ملتقى طلاب وطالبات جامعة الملك فيصل,جامعة الدمام

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التسجيل الكويزاتإضافة كويزمواعيد التسجيل التعليمـــات قائمة الأعضاء   أعتبر مشاركات المنتدى مقروءة

✿.تعاريف علم اللغة النفسي (الجزء الثاني).✿
[أسئلة مراجعة - علم اللغة النفسي - عبد العزيز التركي]
جمعت تعاريف المادة من ملف تهاويل + بيد الجزء الثاني و الاخير من التعاريف
عدد الأسئلة: 44
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- سوف تحصل على نقطة إضافية في التقييم عن كل إجابة صحيحة.
1) _____ consists of single syllables at first, always consisting of a consonant and a vowel.
2) _____ each word conveys as much meaning as an entire phrase.
a-the phrase period
b-the holophrastic period
3) _____ is a case in which the child will acquire a word for a particular thing and fail to extend it to other objects in the same category.
4) Overextension is___
a- when the child will extend a word incorrectly to other similar things.
b-a case in which the child will acquire a word for a particular thing and fail to extend it to other objects in the same category.
5) ____vocabulary development speeds up and children begin to combine words to form small sentences.
a-the school years
b-the preschool years
6) ___for a child is computed by adding the bound and free morphemes in a language sample and dividing by the number of utterances.
a-the MLU
b-the MUL
7) ___we call the idea before it is verbalised
a-verbal message
b-Preverbal message
8) _____ when a bilingual is speaking in a unilingual mode, only one of the grammars is consulted to build structural representations.
a-bilingual mode
b-unilingual mode
9) bilingual mode is____
a-when in bilingual mode (when the bilingual’s two languages are being used in the same conversation), access to both grammars and lexical items from both languages must be possible.
b-when a bilingual is speaking in a unilingual mode, only one of the grammars is consulted to build structural representations.
10) _____ is switching between two codes (two languages, or two distinct dialects of the same language) within the same discourse.
11) ____, involves the insertion of frequently used discourse markers, like so, you know, I mean, etc.
12) ____ involves a series of distinct operations and representations: lexical, syntactic, morphological, and phonological.
a-producing a sentence
13) ____switching from one language to another.
a-occasional unintentional slips
b-Intentional switching
14) Occasional unintentional slips ____
a-into a language not active in the conversation
b- from one language to another.
15) _____A lexical entry carries information about the meaning of the word ، its grammatical class, the syntactic structure into which it can enter, and the sounds it contains.
a-Intentional switching
b-lexical retrieval
16) ____consulting the internalised grammar to construct structures
b-grammatical encoding
17) ____ the exchange is between two phonological elements
a- segment exchange error
b-perseveration error
18) ____perseveres and intrudes in a later word
a- segment exchange error
b-perseveration error
19) ____a speech sound that has not yet been produced intrudes in an earlier word.
a- anticipation error
b-segment exchange error
20) ____ takes information anywhere it can find it to construct a linguistic percept of the acoustic signal.
a- grammatical system
b-speech perception system
21) ____ illustrates how visual and auditory information together affect the construction of a phonological percept.
a-mc effect
b-mcgurk effect
22) ___ demonstrates the perceptual system’s ability to “fill in” missing information, while actively trying to recover meaning from an acoustic signal:
a-the phenomenon of phoneme restoration
b-slips of the ear
23) ____ are often the result of inattentiveness to the signal
a-the phenomenon of phoneme restoration
b-slips of the ear
24) ____ If you use the acoustic signal to understand what the person said
b-bottom up
25) Top-down is____
a-if you use context or prior knowledge in trying to understand what the other person said.
b-If you use the acoustic signal to understand what the person said
26) ____ of a language is its writing system
a-the orthography
b-the graphy
27) Participants are briefly shown a string of letters and asked to push one button if the letters constitute a word in their language, and a different button if they do not -within 400-600 ms.
a-the cision task
b-the lexical decision task
28) ____having more than one possible meaning.
29) ___ word has more than one meaning.
30) Semantic priming is___
a-the prime and the target are not related semantically (in meaning), but are related in their phonological form.
b-When there is a meaning relationship between the prime (the first word) and the target word.
31) ___the prime and the target are not related semantically (in meaning), but are related in their phonological form.
a-semantic priming
b-form priming
32) ___the internal desire to do or achieve something.
33) When the two languages (first - second) share the same linguistic feature
a-negative transfer
b-positive transfer
34) negative transfer ___
a-when the two languages (first - second) share the same linguistic feature
b-is the incorrect use of knowledge of one language in the other (when the two languages work differently).
35) Declarative knowledge
a-It is knowing WHAT. It is often Explicit and conscious.
b-knowledge of HOW something is done. Often it is unconscious and implicit.
36) knowledge of HOW something is done. Often it is unconscious and implicit.
a-declarative knowledge
b-procedural knowledge
37) ___ loss or impairment of the ability to comprehend language in written or printed form caused by brain disease or dysfunction.
38) Agraphia is
a- loss or impairment of the ability to express language in written or printed form caused by brain disease or dysfunction.
b-loss or impairment of the ability to comprehend language in written or printed form caused by brain disease or dysfunction.
39) ____ the abnormal production of speech sounds.
40) Voice (Forms of speech impairments) is__
a-abnormal spoken language production, characterized by unusual pitch, loudness, or quality of sounds.
b-hesitations or repetitions of sounds or words that interrupt a person’s flow of speech.
41) hesitations or repetitions of sounds or words that interrupt a person’s flow of speech.
42) Speech production deficit that results from impairment of the neuromuscular and/or motor control system.
43) ____when a child’s language does not develop normally and the difficulties cannot be accounted for by generally slow development, physical abnormality of the speech apparatus, autistic disorder, acquired brain damage or hearing loss.
a-specific language impairment
b-specific language
44) Applying knowledge (grammar, vocabulary, phonology..etc) of one language in another language.
معلومات حول الكويز
✿.تعاريف علم اللغة النفسي (الجزء الثاني).✿
[أسئلة مراجعة - علم اللغة النفسي - عبد العزيز التركي]
تفاصيل أخرى:
جمعت تعاريف المادة من ملف تهاويل + بيد الجزء الثاني و الاخير من التعاريف
تم حل الكويز 387 مرة بنسبة نجاح 68%
القسم: E7
مناقشة الكويز: ✿.تعاريف علم اللغة النفسي (الجزء الثاني).✿
معلومات صاحب الكويز

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بيان الحربي97%
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