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ظهور الرواية - الثلاثاء 8/4/1439 ( الفترة الاولى )
🦋السلام عليكم ورحمة الله 🦋
دفعتي المميزه بإذن الله حيكون هنا تجمعنا لمادة ظهور الروايه لدا الترم ،الماده انا أخدتها صيفي ،دكتورها وصفي شقيرات جديد درس الماده ترمين الفصل الاول والثاني لسنة 1438 بالاضافة للفصل الصيفي ،مقرر ظهور الرواية طويل بعض الشي يحتاج وقت والدكتور أسئلته دقيقه بس واضحه من المحاضرة 1-8 ( الرواية وتعريفها نشأتها وأقسامها .... الخ ) من المحاضرة 9-14( كل المحاضرات تتحدث عن رواية Great Expectation آماد عظيمة لـ تشارلز ديكنز) نصيحة قبل أن تبدوأ في مذاكرة المحاضرات من 9-14 شوفوا الفيلم او اقروأ الروايه رواية آمال كبيره https://vb.ckfu.org/attachments/e5/3...8%ED%D1%C9.pdf اوأستمعوا الى الرواية على هذا الرابط https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m67csUtpawo ،راح تسهل عليكم معرفة الشخصيات وتذكر الاحداث المهمة والمفصلية في الرواية وايضا راح تجدوا متعة وقت المذاكرة ⭕الدكتور في كل محاضره مباشره بيديكم اسئلة مرررررا مهمه لانها بتجي منها في الاختبار ⭕ زاكروها بالاضافة لأسئلة المباشرات للترمين الي فاتوا وعندكم اسئلة اختبار الفصل الاول والثاني للسنة 1438 وأسئلة اختبار الفصل الصيفي حتلاقوا اهم الملفات للماده في المرفقات ملخص فدوى مترجم ملخص ام رغد غير مترجم أسئلة اختبار 1438 الفصل الاول اسئلة اختبار 1438 الفصل الثاني اسئلة اختبار الفصل الصيفي اسئلة اجتهاد شخصي للأخ Mohamed ملف ام الغالي اسئلة المباشرات الترم الماضي ملف لأهم اسماء الروايات ملف للواجبات اسئلة المباشرات للفصل الصيفي للاسف ملخص محمد مارضي يتحمل حتلاقوا على دا الرابط ملخص محمد مترجم https://vb.ckfu.org/attachments/e5/3...rise-novel.pdf وبالتوفيق للجميع 🦋 التعديل الأخير تم بواسطة Basma001 ; 2017- 10- 23 الساعة 12:41 AM |
2017- 10- 23 | #2 |
متميزة في المستوى الثامن للغة الانجليزية
رد: ظهور الرواية - الثلاثاء 8/4/1439 ( الفترة الاولى )
🦋الاسئلة التي ذكرت في المحاضرة المباشرة الاولى لـ مادة ظهور الرواية 🦋
🦋 18/10/2017 - 28/1/1439 🦋 1. The word prose is derived from........ prosa, which literally means 'straightforward' Arabic Greek Latin ✅ 2. Medieval Ages People in the Middle Ages depened on ......... To understand everything Church ✅ Science Universities 3. .............. replaced the church by the end of middle ages. science ✅ Magic Mythology 4. The rise of the English Novel was through the..... 18th -19th centuries ✅ 15th- 16th centuries 19th- 20th centuries 5. In the modrn ages, people started to realize that the true path of repentance was via..... the church Devotion to states Direct relation with God ✅ 6. The French Rev. During the 18th century..........., Europe, and North America witnessed four revolutions Mexico Britain ✅ India 7. ............. Happened within the years 1798-1799 and called for three mottos: equality, fraternity, liberty. the french rev ✅ The american rev The bolshevivic 1789-1799 8. In his poem 'ode on............ ' Pope summarizes the situation of England before 18th century. Seclusion Solitude✅ Isolation 9. Britain Britain, for many historians, was a purely agricultural country in the......... medieval ages ✅ 20th century Resortaion period restoration 10. The............. Age promoted reason as a source of authority. Enlightenment ✅ Romantic Elizabethan 11. ............ is the name given to the literature of early 18th century. Restoration Augustan ✅ Victorian 12. In the Middle Ages people livied under a cruel econmic system based on slavery called Socialism Capaitalism Feudalism ✅ مجرد عآبر .. و بالتوفيق للجميع .. |
التعديل الأخير تم بواسطة منصور العبدالله ; 2017- 11- 12 الساعة 01:31 PM |
2017- 10- 23 | #3 |
متميزة في المستوى الثامن للغة الانجليزية
رد: ظهور الرواية - الثلاثاء 8/4/1439 ( الفترة الاولى )
🦋كويزات ظهور الروايه🦋
