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أسئلة مراجعة اللغة و تقنية المعلومات ..الجزء الاول ..
[أسئلة مراجعة مجهود شخصي - اللغة و تقنية المعلومات - د/ عبدالعزيز التركي]
أسئلة مراجعة لـ محاضرات مقرر : اللغة و تقنية المعلومات .. من المحاضرة الاولى الى المحاضرة الثامنة .. الجزء الاول .. الاسئلة اجتهاد شخصي .. بالتوفيق للجميع .. مجرد عآبر ..
عدد الأسئلة: 93
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1) from the perspective of the ............. they document the actual conceptual and practical changes affecting English language teaching.
critical analyst
social media
social pragmatis
critical geologist
2) the fundamental changes technology is bringing to ELT even if these changes may not be seen as "transformative" from the view of the .............
critical analyst
social media
social pragmatis
critical geologist
3) examples in which technology has changed in English language teaching :
he English language itself is changing
he study of language
Tasks for language learning
New forms of assessment
all of the above
4) standards-setting forces such as ............, ................, publishing, and broadcasting have succeeded in maintaining some standards and resistance to change.
newspapers, magazine
dictionaries, writing
playstation, Xbox
mobiles, computers
5) One observer of linguistic trends in English, ................. , notes that the days of the standardization through these means may be gone:
6) One observer of linguistic trends in English, Graddol, notes that the days of the standardization through these means may be ............
stay long time
7) with increasing use of electronic communication much of the social and cultural effect of the ........... has already been lost,
stability of print
stability of writing
stability of sleeping
stability of fighting
8) “with ........... use of electronic communication much of the social and cultural effect of the stability of print has already been lost,
9) with central ............... such as editors and publishers who maintain consistent, standardized forms of language"
FBI agents
gatekeeping agents
VIP agents
None of the above
10) examples of the English itself is changing as a result of technology:
New inventions
less gatekeeping
language contact
all of the above
11) LOOL , BRB , Google something. Example of :
New inventions
less gatekeeping
language contact
12) the discourse level, the language of electronic communication creates the impetus for robust theory to help .................... with their own conventions.
not make any sense
make sense of rich registers
make sense of old registers
make sense of new registers
13) The study of every level of the linguistic system has changed because of ...............
14) The study of ............... includes methods for speech recognition and synthesis that have pushed former limits of knowledge.
15) The study of .............. has been affected dramatically by computer-assisted methods through corpus linguistics,
16) Corpus linguists study language in electronically stored ............. through the use of computer programs that search and count grammatical features.
17) CMC stand for :
Control Machine Circle
Computer midnight Commercial
Computer Management System
Computer-mediated communication
18) One type of task is developed from software.
Computer-mediated Communication
learner-computer interaction
Management system
supervision system
19) One type of task is developed from software.
Computer-mediated Communication
learner-computer interaction
Management system
supervision system
20) e-mail or chats. Example of :
Computer-mediated Communication
learner-computer interaction
Management system
supervision system
21) based on interactions between the learner and the computer.
Computer-mediated Communication
learner-computer interaction
Management system
supervision system
22) hypermedia listening or concordancing. Example of :
Computer-mediated Communication
Management system
learner-computer interaction
supervision system
23) the software ................ can allow for either synchronous or asynchronous communication.
24) Synchronous means that the communication is taking place in .............
past time
real time
any time
long time
25) Asynchronous communication allows learners to read/speak and write/hear electronic messages, which are stored on a server to be produced and accessed ............
past time
real time
any time
long time
26) Fill the gap ,Technology based language teaching and research........
Is a departure from applied it is a collocation
Is not a departure from applied it is a collocation
Is a departure from applied it is a continuation
Is not a departure from applied linguistics it is a continuation
27) What are the types of computer-mediated communication?
Synchronous and Asynchronous
inventions and contact
Not from the above
28) hypertext and hypermedia. Example of :
Computer-mediated Communication
learner-computer interaction
Management system
None of the above
29) choose the correct statement:
comprehensible input is not sophisticated to explain for L2 development
comprehensible input is sufficient to explain for L2 development
comprehensible input is not sufficient to explain for L2 development
30) The comprehensible input alone were ........... for L2 development
not sufficient
31) comprehensible input,” language comprehended......... the learner knowing all of the linguistic forms in the message
32) he comprehensible input alone were ........... for L2 development
not sufficient
33) is seen as essential for making the cognitive effort to engage the processes of comprehension, which sometimes requires asking for help, and sometimes results in noticing a gap in knowledge.
