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▌ ₪[انشاء وتعبير1- (مذاكرة / مراجعة / ملخص) Lecture 3 - 4]₪▌
[أسئلة مراجعة مجهود شخصي - إنشاء وتعبير1- Composition 1 (المستوى الثالث) - Dr. Ibrahim Almahboob الفصل الثاني عام 1438هـ]
▌ ₪[انشاء وتعبير1- (مذاكرة / مراجعة / ملخص) Lecture 3 - 4]₪▌ ◄المحاضرة الثالثة والرابعة ► Using Connectors Because/so/therefore in addition/also ✍ ☁°(مطر ابن السماء)°☁ - (✿.محبتي لكم.✿)
عدد الأسئلة: 28
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- سوف تحصل على نقطة إضافية في التقييم عن كل إجابة صحيحة.
1) large schools offer many different courses - students have a wide variety of subjects to choose from. " (Use Because) "
Because large schools offer many different courses. students have a wide variety of subjects to choose from.
Because large schools offer many different courses, students have a wide variety of subjects to choose from.
Because large schools offer many different courses students have a wide variety of subjects to choose from.
Because, large schools offer many different courses students have a wide variety of subjects to choose from.
2) large schools offer many different courses - students have a wide variety of subjects to choose from. " (Use Because) "
Students at large schools have a wide variety of subjects to choose from because. large schools offer many different courses.
Students at large schools have a wide variety of subjects to choose from because, large schools offer many different courses.
Students at large schools have a wide variety of subjects to choose from, because large schools offer many different courses.
Students at large schools have a wide variety of subjects to choose from because large schools offer many different courses.
3) Public colleges are more practical - they are less expensive. " (Use Because) "
Public colleges are more practical because they are less expensive.
Public colleges are more practical, because. they are less expensive.
Public colleges are more practical because, they are less expensive.
Public colleges are more practical, because they are less expensive.
4) international students have to study in a foreign language - they often have difficulty with their courses. " (Use Because) "
Because, international students have to study in a foreign language, they often have difficulty with their courses.
Because international students have to study in a foreign language. they often have difficulty with their courses.
Because international students have to study in a foreign language, they often have difficulty with their courses.
Because international students have to study in a foreign language they often have difficulty with their courses.
5) Large schools offer many different courses - students have a wide variety of subjects to choose from " (Use so) "
Large schools offer many different courses so students have a wide variety of subjects to choose from
Large schools offer many different courses, so students have a wide variety of subjects to choose from
Large schools offer many different courses. so students have a wide variety of subjects to choose from
Large schools offer many different courses so, students have a wide variety of subjects to choose from
6) When students attend a local college they can live at home - they don’t have to spend a lot on rent and food " (Use so) "
When students attend a local college, they can live at home, so they don’t have to spend a lot on rent and food.
When students attend a local college, they can live at home so they don’t have to spend a lot on rent and food.
When students attend a local college, they can live at home. so they don’t have to spend a lot on rent and food.
When students attend a local college, they can live at home so, they don’t have to spend a lot on rent and food.
7) Large schools offer many different courses - students have a wide variety of subjects to choose from. " (Use therefore) "
Large schools offer many different courses. therefore , students have a wide variety of subjects to choose from.
Large schools offer many different courses therefore , students have a wide variety of subjects to choose from.
Large schools offer many different courses; therefore , students have a wide variety of subjects to choose from.
Large schools offer many different courses, therefore ; students have a wide variety of subjects to choose from.
8) Large schools offer many different courses - students have a wide variety of subjects to choose from. " (Use therefore) "
Large schools offer many different courses. Therefore , students have a wide variety of subjects to choose from.
Large schools offer many different courses; Therefore , students have a wide variety of subjects to choose from.
Large schools offer many different courses Therefore , students have a wide variety of subjects to choose from.
Large schools offer many different courses, Therefore ; students have a wide variety of subjects to choose from.
9) Students who study in a foreign country live with people who do not speak their native language ; _______ , they will learn that country’s language well.
10) Public colleges are more practical _______ they are less expensive.
11) When students attend a local college, they can live at home, _______ they don’t have to spend a lot on rent and food.
12) _______ international students have to study in a foreign language, they often have difficulty with their courses.
13) International students spend a long time away from home. _______ , they may lose touch with their own customs and cultures.
14) It is very difficult to study abroad - It can be much more expensive thai studying in your own country. (Use in addition)
It is very difficult to study abroad. In addition, It can be much more expensive thai studying in your own country.
