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التسجيل الكويزاتإضافة كويزمواعيد التسجيل التعليمـــات المجموعات  

❀ ... اليوم الثاني للمسابقة التحفيزية : كويز علم اللغة الإجتماعي...❀
[أسئلة اختبار - علم اللغة الإجتماعي - محمد الهلال]
(بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم) مسابقة اليوم الثاني كويز علم اللغة الإجتماعي من إختبارات سابقة الكويز متاح لكم من الساعة 9 إلى 12 مساء بالتوفيق للجــــميع
عدد الأسئلة: 30
- بعد إنهاء حل الكويز يمكنك تحميله بصيغة PDF.
- سوف تحصل على نقطة إضافية في التقييم عن كل إجابة صحيحة.
1) The link between the signified and the signifier is
A- A- arbiter
2) The promotion of English, both in Britain and in the United States, led to the ……… of the other languages which exist there
3) ....... is the art of using language so as to persuade or to influence others
ِ (A) Retroflex
(C) Rhetoric
B) Orthotic
D) Restock
4) Which sentence involves a simile
A) This room is an Oven
B) Her hair was golden silk
C) The room was like an oven
The sun was a diamond in the sky
5) Euphemism uses ….… to make something seem more positive than it actually appears
A) bold and abusive language
B) difficult language
C) offensive language
D) mild or inoffensive language.
6) Mexican stereotypes in film and television have one thing in common: Mexican Americans are almost always portrayed as …….: they are drug-pushers, gang-members, pimps
A) calm
B) violent
C) nice
D) quiet
7) The……a person is on the social scale, the more their speech will reflect prestige norms
8) Which of the following words is acceptable in Standard English ?
A) bog
C) Privy
D- Dunny
9) Choose the sentence that is acceptable in Standard English
ِ A) He’s a man what likes his wife
B) He’s a man he likes his wife
C) He’s a man who likes his wife
D- He’s a man likes his wife
10) The specific class that people belong to can be determined by:
A) education
B) occupation
C) economic factors
D) All the above
11) is a social group to which the speaker belongs ...........
A) Garage
B) outgroup
C) Ingroup
D) Accent.
12) . .…. is any set of beliefs which, to people who hold them, appear to be logical and natural
A) Geology
B) Doxology
(C) Ideology
D) Eulogy
13) ........is the way that language can systematically vary according to the situation in which it is used...
A) Registration
B) Reality
C) Register
D) Rigidness
14) When women speak, attitudes towards their talk are often ………; women’s talk is labelled as ‘chatter’ or ‘gossip’ about unimportant or ‘trivial’ topics.
A) negative
B) negation
C) positive
D) Explosives.
15) ……. is seen as sub-standard and the obligation is firmly placed on its speakers to change.......
A) Formal English
B) Arabic
C) Classical Arabic
D) African American Vernacular English (AAVE
16) ......is the study of how to make computers more sophisticated
A) Artificial Building
B) art intelligence
C) Artificial intelligence
D) Human intelligence
17) Language is a systematic way of combining smaller units into larger units for the purpose of
A) commutating
B) computation
C) competition
D) communication
18) The affective function of language expresses the speakers’ or writers
A) feelings and attitudes.
B) importance
C) intelligence
C- falling and failure
19) ........is the actual use of language in both speech and writing
A) Power
(B) Langue
C) Parole
D) Bail
20) ......is a process in which speakers may choose not to converge, but instead to maintain their own variety.
A) Linguistic divergence
(B) Linguistic convergence
C) Audience design
D) Linguistic maintenance
21) The dialect known as…….is the dialect of institutions such as government and the law
A) Black English
B) Standard English
C) accent
D) variety
22) Choose the sentence with multiple negation :
A- Nadia did not hear anthing
B- Nadia does not see anybody
C-Nadia did not eat anything
D-Nadia Did‘t eat nothing
23) Some studies show that women use hedges because they
A- prefer to avoid working
B-perfer to avoid conflict
C-like to provoke conflict
D-perfer to confornt other people
24) Speakers tend to use their linguistic identity in order.......
A-to disguise their membership of a particular social or regional group
B-to distance themselves from a particular social or regional group
C-to move closer to another group they want to belong to
D-All the above
25) Saussure divided language into two parts: langue and ........
A- paradox
26) ..........is the study of how a listener recognizes words and utterances
A) Linguistics
(B) Psychology
C) Sociolinguistics
(D) Psycholinguistics
27) According to the Dominance theory, ….. tend to have more power than women
A) girls
B) women
C) men
D) children
28) ......is the background assumption embedded within a sentence or a phrase
A) Imply
B) Definition
C) Presupposition
D) Implicature
29) According to The Sapir-Whorf hypothesis, there is a … link between culture and language.
A) captive
B) active
C) causative
D) loose
30) Difference Theory suggests that women and men develop different styles of talking because they are ………….. at important stages of their lives
A) aggregated
(B) aggravated
C) segregated
D) congregated
معلومات حول الكويز
❀ ... اليوم الثاني للمسابقة التحفيزية : كويز علم اللغة الإجتماعي...❀
[أسئلة اختبار - علم اللغة الإجتماعي - محمد الهلال]
تفاصيل أخرى:
(بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم) مسابقة اليوم الثاني كويز علم اللغة الإجتماعي من إختبارات سابقة الكويز متاح لكم من الساعة 9 إلى 12 مساء بالتوفيق للجــــميع
تم حل الكويز 145 مرة بنسبة نجاح 73%
القسم: E7
مناقشة الكويز: ❀ ... اليوم الثاني للمسابقة التحفيزية : كويز علم اللغة الإجتماعي...❀
معلومات صاحب الكويز
✶ جُمان ✶

قام بانشاء 22 كويز
كويزات العضو
أفضل الأعضاء
العضونسبة النجاح
بالقرآن نرقى100%
MiSs En100%
الليدي لودي96%
سن سن 296%
الفارس المميز96%
سليمان العمري96%
كويزات مشابهة
❀ ... اليوم الثاني للمسابقة التحفيزية : كويز إستماع وإستيعاب...❀
❀ ... اليوم الثاني للمسابقة التحفيزية : كويز الترجمة التتابعية...❀
❀ ... اليوم الأول للمسابقة التحفيزية : كويز علم اللغة النفسي...❀
❀ ... اليوم الخامس للمسابقة التحفيزية : كويز مدخل إلى الأدب الأمريكي ...❀
❀ ... اليوم الخامس للمسابقة التحفيزية : كويز طرق البحث وتصميم الأبحاث...❀
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جميع الحقوق محفوظة ckfu.org.

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