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اسئلة مراجعة 49 السوال
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اسئلة مراجعة 49 السوال
[أسئلة مراجعة - مدخل الى اللغويات - د. غسان عدنان]
مراجعة 49 السوال
عدد الأسئلة: 50
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1) 1. __________ allows language users to talk about things and events not present in the immediate environment.
A. Productivity
B. Displacement
C. Arbitrariness
D. Cultural transmission
2) 2. The relationship between linguistic signs and objects in the world is described as __________.
A. arbitrariness
B. cultural transmission
C. displacement
D. productivity
3) 3. Creating new expressions and novel utterances by manipulating their linguistic resources to describe new objects and situations is called __________.
A. cultural transmission
B. arbitrariness
C. productivity
D. displacement
4) 4. __________ is the process whereby a language is passed on from one generation to the next.
A. Displacement
B. Arbitrariness
C. Cultural transmission
D. Productivity
5) 5. The study of the characteristics of speech sounds is called __________.
A. semantics
B. linguistics
C. phonetics
D. syntax
6) 6. When the vocal folds are spread apart, the air from the lungs passes between them unimpeded. Sounds produced in this way are described as __________.
A. syllables
B. voiced
C. voiceless
D. rhyme
7) 7. A __________ is a sound produced through the vocal folds without constriction of airflow in the mouth.
A. Vowel
B. Consonant
C. Coda
D. Syllable
8) 8. __________ is the study of how speech sounds are made,, or articulated.
A. Acoustic phonetics
B. Articulatory phonetics
C. Auditory phonetics
D. Phonetic alphabet
9) 9. These sounds and [p] are __________.
A. palatals
B. labiodentals
C. bilabials
D. nasals
10) 10. One of the following sounds is a stop sound.
A. /g/
B. /v/
C. /h/
D. /m/
11) 11. The initial sound of thin and the final sound of bath are both __________.
A. voiced velars
B. voiceless glottals
C. voiced alveolars
D. voiceless dentals
12) 12. The initial sounds in the words shout and child are both __________.
A. voiceless palatals
B. voiced bilabials
C. voiceless dental
D. voiced stops
13) 13. Which of the following sounds is a palatal sound?
A. /j/
B. /h/
C. /l/
D. /r/
14) 14. A combination of two vowel sounds is known as __________.
A. consonants
B. vowels
C. diphthongs
D. triphthongs
15) 15. The underlined vowels of the both words bid and women are described as.
A. [ı]
B. [æ]
C. [u]
D. [a]
16) 16. __________ is essentially the description of the systems and patterns of speech sounds in a language.
A. An allophone
B. Phonology
C. A minimal pair
D. A phoneme
17) 17. Which of the following words are NOT considered as a minimal pair?
A. might and fight
B. right and write
C. site and side
D. bet and hat
18) 18. The study of the origin and history of a word is known as __________.
A. borrowing
B. coinage
C. blending
D. etymology
19) 19. The combination of two separate forms to produce a single new term is also present in the process called __________.
A. clipping
B. blending
C. prefixes
D. derivation
20) 20. __________ are new words formed from the initial letters of a set of other words.
A. Acronyms
B. Suffixes
C. Synonyms
D. Infixes
21) 21. __________ is the study of form or forms.
A. Syntax
B. Etymology
C. Morphology
D. Polysemy
22) 22. A minimal unit of meaning or grammatical function is a __________.
A. metonymy
B. morpheme
C. collocation
D. homophone
23) 23. The underlined part of the word careless is known as a __________.
A. suffix
B. phoneme
C. free morpheme
D. allomorph
24) 24. The word house is considered as a __________.
A. functional morpheme
B. bound morpheme
C. prefix
D. lexical morpheme
25) 25. Which of these words has a derivational morpheme?
A. payment
B. laughing
C. tiger
D. spoken
26) 26. The underlined part in this sentence “The student saw a teacher” is considered as a/an __________.
