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اسئلة الاختبار لمادة طرق البحث و تصميم الابحاث ( 1436هـ الفصل الاول )
[أسئلة اختبار - طرق البحث و تصميم الابحاث - د/ عبدالله الفريدان]
أسئلة اختبار الفصل الأول 1436 هـ لمادة طرق البحث و تصميم الابحاث
عدد الأسئلة: 50
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1) In the ............... the researcher presents a critique of previous research in the same general area
litter view
literature preview
lecturer review
literature review
2) ........... can enable you to generalize from the specific sample(s) you measured to a wider 'population' that you sampled
popular statistics
international statistics
inferential statistics
internet statistics
3) A good research should involve ........
drama data
repeated data
novel data
recorded data
4) - The research topic you choose should be one which ..........
A. excites and stimulates your indifferent curability
B. examines or tests your intellectual curiosity
C. excites and stimulates your interdental cursory
D. excites and stimulates your intellectual curiosity
5) - In research, authorship is the opposite of .......
A. authority
B. precognition
C. paganism
D. plagiarism
6) - One way to make sure that your selection of a research topic is good is to ........
Do a Litter view
B. Do Literature preview
C. Do Lecturer review
D. Do a literature review
7) - The term 'design' is .......... :
A. An illogical structure used to summarize data
B. used to highlight the research problem
C. a logical structure of the inquiry (research)
D. used for referencing
8) In ELT questionnaires are used to ............... :
A. neglect information about people views, attitudes, and perceptions
B. ignore information about people views, attitudes, and perceptions
C. interpret the results of a different research project
D. gather information about people views, attitudes, and perceptions
9) - 'Methods' as a research component refer to ......... :
A. A procedure for accomplishing or approaching something
B. A procedure used to analyze data
C. A procedure used to summarize data
D. A procedure used to conclude data
10) - In the introduction section of a research, we show ......... :
A. Where the data will be analyzed
B. How we got the results
C. How we found the literature review
D. Why the topic was chosen
11) - The .......... refer to a variable that can affect the outcome
A. dependent variable
B. Independent invariable
C. Intended variety
D. Independent variable
12) - The "..........." is a procedure used for measuring and defining a construct.
A. illustrative definition
B. Optical definition
C. Operational definition
D. Opera definition
13) - The hypothesis can refer to statement that ...... :
A. analyses or enjoys a relationship among languages
B. depicts or fabricates a relationship among variables
C. describes or explains a relationship among variables
D. describes or explains a relationship among vegetables
14) - In research, the highest attainable level of originality would be .......... :
A. to presuppose a novel theoretical account of old data
B. to propose a novel theoretical account of novel data
C. to propose a novel theoretical account of ancient data
D. to propose a novel analytical account of novel data
15) - We always look for our research results to ............ :
A. be focused only on our schools
B. have wider implications
C. be limited only to our context
D. have interests to few people
16) - The APA refers to .......... :
A. a famous style for reading references
B. a famous style for writing inferences
C. a famous style for writing references
D. a famous style for writing romances
17) - Critique and review of previous research should at every point be explicitly ....... :
A. connected to your specified products
B. irrelevant to your specific project
C. not connected to your specified project
D. connected to your specified project
18) - The researcher in the Literature Review can ........... :
A. dismantle different opinions of scholars
B. disseminate the pork of other searchers
C. summarize the findings of his/her research
D. disentangle different opinions of scholars
19) - The 'implications' section of a research should be about .......... :
A. The narrower implications of our research
B. The wider implications of the literature review
C. The specific results of our context only
D. The wider implications of our research
20) .............. is very important in choosing a research topic
A. Lime limit
B. Time timid
C. Time limit
D. Time mint
21) We can find samples and administer research tools in ........ :
A. our own swimming pools. playgrounds, and TV
B. our own organization, company, university or others
C. our own briefcases and hand bags
D. our own draft writings and future life
22) 'Learning a language' is .............. to be viable as a research topic
A. very specific
B. too narrow
C. too broad
D. All the above
23) A specific study about the acquisition of relative pronouns in the speech of a four-year old bilingual child in a small city in Canada' is a .......... :
A. specific and hence unmanageable rash topic
B. too broad and hence is not a viable research topic
C. unusual and hence is not suitable as a research topic
D. specific and hence manageable research topic
24) In the literature review, we talk about .......... :
A. previous studies and a critique for them
B. the study and its significance
C. all the procedures used in the research
D. the results and findings of the research
25) A good classical report can consist of ........ :
A. Abstract - results - introduction - literature review
B. Results - abstract - methodology
C. Abstract - literature review - introduction
D. None of the above
26) The term ' Research ' refers to the ......... in order to establish facts and reach new conclusions :