كويز اسئلة ظهور الرواية الفصل الأول 1438 [أسئلة اختبار - ظهور الرواية - وصفي شقيرات] اسئلة الاختبار للفصل الأول 1438 https://vb.ckfu.org/t808502.html كويز اسئلة اختبار ظهور الرواية الفصل الثاني 1438 https://vb.ckfu.org/showthread.php?p...post1061421173 كويز اسئلة المحاضرات المباشره لمادة لظهور الرواية الفصل الاول 1438 [أسئلة مراجعة - ظهور الرواية - وصفي الشقيرات] https://vb.ckfu.org/quiz.php?do=take&quiz_id=15283 كويز اسئله المحاضرات المباشرةلمادة ظهور الرواية الفصل الثاني 1438 https://vb.ckfu.org/quiz.php?do=take&quiz_id=16919 كويز لـ اسئلة المحاضرات المباشرة للفصل الصيفي https://vb.ckfu.org/quiz.php?do=take&quiz_id=17749 كويز 70 سؤال عن الرواية * رواية آمال عظيمه * اجتهاد شخصي من الاخ Muhammd https://vb.ckfu.org/t771108.html. كويز لمادة ظهور الرواية من اعداد الاخوات أم الغالي , فدوة حسن , خوخة https://vb.ckfu.org/quiz.php?do=take&quiz_id=14798 |
التعديل الأخير تم بواسطة Basma001 ; 2017- 10- 23 الساعة 01:53 AM |
2017- 10- 23 | #4 |
متميزة في المستوى الثامن للغة الانجليزية
رد: ظهور الرواية - الثلاثاء 8/4/1439 ( الفترة الاولى )
🦋 المناقشات 🦋
حل المناقشات من التجمع السابق جزاهم الله خير 🦋🦋 #1 Verisimilitude, the semblance of reality in dramatic or nondramatic fiction. The concept implies that either the action represented must be acceptable or convincing according to the audience’s own experience or knowledge or, as in the presentation of science fiction or tales of the supernatural, the audience must be enticed into willingly suspending disbelief and accepting improbable actions as true within the framework of the narrative. Aristotle in his Poetics insisted that literature should reflect nature—that even highly idealized characters should possess recognizable human qualities—and that what was probable took precedence over what was merely possible. 🦋🦋 #2 The French Revolution played a huge role in influencing Romantic writers. As the Revolution began to play out, the absolute monarchy that had ruled France for centuries collapsed in only three years. This resulted in a complete transformation of society 🦋🦋 #3 The rise of the novel was also due to the fact that this new literary form gave more freedom (than, say, the drama) to the writer for the performance of the task which the temper of the age imposed upon him. Without question, the drama imposes many stringent curbs upon the writer. He himself has to remain in the background and limit the whole thing within the performing time of about three hours. The novelist, on the other hand, can pretend to omniscience, and can also intrude upon the scene at any time when he finds the need for it.Further, there is no curb on length. Again, in the eighteenth century, with a remarkable spurt in the mass of the reading public which no longer remained confined to London, it became impossible for the theatre to cater for the entire public. Hence the novel came as a welcome substitute of the drama. 🦋🦋 #4 Dickens loved words, and liked to produce a 'pretty piece of writing' in different styles. He included lots of powerful adjectives, and is famous for his use of metaphors and similes. His descriptions often present people, their surroundings, and even the weather, in ways which reinforce each other, so that a certain 'feel' is built up through the passage 🦋🦋 5# Pip, a young orphan living with his sister and her husband in the marshes of Kent, sits in a cemetery one evening looking at his parents’ tombstones. Suddenly, an escaped convict springs up from behind a tombstone, grabs Pip, and orders him to bring him food and a file for his leg irons. Pip obeys, but the fearsome convict is soon captured anyway. The convict protects Pip by claiming to have stolen the items himself. 