It is very difficult to study abroad, in addition, It can be much more expensive thai studying in your own country.
It is very difficult to study abroad in addition, It can be much more expensive thai studying in your own country.
It is very difficult to study abroad. in addition It can be much more expensive thai studying in your own country.
15) large universities offer a more diverse student population. (Use also)
Also large universities offer a more diverse student population.
Also. large universities offer a more diverse student population.
Also, large universities offer a more diverse student population.
Also; large universities offer a more diverse student population.
16) large universities offer a more diverse student population. (Use also)
Large universities also. offer a more diverse student population.
Large universities also offer a more diverse student population.
Large universities also, offer a more diverse student population.
Large universities, also offer a more diverse student population.
17) Use also and in addition to connect : Many students learn a lot about the world from their study abroad experience. They learn a lot about themselves.
Many students learn a lot about the world from their study abroad experience. They also, learn a lot about themselves
Many students learn a lot about the world from their study abroad experience. They, also learn a lot about themselves
,Many students learn a lot about the world from their study abroad experience. They also learn a lot about themselves
Many students learn a lot about the world from their study abroad experience. They also. learn a lot about themselves
18) Use also and in addition to connect : Most students in four-year colleges are very intelligent. They study hard.
Most students in four-year colleges are very intelligent. Also, they study hard.
Most students in four-year colleges are very intelligent. Also they study hard.
Most students in four-year colleges are very intelligent. Also. they study hard.
Most students in four-year colleges are very intelligent, Also, they study hard.
19) Use also and in addition to connect : Some professors don’t always understand international students. They may know very little about foreign cultures.
Some professors don’t always understand international students, In addition. they may know very little about foreign cultures.
Some professors don’t always understand international students. In addition they may know very little about foreign cultures.
Some professors don’t always understand international students. In addition. they may know very little about foreign cultures.
Some professors don’t always understand international students. In addition, they may know very little about foreign cultures.
20) Use also and in addition to connect : Many students who go abroad to study lose contact with their families. Some of them marry foreigners and never return home.
Many students who go abroad to study lose contact with their families. In addition some of them marry foreigners and never return home.
Many students who go abroad to study lose contact with their families. In addition, some of them marry foreigners and never return home.
Many students who go abroad to study lose contact with their families. In addition. some of them marry foreigners and never return home.
Many students who go abroad to study lose contact with their families In addition some of them marry foreigners and never return home.
21) Use also and in addition to connect : Studying in a foreign country can be more exciting than studying in your native country. You may get a better education.
Studying in a foreign country can be more exciting than studying in your native country. You may also. get a better education.
Studying in a foreign country can be more exciting than studying in your native country. You may , also get a better education.
Studying in a foreign country can be more exciting than studying in your native country. You may also get a better education.
Studying in a foreign country can be more exciting than studying in your native country. You may. also, get a better education.
22) Number (1) refers to (توجد أيقونة بجانب السؤال فيها القطعة بها الفراغات أضغط عليها)
In addition
First of all
23) Number (2) refers to (توجد أيقونة بجانب السؤال فيها القطعة بها الفراغات أضغط عليها)
In addition
24) Number (3) refers to (توجد أيقونة بجانب السؤال فيها القطعة بها الفراغات أضغط عليها)
In addition
25) Number (4) refers to (توجد أيقونة بجانب السؤال فيها القطعة بها الفراغات أضغط عليها)
In addition
26) Number (5) refers to (توجد أيقونة بجانب السؤال فيها القطعة بها الفراغات أضغط عليها)
In addition
27) Number (6) refers to (توجد أيقونة بجانب السؤال فيها القطعة بها الفراغات أضغط عليها)
In addition
28) Number (7) refers to (توجد أيقونة بجانب السؤال فيها القطعة بها الفراغات أضغط عليها)
In addition
معلومات حول الكويز
▌ ₪[انشاء وتعبير1- (مذاكرة / مراجعة / ملخص) Lecture 3 - 4]₪▌
[أسئلة مراجعة مجهود شخصي - إنشاء وتعبير1- Composition 1 (المستوى الثالث) - Dr. Ibrahim Almahboob الفصل الثاني عام 1438هـ]
تفاصيل أخرى:
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تم حل الكويز 702 مرة بنسبة نجاح 61%
القسم: E3
مناقشة الكويز: ▌ ₪[انشاء وتعبير1- (مذاكرة / مراجعة / ملخص) Lecture 3 - 4]₪▌
معلومات صاحب الكويز
مطر ابن السماء

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