode of the discourse : is it oral or written A-when B- How C-why D-what 11- Is concerned with the place of the communication; the physical location of speech event realised in the text. A- when B- why C- how D- Where 12- Refers to the participants involved in the communication; the sender and receiver(s). Both spoken and written reveal the characteristics of the speaker or writer as an individual. A- Who B-where C- how D- when 1- that in which the merit of the original work is so completely transfused into another language, as to be as distinctly apprehended, and as strongly felt, by a native of the country to which that language belongs, as it is by those who speak the language of the original work A- Good Translation According to Gerver B- Good Translation According to Bell C- all mistake D- all true 1- According to Bell, What is a Good Translation? a- that in which the merit of the original work is so completely transfused into another language b- as to be as distinctly apprehended, and as strongly felt, by a native of the country to which that language belongs. c- as it is by those who speak the language of the original work. d- all of the above 2- Three Laws of Good Translation are : ……. a- the a complete transcript of the ideas of the original work. b- the style and manner of writing should be of the same character with that of the original. c- the Translation should have all the ease of the original composition. d- all of the above 3- Good Translation should give ……… of the ideas of the original work. a- just a brief b- a complete transcript c- Summary d- outline 4-In a good Translation the style and manner of writing should be of the …… with that of the original. a- a few similarities b- completely different c- same character d- Little difference 5- 26- In a good Translation should have ……………of the original composition. a- all the mitigation b- all the ease c- alleviation - A more advanced definition of translation can be seen as……….. a- the process of translation and the product of translation. b- the process of translation and the product of that process c- the process of translation only . d- the product of process only. 2- The product of that process is …………………… a- the source text b- the text archives c- the translated text d- the archive History 3- "It is the abstract concept which encompasses both the process of translation and ……………" a- The methods of that process b- The ways of that process c- The process models d- the product of that process 4- Translating is the process or ………….. rather than the tangible object. a- stagnation b- activity c- deadlock d- indolence 5- The translated text is ……………………. a- The product of the process of transl b- the process of translating c- the translation d- none of all هذه اسئلة اختبروا معلوماتكم بعد المذاكرة إذا طلع عليكم ثلاث أخطاء اعرفوا انكم حذاكرتوا زيين و يحتاج لكم كويزات عشان تثبت المعلومة |
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#209 |
متميزة بملتقى الطلاب والطالبات الترفيهي
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رد: نظرية الترجمة
Bell نقدر نقول عنده ثلاث تعاريف للترجمة لاحظوها:
Bell==>art-->especially when the scholars of last century were preocupied with the translation of literary text as a pastime فن و هواية Bell==> profession-->where the majority of translators are professionals engaged in making a living rather than pastime مهنة و بغرض الحصول على لقمة العيشلكن التعريف المتقدم==> Advanced Definition The replacement of a represntation of a text in one language by a representation of an equivalent text in a second language هي استبدال صورة النص في لغة إلى صورته المماثلة في لغة أخرى |
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#210 |
متميزة بملتقى الطلاب والطالبات الترفيهي
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رد: نظرية الترجمة
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مواقع النشر (المفضلة) |
الذين يشاهدون محتوى الموضوع الآن : 1 ( الأعضاء 0 والزوار 1) | |
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الموضوع | كاتب الموضوع | المنتدى | مشاركات | آخر مشاركة |
[ كويز ] : نظرية المنظمات المحاضرة (11) | همة نحو القمه | إدارة أعمال 7 | 1 | 2014- 12- 28 05:01 PM |
[ كويز ] : نظرية المنظمات المحاضرة (10) | همة نحو القمه | إدارة أعمال 7 | 2 | 2014- 12- 28 02:17 PM |
[ كويز ] : نظرية المنظمات المحاضرة (9) | همة نحو القمه | إدارة أعمال 7 | 5 | 2014- 12- 28 01:40 PM |
[ كويز ] : نظرية المنظمات المحاضرة (8) | همة نحو القمه | إدارة أعمال 7 | 3 | 2014- 12- 28 07:50 AM |
[ كويز ] : نظرية المنظمات المحاضرة (7) | همة نحو القمه | إدارة أعمال 7 | 3 | 2014- 12- 28 12:14 AM |