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النقد الادبي لayosha م9
[أسئلة مراجعة - النقد الادبي لayosha م9 - فوزي سليسلي]
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عدد الأسئلة: 44
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1) who is Structuralism usually designates to
group of French thinkers
2) what were they influenced by
Ferdinand de Saussure’s theory of language
3) when were they active
the 1950s and 60s
4) what concepts did they apply
structural linguistics to the study of social and cultural phenomenon, including literature
5) where did Structuralism developed first
in anthropology with Claude Levi-Strauss
6) where did it develop after that
in literary and cultural studies with Roman Jackobson, Roland Barthes, Gerard Gennette
7) where did it develop after that
in Psychoanalysis with Jacques Lacan
8) where did it develop after the
Intellectual History with Michel Foucault and Marxist Theory with Louis Althusser.
9) what school did they form
these thinkers never formed a school but it was under the label “Structuralism”
10) when did their work circulate
their work circulated in the 1960s and 70s
11) what is structuralism interested in with literary studies
the conventions and the structures of the literary work (the text itself not the author)
12) structuralism does not seek to produce new interpretations of literary works , but what
understand and explain how these works can have the meanings and effects that they do
13) what is semiotics
the general science of signs the general study of signs in behaviour and communication that avoids philosophical speculation and cultural critiques that marked Structuralism.
14) who was Roland Barthes
one of the most prominent figures in French Structuralism
15) what was his work about
the function of the author in literature
16) "who wrote “The Death of the Author
Roland Barthes
17) where did he write it
his book Image, Music, Text
18) who translated his book
Stephen Heath
19) Barthes reminds the reader in this essay that the idea of the “author” is what
a modren invention
20) when did the author emerge
It emerged with English empiricism when society discovered the prestige of the individual,
21) Literature is tyrannically centred on what
the author, his life, person, tastes and passions
22) where is the explanation of a text sought
in the person who produced it
23) In ethnographic societies, the responsibility for a narrative is never assumed by a person but
by a mediator, a relator
24) where is the explanation of a work always sought
in the man or woman who produced it
25) who reigns supreme in histories of literature biographies of writers, interviews, magazines
the author
26) Literary criticism and literature in general are enslaved to
the author
27) The reader, the critic, the historian all read the text of literature only to try to discover
the author, his life, his personality, his biography, psychology etc.
28) Barthes proposes that literature and criticism dispose of
the author
29) what happens once the author is removed
the claim to decipher a text becomes quite futile
30) what happens to the professional critics who claims to be the guardian of the text
he looses his position. All readings become equal
31) what is Roland Barthes question
the traditional idea that the meaning of the literary text and the production of the literary text should be traced solely to a single author
32) Structuralism and Poststructuralism proved what
"that meaning is not fixed by or located in the author’s ‘intentioned
33) Barthes rejected the idea that literature and criticism should rely on what
“a single self-determining author, in control of his meanings, who fulfils his intentions and only his intentions
34) according to Roland Barthes, who speaks
it is language that speaks and not the author who no longer determines meaning
35) why does barthe want literature to move away from the idea of the author
to discover the reader, and more importantly, in order to discover writing
36) a text is not a message of an author but
“a multidimensional space where a variety of writings, none of them original, blend and clash.”
37) a text is made of what
multiple writings, drawn from many cultures and entering into mutual relations of dialogue, parody, contestation
38) who should be the focus of interpretation
the reader not the author
39) what doe we mean by the text is plural
“a tissue of quotations,” a woven fabric with citations, references, echoes, cultural languages
40) the author is always conceived of as
the past of his own book
41) book and author stand automatically on a single line divided in to what
into a before and an after
42) what do we mean but he author is thought to nourish the book
he exists before it, thinks, suffers, lives for it, is in the same relation of antecedence to his work as a father to his child
43) when is the modern scriptor born
simultaneously with the tex
44) who is the modern scriptor
the hand cut off from any voice. He is borne by a pure gesture of inscription (and not of expression)
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النقد الادبي لayosha م9
[أسئلة مراجعة - النقد الادبي لayosha م9 - فوزي سليسلي]
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جميع الحقوق محفوظة ckfu.org.

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