🦋🦋 #6 detailed description of a particular geographical setting. It conveys the local color of the author in a humorous way. - In literature, regionalism or local color fiction refers to fiction that focuses on specific features – including characters, dialects, customs, history, and topography–of a particular region. Since the region may be a recreation or reflection of the author's own, there is often nostalgia and sentimentality in the writing. Examples: Dickens’ Great Expectations (1860). Mark Twain’s Adventures of Huckleberry Finn (1884). 🦋🦋 #7 1- The age witnessed a rapid development of the novel, the mutation of drama, and theevolution of poetry 2- An explosion in satire. Satire in prose, drama, and poetry, was the genre thatattracted the most energetic writing; satires of the age were typically marked by anironic pose full of nuance and a superficial air of dignified calm that hid sharpcriticisms beneath (political satires against specific policies, actions, and persons). 3- In philosophy and eco-politics the Augustan era was an age increasingly dominatedby empiricism, development of capitalism, and the triumph of trade 4- The growth of English Essay, which was aware of the Continental models 5- The Augustan period showed less literature of religious controversy than theRestoration. However, there were few Puritan writers like Daniel Defoe 🦋🦋 #8 It is funny but satirical since it offends the well-established morals and values. 🦋🦋 #9 Individuals preferred their own good. They wanted to satisfy their desires for more money, more knowledge, and more pleasure. 🦋🦋 #10 Dickens explores the class system of victorianengland ranging from the most wreched criminals (magwitch ) to the poor peasant (joe and biddy ) to the middle class 'pumblechook ' to the very rich (miss havisham 🦋🦋 #11 As an orphaned boy living with his sister and town blacksmith Pip is established as belonging to a low social class.The deaths of his parents and siblings make clear how tough life can be for that class . Even the name 'Pip' which means spot or seed signifies something small,yet a seed can grow hinting that Pip' will develop into more than he is. 🦋🦋 #12 Miss Havisham is a successful and rich woman in industry of capitalism, but in her death, her wedding dress become a symbol of death and degeneration because of her cruelty. 🦋🦋 #13 The Industrial Revolution created an explosion in steam-powered factories and an expanding in new railroad systems, which induced the increase in urban living and and increase in factories and jobs that the working class could attain. In the first half of the 19th century, workers came to London to get a job and to make a living. The population grew dramatically . The result of this huge increase include the production of heavily populated slums where the vast majority of London resides. The factory owners became very wealthy, creating a new upper-class, which divided the line between the lower classes and the upper classes even more. “‘…I think I shall trade,’ said he, leaning back in his chair, ‘to the East Indies, for silks, shawls, spices, dyes, drugs, and precious woods. It’s an interesting trade.’ ‘And the profits are large?’ said I. ‘Tremendous!’ said he” (Dickens,199) 🦋🦋 #14 Humanising the anonymous plight of our generation, we follow one refugee’s desperate journey, buffeted between borders and bad company. In a radical adaptation of Dickens’ classic novel, Chino Odimba and Theatre Centre transform Oliver’s struggle for sanctuary into a modern tale framed by the global phenomenon fast defining the 21st century. Twist is one boy’s search for home among the nameless millions they call ‘migrant’. Teeming with Dickens’ audacious characters and invigorated by award-winning Chino Odimba’s fresh and magical writing, this retelling marks a bold collaboration for Theatre Centre, pioneers of new writing for young audiences. .................................................. .......... ملف اسئله الممحاضرات المباشره لماده ظهور الروايه الفصل الاول 1438حتلاقوا ع دا الرابط https://vb.ckfu.org/attachment.php?a...2&d=1495478885 .................................................. .............. في المرفقات اسئلة المحاضرات المباشره لماده ظهور الروايه الفصل الثاني 1438 🦋🦋 |
