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أسئلة اختبار ترجمة الأنماط النصية د/ يحي الربابعة -الفصل الثاني 1436
[أسئلة اختبار - الانماط النصية - د/ يحي الربابعة]
مجهود جماعي في تجميع الأسئلة بارك الله فيهم ونفع بهم وجعله من العلم الذي ينتفع به
عدد الأسئلة: 51
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- سوف تحصل على نقطة إضافية في التقييم عن كل إجابة صحيحة.
1) Read the following line of poetry then choose the best translation وارض الله واسعة ولكن ............ اذا نزل القضاء ضاق الفضاء
but at fate's falla…. God's earth is vast the whole of space gives no reprieve.
then let the days betray at every breath: there is no cure can cure man of death.
he whose house is touched by doom, heaven and earth will not relieve.
2) The best translation for the following text is ايها الاخوة الكرام في مشارق الارض ومغاربها السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
…. Dear brothers : peace on you.
Dear Brothers all over the world Peace, mercy and blessing of Allah be upon you
….How are you guys.
3) The best translation for the following text is: يسببه عصيات من نوع )شيغلا(
This is a cause of Shighella
Shighella type is dangerous
It is caused by bacilli of genus Shighella
4) According to newmark, serious imaginative literature is a text type which is
5) People communicate with each other by using
6) The short form (ST) stands for:
…. source text
source culture
7) Complete the definition : Translation is often regarded as a project for …………………………. From one language to another , according to farghal
Transferring meaning
8) The………………… of the text whether it is oral or written is the author.
the buyer
the translator
9) According to Jeremy Munday, translation can refer to
the general subject field
the text type
the source language
10) Complete the definition : Dickins defined the TEXT as any…………………………………………………… assumed to make coherent whole.
stretch of writing and listening
stretch of speaking only
stretch of speech or writing
11) Katharina Reiss(1979/1989) views the text, rather than the word or sentence, as the level at which
…. communication is achieved and at which equivalence must be sought.
difficulty of translation could be noticed.
meaning is hidden
12) A translator of any text necessarily needs to know which text type and what nature is that text, in order to be able to………………………………………….
adequately produce a suitable target text
clearly start understanding some parts of a text
divide the text into paragraphs
13) Hatim and Mason classified text type according to their rhetorical purposes Argumentative, …………………….and instruction-based
14) One of the functions of language that Buhler suggest is the …………………… function of language in which the readership is the core of it
15) Political and medical texts are ………………………………
different in type
both religious
both literary
16) Identifying the text type is……………………………….
the normal step after translating a text
the first step to suitably translate a text
17) According to Newmark, a technical report is a text type which is
18) According to Reiss, the ……................ is the main focus of the communication in an informative text type.
19) According to Reiss, the electoral speech is mostly ………………… text type.
an informative
an operative
20) The reader of the text to act in a certain way as Reiss suggest.
of the appellative function a…. the aim
the aim of the language
the aim of the communication process
21) Dickins, Harvey and Higgins distinguished five broad categories of "genre" Literary, religious, philosophical, ………………………………
operative and texts
audiomedial and informative
empirical and persuasive
22) Read the text below then choose the best translation for the underlined sentence: وفي يوم الجمعة ذاك لم يكن واحد فقط هو الذي يجري منية النصر, الواقع انه كانت هناك حركة جري واسعة النطاق’ ولم يكن احد يعرف السبب
there was a mass of movement of runners
in the reality, there was a running movement of a very wide belt
the dropping, there were runners
23) Read the text below then choose the best translation for the underlined sentence: فالشوارع والازقة تسبح في هدوئها الابدي وينتابها ذلك الركود الذي يستتب في العادة بعد صلاة الجمعة
the streets and Azeqqah were swimming in their quietness
the streets and Azeqqah were noisy
and alleys were floating with their perpetual calmd…. the streets calm
24) Read the text below then choose the best translation for the underlined sentence: حينئذ يقفون ويحاولن معرفة السبب وطبعا لا يستطيعون, وحينئذ يدفعهم حب الاستطلاع الى المشي ثم يقترح احدهم الاسراع الخ ....
