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أسئلة اختبار الرواية الحديثة الفصل الأول للعام 1436-1437 هـ د. وصفي شقيرات
[أسئلة اختبار - الرواية الحديثة - د. وصفي شقيرات]
أسئلة اختبار الرواية الحديثة الفصل الأول للعام 1436-1437 هـ د. وصفي شقيرات
عدد الأسئلة: 50
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1) King Leopold II organized a private holding ................ disguised as international scientific and philanthropic association
A. school
B. company
C. factory
D. hospital
2) The famous explorer Henry Morton stanley gained control over the Congo offering ..................... to the chiefs of tribes
A. advice
B. lands
C. bribes
D. authority
3) Because of his religious history backgrounds , Daniel Defoe was forbidden to attend ............
A. Bristol University
B. The University of London
C. Oxford University
D. Morton’s Academy
4) Joseph Conrad descended from ..................... backgrounds.
A. British
B. Spanish
C. Polish
D. Mexican
5) ............................. was a strong fact behind the development of the English novels in the Victorian period
A. the development of journalism
B. the prosperity of agriculture
C. the influence of religior
D. the growth of cities
6) Daniel Defoe father was a middle class ................................
A. shop keeper
B. baker
C. candle maker
D. journalist
7) ............................ was called by The London Times as " pre-eminently a writer of the people and for the people "
A. Charles Dickens
B. Daniel Defoe
C. Ernest Hemingway
D. Thomas Hardy
8) One of the following novels is not considered among the first European novels .
A. Pamela
B. Don Quixote
C. The Princes of Cleves
D. The Old Man and the Sea
9) One of the following is a famous Russian novelist
A. Alpert Pinol
B. Leo Tolstoy
C. Chinue Achebe
D. Gabriel M'arquez
10) In the 18th century , coffeehouses and salons provided new gathering places where people ............ literature
A. rejected
B. discussed
C. underestimated
D. wrote
11) Kurtz has fictionally the ability to considered as .......... for Marlowe
A. "choice of happiness "
B. "choice of fate "
C. "choice of nightmares "
D. "choice of hardships "
12) all the following novels are novels of sentiment ECEPET .............
A. Heart of Darkness
B. The sorrows of Young Werther
C. Wuthering Heights
D. TristramShandy
13) In the 18th century , English .......... was what lower or middle class people would read or write .
A. prose
B. essay
C. drama
D. verse
14) in his escape to his Brazilian plantation Crouse was helped by the captain of a ............ ship
A. African
B. Portuguese
C. British
D. Spanish
15) At the end of Heart of Darkness , Marlowe is classified a repel by the Company Functionaries as he uses ..........
A. " immoral methods "
B. " dirty methods "
C. " illegal methods "
D. " unsound methods "
16) one of the following aspects is not emphasized modernism .
A. emphasis on the individual
B. the important of religion
C. fragmentation
D. insufficiency of language
17) It makes Marlowe .................... to repair his ship in Heart of Darkness .
A. a month
B. ten month
C. a year
D. three months
18) In Heart of Darkness , Marlowe mentions a report Kurtz has written at the request of the International Society for the suppression of Savage Customs concludes literally , with a handwritten postscript :
A. " Eliminate all the brutes !"
B. " Decimate all the brutes !"
C. " Eradicate all the brutes !"
D. " Exterminate all the brutes !"
19) the name of the picaresque novel comes from the Spanish word picaro which means ...........
A. a courtier
B. a rouge
C. an adventure
D. a knight
20) By including several varieties of people in all his novels , Charles Dickens brought the problem of ..................... to the attention of his readers
A. plague
B. transport
C. medicine
D. poverty
21) The five meditative men on the Nellie in Heart of Darkness , are old friends held together by ...........
A. the love of drinking
B. the desire of money
C. the habit of fishing
D. the bond of sea
22) Fifty miles a way from Kurtz Inner station , Marlowe and his companions find a hut and a note that says, ".......... for you . Hurry up Approach cautiously "
A. rifles
B. wood
C. rivets
D. food
23) Miguel de Cervantes ' Don Quixote is truly considered a .............. portrait of a mid-life crisis
A. psychological
B. realistic
C. Feminist
D. Marxist
24) ................ was the military force in the Congo Free State through the period of the Belgian colonial rule .
A. Gendarmerie
B. Mercenaries
C. Force Publique
D. National Army
25) Heart of Darkness exposes the hypocrisy of colonialism . The men who work for the Company describe the literally what they do as their ..................