Gap noticing
none of the above
34) The study of social processes comes to similar conclusions, but with emphasis on the role of the ........... in which processes occur.
none of the above
35) Gap noticing is also prompted by requiring learners to ......................, and it is enhanced when learners have time to plan their production and when they are offeredl correction
produce the target language
engage the processes
the need for target
36) A central concept in cognitive approaches to 14SLA is that learners have the opportunity to acquire features of the linguistic input that they are exposed to during the course of reading or listening for meaning.
Enhanced input
lnput salience
input modification
37) Input can be made ............... by highlighting the structures that the learners are supposed to attend to while they are reading the text.
none of the above
38) ....................A second way of making input salient is through repetition of the target linguistic forms because input frequency is among the factors that figures prominently in theories of the factors that affect noticing of target language input
none of the above
39) At least three aspects of................. are useful to consider for CALL pedagogy:
evaluating theory
research theory
production theory
None of the above
40) Kern and Warschauer (2000) suggest that research methods are tied to the theoretical approach of CALL, arguing that three basic approaches to CALL can be identified – .................cognitive, and sociocognitive.
None of the above
41) the purpose of CALL ................ learning, the most critical questions to be addressed about CALL are the following
activies is L2 learning
activies is L1 learning
activies is L3 learning
42) In research methodology the problem of setting up the research depends on
where those questions are
How those questions are?
what those questions are?
43) “ Intelligent feedback for grammar “example of focusing on
the learners
the software
C- the task
44) Focusing on the learners such as
subtitle for listening
text chat as rehearsal
Asking for help
web-based listening
45) The data contain clear indications that some of the learners are benefiting from the opportunity to engaging in the text chat before engaging in ............work “fill the gap “
oral classroom
writing classroom
since class room
46) When learning authentic video in a multimedia environment having foreign the opportunity to see subtitles results in............... of the “ language."fill the gap
both better comprehension and subsequent better use
better comprehension
better subsequent
none of the above
47) One approach to understanding technology use is to carefully ............
observe learners at gym
observe learners at home
observe learners at work
observe learners at school
48) ...............that constitute the observable record of learners’ work on CALL tasks have been called “working style data – consistent, observable behavior displayed by students as they worked on [computer-based] L2 tasks”
Notation for the data
The process data
49) The process data that constitute the observable record of learners’ work on CALL tasks have been called “................. – consistent, observable behavior displayed by students as they worked on [computer-based] L2 tasks”
working style data
Working style discourse
50) all cases, the researcher needs to ask for participants’ permission ............
to use their identity
to use their Cards
to use their phone
o use their data
51) Each unit of behavior, called a ........
52) Several such methodologies have been suggested and illustrated through ..................... , in particular, interaction analysis, discourse analysis, and conversation analysis.
research on CALL
research on CRM
research on MMT
research on QSI
53) Several such methodologies have been suggested and illustrated through research on CALL, in particular, interaction analysis, discourse analysis, and ...............,
data analysis
conversation analysis
word analysis
Not from the above
54) ................ is used to document the particular moves that the learner makes while working with technology
lnteraction analysis
Discourse analysis
conversation analysis
none of the above
55) interaction analysis is used to document the particular moves that the learner makes while working with .........
hand tools
None of the above
56) The descriptive research question addressed through interaction analysis was ...................
How frequently do learners consult the institute
how frequently do they consult the external bilingual dictionary
How frequently do learners consult the internal glossary
answers 2-3
57) discourse Analysis is a functional description of ............ that the participants make contract text.
Linguistic and move
phonology and sign
grammatical and move
research and collect data
58) attempts to capture language users‟ utterances and intentions and describe how the language in discourse was used to accomplish communicative intent.
discourse analysis
interaction analysis
Conversation analysis
none of the above
59) One of the perspective questions addressed through discovered the conversation routines that the learner close, topic , shift and cohesion :
discourse analysis
interaction analysis
Conversation analysis
none of the above
60) .......... a process which involves interpretation of the data in a way that makes them meaningful useful for research:
discourse analysis
discourse analysis
Conversation analysis
interaction analysis
61) ............. can be a good environment for fostering use of more formal and complex language
mobile call
electronic discussion
62) How many approaches have been used for evaluation of such tasks ?