التعديل الأخير تم بواسطة Basma001 ; 2017- 10- 23 الساعة 03:59 AM |
2017- 10- 23 | #5 |
متميزة في المستوى الثامن للغة الانجليزية
رد: ظهور الرواية - الثلاثاء 8/4/1439 ( الفترة الاولى )
🦋 الواجبات 🦋
في المرفقات الواجبات الثلاثه موفقين |
2017- 11- 1 | #6 |
رد: ظهور الرواية - الثلاثاء 8/4/1439 ( الفترة الاولى )
الله يسعدك ياشيخه دنيا واخرة
2017- 11- 1 | #7 |
متميزة في المستوى الثامن للغة الانجليزية
رد: ظهور الرواية - الثلاثاء 8/4/1439 ( الفترة الاولى )
ويسعدك يارب♥
2017- 11- 7 | #8 |
متميزة في المستوى الثامن للغة الانجليزية
رد: ظهور الرواية - الثلاثاء 8/4/1439 ( الفترة الاولى )
🦋الاسئلة التي ذكرت في المحاضرة المباشرة الثانية لـ مادة ظهور الرواية 🦋
🦋 1/11/2017 - 12/2/1439 🦋 1- as a literary genre of high culture romance or chivalric romance refer to .... A- a style of heroic ✅ B- A style of romance C- A style of Shakespeare's 2- What did Gothic novel use relating to settings : A- medieval settings . (✔castles or locked rooms) . B- modern settings . C- Greek settings . 3- Romance and novel prose narrative that was particularly current in A- aristocratic literature of medical B- early modern Europe C- Old Europe D- A & B ✅ 4- What was there in English literature On these years ( 1200 – 1600 ) was it : A- Novels B- Epics C- Novellas & Romances ✅ 5- The Epic ( Beowulf ) its belong to time of : A-Roman B-Greek C-Anglo-Saxon ✅ 6- By 1750, the population of London had reached 750,000—making it the largest city in the , perhaps twice as large as A- London B- Paris ✅ C- Tokyo 7- Who is the greatest practitioner of historical novel ? A- Walter scot ✅ B- Jane C- William 8- Comedic tradition by : Jane Austin ✅ Mike William 9- What did Gothic novel use relating to settings : A- Greek setting B- Medieval setting ✅ C- Modern setting 10- In Metafictional novel what style do they use : A- Complex style ✅ B- Simple style C- Comedic style 11- The man who represent the upper class people in Pamela A- Mr.B ✅ B- Miss,B C- Miss,A 12- ................ There works were often passionate and angry related to the sentiments of the 1840s A- Mike B- William C- The Brontes ✅ 13- Who is the queen that ruled Britain throw the year from 1837-1901 : A- Queen Elizabeth . B- Queen Victoria ✅ C- Queen Maria 14- the novel related to the adventure of argue A- Picaresque novel ✅ B- Catholic Novak C- Novella Precursors to the novels Greek and Roman heroic (Horner Iliad and Odessy) Anglo Saxon heroic epic : (Vergil Aeneid) Anglo Saxon heroic epic : ( be wolf ) Novella : ( Boccaccio Decameron ) اختكم Mzoon ♥ |
2017- 11- 13 | #9 |
أكـاديـمـي فـضـي
رد: ظهور الرواية - الثلاثاء 8/4/1439 ( الفترة الاولى )
ربي يوفقك ويرفع قدرك ،،، عمل جبار يشكر عليه والله وفالك بإذن لله +A وحنا كذلك يارب
التعديل الأخير تم بواسطة مبارك عبدالرحمن ; 2017- 11- 13 الساعة 09:27 PM |
2017- 11- 13 | #10 |
متميزة في المستوى الثامن للغة الانجليزية
رد: ظهور الرواية - الثلاثاء 8/4/1439 ( الفترة الاولى )
مواقع النشر (المفضلة) |
الذين يشاهدون محتوى الموضوع الآن : 1 ( الأعضاء 0 والزوار 1) | |
المواضيع المتشابهه | ||||
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[ مذاكرة جماعية ] : ظهور الرواية ( الفصل الصيفي ) | 3zf aljro7 | E5 | 22 | 2017- 12- 27 12:40 AM |