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أسئلة اختبار تحليل الخطاب الفصل الثاني للعام 1434-1435 هـ د. محمود السلمان
[أسئلة اختبار - تحليل الخطاب - د. محمود السلمان]
أسئلة اختبار تحليل الخطاب الفصل الثاني للعام 1434-1435 هـ د. محمود السلمان
عدد الأسئلة: 36
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1) Though critical thinking about the analysis of texts is as ancient as mankind, discourse analysis is perceived as the product of .................. period
a. modern
b. new
c. premodern
d. postmodern
2) Analysis of discourse looks not only at the basic level of what is said, but takes into consideration the surrounding .................. and historical contexts
a. Geographical
b. political
c. social
d. technological
3) language has a magical property: when we speak or write .................. situation or context in which we are communicating.
a. we craft what we have to say to fit the
b. we contradict what we have to say to fit
c. we criticize what we have to say to fit
d. we discourse analysis what we have to say to fit
4) That we fit our language to a situation or context ........... , in turn, helped to create in the first place
a. that our speech
b. our information
c. that our language
d. that our time
5) This is rather like the " .................. " question: Which comes first? Is an important question in discourse analysis.
a. chicken and animals
b. chicken and egg
c. Vegetables and fruits
d. Men and animals
6) if institutions, committees, and committee meetings didn't already exist , speaking and acting this way would be ..................
a. nonsense
b. meaningful
c. logical
d. clear
7) "I enter a plain, square room" is an example of an area of reality which is reflect by speech. The area which is reflected by this example is .................
a. The meaning and value of aspects of the material world
b. activities
c. politics
d. semiotics
8) Connections: I talk and act so as to make what I am saying here and now in this committee meeting about whether we should admit more minority students connected to or relevant to (or, on the other hand, not connected to or relevant to) ..................
a. what I said next week about my fears of losing my job given the new government’s turn to the right.
b. what I said last day about my fears of losing my job given the new government’s turn to the right.
c. what I said last week about my fears of losing my job given the new government’s turn to the right.
d. what I said last day about my fears of losing my job given the new government’s turn to the right.
9) (what and how different symbol systems and different forms of Knowledge "count): is an example of an area of reality which is reflect by speech .The area which is reflected by this example is ....
a. The meaning and value of aspects of the material world
b. activities
c. politics
d. semiotics
10) ''............... , '' that is, different identities or social positions we enact and recognize in different settings
a. Situated identities
b. Situated geography
c. Non situated meaning
d. Non situated history
11) Conversations” with a capital “C,” that is, ............... (in different social languages and Discourses) through a significant stretch of time and across an array of institutions.
a. long-cutting and important themes or motifs that have been the focus of a variety of different texts and interactions
b. long-running and unimportant themes or motifs that have been the focus of a variety of different texts and interactions
c. short-running and important themes or motifs that have been the focus of a variety of different texts and interactions
d. long-running and important themes or motifs that have been the focus of a variety of different texts and interactions
12) When you speak or write anything, you use the resources of .................. to project yourself as a certain kind of person a different kind in different circumstances.
a. Arabic
b. topic
c. French
d. English
13) If I have .................. who you are and what you are doing cannot make sense of what you have said, written, or done.
a. idea
b. no idea
c. all ideas
d. everything
14) You project .................. at a formal dinner party than you do at the family dinner table. And, though these are both dinner, they are different activities
a. a similar activities
b. a different activities
c. a different identity
d. a similar identity
15) connected to different sorts of status and social goods, and this is considered as a root source ..............
a. quality in society
b. inequality in society
c. in quantity in society
d. quantity in people
16) ".............." is a socially-situated activity that the utterance helps to constitute.
a. what
b. where
c. who
d. whom
17) we will see below that the warning on an aspirin bottle actually communicates multiple ..............
a. Whats
b. Whos
c. Whichs
d. Wheres
18) Linguists have focused on language. It is also important to see that making visible and recognizable who we are and what we are doing ............... requires more than language.
a. sometimes
b. always
c. rarely
d. never
19) The term "real Indian" is, of course, an "insiders' term." The fact that it is used by .............. does not license non-Native Americans to use the term
a. all Native Americans in enacting their own identity work
b. some None Americans in enacting their own identity work
c. some Native Americans in enacting their own identity work
d. all Native African in enacting their own identity work
20) ............ the sparring and correctly engaging to the sparring ,which ''Indians'' call ''razzing '' each participant further establishes cultural competency in the eyes of the other.
