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التسجيل الكويزاتإضافة كويزمواعيد التسجيل التعليمـــات المجموعات  

❀ ... اليوم الأول للمسابقة التحفيزية : كويز علم اللغة النفسي...❀
[أسئلة اختبار - علم اللغة النفسي - محمد المعيلي]
(بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم ) كويز المسابقة التحفيزية لعلم اللغة النفسي - متاحة المشاركة لكم ساعة واحدة فقط من الساعة 9 إلى 10 مساء فقط ... أتمنى لكم بها النفع والفائدة
عدد الأسئلة: 30
- بعد إنهاء حل الكويز يمكنك تحميله بصيغة PDF.
- سوف تحصل على نقطة إضافية في التقييم عن كل إجابة صحيحة.
1) 50) language processing means.........
A-language production only
B-language perception only
C- speaking only
D-language production and language perception
2) anguage is creative because
A- children need some time to be linguistically competent
B-it spoken only by humans
C-sign language does not have phonemes
D-we can produce unlimited number of utterances with a limited number of language components
3) in the brain lexical items are organised
A-according to their meaning and sound
D-according to length of the word
4) slips of the tongue suggest that morphemes function .......during sentence planning.
5) which of the following happens to sentences when stored in long term memory
A-information about the structure of the sentence are kept
B-phonetic transcription
C-phonemic transcription
D-meaning of many sentences are combined
6) working memory is
A-none of the previous is correct
B-short term and long term memory
C-long term memory
D-short term memory
7) successful engagement in a discourse requires a knowledge of
A-the participants
B-the topic
C-the context
D-all of the above
8) people can retrieve known and frequently used words
A-but cannot retrieve less frequently used words
B-slower than unknown or less frequently used words
C-the same as unknown or less frequently used words
D-quicker than unknown or less frequently used words
9) speech is
A-synonymous to the term language
B-homophone for the term language
C- a form of language
D-not a form of communication
10) language is
A- the only form of communication
B-a rarely used form of communication
C-the primary communication system
D- not a form of communication
11) language pairs .............. and meaning
12) prescriptive grammar provides instructions on how a certain language
A-is actually used by its native speakers
B-should be used
C-has evolved
D- none of the above
13) in descriptive grammars linguists describe how a certain language
A-is actually used by its native speakers
B-should be used
C-- has evolved
D-none of the above
14) infant are genetically ......... to acquire language
D-none of the above
15) the critical period is
A- the period in in which people start to think critically
B-a decrease in linguistic abilities due to getting older
C-an age restriction for acquiring the first language
D-none of the above
16) neurolinguistics studies
A- the representation of language in the pharynx
B-the representation of language in the brain
C-the representation of language in the society
D-the representation of language in the libraries
17) broca's and wernicke's aphasisa are
A- language improvement following an injury to the right side of the brain
B-language improvement following an injury to the left side of the brain
C-language impairments following an injury to the right side of the brain
D-language impairments following an injury to the left side of the brain
18) broca's area is located in the
A-temporal lobe of the right hemisphere of the brain
B- frontal lobe of the left hemisphere of the brain
C-frontal lobe of the right hemisphere of the brain
D-temporal lobe of the left hemisphere of the brain
19) wernicke's area is located in the
A-temporal lobe of the left hemisphere of the brain
B-temporal lobe of the right hemisphere of the brain
C- frontal lobe of the right hemisphere of the brain
D-frontal lobe of the left hemisphere of the brain
20) lexical items can be retrieved from the brain using
A-meaning only
B-sounds only
C- both meaning and sounds
D-none of the above
21) the perception system is constructive because
A- it does not use additional information to the signal
B-it uses additional information to the signal
C-it uses the signal only
D-none of the above
22) using the acoustic signal to understand speech is referred to as
A- bottom up processing
B-top down processing
c-lexical decision
D-lexical retrieval
23) contextual information help us understand speech this is referred
A- lexical decision
B-lexical retrieval
C-bottom up processing
D- top down processing
24) the meaning of the term orthography is
A-the direction of texts in a language
B-the grammatical system of a language
C-the phonetic system of a language
D-the writing system of the language
25) before lexical retrieval bound morphemes are
A- only kept if they are inflectional morphemes
B-only kept if they are derivational morphemes
C- removed from the word they are bond to
26) hearing start to develop in infants at around
A-week 18 after birth
B-the time of birth
C-week 18 of pregnancy
D-- week 8 of pregnancy
27) meta linguistic awareness is
A-being aware that language is not just a means of communcation
B-being aware that language is just a means of communication
C-being aware that language is not an object
D- being aware that language is processed in the brain
28) uni-lingual mode is
A-being able to speak two languages
B- being able to speak one language only
C-consulting two grammars
D-consulting only one grammar
29) bilingual mode involves
A-being able to speak one language only
B-using more that one language in the same conversation
C-using one language only in the same conversation
D-none of the above
30) people master communication skills at
A-the age of two years
B-the age of three years
C-the age of four years
D-none of the above
معلومات حول الكويز
❀ ... اليوم الأول للمسابقة التحفيزية : كويز علم اللغة النفسي...❀
[أسئلة اختبار - علم اللغة النفسي - محمد المعيلي]
تفاصيل أخرى:
(بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم ) كويز المسابقة التحفيزية لعلم اللغة النفسي - متاحة المشاركة لكم ساعة واحدة فقط من الساعة 9 إلى 10 مساء فقط ... أتمنى لكم بها النفع والفائدة
تم حل الكويز 198 مرة بنسبة نجاح 67%
القسم: E7
مناقشة الكويز: ❀ ... اليوم الأول للمسابقة التحفيزية : كويز علم اللغة النفسي...❀
معلومات صاحب الكويز
✶ جُمان ✶

قام بانشاء 22 كويز
كويزات العضو
أفضل الأعضاء
العضونسبة النجاح
ريم العمادي100%
بالقرآن نرقى100%
حااتم الواسي96%
Hala A96%
المـ ج ـتهده93%
Mr English93%
ام محمد وكرم93%
ام يزن193%
جوليانا القصيم93%
صيته عبدالعزيز90%
كويزات مشابهة
❀ ... اليوم الثاني للمسابقة التحفيزية : كويز علم اللغة الإجتماعي...❀
❀ ... اليوم الخامس للمسابقة التحفيزية : كويز طرق البحث وتصميم الأبحاث...❀
❀ ... اليوم الثاني للمسابقة التحفيزية : كويز إستماع وإستيعاب...❀
Review Questions second lecture for Psycholinguistics
❀ ... اليوم الخامس للمسابقة التحفيزية : كويز مدخل إلى الأدب الأمريكي ...❀
❀ ... اليوم الثاني للمسابقة التحفيزية : كويز الترجمة التتابعية...❀
❀ ... اليوم الأول للمسابقة التحفيزية : كويز مطالعات وقراءات ...❀
أسئلة المراجعة لمادة أسس الخدمة الاجتماعية + الحل
❀ ... اليوم الرابع للمسابقة التحفيزية : كويز اللغة وتقنية المعلومات...❀
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جميع الحقوق محفوظة ckfu.org.

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