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التسجيل الكويزاتإضافة كويزمواعيد التسجيل التعليمـــات المجموعات  

عصر النهضة من المحاضرة الأولى الى الرابعة عشر على شكل اسئلة جميع اسئلة الاعوام الفائتة (تبويب توت رو
[أسئلة اختبار - الادب الانجليزي -عصر النهضة- - فوزي سلسلي]
عصر النهضة من المحاضرة الأولى الى الرابعة عشر على شكل اسئلة من المبدعة اختنا توت روما الله يجزاها خير
عدد الأسئلة: 90
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- سوف تحصل على نقطة إضافية في التقييم عن كل إجابة صحيحة.
1) #المحاضرة_الأولى The invention of printing during the Renaissance made it easier to:
print book with pictures
print forbidden books
print books and open universities
provide employment for youth
2) The tithe was:
the 1/5 of produce that people had to give to the Church.
the 1/10 of produce that rich people had to give to the Poor people.
the 1/10 of produce that rich people had to give to the Church
the 1/10 of produce that rich people had to give to the King.
3) Reformation was caused by:
the greed corruption and absenteeism of the Catholic Church
the greed corruption and absenteeism of the Calvinist Church
the greed corruption and absenteeism of the Protestant Church .
the greed corruption and absenteeism of the Lutheran Church.
4) The person most credited for launching the Reformation was:
an English king called Henry Vlll
a French priest called John Calvin
a German priest called Martin Luther
an Explorer called Columbus.
5) What new religion was born in Europe as result of the Reformation:
6) What was the mean reason behind the Reformation:
the greed and corruption of the governments.
the greed and corruption of the church
the greed and corruption of the aristocracy.
7) The Tithe was:
a tax that forced people to give one-fifth of their produce to the Church
a tax that forced people to give one-fifth of their produce to the goverments.
a tax that forced people to give one-tenth of their produce to the Church
a tax that forced people to give one-tenth of their produce to the governments.
8) The Reformation was
a political event that had religious consequences.
a religious event that had political consequences
a scientific event that had political consequences.
a cultural event that had scientific consequences.
9) The greed corruption and absenteeism of the church led to:
the Reformation
the Scientific Revolution
the Puritan Revolution
the discovery of America
10) In Praise of Fally was written by:
Martin Luther
John Calvin
Desiderius Erasmus
11) John Calvin was :
a German priest who led the Reformation .
a French priest who led the Reformation
a Swiss priest who led the Reformation.
an English priest who led the Reformation
12) Movable type is :
a navigation tool
a paper factory
a university press
13) The 95 theses summarized his criticisms of Church :
Ulrich Zwingli
Desiderius Erasmus
Martin Luther
John Calvin
14) Lutheranism:
Ulrich Zwingli
Desiderius Erasmus
John Calvin
Martin Luther
15) Calvinism :
Ulrich Zwingli
Desiderius Erasmus
John Calvin
Martin Luther
16) What other important events can we compare Renaissance to ?
armstrong landing on the moon
the Scientific and industrial Revolutions
the invention of the car
the invention of the airplane.
17) #المحاضرة_الثانية : The negative effects of the Renassance included
the slave trade and the destruction of Native American societies
the increase in the price of sugar
the increase in the power of the Church.
the production of poor literature.
