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اللغة الانجليزية كتابة أسئلة محاضرة رقم ( 14 ) الدكتور محمد الورديان
[أسئلة مراجعة - اللغة الانجليزية كتابة - الدكتور محمد الورديان]
اللغة الانجليزية كتابة أسئلة محاضرة رقم ( 14 ) د. محمد الورديان كل الشكر والتقدير ل (تفكير منطقي) اسال الله الشفاء لوالدية وابنائة وجميع المسلمين, دعواتكم لي ولكم بنجاح والتخرج , امين.
عدد الأسئلة: 27
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1) Can you look at ____ sun?
A. a
B. an
C. the
D. X
2) Choose the word/words that best fit(s) in the blank space: Mrs. Garcia is ____ English teacher.
A. a
B. an
C. the
D. X
3) The man is talking to Mary. The man is talking to _______ .
A. him
B. her
C. it
D. them
4) Does Ahmad play football on _______________
A. Saturdays,
B. Saturdays!
C. Saturdays.
D. Saturdays?
5) Sami _________ in this company.
A. is work
B. work
C. working
D. works
6) Salma _________lunch with her friends right now.
a. eats
b. eating
c. is eating
d. eat
7) I __________ watch the fireworks on the Fourth of July. I go every year.
A. never
B. often
C. always
D. sometimes
8) Students __________have an exam on Monday.
A. going
B. going to
C. is going to
D. are going to
9) The Garcia family was very excited___________ the trip.
A. later on
B. in the end
C. before
D. finally
10) “It was hot; therefore, we went swimming” is a ___________ .
A. simple sentence
B. compound sentence
C. complex sentence
D. not a sentence
11) Choose A, B, C, or D to answer the questions: Which is the subject of the following sentence? “Francisco and Pedro went to the store and bought the groceries.”
A. Francisco
B. Pedro
C. Francisco and Pedro
D. Francisco and Pedro went
12) Which sentence is an exclamation?
A. The park is next to the library.
B. Do you prefer tea or coffee?
C. She is really smart!
D. Khalid and Sami live in Jeddah.
13) Which is the best way to combine the following sentences? “Ahmad went to the supermarket. Ahmad bought some candy.”
A. Ahmad went to the supermarket and bought some candy.
B. Ahmad went to the supermarket, bought some candy.
C. Ahmad went to the supermarket and Ahmad bought some candy.
D. Ahmad went to the supermarket, he bought some candy
14) Which sentence is a complex sentence?
A. They went to the supermarket.
B. I went to the supermarket, but I didn’t find bread.
C. Call home; otherwise, your parents will start to worry.
D. I was very happy because I passed the exam.
15) Which of the following sentences is punctuated correctly?
A. It was cold in the morning; however we went swimming.
B. It was cold in the morning however, we went swimming.
C. It was cold in the morning, however, we went swimming.
D. It was cold in the morning; however, we went swimming.
16) What is the antonym of the word “ boring “?
A. strange
B. safe
C. happy
D. exciting
17) What is the synonym of the word “ very good “?
A. scary
B. exhausted
C. great
D. crowded
18) What is the correct order of the following sentences? 1. First, I brush my teeth and wash my face. 2. Everyday, I wake up at 5:00 in the morning. 3. After that, I have breakfast. 4. Then, I leave for work at 6:30 a.m.
A. 2, 1, 3, 4
B. 3, 2, 1, 4
C. 2, 3, 4, 1
D. 4, 3, 2, 1
19) Which is the best substitute for the underlined words. If the sentence is correct, choose “Make no change”. “The bedroom is across from the kitchen.”
A. across
B. across to
C. between
D. Make no change.
20) Which is the best substitute for the underlined words. If the sentence is correct, choose “Make no change”. “They bought milk and bread and meat and eggs.”
A. milk and bread, meat and eggs.
B. milk, bread, meat and eggs.
C. milk, bread and meat and eggs.
D. Make no change.
21) Which is the best way to rewrite the following sentence? “I like this car, but I cannot buy it.”
