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التسجيل الكويزاتإضافة كويزمواعيد التسجيل التعليمـــات المجموعات  

Literature 17 Century part -10/11
Literature 17 Century part -10/11 أسئلة خاصة بالمحاضرتين 11 / 10
عدد الأسئلة: 35
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- سوف تحصل على نقطة إضافية في التقييم عن كل إجابة صحيحة.
1) Dryden was one of the first writers to take an advantage of the………… of the theatres.
a. Closing
b. Reopening
c. First time opening
d. Improving
2) Theaters were closed when the puritans under ……………came to power in England.
a. Cromwell
b. King James II
c. The church
d. King Arthur
3) Dryden's greatness rests chiefly upon:
a. His poetry
b. His literary criticism.
c. His drama
d. A and B
4) All For Love is one of Dryden's drama works. It is:
a. Not successful.
b. Rarely known.
c. It still endures and will always endure.
d. All false
5) All For Love was written and first performed in December in:
a. 1677
b. 1675
c. 1777
d. All false
6) ALL FOR LOVE deserves a very high rank in:
a. British poetry
b. British drama
c. British comedy
d. All false
7) Dryden gave to his play a sub-title which is:
d. All false
8) The sub- title means that:
a. Antony did well to sacrifice his empire for the sake of his love for Cleopatra
b. Antony did well to keep his empire.
c. Cleopatra did well to sacrifice her kingdom and her life for the sake of her love for Antony.
d. A and C
9) In writing All For Love, Dryden depended on …………… ANTONY AND CLEOPATRA.
a. Romanian history book
b. Shakespeare's play.
c. Milton's play
d. All false
10) The play opens with a speech by:
a. Antonio
b. Serapion
c. Cleopatra
d. All false
11) …………. Is a priest of the temple of Isis in Alexandria.
a. Antonio
b. Serapion
c. Cleopatra
d. All false
12) Serapion in his opening speech gives an account of certain portents and prodigies which have been occurring frequently in Egypt. Alexas:
a. Believes and agrees with him
b. Doesn’t' believe him.
c. Asks him about more details.
d. All false
13) Alexandria is under a siege by the Roman troops of:
a. octavius Caesar.
b. Antonio
c. Both
d. All false
14) During the discussion between Alexas and Serapion, a stranger is seen arriving in Alexandria. Alexas recognizes this stranger as Ventidius who is:
a. An army general loyal to Antony.
b. An army general loyal to octavius Caesar.
c. An army general who will lead the war.
d. All false
15) Ventidius strongly believes that Cleopatra had been responsible for:
a. The bravery of Antony
b. The ruin of Antony.
c. The strength of Antony
d. All false
16) Alexas , in reply, says that one of Antony’s excellent qualities is:
a. His control over this woman.
b. Not listening to this woman's opinions.
c. His loyalty to the woman who loves him.
d. A and B
17) Ventidius’s object in coming to Alexandria is:
a. To force Antony to surrender.
b. To make an effort to wean Antony away from this place and to prevail upon him to lead a fresh campaign against Octavius Caesar.
c. To get rid of Cleopatra
d. All false
18) Ventidius insists on meeting Antony despite he was in solitude but he feels very depressed when he hears Antony talks to himself in tone of:
a. Despondency
b. Happiness
c. Intoxication
d. All false
19) Ventidius informs Antony that he had brought …………….from Parthia to the banks of the river Nile
a. A lot of money
b. A lot of food
c. Twelve legions
d. A and B
20) Ventidius says that those legions are ready to fight against Octavius’s forces:
a. On Antony’s behalf
b. For Cleopatra’s sake.
c. For Roma's sake.
d. A and B
21) Antony says that Ventidius is speaking not frankly about Cleopatra but like ……….
a. An ignorant
b. A jealous traitor.
c. A fail leader
d. All false
22) The quarrel between Antony and Ventidius ends:
