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اسئلة اختبارعلم اللغة الاجتماعي الفصل الاول للعام 1434-1435 هـ د. محمد الهلال
[أسئلة اختبار - علم اللغة الاجتماعي - د. محمد الهلال]
اسئلة اختبارعلم اللغة الاجتماعي الفصل الاول للعام 1434-1435 هـ د. محمد الهلال
عدد الأسئلة: 50
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1) Euphemism in which we uses mild or inoffensive language to ..........
(A) make something seem more negative than it actually appears
(B) make everything seem less positive than it actually appears
(C) make something seem more positive than it actually appears.
(D) make something seem less positive than it actually appears
2) Prejudice refers to ............. toward people because of gender, social class, age, disability, religion, sexuality, race/ethnicity, language, nationality or other personal characteristics.
(A) preconceived ,usually unfavorable, judgments
(B) preconceived ,usually favorable, judgments
(C) pre ,usually favorable, judgments
(D) pre ,usually unfavorable, judgments
3) The affective function of language expresses the speakers' or writers'
(A) intelligence
(B) importance
(C) feelings and attitudes.
(D) falling and failure
4) According Saussure the link between the signified and the signifier is ................
(A) arbiter
(B) artery
(C) arbitrary
(D) Arabic
5) The term 'Black' was often linked in the British media with .......... signs like hate, fight, riot etc
(A) neglected
(B) negative
(C) new and recent
(D) positive
6) Which of the following sentences that contains multiple negation.
(A) He did not know anything
(B) He didn't see nothing.
(C) He did not see anything
(D) He do not know anybody
7) The Media can represent a powerful source in society because it ..........
(A) can select what counts as news.
(B) can decide who gets on the television, radio or newspaper.
(C) has become an integral part of most people's lives
(D) all the above
8) Physical coercion is associated with ............
(A) dictatorial staff
(B) democratic regimes
(C) dictatorial and democratic.
(D) dictatorial regimes
9) The term ........... refers to the accent used by the educated and the wealthy; it gives no indication of where the speaker came from.
(A) Classical Language
(B) Dialectal pronunciation
(C) Advanced RP
(D) Vernacular
10) The term .......... refers to an accent which sounds less formal than advanced RP and is the one that most people in Britain generally hear when they listen to newsreaders on national television.
(A) stream
(B) Mainstream (RP).
(C) Vernacular
(D) English
11) .......... is concerned with power: the power to make decisions, to control resources, to control other people's behaviour and values.
(A) Polysemy
(B) Plotlines
(C) Politics
(D) Politeness
12) ............. language is generally used in poetry not in science.
(A) Referential
(B) Phatic
(C) Affective
13) ......... terms refer to anything which deviates from the norm
(A) Maintained
(B) Marques
(C) Marked
(D) Morocco
14) A Sexist language represents men and women ..........
(A) unequally
(B) equally
(C) scientifically
(D) None
15) Some studies show that ......... use hedges because they prefer to avoid conflict
(A) men
(B) Women
(C) babies
(D) male children
16) The ........... takes the difference in power between women and men as the main cause of discoursal variation
(A) Domineers Theory
(B) Determination Theory
(C) Dominance Theory
(D) Minimalist Theory
17) Speakers tend to use their linguistic identity ........
(A) to move closer to another group they want to belong to.
(B) to disguise their membership of a particular social or regional group.
(C) to distance themselves from a particular social or regional group.
(D) All the above.
18) The Labels of identity are imposed by people who may..........
(A) have a weak position
(B) be in a more powerful position
(C) have no powerful position
(D) live in Arabic Countries
19) A ............ between you and a close friend is an informal event which won't be planned in advance.
(A) casual convening
(B) clausal conversation
(C) casual conversion
(D) casual conversation
20) The Codification of Standard English is a process where scholars analyse and record the .............. of a language.
(A) contemporarily and granite patterns
(B) vocabulary and grammatical patterns
(C) vocabulary and groomed patterns
(D) voice blurry and grammatical patterns
21) According to the ........... religion, a child was given two names , the first name was believed to give the child strength and the second was believed to protect the child.
(A) Muslim
(B) Jewish
(C) Christian
(D) None of the above
22) Standard English is the dialect of the ........... and is therefore the prestige form of English.
(A) lower social classes
(B) higher social classrooms
(C) higher social classes
(D) huger social classes
23) ........... are almost always portrayed as violent:they are drug-pushers, gang-members, pimps , etc
(A) Mexican Australians
(B) Mexican Americans
(C) Mexican Amstrads
(D) None of the above
24) In the United States, .......... stereotypes can be associated with Spanish-accented speakers.
