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بعض اسئلة المراجعة وحل اسئلة سفيرالشرقية لمادة المقال
[أسئلة مراجعة - المقال - فهد الدهيش]
بعض اسئلة المراجعة وحل اسئلة سفيرالشرقية لمادة المقال
عدد الأسئلة: 67
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- سوف تحصل على نقطة إضافية في التقييم عن كل إجابة صحيحة.
1) Piece of writing have Several long paragraphs is..........
2) An Essay is similar to the paragraph , both of them has ....
Same principles of organization
a & b
3) 3- An Essay is different from the paragraph , it is .....
4) How many Parts of an Essay
5) 6- The paragraph of an essay that explains the topic with general idea is.....
The main body
The introduction
The conclusion
6) 7- The paragraph of an essay has the thesis statement is......
The main body
The introduction
The conclusion
7) 8- The paragraph of an essay that explain and support the thesis statement
The main body
The introduction
The conclusion
8) The paragraph of an essay that summarizes or restates the thesis and supporting ideas of the essay is.......
The main body
The introduction
The conclusion
9) ...............come between The introduction and The conclusion.
The main body
The introduction
The conclusion
10) a paragraph discusses one and only one main idea from beginning to end is called .......
11) If the paragraph has transition signals and the Repetition of key nouns ,it called........
12) What Transition Signal is used to introduce an additional idea
in addition, furthermore
moreover, besides
also, too, and
All of the above
13) 14- What Transition Signal is used to introduce an additional idea
on the other hand
14) What Transition Signal is used to introduce an opposite idea or contrast
on the other hand, in contrast, however, nevertheless
instead, still, and nonetheless
but, yet, although, while, whereas, though, even though
all of the above
15) 16- What Transition Signal is used to introduce an opposite idea or contrast?
16) 17- What Transition Signal is used to introduce a choice or alternative?
otherwise, or, if, unless
on the other hand, in contrast
on the other hand, in contrast
17) 18- What Transition Signal is used to introduce a choice or alternative?
18) What Transition Signal is used to introduce a restatement or explanation?
in fact
that is
all of the above
19) 20- What Transition Signal is used to list in order?
first, second, third
next, last, finally
the first, second, the next, last, final.
All of the above
20) 21 - What Transition Signal is used to introduce an example?
for example
for instance
only a & b
21) 22- What Transition Signal is used to introduce a conclusion or summary?
clearly, in brief
in conclusion, indeed
in short, in summary.
All of the above
22) 23- What Transition Signal is used to introduce a conclusion or summary?
otherwise, or
if, unless
in short
23) 24- What Transition Signal is used to introduce to introduce a result?
accordingly, as a result
as a consequent, therefore
consequently, hence, thus, so
All of the above
24) 25- What Transition Signal is used to introduce to introduce a result?
25) 26- The Introductory Paragraph has.......... parts
26) Thesis Statement is normally the ................. in the introductory paragraph
last sentence
27) got high blood pressure? try a truffle. Worried about heart disease? Buy a bon-bon. It's best news in years studies in two prestigious scientific journals say dark chocolate is good for you. It seems that eating a small pieces of dark chocolate regularly can reduce the risk of heart disease because dark chocolate but not milk chocolate or white chocolate—contains high amounts of flavenoids , powerful cholesterol-fighting compounds. What is the next health food going to be? Ice cream? Sugar cookies? There are so many conflicting news stories about which food s are good for you that it is difficult to make the right choices at the supermarket. 1. This is a ……
1- Historical background introduction
2- Funnel introduction
3- Dramatic introduction
4- Surprising introduction
28) Which one is the thesis statement?
''got high blood pressure? try a truffle? Worried about heart disease? Buy a bon-bon. It is the best news in years!"
'' Studies in two prestigious scientific journals say dark chocolate is good for you''.
''There are so many conflicting news stories about which food s are good for you that it is difficult to make the right choices at the supermarket''.
29) The Pilgrims who arrived in Massachusetts in 1620 came to find religious freedom. In the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, large numbers of African men and women were brought as slaves to work on large plantations in the South. Immigrants from northern and southern Europe came in the early nineteenth century to escape poor economic conditions at home. Later in the nineteenth century, the first immigrants from China came as contract laborers to build the railroads connecting East and West. In the twentieth century, political and economic refugees arrived from Asia, Eastern Europe, and Latin America. Indeed, the United States has seen immigrants come from many different parts of the world, and they have come for many different reasons. Their ability to adjust to life in their adopted land has depended on several factors. 3. This is a ………….
1- Historical background introduction
2- Funnel introduction
3- Dramatic introduction
4- Surprising introduction
30) 4. Which one the thesis statement?
"The pilgrims who arrived in Massachusetts in 1620 came to find religious freedom
"Large numbers of African men and women were brought as slaves to work on large plantation in the south."
"Their ability to adjust to life in their adopted land has depended on several factors"
31) 6. A general statement
States the specific topic
May list subtopic of the main topics
Introduce the general topic of the essay
32) A body paragraph is
The place to introduce your topic
The place to develop your topic and prove your points
The place to conclude your topic
33) Logical division of ideas is
Appropriate pattern for dividing your topic into subtopics and then discuss them
A pattern that disorganize your essay
Not helpful to explain causes, reasons and types
34) Young people in my culture have less freedom than young people in the united states____ in their choice of lifestyle ____in their choice of careers
Neither/ nor
Both/ only
Not only/ but also
35) A colon (:)
Is often useful before lists of two, three, or more subtopics in a thesis statement.