63) Three approaches have been used for evaluation of such tasks
nstances of negotiation of meaning
three dimensions of proficiency
all of the above
64) through the criteria of ac- curacy, complexity, and fluency .
instances of negotiation of meaning
three dimensions of proficiency
none of the above
65) the results of using the task and how it helped learners learn
instances of negotiation of meaning
three dimensions of proficiency
none of the above
66) looks for instances of negotiation of meaning in the language of task participants.
instances of negotiation of meaning
three dimensions of proficiency
none of the above
67) Familiarity of topic, discourse genre, and task
Cognitive complexity
Cognitive Familiarity
Cognitive processing
Code complexity
68) Information organization, amount of "computation" required Clarity and sufficiency of given information
Cognitive complexity
Cognitive Familiarity
Cognitive processing
Code complexity
69) The complexity of the topical content
Cognitive complexity
Cognitive Familiarity
Cognitive processing
Code complexity
70) The final stage of stages of task based language learning
Post-task activity
pre-task activity
code complexity
cognitive complexity
71) Important of task based language teaching for learners
relevant to learning real-life language needs
relevant to learning virtual-life language needs
relevant to learning past-life language needs
relevant to learning future life language needs
72) learning language based task of stages....... There are
Three stages
Four stages
Two stages
Five stages
73) the first stage of stages of task based language learning?
post-task activity
pre-task activity
task features
74) ............. Prepares learners to perform the task linguistically and cognitively.
post-task activity
pre-task activity
task features
75) doing a similar task, providing a model answer, or providing planning opportunities before the task.
post-task activity
pre-task activity
task features
76) ask repetition (fluency, complexity, and accuracy)
post-task activity
pre-task activity
task features
77) Corpus linguistics “ CL “is
ia a list of all of the occurrences of a particular search term in a .corpus, presented within the context that they occur in
is used to document the particular moves that the learner makes while working with technology
he study of language based on examples of ‘real life’ language use
functional description of the linguistic choices and moves that the participants make to construct a text
78) .............. is “the study of language based on examples of ‘real life’ language use”
79) CL is “the study of language based on examples of ‘.........’ language use”
real life
future life
Past life
80) Categories of CL : Original vs. translation
81) Categories of CL : Native vs. learner
82) Categories of CL :Content
mono vs. multilingual
plain vs. annotated
synchronic vs. diachronic
monitor vs. sample
83) Categories of CL : language
mono vs. multilingual
plain vs. annotated
synchronic vs. diachronic
monitor vs. sample
84) Natural language processing. Example of :
language teaching
85) ESP. Example of :
anguage teaching
86) who made the action
87) the action made on them
88) ........... lexical items that show marked frequency in one text compared to another.
Concordance patterns
Keyword patterns
Not of the above
89) Concordance patterns: a list of all of the occurrences of a particular search term in........... that they occur in.
a book presented within the context
a text presented within the context
a corpus presented within the context
Not of the above
90) How we can critical discourse analysis
91) The important of corpus linguistics:
Machine translation
collocation checking
decision making
problem solving
92) If The learners use chat conversation to check grammar it’s example of
Corpus linguistic
Natural language
artificial language
robot linguistic
93) تم بحمد الله الانتهاء من الجزء الاولى .. ان اصبت فمن الله و ان اخطأت فمني و من الشيطان .. بالتوفيق للجميع ..
سبحان الله
لا اله الا الله
الله اكبر
سبحان الله و الحمدلله و لا اله الا اللله و الله اكبر
معلومات حول الكويز
أسئلة مراجعة اللغة و تقنية المعلومات ..الجزء الاول ..
[أسئلة مراجعة مجهود شخصي - اللغة و تقنية المعلومات - د/ عبدالعزيز التركي]
تفاصيل أخرى:
أسئلة مراجعة لـ محاضرات مقرر : اللغة و تقنية المعلومات .. من المحاضرة الاولى الى المحاضرة الثامنة .. الجزء الاول .. الاسئلة اجتهاد شخصي .. بالتوفيق للجميع .. مجرد عآبر ..
تم حل الكويز 98 مرة بنسبة نجاح 49%
القسم: E8
مناقشة الكويز: أسئلة مراجعة اللغة و تقنية المعلومات ..الجزء الاول ..
معلومات صاحب الكويز
مجرد عآبر

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احمد الحارثي60%
فطومه الكبيره49%
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