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اسئلة اختبارعلم اللغة الاجتماعي الفصل الاول للعام 1435-1436 هـ د. محمد الهلال
[أسئلة اختبار - علم اللغة الاجتماعي - د. محمد الهلال]
اسئلة اختبارعلم اللغة الاجتماعي الفصل الاول للعام 1435-1436 هـ د. محمد الهلال
عدد الأسئلة: 50
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1) Lippi-Green 1(997: 215), point out that in the United States ...........
a) lack of intelligence is associated with women with northern accents
b) lack of intelligence is associated with men and women with southern accents
c) lack of intelligence is associated with women with southern accents
d) lack of intelligence is associated with men with eastern accents
2) ............... people's attitudes to different languages
a) Matching goose refers a method which investigating
b) Matched guise refers a method which indicating
c) Matched guise refers a method which investigating
d) Matched quizzes refers a method which investigating
3) Choose the correct sentence :
a) The ethnic minority has been established for a longer period of time and the minority groups are the more recent products of migration.
b) The ethnic majority has been established for a shorter period of time and the minority groups are the more ancient products of migration.
c) The elastic majority has been established longer period of time and the minority groups are the more recent products of moderation.
d) The ethnic majority has been established for a longer period of time and the minority groups are the more recent products of migration.
4) Prejudice refers to ........... toward people because of gender, social class, age, etc
a) postconceived ,usually unfavorable, judgments
b) preconceived ,usually unfavorable, judgments
c) preconceived, usually favorable, judgments
d) preconceived, usually favorable, ham and mint
5) ........... who speaks or behaves in a manner that indicates a lack of sophistacation
a) Country bumpkin refers to vegetables , usually from a rural area
b) Country thick skin refers to a person, usually from a urban area
c) Counting bumpkins refers to a calculation of plants, usually from a rural area
d) Country bumpkin refers to a person, usually from a rural area
6) It is difficult to give an exact linguistic definition of Standard English because ......
a) luggage varies in its use.
b) language worries in its use.
c) language varies in its use.
d) lasagna varies in its use.
7) The style of language you use depends on .........
a) the form laity of the context and the rout of planning that is involved.
b) the informality of the context and the manner of planning that is involved.
c) the formality of the context and the amount of planning that is involved.
d) the formality of the pretext and the amount of planning that is involved.
8) The motivation for making children speak standard English in school is explicitly
a) given as the need to communicate effectively.
b) given as the need to use language referentially.
c) given as the need to commutate efficiently.
d) given as the need to communicate mistakenly.
9) In 1995, the British government launched the 'Better English Campaign', whose aim ..........
a) was to improve standards of spoken French around the country.
b) was to improve standards of spoken English around the country.
c) was to disapprove standards of spoken English around the capital city.
d) was to improve standards of written English around the laundry.
10) Norman Tebbitt, MP, 1985 shows that there is a close relation between.........
a) the language we learn and our political standards
b) the luggage we carry and our language standards
c) the language we speak and our social standards
d) the lasagna we eat and our social standards
11) In Britain, although many languages are in daily use ..........
a) only English has unofficial recognition.
b) only French has official recognition.
c) only English has official recognition.
d) only English has efficient recognition.
12) For the English especially, multilingualism is viewed with
a) superstition and as a support to national unity
b) circumcision and as a feat to national unity
c) sophistication and as a threat to international unity
d) suspicion and as a threat to national unity
13) ........ divisive, even dangerous, and a threat to political, social or economic stability.
a) Minority languages and their speakers may be seen as
b) Majority languages and their speakers may be seen as
c) Minority luggage and their carriers may be seen as
d) Martyr languages and their writers may be seen as
14) High class people, usually, show .......... of English in Britain
a) positive attitudes toward non-standard varieties
b) negative attitudes toward standard varieties
c) negative attitudes toward non-standard varieties
d) negative latitude toward non-standard findings
15) According to Sacks 1995, Labels of identity are imposed by people who may be .......
a) in a less powerful position.
b) in a more powerful position.
c) in a more powerless position.
d) in a more forceful cohesion.
16) ...........in which speakers change their speech to make it more similar to that of their hearer
a) Linguistic maintenance is a process
b) Linguistic divergence is a process
c) Linguistic diseases is a process
d) Linguistic convergence is a process
17) Linguistic maintenance is a process in which ...........
a) speakers may choose not to maintain, but instead to converge their own variety.
b) writers may choose not to mountain, but instead to diverge their own variety.
c) speakers may choose not to converge, but instead to maintain their own variety.
d) listeners may choose not to converge, but instead to champagne their own variety.
