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Translation theory- lecture 2
[أسئلة مراجعة - Translation theory - Dr.Ahmad Halimah]
Translation theory lecture 2
عدد الأسئلة: 21
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1) All communicators tend to face the same problems as those of translators, because they need to
read the text
make sense of a text
need to deconstruct the text and then reconstruct it
all of the above
2) Translators need excellent memory to enable them use……. of two different languages and two different cultures.
rhetorical knowledge
syntactic knowledge
the semantic knowledge
all of the above
3) Normal communicator Encode into the language used by the sender While The Translator encoding consists of
re-encoding into a different language
encode messages which are different from those received
transmit them to the previous sender
all of them are fouls
4) Normal communicator Encode messages which are different from those received, While The Translator
Concerns the same message as was received
transmit them to the previous sender
encode messages which are different from those received
all of them are fouls
5) What is the different between bilingual translator and monolingual communicator ?
Encode into the language used by the sender
the encoding process
the re-encoding process
6) Translators need excellent memory to enable them use……...... of two different languages and two different cultures.
the semantic knowledge
syntactic knowledge
rhetorical knowledge
all of the above
7) What marks the bilingual translator off from the monolingual communicator?
the encoding process
Encode into the language used by the sender
the re-encoding process
8) The memory of the translator is like
a container of records of academic information only
a container of records of future events only
a container of records of past experiences and plans for action
a container of good time memories only
9) Translation is considered as
a model of explanation
a model of communication
a model of representation
10) we can say that any model of communication is a model of translation because all communicators face the same problems as those of translators. These problems include:
They need to deconstruct it and then reconstruct it
They need to read the text
They need to make sense of a text
All true
11) The difference between a normal communicator and a Translator is:
The monolingual communicator encodes in the same language recieved and transmit it to a receiver other than the previous sender
while the bilingual translator re-encode the message then submit it to a the previous sender
The monolingual communicator encodes in the same language recieved and transmit it to the previous sender, while the bilingual translator re-encode the message then submit it to a receiver other than the previous sender
12) All communicators are translators, because
they receive signals in speech and in writing containing messages encoded in a communication system which is not identical with their own
They have to translate their ideas during communication
13) pronunciation/spelling and sentence structure.
the Sociolinguistic Competence
the Grammatical competence of translator
the Discourse competence
14) Both communicators and translators need to ……….the text ?
only reconstruct
deconstruct and reconstruct
15) The Grammatical competence of the translator consists of
pronunciation , vocabulary and sentence structure
pronunciation , organization and paragraph structure
semantic , rhetoric and communication
16) Memory is important for a translator because
It contains ‘records’ of past experiences, has plans for action on the basis of what we know and what we have done
It will help him remember what the speaker is talking about
It will help him with the vocabulary
17) Language is important for a translator because
It will help him remember what the speaker is talking about.
It will help him with the vocabulary
much of our experience of the external world of the senses and the inner world of the mind is mediated by language
All false
18) One of the translator communicative competences is the Grammatical competence which means:
knowledge of the rules of the code, including vocabulary and word formation, pronunciation/spelling and sentence structure.
knowledge of and ability to produce and understand utterances appropriately in context
The ability to combine form and meaning to achieve a unified spoken or written texts in different genres
19) One of the translator communicative competences is the Sociolinguistic Competence which means
knowledge of and ability to produce and understand utterances appropriately in context
knowledge of the rules of the code, including vocabulary and word formation, pronunciation/spelling and sentence structure
The ability to combine form and meaning to achieve a unified spoken or written texts in different genres
20) One of the translator communicative competences is the Strategic competence which means
the mastery of communication strategies which may be used to improve communication or to compensate for breakdowns in actual communication
knowledge of and ability to produce and understand utterances appropriately in context
21) The memory of the translator is like
a container of records of academic
a container of good time memory
a container of records of past experience and plans for action
معلومات حول الكويز
Translation theory- lecture 2
[أسئلة مراجعة - Translation theory - Dr.Ahmad Halimah]
تفاصيل أخرى:
Translation theory lecture 2
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القسم: E5
مناقشة الكويز: Translation theory- lecture 2
معلومات صاحب الكويز

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#####نـظــــــــــــرية الترجمــــــــــة1#####
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