(A) positive and intelligent
(B) educated
(C) professional
(D) negative and criminal
25) ......... refers to the rules that attempt to control social interaction in the virtual world.
(A) Nitrite
(B) Etiquette
(C) Netiquette
(D) Nebulas
26) The ......... a person is on the social scale, the more their speech will reflect prestige norms.
(A) higher
(B) lower
(C) smaller
(D) shorter
27) if NAMES, do not fit in with the ........of a community, they can cause problems
(A) conversions
(B) conversations
(C) conductions
(D) conventions
28) An accent indicates the features of speakers' pronunciation that can signal their
(A) regional or social backyards.
(B) religious or social background.
(C) regional or social background.
(D) rational or sectarian background
29) Choose the sentence that is unacceptable in Standard English
(A) Sally’s a women likes her husband.
(B) Sally’s a women what likes her husband
(C) Sally’s a women she likes her husband
(D) All of the above
30) The term Matched guise refers a method which investigates people's ...........
(A) attitudes to different luggage's
(B) attitudes to different languages
(C) attitudes to similar languages
(D) attitudes to difficult languages
31) According to Difference Theory women and men develop .......... because they are segregated at important stages of their lives.
(A) similar styles of talking
(B) different styles of walking
(C) different styles of talking
(D) different castile of talking
32) The term Ethnic majority is used to refer to a group which has .........
(A) a sensually dominant culture
(B) a socially dammed culture
(C) a socially dominant lecture
(D) a socially dominant culture
33) English only Movement promotes English as the language which .......... America.
(A) invades
(B) destroys
(C) nullify
(D) none of the above
34) The term Rhetoric refers to the art of using language so as .........
(A) to persuade or to infected others.
(B) to peruse or to influence others.
(C) to peruse or to influx others.
(D) to persuade or to influence others.
35) Reclamation is when members of ethnic minorities attempt to ..........., the power of derogatory ethnic labelling by using those terms among themselves, as positive markers of group identity.
(A) reverse or remove
(B) produce or remove
(C) reduce or remove
(D) deduce or mauve
36) The term Hedges refers to linguistic forms which ........ an assertion
(A) defuse
(B) dilute
(C) deluge
(D) elute
37) Linguistic convergence is a process in which speakers change their speech to make it more similar to that of their........
(A) speaker
(B) hearer
(C) girls
(D) children
38) .......... is a process in which speakers may choose not to converge, but instead to maintain their own variety.
(A) Linguistic convergence
(B) Audience design
(C) Linguistic maintenance.
(D) Linguistic divergence
39) Gang members may use certain expressions with each other that mark them as members of a particular gang or .........
(A) accent
(B) outgroup
(C) dialect
(D) ingroup
40) The term ......... refers to the notion that speakers will take into account whom they are addressing and alter their speech style accordingly.
(A) Audience design
(B) Linguistic book
(C) Audio visual design
(D) Audi central design
41) The term .......... refers to the actual use of language in both speech and writing
(A) Parole
(B) Panda
(C) Langue
(D) Bail
42) Ferdinand de Saussure divided language into two parts:............ And parole
(A) landaus
(B) pragmatics
(C) langue
(D) lingering
43) The term Artificial intelligence is the study of how to make computers ........
(A) cheaper
(B) more sophisticated
(C) more expensive
(D) Misshaped
44) The term......... refers to any set of beliefs which, to people who hold them, appear to be logical
(A) Ideal logy
(B) Ideology
(C) teleology
(D) All the above
45) When women speak, attitudes towards their ......... are often negative
(A) behaviors
(B) talk
(C) hair
(D) shapes.
46) According to Lippi-Green 1(997: 215), lack of intelligence in the United States is associated with ............
(A) women with northen accents
(B) women with southern accents
(C) men with southern accents
(D) women with Syrian accents
47) Which of the following words is acceptable in Standard English?
(A) Toilet
(B) Lavatory
(C) WC
(D) All the above
48) Power is refers to the ability of its holders to force ...........of other people to their will.
(A) strike
(B) language
(C) parole
(D) obedience
49) The term ............ refers to the background assumption embedded within a sentence or a phrase.
(A) Presupposition
(B) Imply
(C) Implicature
(D) Preposition
50) The Sapir-Whorf hypothesis, claims that there is a causative link between .........
(A) all languages.
(B) fissure and nature.
(C) culture and language.
(D) language and physics
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اسئلة اختبارعلم اللغة الاجتماعي الفصل الاول للعام 1434-1435 هـ د. محمد الهلال
[أسئلة اختبار - علم اللغة الاجتماعي - د. محمد الهلال]
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