18) Vasco Da Gams was:
a French writer
an English king
a Spanish explorer
a Portuguese explorer
19) Sea voyages and explorations allowed Europeans to take over trade routes and establish colonies in the Americas .World trade , as result , shifted from the Mediterranean sea :
The Red sea
The Nile River
The Indian Ocean
The Atlantic Ocean
20) As a result of the Reformation and European exploration, world>shifted from:
China to India
India to Europe
The Mediterranean to the North sea
The Mediterranean to the Atlantic
21) Vasco Da Gama was :
the first European to reach America by sea
the first European to reach India by sea
the first European to reach China by sea
the first European to reach Russia by sea
22) Trade and exploration were important for the development of Renaissance cultures because:
they produced wealth and limited the power of the church
they allowed writers to travel and explore new countries and peoples
they allowed the construction of theartes and the publication of books
they created a reading public
23) Accidentally found America :
Fredinand Magellan
Samuel de Champlain
Christopher Columbus
Vasco da gama
24) #المحاضرة_الثالثة : Italy was considered the home of which form of poetry
the epic
the sonnet
the pastoral
metaphysical poetry
25) Petrarch was credited for popularizing which form of poetry Europe:
the epic
the sonnet
the pastoral
metaphysical poetry
26) Humanism mean that important question of life and death good and evil , politics and government, ceased being talked about exclusively from the perspective of the church, and started being talked from the perspective of :
Simple human beings
27) Humanists provided European kings and princes with what the church could not provide:
a religious education
a secular education
a free education
a military education
28) The Renaissance did not only bring a new religion to Europe, it also brought a new culture . This new culture is called :
29) Renaissance education was based primarily on:
Math and medical science
Latin and Classical Literature
Foreign language
Management and politics
30) The home of the Petrarchan sonnet was :
31) Humanism was:
the new religion that Renaissance brought to Europe
the new religion that Renaissance brought to America
the new culture that Renaissance brought to Europe
the new culture that Renaissance brought to America
32) The Renaissance is a landmark in world history comparable to :
The Scientific and industrial Revolutions
The Bolshevik Revolution
The French Revolution
The American Revolution
33) What is the name of the new culture that the Renaissance brought :
The Reformation
34) Which European country is considered the home of sonnet :
35) Classical literature and Latin were central:
In the humanist system of education
In Renaissance econmy
In Renaissance politics
In Renaissance science
36) Humansim emerged first the home of the Roman Empire and the Latin language, which is:
37) The ................ of humanist eduction was:
English and German
Latin and classical literature
History and Politics
38) In England the renaissance became associated with the the establishment of universities that eventually became famous these universities are
London and leeds Universities
King's College and Birmingham University
Brighton and leeds Universities
Oxford and Cambridge Universities
39) Who was the most famous sonneteer in Europe :
Vasco da gama
40) In the Renaissance, sonnet poetry was considered:
The most prestigious form of poetry
The humblest form of poetry
A weak form of poetry
The most popular form of poetry
41) At the heart of the Humanist system of education was:
Technology and physics
Foreign Language and art
History and geography
Classical Literature and Latin
42) Humanist eduction was primarily based on the study of:
Latin and Classical Literature
Shakespeare and English language
English and German
English and Spanish Literatures
43) England built two universities in the Renaissance that became famous :
London and Leeds Universities
Kings College and Birmingham Universities
Oxford and Cambridge Universities
Brighton and Leeds Universities
44) Renaissance writers studied Cicero most to:
Learn the theory of poetry
Learn rhetorical figures
learn Drama
Improve their style
45) Renaissance writers studied Aristotle and Horace most to :
Learn the theory of poetry
Learn rhetorical figures
