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طرق البحث وتصميم الابحاث - المحاضرة الحادية عشر
[أسئلة مراجعة مجهود شخصي - طرق البحث وتصميم الابحاث - د.فهد بن دهيش]
طرق البحث وتصميم الإبحاث
عدد الأسئلة: 21
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- سوف تحصل على نقطة إضافية في التقييم عن كل إجابة صحيحة.
1) Qualitative research instruments : In a broad sense, there are .................. for collecting qualitative research data
five instruments
three instruments
two instruments
2) Qualitative research instruments : In a broad sense, there are three instruments for collecting qualitative research data
participant media
Participant observation
3) Qualitative research instruments : In a broad sense, there are three instruments for collecting qualitative research data
In-depth interviews
interview with the vampire
interview with a serial killer
4) Qualitative research instruments : In a broad sense, there are three instruments for collecting qualitative research data
Fox animal
Focus group discussions
Facebook search
5) ................... is appropriate for collecting data on naturally occurring behaviours in their usual contexts
In-depth interviews
Focus group discussions
Participant observation
6) It is one of the most common methods for ....................,
qualitative data collection
qiyas results
7) participant observation is also one of the most..................
dream girl
8) It requires that the researcher become ......................  
a participant in the culture or context being observed
a participant in a study of music perception
non participant observation
9) Participant observation often requires months or years of intensive work because the researcher ............................................ that the observations are of the natural phenomenon
needs to be changed
needs to become accepted as a natural part of the culture in order to assure
needs to be or need to be
10) .................... are ideal for collecting data on individuals’ personal histories, perspectives, and experiences, particularly when sensitive topics are being explored
Participant observation
Focus group discussions
In-depth interviews
11) They are most appropriate for situations in which you want to ................................
ask open‐ended questions that elicit depth of information from relatively few people
ask robot
ask in arabic
12) They are most appropriate for situations in which you want to ask open‐ended questions that elicit depth of information from relatively few people (................................................
as opposed to automatic processing
as opposed to surveys, which tend to be more quantitative and are conducted with larger numbers of people).
as roma
13) .................. is a group interview of approximately six to twelve people who share similar characteristics or common interests
In-depth interviews
A focus group
Participant observation
14) A facilitator guides the group based on a .........................
predetermined set of topics
pretty little liars
prison break
15) The facilitator creates an environment that encourages participants to share their ......................
perceptions and points of view
16) Focus groups are a qualitative data collection method, meaning that ...........................................
the data is the error
the data was or were
the data is descriptive and cannot be measured numerically
17) They are effective in eliciting data on........................................................
the cultural norms associated with food
the cultural norms of a group and in generating broad overviews of issues of concern to the cultural groups or subgroups represented
the cultural revolution
18) Participants are selected to .......................
meet sampling criteria
meet me
meet the robinsons
19) They seek broad range of ideas on ................
open-ended topic
open youtube
open grave
20) They are formal, ..............................
controlled drugs
controlled experiment
controlled pre-arranged time and place
21) Further, they usually are audio-taped and ...................
transcribed for analysis.
two two one one
معلومات حول الكويز
طرق البحث وتصميم الابحاث - المحاضرة الحادية عشر
[أسئلة مراجعة مجهود شخصي - طرق البحث وتصميم الابحاث - د.فهد بن دهيش]
تفاصيل أخرى:
طرق البحث وتصميم الإبحاث
تم حل الكويز 118 مرة بنسبة نجاح 68%
القسم: E7
مناقشة الكويز: طرق البحث وتصميم الابحاث - المحاضرة الحادية عشر
معلومات صاحب الكويز
أمنية الحياة

قام بانشاء 14 كويز
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العضونسبة النجاح
أمنية الحياة100%
lala land100%
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فتى الفتيان100%
آمال وطموح95%
أم ريوف95%
كويزات مشابهة
اسئلة اختبار طرق البحث وتصميم الأبحاث الفصل الثاني للعام 1434-1435 هـ د. عبدالله الفريدان
واجبات طرق البحث وتصميم الأبحاث
طرق البحث وتصميم الابحاث - المحاضرة الرابعة
طرق البحث وتصميم الابحاث - المحاضرة الثالثة عشر
اسئلة اختبار طرق البحث وتصميم الأبحاث الفصل الاول للعام 1435-1436 هـ د. عبدالله الفريدان
طرق البحث وتصميم الابحاث - المحاضرة الاولى
طرق البحث وتصميم الابحاث - المحاضرة الرابعة عشر
اسئلة اختبار طرق البحث وتصميم الأبحاث الفصل الاول للعام 1434-1435 هـ د. عبدالله الفريدان
طرق البحث وتصميم الابحاث - المحاضرة الثانية
❀ ... اليوم الخامس للمسابقة التحفيزية : كويز طرق البحث وتصميم الأبحاث...❀
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جميع الحقوق محفوظة ckfu.org.

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