ملتقى طلاب وطالبات جامعة الملك فيصل,جامعة الدمام

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التسجيل الكويزاتإضافة كويزمواعيد التسجيل التعليمـــات المجموعات  

●₪[مراجعة النحو والصرف المحاضرة 2 - د.عبدالرحيم الجماري]₪●
[MORPHOLOGY and SYNTAX - (الأسئلة مكررة بصيغ مختلفة) - الفصل الثاني 1440 هـ]
من (المحتوى + تجميع أسئلة الاختبارات من ملف مجرد عابر) - تنسيق : مطَر ابنْ السّماء
عدد الأسئلة: 26
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1) .............is an affixation process that forms a word with a meaning and/or category distinct from that of its base
A. Derivation
B. inflectional
C. functional
D. positional
2) When a morpheme changes the grammatical category of the root, it is
A. derivational
B. inflectional
C. functional
D. positional
3) Derivational processes in English are:
A. Prefixing
B. Suffixing
C. Prefixing and suffixing
D. Prefixing , suffixing, and infixing
4) Which of the following generalizations is correct?
A. A derivational affix affixes to a base before an inflectional one.
B. A derivational affix attaches before and after an inflectional one.
C. A derivational affix attaches after an inflectional one.
D. A derivational affix never occurs with an inflectional one.
5) Which of the following sentence is correct:
A. A derivational affix attaches to a base before and after an inflectional one
B. A derivational affix attaches to a base after an inflectional one
C. A derivational affix attaches to a base before an inflectional one
D. A derivational never occurs with an inflectional one
6) Choose the group of words that result from derivation
A. Cry, cried, cries, crying
B. Tooth, teeth
C. Conquer, conquest, conqueror
D. None of the above
7) The derivational morpheme in 'believers' is :
A. believe
B. -er
C. -ers
D. -s
8) Choose the set of words that illustrate derivation:
A. play, plays, played, playing
B. wise, wisdom, unwise, unwisely
C. foot, feet
D. happy, happier, happiest
9) - derivational morpheme in "seekers" is
A. seek
B. –s
C. –ers
D. –er
10) Choose the group of words that results from derivation
A. Cry, cries, cried, crying
B. Kind, unkind, kindness, kindly
C. Tooth, teeth
D. King, kingdom, kingdoms
11) .............is a process of word formation in English which consists in combining existing words to create complex words.
A. Blocking
B. Blend
C. Clipping
D. Compounding
12) When a root is combined with an affix, it forms:
A. an expanded root
B. a complex word
C. an expanded base
D. a simple word
13) A compound is a word that contains ………..
A. one prefix and one word
B. one suffix and one word
C. two root morphemes and one word
D. two simple words or more
14) word consisting of two root morphemes is called a
A. Compound
B. Coordinate word
C. Double word
D. Two-base word
15) A compound is a word that contains _______.
One prefix and one word
One suffix and one word
Two root morphemes and one word
Two free standing forms
16) Which of the component words determines the grammatical category of a compound?
A. The rightmost or the leftmost word
B. The rightmost and the leftmost
C. The leftmost word
D. The rightmost word
17) What determines the grammatical category of a compound is :
A. The rightmost word
B. The leftmost word
C. The rightmost and the leftmost words together
D. Neither the rightmost nor the leftmost word
18) An endocentric compound is a compound in which
A. rightmost word determines the general meaning of the compound whole
B. leftmost word determines the general meaning of the compound whole
C. Both words in the compound determine the general meaning compound as a whole
D. None of the above
19) Which of the following illustrates 'compounding ' :
A. Football
B. Prep-school
D. E-commerce
20) Which of the following illustrate ' compounding '
A. Greenhouse
B. Prep-school
D. E-learning
21) Which of the following illustrates' compounding ' ?
B. prep-school
C. wallpaper
D. e-learning
22) Which of the following illustrates' compounding ' ?
23) Which of the following illustrates' compounding ' ?
24) compounds allow the suffixation of –s to irregular plurals .........
25) compounds NOT allow the suffixation of –s to irregular plurals .........
Choose the group of words that results from
26) The head of a compound is
A. The leftmost word
B. The rightmost word
C. The rightmost and the leftmost words together
D. Neither the rightmost not the leftmost word
معلومات حول الكويز
●₪[مراجعة النحو والصرف المحاضرة 2 - د.عبدالرحيم الجماري]₪●
[MORPHOLOGY and SYNTAX - (الأسئلة مكررة بصيغ مختلفة) - الفصل الثاني 1440 هـ]
تفاصيل أخرى:
من (المحتوى + تجميع أسئلة الاختبارات من ملف مجرد عابر) - تنسيق : مطَر ابنْ السّماء
تم حل الكويز 299 مرة بنسبة نجاح 75%
القسم: E6
مناقشة الكويز: ●₪[مراجعة النحو والصرف المحاضرة 2 - د.عبدالرحيم الجماري]₪●
معلومات صاحب الكويز
مطر ابن السماء

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مطر ابن السماء100%
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●₪[مراجعة النحو والصرف المحاضرة 1 - د.عبدالرحيم الجماري]₪●
●₪[مراجعة النحو والصرف المحاضرة 3 - د.عبدالرحيم الجماري]₪●
●₪[مراجعة النحو والصرف المحاضرة 5 - د.عبدالرحيم الجماري]₪●
●₪[مراجعة النحو والصرف المحاضرة 6 + 8 - د.عبدالرحيم الجماري]₪●
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●₪[مراجعة النحو والصرف المحاضرة 4 - د.عبدالرحيم الجماري]₪●
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●₪[مراجعة النحو والصرف المحاضرة 12 + 13 + 14 - د.عبدالرحيم الجماري]₪●
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