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Literature 17 Century part -7
Literature 17 Century part -7 A Short Analysis of To Daffodils
عدد الأسئلة: 27
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1) A personification is:
Giving inanimate objects or abstract ideas human qualities or actions; making non-human things appear as human.
An author’s choice and use of words; his vocabulary.
2) An Alliteration is:
a comparison between two objects for the purpose of describing one of them; a metaphor states that the one object is the other.
Close repetition of consonant sounds at the beginning of words.
3) A diction is:
An author’s choice and use of words; his vocabulary.
Giving inanimate objects or abstract ideas human qualities or actions; making non-human things appear as human.
4) (a comparison between two objects for the purpose of describing one of them; a metaphor states that the one object is the other.). This definition applies to:
5) (an extended narrative poem, with heroic subject matter and theme, and exalted tone.) This definition applies to:
6) (The use of words with similar sounds in poetry, usually but not always at the ends of lines.).This definition applies to:
7) Looking through the surface meaning in the poem "To Daffodils", the poet Robert Herrick in the very beginning:
Strikes a note of mourning at the fast dying of daffodils.
Refers to youth as spring.
8) Looking through the deap meaning in the poem "To Daffodils", the poet Robert Herrick refers to the youth as:
9) Looking through the deap meaning in the poem "To Daffodils", the poet Robert Herrick equates human life with:
The life of daffodils.
The life of a day's sun.
10) Looking through the deap meaning in the poem "To Daffodils", the poet Robert Herrick says: Just like the short duration of the flowers, …..
Men too die away soon.
Beauty has a very short life.
11) In comparing flowers to humans, the poet later turns to:
The objects of nature
The beauty of youth
12) (The short-lived nature of life, the fleeting passage of time. like the flowers we humans have a very short life in this world. beauty is not going to stay forever.). All the previous clauses reflect:
13) (Life is short, and the world is beautiful, love is splendid and we must use the short time we live to make the most of it. This is shown in the words “haste”, “run”, “short” and “quick”.) . All the previous clauses reflect:
Main ideas.
14) Fair Daffodils, we weep to see you haste away so soon In the above mentioned quotation, the poet talks to the flowers, he tells them that he is so sad because:
He knows the life of the flowers is short and will die soon and leave him.
The fragrance of the flowers is temporary.
15) Fair Daffodils, we weep to see you haste away so soon In the above mentioned quotation, he talks to the flowers as human being able to listen and speak in order to:
Show his ability to personify.
Attract the attention of the reader or listener.
16) As yet the early-rising sun has not attain'd his noon in the above mentioned quotation, the poet says: the flowers were born in the morning, they die and the rising sun:
Hasn't reached the noon time.
Has reached the noon time
17) [ (Stay, stay) is a forced rhyme in order to:
Stress his wishes to continue flourish and stay till the end of the day.
Show how flowers refuse to stay.
18) In "until the hasting day has run", the poet gives symbolic of:
19) :In " But to the even-song", we find
Symbolic referring to the song of death)
Symbolic referring to the song of jusice.
20) has run But to the even-song and, having pray'd together, we Will go with you along The poet then addresses the daffodils and asks them to stay until the end of the day with the evening prayer. After praying together he says that:
Everyone will go in his own way
They will also accompany the daffodils.
21) We have short time to stay, as you , we have as short a spring; as quick a growth to meet decay , as you, or anything In the above mentioned quotation: he compares the human life with daffodils that all of them have short life. Here we find:
22) We have short time to stay, as you , we have as short a spring; as quick a growth to meet decay , as you, or anything He continues comparing the daffodils’ life to spring season to show:
The shortness of life.
The beauty of life
23) We have short time to stay, as you , we have as short a spring; as quick a growth to meet decay , as you, or anything In "As quick a growth to meet decay" , the poet compares the daffodils to:
The period of growth
24) In " To Daffodils" , we can see that:
Lines are short with musical tone.
Lines are short without musical tone
25) To Daffodils is a poem written by:
26) The poet believes that like flowers men too have a very………………. Life.
27) In To Daffodils, the poet compares……… to the dew .
معلومات حول الكويز
Literature 17 Century part -7
Literature 17 Century part -7 A Short Analysis of To Daffodils
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مناقشة الكويز: Literature 17 Century part -7
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