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أسئلة اختبار الأدب الانجليزي الفصل الثاني للعام 1435-1436 هـ د. إبراهيم الشناوي
[أسئلة اختبار - الأدب الانجليزي - د. إبراهيم الشناوي]
أسئلة اختبار الأدب الانجليزي الفصل الثاني للعام 1435-1436 هـ د. إبراهيم الشناوي
عدد الأسئلة: 36
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1) At the ................. of Virtue. Herbert mentions invocation .
A. The last moment
B. Beginning
C. Last line
D. Proper time
2) In his ........, Milton wrote five masterful long poems
A. Early childhood
B. Thirties
C. Twenties
D. Last days
3) Milton used ................. a symbol in Paradise Lost
A. The angles in the sky
B. The stars in the sky the moon in the sky
C. The clouds in the sky
D. The scales in the sky.
4) Virtue does not include the theme of ...................
A. Life and death
B. Motherhood
C. Belief
D. Creation
5) The evening indicates ............................. In To Daffodils
A. The song of death
B. The song of pleasure
C. The miseries in life
D. Mystery
6) .................was highly represented by Milton.
A. The Evil Spirit
B. The Restoration spirit
C. The Romantic spirit
D. The Puritan spirit
7) Dryden's poetry and literary criticism contribute extremely is the .........
A. greatness
B. fiasco
C. failure
D. suffering
8) A comparison between two devices is ..................
A. A simulate
B. Personification
C. A metaphor
D. Anacturonism
9) 9. The poet in To Daffodils expresses his wishes to ......................the daffodils after the evening prayer.
A. destroy
B. Accompany
C. Knock down
D. Depart
10) witnessed the birth of the Herbert in 1593 .
A. Paris
B. Amsterdam
C. Cairo
D. Wales
11) The mixture of didactic strain and a current of quaint humor characteristics ...................
A. Ibsen's drama
B. Shakespeare drama
C. Herbert's poetic
D. Wordsworth's poetry
12) Comus is an early poem of ..............
A. Milton
B. Coleridge
C. Dryden
D. Blake
13) Cleopatra got a promise from ............. to be the queen of Egypt and Syria
A. Her father
B. Antony's wife
C. Ventidus
D. Octavius
14) Alexandria in All For Love suffers greatly under ..................... by the Roman troops
A. Water
B. Fire
C. Rain
D. A siege
15) ................................ is a sub-title gave to All For Love
A. The well World Loss
B. The World loss
C. The world Well Lost
D. The Amazing World
16) ...................... qualities distinguished the heroes and heroines In Heroic tragedy .
A. Animal
B. Human
C. Teammate
D. Super human
17) The main theme in Paradise Lost is the conflict between rebellion and .........................
A. Disobedience
B. Discnesty
C. Obedience
D. Discipline
18) The loss of pure love in Paradise Lost is represented by ..................................
A. The fallen wreath
B. The fallen star
C. The fallen book
D. The fallen tree
19) .................... is the repetition of words and patterns for poetic effect
A. Tragic comedy
B. Personification
C. Anaphora
D. Epic
20) .................... has the main reason behind Herbert death in 1633 .
A. Fever
B. Cancer
C. Heart attack
D. Tuberculosis
21) .......................governed the seventeenth century up to 1660
A. Puritanism
B. Dispotism
C. Feminism
D. Humanism
22) Making non-human things appear as human is................
A. Personification
B. Simile
C. Epic
D. Plot
23) The bite of the ............................................ killed Cleopatra .
A. Lion
B. Asp
C. Camel
D. Tiger
24) In 1642 there was a complete closure of theatres by the ........................
A. Puritans
B. Romans
C. Greeks
D. Italian
25) In Act 2, Alexas distributes a few ............among Antony's commanders
A. Guns
B. Shields
C. Swords
D. Diamonds
26) The dew is compared to pearl by the poet in ................................
A. Paradise Lost
B. Virtue
C. To Daffodils
D. The Nature
27) The most promine ....................................
A. Shakespeare
B. Congreve
C. Coleridge
D. Blake
28) The .................. Renaissance spirit which was marked in The Seventeenth Century
A. Rise
B. Increase
C. Decline
D. Flourishing
29) Dryden wrote a tragedy One of these is
A. The Assignation (comedy)
B. Macbeth
C. Halmet
D. A Doll’s House
30) During the ................ , The art of Biography was unknown .
A. 15th century
B. 14th century
C. 19th century
D. 16th century
31) ....................................by Dryden does not have a confused ending
A. Endless love
B. Love unloose
C. Tyrannic Love
D. Love essay
32) In Paradise Lost , Sin and Death are the ..................................... .... of the Satan.
A. Relatives
B. Children
C. Daughters
D. Friends
33) Who wrote To Daffodils
A. Herrick
B. Shakespeare
C. Blake
D. Synge
34) Faith is a significant theme in ..........................................
A. Next Please
B. The Tyger
C. The Rainbow
D. Virtue
35) According to Milton husbands must be ...................................to their wives
A. Obsequious
B. Submissive
C. Superior
D. Subservient
36) .......were not favored by the common people during Restoration Period .
A. Museums
B. Theaters
C. Trips
D. Love songs
معلومات حول الكويز
أسئلة اختبار الأدب الانجليزي الفصل الثاني للعام 1435-1436 هـ د. إبراهيم الشناوي
[أسئلة اختبار - الأدب الانجليزي - د. إبراهيم الشناوي]
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أسئلة اختبار الأدب الانجليزي الفصل الثاني للعام 1435-1436 هـ د. إبراهيم الشناوي
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