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التسجيل الكويزاتإضافة كويزمواعيد التسجيل التعليمـــات المجموعات  

كويز المحاضرة الثامنة للأدب الأمريكي
[أسئلة مراجعة مجهود شخصي - الأدب الأمريكي - د / عبدالله البدارنة]
كويز المحاضرة الثامنة الادب الامريكي
عدد الأسئلة: 77
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1) )Because I Could Not Stop for Death )A Poem by
New England
Emily Dickinson (1830-1886(
2) “Because I Could Not Stop for Death” is a lyric poem on the theme of .
3) The poem contains
six stanzas
4) each with .... lines
5) A four-line stanza is called a
6) The poem was first published in
1890 in Poems, Series 1
7) The poem was first published in 1890 in Poems, Series 1, a
collection of Miss Dickinson's poems.
8) “Because I Could Not Stop for Death” reveals Emily Dickinson’s
calm acceptance of death
9) It is surprising that she presents the experience as being no more frightening than receiving a ........
gentleman caller—in this case, her fiancé (Death personified)
10) The overall theme of the poem seems to be that death is not to be feared since it is a natural part of the endless cycle of nature.
death is not to be feared
since it is a natural part of the endless cycle of nature.
all of the above
11) Her view of death may also reflect ..........
her personality and religious beliefs.
Emile Zola
12) On the one hand, as a spinster, she was somewhat reclusive and introspective, tending to dwell on .........
loneliness and death
13) On the one hand, as a spinster, she was somewhat reclusive and introspective, tending to dwell on loneliness and death. On the other hand, as a Christian and a Bible reader, she was optimistic about her ultimate fate and ,,,,,,,,,,
appeared to see death as a friend
14) gossamer my gown: .........
Thin wedding dress for the speaker's marriage to Death.
15) tippet:
Scarf for neck or shoulders.
16) tulle:
17) house:
Speaker's tomb
18) cornice:
Horizontal molding along the top of a wall.
19) Since . . . centuries:
The length of time she has been in the tomb.
20) In each stanza, the first line has
eight syllables (four feet);
21) the second,
six syllables (three feet)
22) the third,
eight syllables (four feet);
23) the fourth,
six syllables (three feet)
24) The meter alternates between iambic tetrameter
(lines with eight syllables, or four feet )
25) The meter alternates between iambic tetrameter .........
(lines with eight syllables, or four feet)
26) iambic trimeter .
(lines with six syllables, or three feet)
Text limits
27) In iambic meter, the feet .............. contain an unstressed syllable followed by a stressed syllable
(pairs of syllables)
Text limits
28) In iambic meter, the feet (pairs of syllables) contain an ....................
unstressed syllable followed by a stressed syllable
Text limits
29) Hope is the Thing with Feathers A Poem by
Emily Dickinson (1830-1886)
30) About the poem: - In this poem, Emily Dickinson communicates that hope is like a ,,,,,,,
31) About the poem: - In this poem, Emily Dickinson communicates that hope is like a bird because
of its free and independent spirit.
32) Hope is similar to a bird ,,,,,,,,,,,,,
in its ability to bring comfort and consolation.
33) Dickinson uses techniques such as extended ............ to describe hope throughout her poem.
metaphor and imagery
34) The poem is introduced with,
“Hope is the thing with feathers
Bret Harte
35) Dickinson’s use of the word “thing” denotes that hope is something
abstract and vague
Bret Harte
36) By identifying hope as a thing, Dickinson gives ............
an intangible concept characteristics of a concrete object.
37) The opening line of this poem also sets up the extended ....... hope to a bird .”
metaphor of comparing
38) The opening line of this poem also sets up the extended metaphor of comparing hope to a bird in the word.”
39) “Feathers represent hope, because feathers offer the.”
image of flying away to a new hope and a new beginning
40) Line two of Dickinson’s poem further broadens the metaphor by giving hope delicate and sweet characteristics in the word ”.
41) Dickinson’s choice of the word also suggests that, like a bird, hope is planning to stay. .”
“Hope rests in our soul the way a bird rests on its perch
42) The line,,,,,,,,,, gives the reader a sense that hope is universal.
“And sings the tune—without the words,”
43) Hope sings ............. so that everyone may understand it, regardless of language barriers.
without words
44) The closing line of the first stanza, ................. implies that hope is never ending
“And never stops at all,”
45) Hope cannot be stopped or destroyed. Dickinson’s point is emphasized in the words .”
