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تعاريف المحاضره الثالثه والرابعه لترجمه الابداعيه
[أسئلة مراجعة مجهود شخصي - الترجمه الابداعيه - حليمه]
تعاريف المحاضره الثانيه والثالثه
عدد الأسئلة: 27
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1) creative translation usually involves two recognisable main stages:A Two-Stage Approach to creative translation 1. Firstly we produce a draft translation of the original that is as literal and accurate as possible. [we are bound to ‘gaping holes’ and pitfalls ] [ be noted and left where they are] [throw up a number of ‘gaffes’ and misconceptions ] 2. SecondWe then ‘translate’ this draft, with only minimal reference to the original[This stage of ‘weaning away’ from the original
David Pendlebury
Patricia Terry
2) a translatorwill always be motivated by a vision of language. Where poetry translation =often means a vision of that ‘peculiar force and strength’ This ‘peculiar force and strength’ is crucial in justifying those moves poetry translators
David Pendlebury
Patricia Terry
3) one will find the challenges intertwined into ‘one difficulty, something immense, knotted, exasperating, fond of disguises, resistant, confusing, all of a piece’
Robert Bly
4) 1- is impossible to find any blueprint that can tackle this complexity without missing something. 2- The ‘holisticness’ in poetry translation originates in the very essence of poetry, as well as in all forms of literature and art: the unity and dynamism, the shell and the kernel in the work, may prove one
Robert Bly
5) This organic interrelation of the elements inside a poem is unavoidable ‘highlighted by translation. And in translation, this ‘holisticness’, or aesthetic coherence, will need to be regenerated through the system that the translator fabricates
Robert Bly
6) advances 7 strategies and a blueprint’ to examine and compare the strengths and weaknesses different approaches may have. They include: 1- adopting different elements of the ST. 2- as well as the phonemic unit. 3- the literal meaning 4- the metre and the rhythm of the ST. 5- as the basic upon which the TT may develop. 6- and adapting the ST into another genre, such as prose or free verse in the following originally Japanese Poem translated into English and then translated into Arabic prose By Muhammad AlNuaimi (forthcoming
Andre Lefevere
Octavio Paz
7) looks at translation as both bilingual and a bicultural activity.
Octavio Paz
Andre Lefevere
8) forward to the translating culture for a general basis on which creative negotiation may occur in translation
Octavio Paz
Andre Lefevere
9) Believing parallelism, an aesthetic quality prevalent in Arabic literature, to be of key importance in exploring this realm
Octavio Paz
Andre Lefevere
10) own translating strategy in his attempt on Arabic poetry: ‘to retain the number of lines of each poem, not to scorn assonances and to respect, as much as possible, the parallelism
Paz devices
Paz’s approach
11) manifests the significance that translation is not only a bilingual activity but, in fact, also a bicultural one
Paz devices
Paz’s approach
12) one of a number of concepts and techniques in the general class of ordered metamorphosis
Substitution approach
13) can operate in a way that maintains the matter and logic of a theme while altering the expression convention
Substitution approach
14) 1- They have a .............., though they may also be spoken
written base-form
readable base-form
15) 2- They ......... (high social prestige)
enjoy canonicity
16) 3- They fulfill an............. rather transactional or informational function, aiming to provoke emotions and/or entertain rather than influence or inform;
enjoy canonicity
17) 4- They have ...........- i.e. they are judged as fictional, whether fact-based or not,
real-world value
no real-world value
18) 6- They are characterized by ‘...... ‘ language use (where language form is important in its own n right, as with word-play or rhyme) and heteroglossia (i.e. they contain more than one ‘voice’)
19) 7- They may draw on ........... the dominant standard, for example slang or archaism
minoritized style- styles outside
minoritized style- styles inside
20) ......... may also be seen as a cluster of conventionally-agreed component genres. Conventional ‘core literary’ genres are Drama, Poetry and fictional prose such as novels and short stories
peripherally literary’ genres
21) where criteria such as written base form, canonicity or functionality are relaxed as in the case of children’s literature and sacred texts
genres, conventionally
peripherally literary’ genres
22) seen as non-literay may have literary features: advertising copy, for example
genres, conventionally
peripherally literary’ genres
23) ............, translation theories derived largely from literary and sacred-text translation
Literary translation
24) ............ studies have traditionally concentrated on source-target text relations
Literary translation
the translation of style
25) the question is whether translators can ever replicate the complex web of stylistic features found in many literary texts
In terms of equivalence
In terms of communicative purpose
26) the question is how far translators should prioritize loyalty to the source writer versus producing a text that works in receptor-genre terms
In terms of equivalence
In terms of communicative purpose
27) First = it inadvertently defines the writer’s cultural space time. Secondly = writers may deliberately use non-standard styles- archaism
the translation of style
Literary translation
معلومات حول الكويز
تعاريف المحاضره الثالثه والرابعه لترجمه الابداعيه
[أسئلة مراجعة مجهود شخصي - الترجمه الابداعيه - حليمه]
تفاصيل أخرى:
تعاريف المحاضره الثانيه والثالثه
تم حل الكويز 211 مرة بنسبة نجاح 67%
القسم: E7
مناقشة الكويز: تعاريف المحاضره الثالثه والرابعه لترجمه الابداعيه
معلومات صاحب الكويز
كلـــ امل ـــي

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My Ambition92%
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سنفورة الامورة88%
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مشاكس دراسة88%
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أبومحمد الحارثي85%
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