18) Linguistic divergence is a process in which .............
a) speakers choose to move closer to the Linguistic norms of their hearer
b) speakers choose not to move away from the Linguistic norms of their writers
c) speakers loose to move away from the lingering norms of their harper
d) speakers choose to move away from the Linguistic norms of their hearer
19) Choose the correct sentences
a) Loss of a language can be associated with a loss of cultural fortuity.
b) Loss of a luggage cannot be associated with a floss of social ideology.
c) Loss of a language can be disassociated from the loss of political identity.
d) Loss of a language can be associated with a loss of cultural identity.
20) Languages can be lost because ...........
a) speakers may choose to shift from one language to another as social conditions change
b) people may learn another language especially English
c) One language may be studied as a course at school or university
d) both b and c
21) The dialect known as Standard English has special status because ......
a) It is the dialect of governmental and legal institutions and the dialect of literacy and education.
b) It is the dialect taught as ‘English’ to foreign learners and the dialect of the higher social classes.
c) It is the prestige form of English.
d) All the above
22) The grammar of standard American ........... because it contains multiple negation.
a) does not allow a sentence like I didn’t know anything
b) does not allow a sentence like He didn’t know the answer
c) does not allow a sentence like She didn’t see nothing.
d) does not allow a sentence like We did nothing yesterday
23) The most obvious difference in the way people speak is in their ........
a) Accent and Dialect
b) Social class and education.
c) all the above
d) none of the above
24) Choose the correct sentences
a) Names cause no proclaims, particularly if they don’t fit in with the conference of a community
b) Names can cause problems, if they fit in with the conventions of a community
c) Names can cause problems, if they don’t fit in with the universal conventions of a community
d) Names can cause problems, particularly if they don’t fit in with the conventions of a community
25) To disregard the rules of the systems of address can lead to some form of .........
a) approval or can be interpreted as a complement
b) disproval or cannot be interpreted as an insult
c) disapproval or can be interpreted as an insult
d) disestablishment or can be interpreted as an implant
26) The term accent refers to .........
a) features of writers’ pronunciation that cannot signal their regional or social background.
b) features of speakers’ pronunciation that can signal their regional or social background.
c) features of speakers’ written grammatical structures that can signal their regional background.
d) features of speakers’ listening skills that can signal their political background.
27) Choose the correct sentences
a) The lower a person is on social scale , the less their speech will reflect the prestige.
b) The older a person is on political scale , the less their speech will reflect the prestige.
c) The higher a person is on social scale , the more their speech will reflect the prestige.
d) The hire a bison is on the societal snail , the more their speed will reflect the prestige.
28) speakers at the top of the social scale speak .........
a) informal English with very clear regional variation.
b) standard English with very little regional variation.
c) non-standard English with very little political variation.
d) colloquial English with very clear financial variation.
29) The main problem with equating social class with education is that ................
a) it is entirely possible that an individual who is middle-class might not earn more than an average amount of money.
b) it is impossible that an individual who is middle-class might earn more than an average amount of money.
c) it is entirely possible that a student who is middle-class school might score more than students in math.
d) it is entirely possible that a school girl who is third-class might not earn more than an average amount of gold.
30) Labov 1962 found that ...........
a) the higher the social class of the speakers, the more instances of post-vocalic ‘r’ they would use
b) the lower the profession of the speakers, the less instances of vocalic ‘r’ they would use.
c) the higher the social class of the listeners, the less instances of pre-vocalic ‘r’ they would use.
d) the higher the education of the speakers, the more instances of no-vocalic ‘r’ they would use.
31) Williams and Kerswill found that that the accents of the three towns (Hull, Melton Keynse and Reading).............
a) were converging - leveling or becoming more alike.
b) were diverging - diverse or becoming more different.
c) were contradicting - caviling or becoming funnier.
d) were conflicting - limiting or becoming more addicted.
32) Language characteristics for the over-sixty-fives age group is that older people may...........
a) require slightly longer processing time to produce and understand complex sentences.
b) require slightly less processing time to produce and understand complex sentences.
c) require shorter processing time to produce and understand child language.
d) require slightly bigger bedrooms to produce and understand complex sentences.