a. By Ventidius' apology.
b. By Antony's apology but Ventidius should not curse Cleopatra.
c. By the death of Ventidius
d. All false
23) ALL FOR LOVE is a ………. play.
a. romantic
b. social
c. historical
d. tragic
24) A stranger is seen arriving in Alexandria. Alexas recognizes this stranger as …….. ,
a. Ventidius
b. Cleopatra
c. Antony
d. Octavia
25) As Antonio refuses to meet Cleopatra before going to war, Alexes suggests her:
a. To forget him and take care of Alexandria.
b. She should try to meet Antony before Antony leaves to prevent his departure.
c. To send someone to kill Ventidius
d. All false
26) Knowing about Antony's intention for fight, Octavius:
a. Is very glad for dragging Antony to war.
b. Is incapable of taking an initiative in war.
c. Sends a message of peace.
d. All false
27) Cleopatra sends gifts to Antony and his companions but Ventidius's opinion was:
a. That only Antony should accept the gifts.
b. That only the companions should accept the gifts.
c. These gifts symbolize only misfortunes and disasters for those who accept them.
d. All false
28) When Antony tries to tie the bracelet on his arm but is unable to do so, Aexas suggests that this bracelet should be tied on Antony’s arm by:
a. Cleopatra because she is the person who sent it .
b. Ventidius because he is his best friend.
c. Aexes himself.
d. All false
29) Ventidius urges Antony ………. Cleopatra to come near him.
a. To allaw
b. Not to allow
c. To warn
d. All false
30) When Cleopatra and Antony meet, he:
a. Impeaches her of being responsible for having ruined him.
b. Feels very weak in front of her beauty.
c. Accepts to postpone the war.
d. All false
31) During the argument between Ventidius and Cleopatra, she says that she had fled from the battle because:
a. She was injured.
b. Antony didn't support her.
c. Of her womanly fear.
d. Octavius was very powerful
32) To prove that she did not betray Antony, Cleopatra presents:
a. Her kingdom to Antony
b. Two letters from Octavius offering her two kingdoms if she joins him against Antony.
c. A big amount of money to support him.
d. All false
33) As Cleopatra proves her fidelity, Antony:
a. Is so moved and decides to stay.
b. Doesn't believe her at all
c. Is so moved but decides to go for war.
d. All false
34) When Ventidius at this point asks Antonio about his final decision, he says that his faith, his sense of honor , his virtue, and all good things forbid him to:
a. Disappoint his loyal friend Ventidius.
b. Leave a woman who value his love above the price of kingdoms.
c. Fight Octvius while he has a love to take care of.
d. All false
35) Antony’s plan to launch a surprise attack is:
a. He asks Cleopatra to order the unlocking of the gate which opens towards Octavius’s camp and surprise them.
b. He will fight Octavius in Winter.
c. He will send Octavius a letter of peace then will fight him.
d. All false
معلومات حول الكويز
Literature 17 Century part -10/11
Literature 17 Century part -10/11 أسئلة خاصة بالمحاضرتين 11 / 10
تم حل الكويز 363 مرة بنسبة نجاح 62%
القسم: E5
مناقشة الكويز: Literature 17 Century part -10/11
معلومات صاحب الكويز

قام بانشاء 96 كويز
كويزات العضو
أفضل الأعضاء
العضونسبة النجاح
همس وناسيه امس100%
كيان ..100%
"لعيونها جيت"100%
فيني ونة100%
كن نفسك100%
آلله يسهلهآ100%
حي الزمان100%
eid abdullah100%
طارق العنزي100%
بالقرآن نرقى100%
كويزات مشابهة
Literature 17 Century part -1
Literature 17 Century part -5
Literature 17 Century part -8/9
Literature 17 Century part -2
Literature 17 Century part -6
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Literature 17 Century part -3
Literature 17 Century part -4
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جميع الحقوق محفوظة ckfu.org.

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