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التسجيل الكويزاتإضافة كويزمواعيد التسجيل التعليمـــات المجموعات  

₪[أدب عصر النهضة اختبار الفصل الأول 1436 - الفصل الثاني 1437]₪
[نسخة مكررة من الاختبار السابق - تصحيح مجرد عابر - إعداد وتنسيق : مطَر ابنْ السّماء - skon aljro7]
- اختبار أدب عصر النهضة الفصل الأول لعام 1436 / الفصل الثاني لعام 1437
عدد الأسئلة: 49
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- سوف تحصل على نقطة إضافية في التقييم عن كل إجابة صحيحة.
1) The aim of Renaissance education was :
To learn foreign languages
To educate the peasant population
Improving fluency and public speaking
Improving literary skills and drama
2) Pastoral poetry was considered during the Renaissance :
The most provocative form of poetry
The humblest form of poetry
The most popular form of poetry
The most prestigious form of poetry
3) Epic poetry was considered during the Renaissance :
The most provocative form of poetry
The humblest form of poetry
The most popular form of poetry
The most prestigious form of poetry
4) The sonnet was considered during the Renaissance :
The most provocative form of poetry
The humblest form of poetry
The most popular form of poetry
The most prestigious form of poetr
5) .Metaphysical poetry was considered during the Renaissance :
The most provocative form of poetry
The humblest form of poetry
The most popular form of poetry
The most prestigious form of poetry
6) Renaissance poetry was written mostly about royal courts or for royal courts because :
Royal courts functioned as universities
Poets were patriotic
Poets were paid by kings and princes
Reading poetry allowed poets to visit the courts
7) The home of the Petrarchan sonnet was :
8) The home of the Shakespearean sonnet was … :
9) Which Renaissance poet is credited for popularizing the sonnet across Europe :
John Milton
John Donne
10) The first part of the Petrarchan poem is called :
The introduction
The Octave
The sestet
The conclusion
11) The most profound influence on English Renaissance Poetry was :
Christian Medieval poetry
The Bible
Classical poetry
Classical philosophy
12) A monologue in which a dramatic character appears to be thinking out loud is called:
Internal monologue
13) Humanism means that :
mportant questions of life and death , good and evil , politics and government , ceased being talked about exclusively from the perspective of the king , and started being talked about from the perspective of human beings .
mportant questions of life and death , good and evil , politics and government , ceased being talked about exclusively from the perspective of the church , and started being talked about from the perspective of the king .
mportant questions of life and death , good and evil , politics and government , ceased being talked about exclusively from the perspective of the government , and started being talked about from the perspective of human beings .
mportant questions of life and death, good and evil , politics and government , ceased being talked about exclusively from the perspective of the church , and started being talked about from the perspective of human beings
14) The person most credited for launching the Renaissance was:
An english kingncalled Henry VIII
A French priest called John Calvin
German priest called Martin Luther
An explorer called Columbus
15) Protestantism is
The religion that ruled Europe during the medieval period
The religion of the jews
The religion that ruled America during the Renaissance
The religion that emerged from the reformation
16) Christopher Columbus was
A French renaissance poet
An English king
A Spanish explore
A Portuguese explorer
17) Which famous universities were built in England the Renaissance ?
London and Leeds Universities
King's College and Birmingham University
Brighton and Leeds Universities
Oxford and Cambridge Universities
18) The sonnets were generally composed in sequences (cycles) of
A hundred or more
A thousand or more
Twenty or more
Ten or more
19) Which Renaissance poems where addressed to the poets imaginary and cruel lady
Cavalier poems
20) The characters in Morality plays were
Kings and aristocrats
Peasants and beggars
Humanists and poets
Abstract values and sins
21) What was the mean reason behind the Reformation :
The greed and corruption of the governments
The greed and corruption of the aristocracy
The greed and corruption of the church
The greed and corruption of the army
22) As a result of the Reformation and European exploration , world trade shifted from :
China to India
India to Europe
The Mediterranean to the North Sea
The Mediterranean to the Atlantic
23) The Tithe was :
A tax that forced people to give one-fifth of their produce to the Church .
A tax that forced people to give one-fifth of their produce to governments .
A tax that forced people to give one-tenth of their produce to the Church
A tax that forced people to give one-tenth of their produce to the governments
24) The Renaissance also had negative effects like :
The increase in taxes on the peasant population
The increase in the cost of living and housing