learn Drama
Improve their style
46) Renaissance writers studied Virgil and Quintilian most to :
Learn the theory of poetry
Learn rhetorical figures
learn Drama
improve their style
47) Renaissance writers studied Seneca most to:
Learn the theory of poetry
Learn rhetorical figures
learn Drama
prove their style
48) Many schools and colleges were built in the Renaissance,but this education system aimed primarily at:
Improving fluency in English and in Renaissance drama
Improving fluency European Languages
Improving fluency in Greek and Islamic literature
Improving fluency in Latin and public speaking skills
49) Elizabethan plays were often puplished :
before they were performed
after they were performed
only if they were performed
were never published
50) Which languages were considred rude and unsophisticated in the Renaissance :
Latin and Greek
European languages
Arabic and African languages
Italian and Spanish
51) Renaissance writers studied ............ most for style:
52) Renaissance writers studied ............. most for the theory of poetry:
Plato and Aristotle
Aristotle and Horace
Virgil and Quintilian
Cicero and Longinus
53) Renaissance writers studied .......... most for the rhetorical figures:
Plato and Aristotle
Aristotle and Horace
Virgil and Quintilian
Cicero and Longinus
54) Renaissance writers studied .......... most for Drama:
Plato and Aristotle
Aristotle and Horac
Virgil and Quintilian
Seneca and Sophocles
55) Improving fluency in latin and developing public speaking skills were the aims of :
Renaissance literature
Renaissance science
Renaissance religion
Renaissance linguistiques
56) Early modern English is the language that was spoken in:
The ancient world
The Medieval period
The modern period
The Renaissance
57) Humanists contributed greatly to the development of :
Religous schools
Law school
Grammar School
Private school
58) The English that was spoken and written in the Renaissance ........... English that we speak and write today:
Early modern English
Standard English
Technical English
Colloquial English
59) To improve English language authors advised :
The reading of Shakspeare
The reading of grammar
The reading of the bible
The imitation of Latin syntax
60) What do we call the English that was spoken and written in the Renaissance:
Standard English
Early Modern English
Technical English
Colloquial English
61) English and other Eurprean language were considred during the Renaissance:
Sophisticated languages
Poetic languages
Official languages
Simple and rude languages
62) Poetry in Renaissance England was profoundly influenced by renewed interest in :
Classical poetry
63) #المحاضرة_الخامسة : In the Renaissance , Pastroral poetry was considered
The most prestigious form of poetry
The humblest form of poetry
A weak form of poetry
The most popular form of poetry
64) In the Renaissance , epic poetry was considered :
The most prestigious form of poetry
The humblest form of poetry
A weak form of poetry
The most popular form of poetry
65) In the Renaissance ,sonnet poetry was considered:
The most prestigious form of poetry
The humblest form of poetry
A weak form of poetry
The most popular form of poetry
66) The Renaissance poetry was a very good skill to have for:
people who liked to travel
people who were religious
people who wanted to become businessmen
people who had political ambitions
67) The sonnets were generally composed in sequences cycles:
a hundred or more
a thousand or more
twenty or more
ten or more
68) Sonnets were addressed :
to the poet's imaginary and cruel lady
to the poet's imaginary and cruel neighbor
to the poet's imaginary and cruel king
to the poet's imaginary and cruel teacher
69) The finest of all English sonnets are :
70) The sonnet can be thematically divided into two sections.The first raises a problem, and the second one:
Compares it to another problem
Offers a solution
is a love letter
is a prayer
71) The most profound influence on English Renaissance Poetry was:
Christian Medieval poetry
The bible
Classical poetry
Classical philosophy
72) In the 16th century ,poetry was a litrary genre closely associated with :
average people
the universities
the royal court
the french
73) Pastoral poetry in the Renaissance was concerned with lives of :
74) Renaissance poetry was written mostly about royal courts or for royal courts because :