A. article
B. noun
C. noun phrase
D. verb phrase
27) 27. A set of bound morphemes used to show if a word is plural or singular, past tense or not, a comparative or a possessive form is called as __________.
A. derivational morphemes
B. inflectional morphemes
C. free morphemes
D. bound morphemes
28) 28. __________ is the process of describing the structure of phrases and sentences.
A. Traditional analysis
B. Semantics
C. Pragmatics
D. Grammar
29) 29. The underlined parts in this sentence “the lucky boys” are described as.
A. -y derivational and -s inflectional
B. -y inflectional and -s derivational
C. -y functional and -s lexical
D. -y lexical and -s functional
30) 30. __________ is the study of the principles and processes by which sentences are constructed in particular languages.
A. Semantics
B. Discourse analysis
C. Co-operative principle
D. Syntax
31) 31. __________ is the study of the meaning of words, phrases and sentences.
A. Traditional analysis
B. Semantics
C. Pragmatics
D. Grammar
32) 32. The two words buy/purchase are __________.
A. prototypes
B. hyponyms
C. antonyms
D. synonyms
33) 33. When two or more different (written) forms have the same pronunciation, they are described as __________.
A. homophones
B. polysems
C. collocations
D. metonyms
34) 34. __________ are two forms with opposite meanings.
A. Synonyms
B. Homonyms
C. Antonyms
D. Metonyms
35) 35. The two words vegetable/carrot are __________.
A. prototypes
B. hyponyms
C. antonyms
D. synonyms
36) 36. __________ are two or more words with very closely related meanings.
A. Prototypes
B. Hyponyms
C. Antonyms
D. Synonyms
37) 37. The three sets of words (bottle/water), (car/wheels) and (king/crown) are __________.
A. synonyms
B. homonyms
C. antonyms
D. metonyms
38) 38. __________ is a relationship between words that frequently occur together.
A. Collocation
B. Cohesion
C. Presupposition
D. Anaphora
39) 39. The study of what speaker’s mean, or “speaker meaning,” is called __________.
A. discourse analysis
B. coherence
C. pragmatics
D. acquisition
40) 40. __________ are words or phrases used to indicate that we are not really sure that what we are saying is sufficiently correct or complete.
A. Hedges
B. Implicatures
C. Deixis
D. Hyponyms
41) 41. A/an __________ is a word such as happy or strange used with a noun to provide more information.
A. Verb
B. Noun
C. Adjective
D. Adverb
42) 42. The grammatical connection between two parts of a sentence, as in the connection between a subject (Cathy) and the form of a verb (loves chocolate) is known as __________.
A. agent
B. antecedent
C. agreement
D. babbling
43) 43. __________ is the process whereby a feature of one sound becomes part of another during speech production.
A. Aspiration
B. Assimilation
C. Backformation
D. Conversion
44) 44. __________ is the word formation process in which a word from one language is borrowed directly into another language.
A. Coinage
B. Blending
C. Compounding
D. Borrowing
45) 45. The word workroom is an example of __________.
A. Compounding
B. Derivation
C. Conversion
D. Clipping
46) 46. The underlined letters in the word chemistry are pronounced as __________.
A. /ʃ/
B. /tʃ/
C. /k/
D. /dʒ/
47) 47. The underlined initial letter in the word sugar is pronounced as __________.
A. /s/
B. /z/
C. /tʃ/
D. /ʃ/
48) 48. The underlined letters in the word picture are pronounced as __________.
A. /t/
B. /tʃ/
C. /ʃ/
D. /s/
49) 49. The underlined last letters in the word enough are pronounced as __________.
A. /f/
B. /tʃ/
C. /ʃ/
D. /g/
50) دعواتكم لي بالتوفيق
اللهم اااامين
ويوفق الجميع
دعواتكم بظهر الغيب
تحياتي لكم
الإنتقال للسؤال التالي يدوي
معلومات حول الكويز
اسئلة مراجعة 49 السوال
[أسئلة مراجعة - مدخل الى اللغويات - د. غسان عدنان]
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