The increase in the violence against the church and the aristocrats
The slave trade and the occupation of Native American land
25) Humanism was :
The new religion that the Renaissance brought to Europe
The new religion that the Renaissance brought to America
The new culture that the Renaissance brought to Europe
The new culture that the Renaissance brought to America
26) Renaissance education was based primarily on :
Math and medical science.
Latin and Classical Literature.
Foreign language.
Management and politics.
27) Renaissance writers studied Cicero to :
Improve their writing and speaking style.
To learn the theory of drama.
To learn the theory of poetry.
To learn rhetorical figures.
28) Renaissance writers studied Horace to :
Improve their writing and speaking style
To learn the theory of drama
To learn the theory of poetry
To learn rhetorical figures
29) Renaissance writers studied Quintilian to :
Improve their writing and speaking style .
To learn the theory of drama
To learn the theory of poetry
To learn rhetorical figures
30) Renaissance writers studied seneca to :
Improve their writing and speaking style .
To learn the theory of drama
To learn the theory of poetry
To learn rhetorical figures.
31) Which poets valued friendship, hospitality and a commitment to the classical concept of the "Good Life' in their poetry?
The Metaphysical poets
The Pastoral poets
The Cavalier Poets
The Country House poets
32) Which poet wrote social verse with classical clarity and an ideal of civilized reasonableness :
Ben Johnson.
John Donne
John Milton
Alexander Pope
33) Which one of the following poem was written by Robert Herick :
On His Blindness .
A Valediction : Forbidding Mourning.
Upon Julia's Clothes.
34) The first generation of professional English playwrights were called :
University Playwrights.
Court Poets.
Court Playwrights
University Wits
35) Which one of Christopher Marlow's poems embodies the classic concept of carpe diem :
On His Blindness
The Passionate Shepherd To His Love
Upon Julia's Clothes
The Nymph's Reply To The Shepherd
36) Metaphysical poets were famous for using :
Clever and witty language
Long soliloquies
Metaphors about nature
Religious metaphors
37) What did the three strange women tell Macbeth :
A secret
A prophecy
A riddle
The horoscope
38) A paradox is a contradiction that:
Somehow proves unfitting or untrue.
Somehow proves fitting or tru
Somehow proves to be exaggerated.
Somehow proves to be a lie.
39) Which form of poetry in the Renaissance was concerned with the live of shepherds:
Country House pomes
Pastoral poetry
Epic poetry
40) Which form of poetry in the Renaissance is defined by its praise of Country House estates:
Country House pomes
Pastoral poetry
Country House pomes
41) The second part of the Petrarchan poem is called :
The introduction
The Octave
The sestet
The conclusion
42) The purpose of Renaissance poetry was :
To show off and to make money
To teach and to please
To educate princes
To educate the peasants
43) Which form of poetry is said to have produced over three hundreds thousands poems in the 16th century :
Epic poetry
Pastoral poetry
The sonnet
Metaphysical poetry
44) Elizabethan plays were often published … :
Before they were performed
After they were performed
Only if they were performed
Were never published
45) Which poets were famous for using "conceits" , "paradoxes " and " far-fetched imagery " :
The pastoral poets
The Country House poets
The Cavalier poets
The Metaphysical poets
46) Which one of the following poems is an epic :
A Valediction : Forbidding Mourning .
Paradise Lost
On His Blindness
The Passionate Shepherd To His Love
47) .Which one of the following poems is a sonnet :
Valediction : Forbidding Mourning
Paradise Lost
On His Blindness
The Passionate Shepherd To His Love
48) Which one of the following poems is a metaphysical poem
Valediction : Forbidding Mourning
Paradise Lost
On His Blindness
The Passionate Shepherd To His Love
49) Conceit is:
A metaphor that builds an analogy between two things or situations
A metaphor that builds an analogy between two things or situations not usually comparable
A metaphor that builds an analogy between two things or situations that are usually comparable
A metaphor that builds an analogy between two things or situations that only the poet knows
معلومات حول الكويز
₪[أدب عصر النهضة اختبار الفصل الأول 1436 - الفصل الثاني 1437]₪
[نسخة مكررة من الاختبار السابق - تصحيح مجرد عابر - إعداد وتنسيق : مطَر ابنْ السّماء - skon aljro7]
تفاصيل أخرى:
- اختبار أدب عصر النهضة الفصل الأول لعام 1436 / الفصل الثاني لعام 1437
تم حل الكويز 636 مرة بنسبة نجاح 67%
القسم: E4
مناقشة الكويز: ₪[أدب عصر النهضة اختبار الفصل الأول 1436 - الفصل الثاني 1437]₪
معلومات صاحب الكويز
مطر ابن السماء

قام بانشاء 335 كويز
كويزات العضو
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هدوء المزاج97%
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غنى الاميره95%
ام عمر 142595%
مطر ابن السماء93%
كويزات مشابهة
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جميع الحقوق محفوظة ckfu.org.

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