A. "humanism"
B. " trade "
C. " business "
D. "job "
26) The first thing Cruose teaches her servant Friday is .................
A. his daily duties
B. the dining habits
C. the English language
D. the Bible
27) Sir Water Scott is truly considered the father of the ........................... novels .
A. regional
B. science fiction
C. epistolary
D. historical
28) Travel adventure stories , in the 18th century , began to be published in newspapers by the effect of all of the following reasons EXCEPT
A. worldwide travel
B. international trade
C. the emergence of the upper class
D. establishment of new .......
29) Daniel Defoe died in London on April 24,1734, of a fatal ....................................
A. fever
B. lethargy
C. paralysis
D. tuberculosis
30) One of the following novels is not written by Joseph Conrad .
A. The Scarlet Letter
B. The Secret Sharer
C. Lord Jim
D. The Secret Agent
31) Realist writers often addressed themes of ................. by contrasting the living conditions of the poor with those of the upper classes in urban and rural societies .
A. metaphysical conflict
B. socioeconomic conflict
C. romantic conflict
D. cultural conflict
32) Mary shelley's Frankenstein is considered one of the most famous ...........
A. epistolary novels
B. picaresque novels
C. gothic novels
D. regional novels
33) A Thousand and One Nights is a famous literary work that belongs to ...............................
A. Elizabethan Prose Fiction
B. Medieval European Romances
C. Oriental Tales
D. Ancient Greek Novels
34) The Realist novels of the nineteenth century were written in opposition to the .......................
A. plays of the Renaissance Era
B. poems of the Romantic Era
C. romances of the medieval Era
D. epics of the Anglo Saxon Era
35) By the end of the 19th century , novelists were already becoming unsatisfied with ....................
A. science fiction
B. modernism
C. realism
D. existentialism
36) All of the following features are related to the Novel of Manners EXCEPT ...........................
A. realistic aspects
B. concerns of marriage
C. domestic societies
D. travelling in space .
37) In the Central Station , Marlow is shown one of Kurtz's unusual painting on the wall ; a painting of .............. with a lighted torch
A. a young boy
B. an adventurous sailor
C. a beautiful women
D. a blind folded woman
38) .................. is considered England's first professional female author
A. Emily Bronte
B. Aphra Behn
C. Jane Austin
D. Anne Bradstreet
39) Social novels deal with the nature , function , and effect of the society often for the purpose of .......
A. reform
B. favoritism
C. hypocrisy
D. corruption
40) The foundations of early bourgeois realism were laid by Daniel Defoe and ............................
A. Nathaniel Hawthorne
B. Charles Dickens
C. Emily Bronte
D. Jonathan Swift
41) In Robinson Crusoe , the hero keeps a calendar by making marks in a wooden cross and adopts a small ...........................
A. parrot
B. cat
C. dog
D. goat
42) One of the following is a main theme in Robinson Crusoe
A. love
B. death
C. colonialism
D. corruption
43) The character Kurtz in the novel is based on ................................ a cruel man who decorated his yard with a fence featuring human skulls on posts .
A. Paul Biya
B. Leon Rom
C. Joseph Stalin
D. Charles Taylor
44) Jane Eyre narrates the female quest for .....................
A. pride
B. jealousy
C. individuation
D. beauty
45) In Heart of Darkness , the remark that the Thames is " one of the dark places of the earth " is said by ......................
A. the lawyer
B. the director of the companies
C. Marlow
D. the accountant
46) By the focus on the .................... conditions of everyday life, Daniel Defoe helped to define a new genre of the novel .
A. actual
B. immoral
C. dreamlike
D. romantic
47) Congo Free state is called by Adam Hochschild as , " the world's only colony .................. by one man "
A. claimed
B. colonized
C. controlled
D. ruled
48) Modernist fiction usually uses ................ point of view
A. third person limited
B. second person
C. first person
D. third person omniscient
49) The development of the printing press in the 18th century was a factor behind the mass production of ..........................
A. short stories
B. novels
C. romances
D. epics
50) After his settlement in Brazil , Crusoe joined an expedition to bring ............... from Africa.
A. slaves
B. tobacco
C. ivory
D. gold
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أسئلة اختبار الرواية الحديثة الفصل الأول للعام 1436-1437 هـ د. وصفي شقيرات
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