ملتقى طلاب وطالبات جامعة الملك فيصل,جامعة الدمام

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التسجيل الكويزاتإضافة كويزمواعيد التسجيل التعليمـــات المجموعات  

11-13 Semantics and Pragmatics
[Semantics and Pragmatics - Abdulrahman A. Alsayed]
كويز للمحاضرة 11 - 13
عدد الأسئلة: 22
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1) Speech act theory is a theory of ………..based on a book called “How to Do Things with Words” by the Oxford philosopher John L. Austin.
a. Semantics
b. Language
c. Translation
d. Interpretation
2) Speech act theory states that language is:
a. A mode of action
b. A way of conveying information
c. Both of the same level
d. B more than A
3) Speech acts include:
a. Locutionary
b. Illocutionary
c. Perlocutionary
d. All of the above mentioned.
4) Locutionary meaning includes
a. Sense
b. Reference
c. Both
d. Neither
5) One way to think about the illocutionary act is that it…………… in making the utterance in the first place.
a. Reflects the intention of the speaker.
b. Does not reflect the intention of the speaker.
c. Both possible
d. Neither
6) Saying: “I‟m very grateful to you for all you have done” performs the illocutionary act of:
a. Personality
b. Social complement
c. Thanking
d. All false
7) The perlocutionary act is carried out by a speaker making an utterance to :
a. Produce an understandable utterance
b. Cause a certain effect on the hearer and others through that utterance
c. Convey the intention of the speaker.
d. All false
8) The part “per” in “perlocutionary” means:
a. Through
b. Before
c. Each
d. All false
9) The perlocution of an utterance is the causing of an effect to happen……
a. With the intention of the speaker.
b. Without the intention of the speaker.
c. Both possible
d. Both wrong
10) When the act is intended by the speaker, it is:
a. A perlocutionary act
b. An illocutionary act
c. Both possible
d. All false
11) A locutionary act has:
a. Force
b. Meaning
c. Consequence
d. All true
12) An illocutionary act act has:
a. Force
b. Meaning
c. Consequence
d. All true
13) A perlocutionary act has:
a. Force
b. Meaning
c. Consequence
14) Be as helpful to your hearer as you can”. This statement represents:
a. The Co-operative Principle
b. The Operative Principle.
c. The Co-understanding Principle.
d. The understanding Principle.
15) Paul Grice developed four components of conversational cooperativeness called: a. The four Pauls.
b.The two Maxims
b. The four Maxims
16) . Truthfulness – do not say what you believe to be false. This is the Maxim of:
a. Quantity
b. Manner
c. Quality
d. Relation
17) Relevance – keep to the topic of the conversation. This is the Maxim of:
a. Quantity
b. Manner
c. Quality
d. Relation
18) Informativeness – tell the hearer just what he needs to know, no more and no less. This is the Maxim of:
a. Quantity
b. Manner
c. Quality
d. Relation
19) Clarity – speak in a way that the hearer will understand. This is the Maxim of:
a. Quantity
b. Manner
c. Quality
d. Relation
20) If your spouse asks, "...have you seen my car keys?" and your answer is:” Yes, it is on the table.”. Which maxim does apply?
a. Quantity
b. Manner
c. Quality
d. Relation
21) If your spouse asks "How was your day?" and you say "I hate tomatoes". Here the Maxim of ……. Is violated.
a. Quantity
b. Manner
c. Quality
d. Relation
22) If your friend asks, "How does my new shirt look?" and you respond "It's interesting," you have broken Maxim of……………
a. Quantity
b. Manner
c. Quality
d. Relation
معلومات حول الكويز
11-13 Semantics and Pragmatics
[Semantics and Pragmatics - Abdulrahman A. Alsayed]
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كويز للمحاضرة 11 - 13
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مناقشة الكويز: 11-13 Semantics and Pragmatics
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