33) Some of the Characteristics of Child Directed Language are ............
a) calling the child by name, often using a ‘pet’ name or term of endearment
b) shorter, grammatically simpler sentences and more repetition
c) more use of questions or question tags and use of ‘baby-talk’ words
d) all the above
34) is the study of how a listener recognize words and utterances, or how damage to our brains results in certain kind of language disorders
a) Psycholinguistics
b) sociolinguistics
c) artificial science
d) grammar
35) Referential use of language can be found in examples that .........
a) give information or instructions that the hearer wants the speaker to do.
b) give wrong information or instructions that the speaker does not want the hearer to do.
c) give information or instructions that the speaker wants the hearer to do.
d) keep communication lines open and are used in science , not in potery.
36) The term .......... refers to our [innate] knowledge of the systematic correspondences between sound and meaning which make up our language.
a) Lasagna
b) Language
c) Lungs
d) Langue
37) ........... is the actual use of language in both speech and writing
a) competence
b) comparison
c) langue
d) None of the above
38) Choose the correct sentences :
a) The term ‘signifier’ refers to the meaning or concept associated with the signified.
b) The term ‘signified’ refers to the meaning or concept associated with the signified.
c) The term ‘langue’ refers to the meaning or concept associated with the parole.
d) The term ‘hedges’ refers to the meaning or concept associated with the signified.
39) According to the Sapir-Whorf hypothesis, there is a ...........
a) casual link between agriculture and language.
b) causative sink between hose and router.
c) causative link between culture and language.
d) No causative lings before lecture and luggage.
40) Choose the correct sentences :
a) Languages of similar cultures involve similar systems of representation which are necessarily equivalent.
b) Languages of different structures involve similar systems of grammar which are necessarily equivalent
c) Luggage of different passengers involve parallel systems of representation which are necessarily equivalent
d) Languages of different cultures involve distinct systems of representation which are not necessarily equivalent
41) The most Common stereotypes about women's speech is that .........
a) men talk a lot
b) women talk a little
c) women talk a lot
d) women talk quickly
42) Marked terms refer to anything which ..........
a) deviates from the horn and this deviation is not signaled by any car
b) disdain from the form and this distention is signaled by additional amount of money
c) deviates from the norm and this deviation is signaled by additional information
d) debuses about the mourn and this debate is signaled by additional information
43) The extent to which men interrupt women indicate that ..........
a) women act as if they have more right than men to speak in mixed-sex conversations, and that men act as if they had less right to speak than women.
b) men act as if they have less right than women to speak in mixed-sex conversations, and that women act as if they had more right to write than men.
c) men act as if they can write more than women to , and that women act as if they had more right to buy books
d) men act as if they have more right than women to speak in mixed-sex conversations, and that women act as if they had less right to speak than men.
44) ............. gives no indication of what part of the country the speaker came from.
a) Colloquial pronunciation
b) Received Pronominalisation
c) Received Pronunciation
d) Allophonic Pronunciation
45) ......... is a rhetorical device which expresses several ideas in a series of similar structures.
a) The rule of three
b) Euphemism
c) Parallelism
d) Paralysis
46) ....... can be used to indicate that you don't want to sound completely certain about something
a) transitive verbs
b) intransitive verbs
c) phrasal verbs
d) none of the above
47) The weak points of Dominance Theory are that is represents ..........
a) women as ‘powerless victims’ and shows men as excluding and demeaning women.
b) men as ‘powerless victims’ and shows women as excluding and demeaning women.
c) women as ‘powerful victims’ and shows men as careful about and looking highly.
d) women as ‘cowardice venom’ and shows them as committing sign.
48) Choose the correct sentences
a) An ethnic majority refers a group which has a socially dominant culture.
b) An ethnic minority refers a group which has a socially dominant culture.
c) An ethnic minority refers a group which has a politically dominant lecture.
d) An ethnic majority refers a group which does not have a socially dominant culture.
49) Choose the correct sentences
a) Sexist language represents women and men equally, as if members of one sex were somehow less completely humid, or can write more than members of the other sex.
b) Sexon language represents women and men untidily, as if members of one sex were somehow less committedly human, or had fewer rats than to remembers number six.
c) Sexophonist language represents women’s and men’s voices unequally, as if members of musical instrument were not loud enough.
d) Sexist language represents women and men unequally, as if members of one sex were somehow less completely human, or had fewer rights than members of the other sex.
50) .......... is the background assumption embedded within a sentence or a phrase.
(A) Implicature
(B) Preposition
(C) Presupposition
(D) Proposition
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اسئلة اختبارعلم اللغة الاجتماعي الفصل الاول للعام 1435-1436 هـ د. محمد الهلال
[أسئلة اختبار - علم اللغة الاجتماعي - د. محمد الهلال]
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