and the time then motivates them to walk
and at that time they begin to walk
then their curiosity got the better of them, and they began to walk
25) ……………………… is seen primarily in newspaper articles where additional information is systematically provided throughout the main body of the text
maximum presence of the translator
minimum presence of the translator
any presence of the translator
26) An example of philosophical genres is:
a poem
a formal speech
a pure mathematics
27) the best translation of underlined part is : ولاترى للاعادي قط ذلا ..فان شماتة الاعدا بلاء
Do not bow down before your foes;
do not hear any Dhul
28) Strategy: The translator’s overall plan consisting of a set of strategic decisions taken after an initial reading of the ST, but
after starting detailed translation
before starting detailed translation
29) Often referred to as the white city due to its low size canvas of stone houses . Amman offers a variety of historical sites . Towering above amman , the site of the earliest fortifications is now subject to numerous excavations which have revealed remains from the neolithic period as from the hellenistic and late roman to arab islamic ages غالبا ما تسمى بالمدينة البيضاء بسبب مجموعة منازلها الحجرية صغيرة الحجم تقدم عمان تشكيلة من المواقع التاريخية مثل بالقلعة والقصر الاموي والكنيسة البيزنطية والمدرج الروماني الذي يضم 6000 مقعد مازال يستخدم في المناسبات الثقافية The names of the tourist attractions are added to the TT because:
the target audience don"t like tourism
the target text is religious
the source text is philosophical
the target audience are interested in details of the tourist atteactions
30) She dwelt among the untrodden ways Beside the springs of Dove, A Maid whom there were none to praise And very few to love: A violet by a mossy stone Half hidden from the eye! —Fair as a star, when only one Is shining in the sky. this text is :
ashort story
31) ان ترى واحدا يجري في منية النصر فذلك حادث وكأنه صوت السرينة في عربة بوليس النجدة This text is taken from :
a novel
a short story
a brochure
32) ........is the text variety which is the most fully informative text type as Reiss suggests:
referece work
33) .... is highy expressive text type as Reiss
the pome
the short story
the novel
34) Persuasive Genres aim at getting listeners or readers to ........... in prescribed or suggested ways
35) جرش مدينة الالف عمود Jerash The grandeur of Imperial Rome this text translated :
36) According to newmark,an example of the dynamies oftranslation is
the force
the SL culture
the activity
the source thinking
37) Read the following line then choose the best translation of uderlined part : ومن نزلت بساحته المنايا فلا ارض تقيه ولاسماء
Heaven and earth will not relieve.
the land protects him and sky
and no earth no sky will not help him
38) the following translation is for the line of portry Do not bow down before your foes; Their gloating is a torment dire.
ولاترى للأعادي قط ذلا .. فان شماتة الاعدا بلاء
ولاترج السماحة من بخيل ... فما للنار للظمآن ماء
ولاحزن يدوم ولاسرور .. ولابؤس عليك ولارخاء
39) دع الايام تفعل ماتشاء .. وطب نفسا اذا حكم القضاء
let the days do every thing
Let the days do what they will,And with good cheer face fate’s decree.
let the days do what will do And with good cheer face.
40) I congratulate you on the blessed Eid Al-Fitr, successful fasting of the month of Ramadan, and performance of its related post-evening prayers. the underlined words are atranslation for :
اهنئكم بعيد الفطر المبارك
صلاة القيام
طريق الخير والسلام
41) وارض الله واسعة ولكن .... اذا نزل القضاء ضاق الفضاء
God’s earth is vast, but at fate’s fallThe whole of space gives no reprieve.
Then let the days betray at every breath;There is no cure can cure man of death.
Let night’s events cause no concern;
42) According to newmark translation dynamics are the ................... that pulls the translation activity to opposite directions
opposing forces
the translation
the players
43) any language system has its own
features only
features and norms
norms only
44) In the 1970s and depending on Buhler's Three-way categorization of the functions of the language. Katharina reiss links the three functions to their ..................... and to the text types or communicative situation in which they are used
theoretical backgrounds
linguistic features
corresponding language dimensions
logical meaning
45) The language in which the ............ is written is (sl)
- source text
- target language
- target text
- source language
46) a certain text taken from a novel is considered as a ............. text
- religious
- philosophical
47) Audio medial texts like ............... which supplement the other three functions with visual images, music, etc.
films and visual and spoken advertisements
philosophical texts
48) An example of technical text is
short story
certain text talking about a certain disease
49) According to farghal translation is the project for transferring meaning from one language to another According to this definition of translation "transferring" and "meaning" are
tow key words in translation function
two words with no importance in translation
two ideas of project
50) feel magic and imagine what you can experience in 4 days Acoording to Kathrarina Reiss this text belongs to...... text type
Audiomedial texts
51) The best translation for the following text is:Dear Valued costumer: In order to make your online banking experience more secure, we have improved the username and password rules
عزيزي العميل : نظرا ً لحرصنا على على تطبيق أفضل خصائص الأمان لعملائنا، فقد تم تطبيق معايير جديدة لاسم المستخدم وكلمة المرور.
عزيزي الزبون: من أجل أن يعمل البنك على الانترنت أكثر أمانا ً لزبائننا فقد تم تطبيق معايير حديثة لاسم المستعمل وكلمة المرور.
معلومات حول الكويز
أسئلة اختبار ترجمة الأنماط النصية د/ يحي الربابعة -الفصل الثاني 1436
[أسئلة اختبار - الانماط النصية - د/ يحي الربابعة]
تفاصيل أخرى:
مجهود جماعي في تجميع الأسئلة بارك الله فيهم ونفع بهم وجعله من العلم الذي ينتفع به
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مناقشة الكويز: أسئلة اختبار ترجمة الأنماط النصية د/ يحي الربابعة -الفصل الثاني 1436
معلومات صاحب الكويز

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كويزات مشابهة
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جميع الحقوق محفوظة ckfu.org.

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