Royal courts functioned as universities
Poets were patriotic
Reading poetry allowed poets to visit the courts
Poets were paid by king and princes
75) The home of the Petrarchan sonnet was :
76) The home of the Shakespearean sonnet was :
77) Which Renaissance poet is credited for popularizing the sonnet across Europe :
John Milton
John Done
78) The first part of the Petrarchan poem is called:
the introduction
the octave
the sestet
the conclusion
79) The second part of the Petrarchan poem is called :
the introduction
the octave
the sestet
the conclusion
80) Which form of poetry in the Renaissance was concerned with the live of shepherds:
Country House pomes
Pastrol poetry
Epic poetry
81) The purpose of Renaissance poetry was :
To teach and to please
To show off and to make money
To educate and to please
To educate the peasants
82) Which form of poetry is said to have produced over three hundreds thousands poems in the 16th century :
Epic poetry
Pastoral poetry
The Sonnet
Metaphyscal poetry
83) Much of Renaissance poetry is about royal courts because :
Renaissance poets were royalists
Renaissance poets did not have freedom of speech
Renaissance poets were funded by courts
Renaissance poets were not mterested in life outside the courts
84) The sonnet was made popular across Europe by :
85) Which gener of Renaissance poetry has 14 lines:
The Metaphysical poem
The Epic poem
The Pastoral
The Sonnet
86) "The Virgilian Wheel " referred to Renaissance poets who :
began their career as writers of epic poetry and worked their way up to the pastoral
began their career as writers of pastoral poetry and worked their way up to the epic
began their career as writers of prose and worked their way up to the poetry
began their career as writers of poetry and worked their way up to the drama
87) The sonnet has:
88) Italy was considered the home of which form of poetry :
The sonnet
The epic
The pastoral
89) #المحاضرة_السادسه "On his Blindness" is a poem in which the author talks about:
Regaining his sight
Loosing his sight
Seeing through his heart
Seeing through other peoples eyes
90) "On his Blindness "is:
an epic poem
a pastoral poem
a metaphysical poem
a sonnet
معلومات حول الكويز
عصر النهضة من المحاضرة الأولى الى الرابعة عشر على شكل اسئلة جميع اسئلة الاعوام الفائتة (تبويب توت رو
[أسئلة اختبار - الادب الانجليزي -عصر النهضة- - فوزي سلسلي]
تفاصيل أخرى:
عصر النهضة من المحاضرة الأولى الى الرابعة عشر على شكل اسئلة من المبدعة اختنا توت روما الله يجزاها خير
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القسم: E4
مناقشة الكويز: عصر النهضة من المحاضرة الأولى الى الرابعة عشر على شكل اسئلة جميع اسئلة الاعوام الفائتة (تبويب توت رو
معلومات صاحب الكويز
حسبي الكريم

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كويزات مشابهة
عصر النهضة من المحاضرة الأولى الى الرابعة عشر على شكل اسئلة جميع اسئلة الاعوام الفائتة (توت روما)
النثر الأنجليزي للدكتور / بسام أبو زيد - تلخيص المبدعة دائما توت روما
المحاضرة الرابعة (ادارة اعمال إلكترونية) ملخص* المنادي الجديد * ع نفس نمط اسئلة الدكتورر
كويــــــــز أسئلة شاملة الصحة واللياقية من المحاضرة الأولى حتى المحاضرة الرابعة الجزء 2
كويــــــــز أسئلة شاملة الصحة واللياقية من المحاضرة الأولى حتى المحاضرة الرابعة الجزء4
طرق البحث : المحاضرة الرابعه
اسئلة اختبار نظم المعلومات الإدارية المحاضرة ( 4 )
كويــــــــز أسئلة شاملة الصحة واللياقية من المحاضرة الأولى حتى المحاضرة الرابعة الجزء 1
كويــــــــز أسئلة شاملة الصحة واللياقية من المحاضرة الأولى حتى المحاضرة الرابعة الجزء 3
كــــويـــز مــادة التــذوق الادبــــي المحـــــاضــرة ( الخــــامـــــســة .. )
الكويزات الأكثر شعبية
.. المحاضرة الأولـــى تقنية معلومات 2 .. (12271)
الادارة الاستراتيجية المحاضرة الأولى د عيسى حيرش (10339)
اختبار نظرية المعرفة الفصل الأول لعام 1435- 1436 هـ (10153)
حصري .. اسئلة الاختبار لمادة الانترنت والاتصالات للفصل الثاني 1434 للدكتور محمد الزهراتي (9996)
أسئلة أختبار حقوق الإنسان 1436/7/22 (9888)
كويز المحاضرة الاولى - موضوعات خاصة بلأدارة ~ (9855)
إدارة الأعمال الصغيره .. المحاضره الأولى .. { نماذج الاختبارات السابقة } (9723)
اسئلة تبويب مقرر قضايا ثقافية معاصرة للاختبارات السابقة ☆☆ المحاضرة الاولى ☆☆ (9636)
أسئلة أختبار مادة (( النظام الاجتماعي في الإسلام )) للفصل الأول لسنة 1434 / 1435 الدكتور / حمد المر (9602)
# اسئلة الاختبار النهائي برامج الحاسب المكتبية الفصل الاول لعام 1435 (9534)
جميع الحقوق محفوظة ckfu.org.

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