A. I like this car; in addition, I cannot buy it.
B. I like this car; as a result, I cannot buy it.
C. I like this car; moreover, I cannot buy it.
D. I like this car; however, I cannot buy it.
22) Study the following paragraph, and then answer the questions: _____________________. Many people are exercising. They’re walking quickly or riding their bikes. There is a food stand to the right of the entrance. A few people are eating lunch next to it. There is a handsome man to the left of the entrance. He is painting a picture very ___(1)___. Across from me, a ____(2) ____ girl is playing under tree. Her brother is playing with her, too. They’re running ___(3)___ jumping happily. Their mother is sitting __(4)___ them. She is watching them quietly. Everyone is ___(5)___ fun. Choose the best topic sentence for the paragraph.
A. There is a park near my house.
B. A few people are eating lunch next to it.
C. He is painting a picture very carefully.
D. There are a lot of things happening around me
23) _____________________. Many people are exercising. They’re walking quickly or riding their bikes. There is a food stand to the right of the entrance. A few people are eating lunch next to it. There is a handsome man to the left of the entrance. He is painting a picture very ___(1)___. Across from me, a ____(2) ____ girl is playing under tree. Her brother is playing with her, too. They’re running ___(3)___ jumping happily. Their mother is sitting __(4)___ them. She is watching them quietly. Everyone is ___(5)___ fun. Which best fits in blank space (1)?
A. careful
B. carefully
C. happy
D. crowded
24) _____________. Many people are exercising. They’re walking quickly or riding their bikes. There is a food stand to the right of the entrance. A few people are eating lunch next to it. There is a handsome man to the left of the entrance. He is painting a picture very ___(1)___. Across from me, a ____(2)____ girl is playing under a tree. Her brother is playing with her, too. They’re running ___(3)___ jumping happily. Their mother is sitting __(4)___ them. She is watching them quietly. Everyone is ___(5)___ fun. Which best fits in blank space (2)?
A. colorful
B. empty
C. curly
D. young
25) ___________. Many people are exercising. They’re walking quickly or riding their bikes. There is a food stand to the right of the entrance. A few people are eating lunch next to it. There is a handsome man to the left of the entrance. He is painting a picture very ___(1)___. Across from me, a ____(2)____ girl is playing under a tree. Her brother is playing with her, too. They’re running ___(3)___ jumping happily. Their mother is sitting __(4)___ them. She is watching them quietly. Everyone is ___(5)___ fun. Which best fits in blank space (3)?
A. but
B. because
C. and
D. so
26) ___________. Many people are exercising. They’re walking quickly or riding their bikes. There is a food stand to the right of the entrance. A few people are eating lunch next to it. There is a handsome man to the left of the entrance. He is painting a picture very ___(1)___. Across from me, a ____(2)____ girl is playing under a tree. Her brother is playing with her, too. They’re running ___(3)___ jumping happily. Their mother is sitting __(4)___ them. She is watching them quietly. Everyone is ___(5)___ fun. Which best fits in blank space (4)?
A. across
B. behind
C. next
D. next from
27) _____________. Many people are exercising. They’re walking quickly or riding their bikes. There is a food stand to the right of the entrance. A few people are eating lunch next to it. There is a handsome man to the left of the entrance. He is painting a picture very ___(1)___. Across from me, a ____(2)____ girl is playing under a tree. Her brother is playing with her, too. They’re running ___(3)___ jumping happily. Their mother is sitting __(4)___ them. She is watching them quietly. Everyone is ___(5)___ fun. What is the correct spelling of the word that fits in blank space (5)?
A. having
B. haveing
C. havving
D. havying
معلومات حول الكويز
اللغة الانجليزية كتابة أسئلة محاضرة رقم ( 14 ) الدكتور محمد الورديان
[أسئلة مراجعة - اللغة الانجليزية كتابة - الدكتور محمد الورديان]
تفاصيل أخرى:
اللغة الانجليزية كتابة أسئلة محاضرة رقم ( 14 ) د. محمد الورديان كل الشكر والتقدير ل (تفكير منطقي) اسال الله الشفاء لوالدية وابنائة وجميع المسلمين, دعواتكم لي ولكم بنجاح والتخرج , امين.
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مناقشة الكويز: اللغة الانجليزية كتابة أسئلة محاضرة رقم ( 14 ) الدكتور محمد الورديان
معلومات صاحب الكويز

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جميع الحقوق محفوظة ckfu.org.

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