Is used to finish a statement or a sentence.
36) Parallelism is an important element in English writing . it means that
Each item in a list or comparison follows the same grammatical pattern.
Each item in a list or comparison should have the same meaning.
Each item in a list or comparison should have the same sounds sets.
37) " A college education is a good investment. " To make this statement strong we say
A college education is a good investment for only three reasons.
college education is not a good investment to every educated man and woman
A college education is not a good investment .
38) " I am going to write about healthy food" . this thesis statement is incorrect
It clearly explains the subtopics of the essay.
It makes a simple announcement.
It is an improved sentence.
39) Using parallel structure in your writing will help with
Economy and delight only.
Clarity and equality only
Economy, delight, equality and clarity.
40) Which sentence is paralleled?
This semester I am studying essay, music, art, and making a math course.
The tribes emphasized collective survival, mutual aid, and being responsible for one another.
The government is always willing to support poor people and to encourage investment
41) I am a little hungry,________ I didn't breakfast this morning
42) John likes to fish, swim,_______ hunt.
43) They describe the weather as sunny_______ cold.
44) The newlyweds could not decide_________ to live with her parents___ to rent
45) Community college offer preparation for many occupations; ______, they prepare students to transfer to a four-year college or university
46) ______ the cost of education is rising, many students must work part-time
Because of
47) The lawyer argued that the weather was bad____ that the had poor brakes___ and that the other driver was speeding.
Use comma
Use semicolon
48) Which use of comma is correct?
The house at 100 west 76th street, Baltimore, MD 21210, was sold today.
It was on January 5, that my son was born
Entering the room, was dangerous
49) Which use of comma is correct?
Jones, smith, and Jackson presented interesting report.
Jones, and smith, Jackson presented interesting report
Jones, and smith, and Jackson presented interesting report
50) Which use of comma is correct
The war lasted for two years but, very few people supported it.
In 1991, he travelled to many places
Exiting the room, was dangerous.
51) Which use of comma is correct
The woman frightened by a mouse, bought a cat
The woman, frightened by a mouse bought a cat
The woman, who spoke at the meeting today, opposed the merger
52) Mickey mouse has two things mighty mouse lacks ____charm and his own empire.
We should put (SEMICOLON) in the blank.
We should put (FULL STOP) in the blank.
We should put (COLON) in the blank
53) A semicolon is
A break in thought, but not a complete stop
Quite a comma
54) We went to Disneyland____ we have a great time
We should put (SEMICOLON) in the blank.
We should put (COMMA) in the blank
55) Salt water boils at a higher temperature than freshwater....... food cooks faster in salt water
, so
56) Salt water boils at a higher temperature than freshwater.......food cooks faster in salt water.
; therefore,
57) Salt water boils at a higher temperature than freshwater ..... food cooks faster in salt water.
58) Japanese people live longer than most other nationalities........they eat healthful diets.
, for
59) They eat a lot of fish and vegetables...... they eat lightly
, and
60) They do not eat a lot of red meat ........ do they eat many dairy products.
, nor
61) However, people should limit the amount of animal fat in their diets....... they risk getting heart disease.
62) Cigarette smoking is a factor in longevity........ Japanese and other long-lived Asians have a very high rate of tobacco use.
63) Community colleges offer preparation for many occupations .........they prepare students to transfer to a four-year college or university.
; also ,
; furthermore
64) Community colleges offer preparation for many occupations; they prepare students to transfer to a four-year college or university .....
as well.
, as well .
65) A citizen can vote in the United States when he or she is 18 years old. The underline word is.....
66) That there is a hole in the ozone layer of Earth's atmosphere is well known. The underline word is.....
67) I have to leave home at 6 : 00 in the morning.........I want to get to school on time
معلومات حول الكويز
بعض اسئلة المراجعة وحل اسئلة سفيرالشرقية لمادة المقال
[أسئلة مراجعة - المقال - فهد الدهيش]
تفاصيل أخرى:
بعض اسئلة المراجعة وحل اسئلة سفيرالشرقية لمادة المقال
تم حل الكويز 156 مرة بنسبة نجاح 66%
القسم: E5
مناقشة الكويز: بعض اسئلة المراجعة وحل اسئلة سفيرالشرقية لمادة المقال
معلومات صاحب الكويز

قام بانشاء 21 كويز
كويزات العضو
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العضونسبة النجاح
كلـــ امل ـــي97%
ام البطل92%
التعلم رحله92%
kim nana91%
Sami alman386%
ريم العمادي85%
ابو لوتس83%
عزتي الاسلام83%
محبة الإنجلش83%
أم هيثم83%
مسفر هزازي80%
كويزات مشابهة
مادة المقال - الجزء الثاني
ادارة التغيير -المحاضرة الرابعة تضم اسئلة ( اختبار- مراجعة - واجب )واسئلة المجهود الشخصي لابو شيماء
ادارة التغيير -المحاضرة السابعة تضم اسئلة ( اختبار- مراجعة - واجب ) واسئلة المجهود الشخصي لابو شيماء
ادارة التغيير -المحاضرة العاشرة تضم اسئلة ( اختبار- مراجعة - واجب )واسئلة المجهود الشخصي لابو شيماء
كويز .. لمادة الإنجليزي .. المستوى 2 .. إدارة اعمال
20 سؤال الخاصه باسئلة المراجعه
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مدخل اللغويات
اسئلة المراجعة لمقرر الانشاء و التعبير
حل مراجعة تاريخ الدولة العباسية 2
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جميع الحقوق محفوظة ckfu.org.

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