a. By correctly cheating to
b. By correctly shouting to
c. By correctly responding to
d. By correctly audience to
21) ................. is "recognition." If you put language, action, interaction, values, beliefs, symbols, objects, tools, and places together in such a way that others recognize you as a particular type of who (identity) engaged in a particular type of what (activity) here and now, then you have pulled off a Discourse (and thereby continued it through history, if only for a while longer).
a. The key to Discourses
b. The key to analysis
c. The key to success
d. The key to discuss
22) It is sometimes helpful to think about social and political issues as if it is not just us humans who are talking and interacting with each other, but rather, the Discourses we represent and enact, and for which we are “carriers.” The Discourses ......... us came on the scene and most of them will exist long after we have left the scene
a. we enact existed after each of
b. we exit existed before each of
c. we enact existed before each of
d. we enact existed with each of
23) We always think of the long-running and ever-changing "conversation" in the U.S. and Canada ............ of "being an Indian" and "being an Anglo" or of the different
a. between the Discourses
b. between the Analysis
c. without the Discourses
d. with the Discourses
24) This is what I call "..............." People engage in such work when they try to make visible to others (and to themselves, as well) who they are and what they are doing.
a. unreal work
b. real work
c. recognition work
d. unfamiliar work
25) the other less studied of grammar that is considered distinctive grammar for social languages is ............
a. the rules by which grammatical units like nouns, verbs and clauses which signal characteristic whos-doing-whats-within-discourses
b. the rules by which grammatical units like nouns, verbs and clauses which do not signal characteristic whos-doing-whats-within-discourses
c. the rules by which grammatical units like nouns, verbs and clauses which signal characteristic only of whos-within-discourses
d. the rules by which grammatical units like nouns, verbs and clauses which signal characteristic whats -within-discourses
26) The warning on the aspirin bottle is heteroglossic. That is, it is ".................."
a. double-voiced
b. one- voiced
c. triple – voiced
d. four – voiced
27) A situated meaning is ............... “on the spot” as we communicate in a given context, based on our construal of that context and on our past experiences
a. a concept that we ignore
b. a concept that we remember
c. an image that we assemble
d. an image that we forget
28) "................." is an image or pattern that we assemble "on the spot" as we communicate in a given context
a. A specific meaning
b. A limited meaning
c. A general meaning
d. A situated meaning
29) the following two utterances: "The coffee spilled, get a mop"; "The coffee spilled, get a broom". In the first case, triggered by the word "mop" in the context, you assemble a situated meaning something like "..............";
a. light liquid we drink” for “coffee
b. dark liquid we drink” for “coffee
c. not liquid we drink” for “coffee
d. dark liquid we drink” for “water
30) A .............. , that is, the place, time, bodies and objects present during interaction
a. An activity aspect
b. A political aspect
c. A sociocultural aspect
d. A material aspect
31) ................ , that is, the distribution of "social goods" in the interaction, such as, power, status, and anything else deemed a "social good" by the participants in terms of their cultural models and Discourses, e.g. beauty, intelligence, "street smarts," strength, possessions, race, gender, sexual orientation, etc.
a. An activity aspect
b. A political aspect
c. A sociocultural aspect
d. A material aspect
32) "Cultural models are "..............." families of connected images (like a mental movie), or informal theories shared by people belonging to specific social or cultural groups.
a. stereotypeline
b. storylines
c. stereotype
d. storylifes
33) Some studies argue the physics experimental physicists "know" is, in large part, not in their ..............
a. names
b. nationality
c. books, apparatus, and books
d. heads
34) The fact that people have differential access to different identities and activities is
a. Activity
b. Society
c. Sociolinguistic
d. the root source of inequality in society
35) Discourse analysis is meant to enable us to solve concrete problem by making us ask ontological and ............... questions.
a. epistemological
b. diglossical
c. undiglossia
d. biological
36) After all, if we did not speak and act in certain ways, committees ..............
a. could not exist
b. could not succeed
c. could not appear successful
d. could not teach
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أسئلة اختبار تحليل الخطاب الفصل الثاني للعام 1434-1435 هـ د. محمود السلمان
[أسئلة اختبار - تحليل الخطاب - د. محمود السلمان]
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