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أسئلة اختبار الرواية الحديثة الفصل الاول للعام 1435-1436 هـ د. وصفي شقيرات
[أسئلة اختبار - الرواية الحديثة - د. وصفي شقيرات]
أسئلة اختبار الرواية الحديثة الفصل الاول للعام 1435-1436 هـ د. وصفي شقيرات
عدد الأسئلة: 50
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1) Wuthering Heights plumbs the psychic unconscious in a search for ....
A. Disorder
B. Destruction
C. Weakness
D. Wholeness
2) Kurtz describes his own treatment of the natives with the word ....
A. Depression
B. Oppression
C. Suppression
D. Impression
3) The following writers are novelists of manners except ....
A. Anthony Trollope
B. Edith Wharton
C. F. Scott Fitzgerald
D. Edgar Allan Poe
4) Africans are referred to as ........... in Heart of Darkness
A. Gentles
B. Animals
C. Aliens
D. Laborers
5) Kurtz assumes an air of ............. when talking about his fiancee
A. Honesty
B. Adoration
C. Devotion
D. Ownership
6) When Marlow sets off on his adventure in Brussels, the colonization of Congo is presented as .............
A. Humanitarian project
B. Economic project
C. Scientific project
D. Missionary project
7) One of the characters in Mary Braddon's The Doctor's Wife ( 1864 ) described the novel as
A. A way of relaxing or winding down after a day of hard work
B. A way confusing a human being's senses
C. A prohibited sin to be avoided
D. A desire not to be wished by the middle class
8) Both Robison Crusoe and Moll Flanders straddle between ....
A. Journalism and poetry
B. Journalism and fiction
C. Modernism and journalism
D. Modernism and fiction
9) Picaresque novels are usually ....
A. Realistic
B. Episodic
C. Satirical
D. All of the mentioned above
10) One of the new economic realities that accompanied the rise of the novel was the strong emergence and presence of the ....
A. Aristocrats
B. The middle class
C. The upper class
D. The Slave traders
11) In Robinson Crusoe, " Friday " was the name of ....
A. A prisoner the hero helped to free from the cannibals
B. A merchant the hero met in Lisbon
C. A parrot the hero adopted in his island
D. A sailor the hero asked to fix his ship
12) " The unity and coherence of plot and character and the cause and effect development " is a typical feature related to ....
A. The new novel
B. The science fiction novel
C. The realist novel
D. The metafictional novel
13) From the outer station the central station and finally up the river to the Inner Station , Marlow encounters scenes of ...................
A. Torture
B. Respect
C. Freedom
D. Devotion
14) Novel writers were told in the Saturday Review 1887 that the average reader of novels looks for ....
A. Moral messages
B. Art of the art's sake
C. Deeper criticism
D. More awareness of the authors
15) Under the reign of Leopold II, the Congo area was called ....
A. The black colony
B. The slavery colony
C. The crown colony
D. The new colony
16) Realist writers are widely celebrated for their mastery of ....
A. Third person narratives
B. First person narratives
C. Stream of consciousness
D. Interior monologue
17) Heart of Darkness begins on a yacht called the Nellie at the mouth of the ....
A. Thames River
B. Congo River
C. Amazon River
D. Seine River
18) Daniel Defoe and Jonathan Swift's novels were based on ....
A. Metaphysical issues
B. Realistic adventures
C. Romantic conflicts
D. Imaginary voyages
19) The direct narrator of Heart of Darkness is ....
A. A captain on the ship
B. The Lawyer
C. Marlowe
D. A Russian trader
20) Daniel Defoe wrote about ................ books and pamphlets
A. 300
B. 200
C. 100
D. 500
21) On the tops of fence posts in the station compound in Heart of Darkness, ............ can be viewed.
A. Human heads
B. Balls
C. Ivory
D. Bones
22) King Leopold II declared a monopoly on .................. in the Congo area
A. Silk
B. Spices
C. Gold
D. Ivory
23) Daniel Defoe witnessed two of the greatest disasters of the seventeenth century: a recurrence of the plague and ....
A. The great earthquake of London
B. The great war of London
C. The great fire of London
D. The great famine of London
24) Daniel Defoe was interested in pleasing the tastes of ....