“never” and “at all
46) In just one line, there are two negative words, which highlight
Dickinson’s message
47) The second stanza depicts
hope’s continuous presence
48) “” is ironic because hope’s most comforting song is heard during a “gale,” a horrible windstorm.
And sweetest in the gale is heard
49) One of the messages of the poem seems to say that whatever life throws at the individual there is always the dove-like glimmer of hope that sits in all of us that is so strong that its voice can still be heard in the "gale" of stormy times.
that whatever life throws at the individual there is always the dove-like glimmer of hope
that sits in all of us that is so strong that its voice can still be heard in the "gale" of stormy times.
all of the above
50) Everyone goes through stormy times in their life and no matter where you are on earth or from which "strangest sea" you inhabit but there is no need to despair. Hope through the metaphor Dickinson uses,............ of everyone, regardless of race, gender or status.
is a bird that "perches in the soul"
51) It is something that everyone has to "keep them warm" against the storm of life, and it never stops singing nor does it ask "a crumb" of the user.
"keep them warm"
William Dean Howells
52) -There is a definite contrast within the poem between hope on the one side as represented with the words like
"warm," "Soul," "sweetes
53) -There is a definite contrast within the poem between hope on the one side as represented with the words like "warm," "Soul," "sweetest;" and in the pain of life as represented in words like
"storm," "gales," "chillest."
Edith Wharton
54) Poetry of Harlem Renaissance “If We Must Die” by
Claude McKay Limns
55) The Negro Speaks of Rivers by
Langston Hughes
56) Cross by
Langston Hughes
57) Alliteration : اول حرف من كل كلمة Example: sweet smell of success, a dime a dozen, bigger and better, jump for joy
is the repetition of initial sounds in neighboring words.
58) : The deliberate repetition of a word or phrase at the beginning of several successive verses, clauses, or paragraphs. One of the devices of repetition, in which the same phrase is repeated at the beginning of two or more lines. Example: (see: Because I could not stop for Death)
59) : the comparison of two UNLIKE things. : is a figure of speech where two distinctly different things are compared without using adverbs of comparison, 'as', 'like', etc. Example: He is a horse. Thou art sunshine.
60) refers to the varying, nevertheless recognizable pattern of stressed and unstressed syllables that occur in regular units in the lines of a verse
61) Each regular unit is called
a foot
62) Each regular unit is called a foot. Depending upon the...........
number of feet in a line
63) a line can be called monometer
(if it has one foot),
64) dimeter
(if it has two feet)
65) trimeter, tetrameter and so on till nonameter
(if a line has nine meters in it).
66) reveals a kind of truth which at first seems contradictory. Two opposing ideas. Example: Stone walls do not a prison make, Nor iron bars a cage.
Paradox :
67) is giving human qualities to animals or objects. Making inanimates as animates. Example: a smiling moon, a jovial sun
Personification :
68) When two similar sounding words are repeated in a stanza of a poem, it is known as a rhyme
69) Rhymes that appear on the end of the lines are called ......... which is the most common type of rhyme in poetry
end rhyme
70) There is also ........... where rhyming words appear in the same line
internal rhyme
71) rhymes can also be divided into .............
masculine rhymes and feminine rhymes
72) Rhyming words that end with a stressed syllable is called the
masculine rhyme
73) while those that end with an unstressed syllable are known as
feminine rhyme
74) .............is the comparison of two unlike things using like or as Example: He eats like a horse.
75) is a unified group of lines in poetry
76) is the general idea or insight about life that a writer wishes to express. All of the elements of literary terms contribute to theme. A simple theme can often be stated in a single sentence. Example: "After reading (this book, poem, essay), I think the author wants me to understand
77) في جزئية من المحاضرة ما حطيت لها كويز اللي هي , Commentary and Theme
معلومات حول الكويز
كويز المحاضرة الثامنة للأدب الأمريكي
[أسئلة مراجعة مجهود شخصي - الأدب الأمريكي - د / عبدالله البدارنة]
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كويز المحاضرة الثامنة الادب الامريكي
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مناقشة الكويز: كويز المحاضرة الثامنة للأدب الأمريكي
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كويزات مشابهة
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جميع الحقوق محفوظة ckfu.org.

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