A. stylistic investigation and the study of modal or morsels
B. stylistic invalidation and the study of materials or forces
C. systematic investigation into and study of materials and sources
D. semantic investigation and the study of Nigeria or its sources
27) In the Cross-sectional research method, the same groups of people ....... :
A. are neglected at one point in time
B. are obsessed at one point in time
C. are observed at different point in time
D. are observed at one point in time
28) In research, we prefer to ......... :
A. Start form nowhere
B. Start from others ideas as they were yours
C. Start from where others have stopped
D. Start from scratch and neglect previous studies
29) The broader the research topic you choose, the ........... :
A. more likely it is that you will complete it on time
B. less likely it is that you will change it on time
C. easier it is to complete it on time
D. less likely it is that you will complete it on time
30) We should choose a topic that is ........ :
A. Unimportant
B. Boring to us
C. Obfuscating
D. Exciting to us
31) The abstract of a research contains ....... :
A. A summary of the literature movies
B. A summary of the whole insults
C. A summary of the whole morphology
D. None of the above
32) A well-done research abstract can ............ :
A. make the reader want to plagiarize your research
B. make the reader upset and never read about your research
C. make the reader want to learn more about your research
D. make the reader want to write a similar research
33) The literature review should include ...... :
A. Prevenient studies
B. Previous studies
C. Previous sated
D. Prevalent mismatches
34) To contrite a proper variable a good categorization/classification system .......... :
A. should have mutually exclusive categories
B. should not mix categories of different types in one set
C. should be exhaustive
D. All the above have
35) The broader the topic you choose, ............ :
A. the less open-ended your research becomes
B. the more open-ended your research becomes
C. the easier your research becomes
D. the more important your research becomes
36) The ........ section of a research explains what researchers actually do so that they achieve their results :
A. myths
B. problem statement
C. mythology
D. methods
37) The same groups of people are observed ......... as they grow older in the longitudinal research method :
A. every minute
B. at similar points in time
C. at different point in time
D. at similar point in place
38) The Data elicited in the form of people's reports about language is typically used in ...... :
A. sociolinguistics
B. applied linguistics
D. all the above
39) If a researcher is accused of plagiarism, his/her research ........... :
A. may not be expected
B. will be published
C. may not be accepted
D. will be universally acknowledged
40) Terms like 'Longitudinal', ' cross-sectional ', 'Descriptive', 'Ethnographic' , 'Explanatory', 'Cass study', refer to .... :
A. different types of rehears
B. different types of rasher
C. similar types of research
D. different types of research
41) In ........., we collect data through some tools and discuss, explain, argue, about hypothesises, etc.
A. accumulative research
B. quantitative research
C. qualitative research
D. commutative research
42) Choose the correct sentence :
A. Measures of relationship qualify the degree of relationship between variables as measured in different group of people
B. Measures of relationship qualify the strength of relationship between two (or more) people as measured by their friends and relative
C. Statistics of relationship qualify the time spent investing in relationship between two (or more) variables as measured in the same group of animals
D. Measures of relationship qualify the amount of relationship between two (or more) variables as measured in the same group of people
43) Plagiarism means to the represent ....... :
A. other authors' language and ideas as a plagiarized work
B. your own ideas and languages as your own original work
C. other authors' ideas and writing as their original work
D. other authors' language and ideas as your own original work
44) One type of plagiarism is when ......... :
A. You reference the quotations
B. You use one of your research as two pieces of research
C. You acknowledge other people's ideas
D. You mention who helped you in your research
45) A quantitative method of research means that we ..... :
A. collect data through some tools and quantify them
B. collect all the available data and beautify them
C. collect data through some fools and qualify them
D. collect data through some tools and codify them
46) Research can mean .......... :
A. looking for knowledge
B. looking after previous studies
C. looking for new ideas and findings
D. looking for data only
47) To avoid a situation where other variables affect your variables you need to make them ....... :
A. condescend
B. consonant
C. consistent
D. constant
48) The variables whose effects are excluded are ........ :
A. Contour variables
B. Control valuable
C. Coronal vulnerable
D. Control variables
49) A research question is a question that ......... :
A. we ask about the list of references
B. we ask in the end of our research and look to find no answer for
C. we answer at the beginning of our research and look to find a question for
D. we ask in the beginning of our research and look to find an answer for
50) The use of one variable in your research means it is a ......... :
A. uncial
B. universal
C. univariate
D. multivariate
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اسئلة الاختبار لمادة طرق البحث و تصميم الابحاث ( 1436هـ الفصل الاول )
[أسئلة اختبار - طرق البحث و تصميم الابحاث - د/ عبدالله الفريدان]
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