A. The novelists
B. Literary critics
C. Educated people
D. Lower class people
25) The characters in the Russian novels search mainly for ....
A. Meaning in an uncertain world
B. Romantic passions
C. Metaphysical desires
D. Religious doctrines
26) In his attack of a group of cannibals, Marlowe frightens them with ....
A. The steam whistle
B. Arrows
C. Firearms
D. Swords
27) Kurtz's cousin tells Marlowe that Kurtz had been a great ....
A. Singer
B. Artist
C. Musician
D. Author
28) Having obtained his wealth from Lisbon, Robinson Crusoe's last adventure was with ....
A. Cannibals
B. Spanish Pirates
C. French robbers
D. Wolves
29) Daniel Defoe originally was a ....
A. Writer
B. Merchant
C. Pamphleteer
D. Musician
30) Henry Fielding's Shamela is considered a parody to ....
A. Miguel de Cervantes
B. Samuel Richardson
C. Charles Dickens
D. James Joyce
31) In Robinson Crusoe, the hero becomes the owner of plantations in ....
A. Brazil
B. Spain
C. Portugal
D. Mexico
32) In Heart of Darkness, Marlowe is a complicated character who anticipates the figures of high ....
A. Victorianism
B. Experimentalism
C. Surrealism
D. Modernism
33) Modernism focused on ....
A. Unitary self
B. Continuity
C. Fragmentation
D. Organic unity
34) Epistolary novels are novels in which the narrative ....
A. Is told in the first person
B. Is told in the third person
C. Is told in letters
D. Is told in poems
35) Social novels often effect of the society, which the characters inhabit, for the purpose of :
A. Reformation
B. Education
C. Corruption
D. Communication
36) Robinson becomes closer to God because of ....
A. Listening to sermons
B. Going to churches
C. Reading the Bible
D. Being guided by priests
37) ' The changes take place inside ' is a quote said by ................... in Heart of Darkness :
A. The doctor
B. The narrator
C. Marlowe
D. Kurtz
38) The Restoration of the monarchy ( 1660 ) in England after the Puritan Commonwealth ( 1649 - 1660 ) encouraged an outpouring of .................. literature
A. Travel
B. Religious
C. Social
D. Secular
39) Pamela, one of the famous early British novels, was written by ....
A. Henry Fielding
B. Samuel Richardson
C. Miguel de Cervantes
D. Henry James
40) Joseph Conrad was born in ....
A. Russia
B. Poland
C. France
D. Congo
41) Because he was worried that the manger will gain control of his "legacy", Kurtz gives Marlow a bundle of ....
A. Money notes
B. Papers for safekeeping
C. Several types of ivory
D. Guns for self-protection
42) Slavery and race issues arose in American ....
A. Social novels
B. Romantic novels
C. Picaresque novels
D. Epistolary novels
43) In Robinson Crusoe, the hero calls his island " the island of .............. "
A. Happiness
B. Hop
C. Despair
D. Bounty
44) Darkness is most often used in Heart of Darkness to mean :
A. Literally inability to see
B. Failing to see the exploitation of Africa
C. The description of weather at the beginning of the novel
D. The gloomy weather of Brussels
45) The Castle of Otranto represents a type of novel called ....
A. The gothic novel
B. The picaresque novel
C. The epistolary novel
D. The historical novel
46) In Heart of Darkness, the " whited sepulchre " is probably a good symbol of ....
A. England
B. Africa
C. Brussels
D. The Congo
47) " Novels are read right and left, above stairs and below, in town houses and in country parsonages". This statement is posed by ....
A. Philip Sidney
B. Anthony Trollope
C. Henry Fielding
D. M.H. Abrahams
48) In the 17th and 18th centuries, ................ was still not recognized as a literary form .
A. Verse
B. Prose
C. Drama
D. Romance
49) In Robinson Crusoe, the hero's first voyage ended up in a shipwreck. In his second voyage ...
A. He became a captain
B. He became a priest
C. He became unhappy with see travel
D. He became a slave to Moor
50) Frankenstein is a reaction to challenge to make ....
A. A ghost story
B. A science fiction story
B. A science fiction story
D. All of the above mentioned
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أسئلة اختبار الرواية الحديثة الفصل الاول للعام 1435-1436 هـ د. وصفي شقيرات
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