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اسئلة مراجعة عامة لمادة مقال الفصل الثاني للعام 1437-1438 هـ د. احمد السقوفي
[أسئلة مراجعة مجهود شخصي - مقال - د. احمد السقوفي]
اسئلة مراجعه عامة لمادة مقال الفصل الثاني للعام 1437-1438 هـ د. احمد السقوفي
عدد الأسئلة: 56
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1) The paragraph should be long enough to develop the main idea clearly. A paragraph may stand by ...............
a) Itself
b) Unity
c) Clarity
d) Topic sentence
2) .............. may also be one part of a longer piece of writing such as an essay or a book
a) A topic sentence
b) A phrase
c) A paragraph
d) A outline
3) All paragraphs have a supporting ..............
a) phrase
b) word
c) sentence
d) letter
4) Gold , a precious metal , is prized for two important characteristics The topic is ..............
a) precious metal
b) gold
c) two important characteristics
d) metal
5) Concluding sentences are customary for .............. paragraphs
a) Longer writing
b) Shorter writing
c) multi
d) stand-alone
6) Every good .............. has a topic sentence, which clearly states the topic and the controlling idea of the paragraph.
a) paragraph
b) sentence
c) clause
d) phrase
7) Registering for college classes can be a frustrating experience for new students. The controlling idea is ..............
a) Registering
b) Registering for college classes
c) be a frustrating experience
d) be a frustrating experience for new students
8) A topic sentence gives only the ..............
a) main idea
b) specific details
c) general details
d) all information
9) Sometimes a .............. comes at the end.
a) supporting sentence
b) topic sentence
c) introduction sentence
d) phrase sentence
10) There are several kinds of ..............details: examples, statistics, and quotations
a) general supporting
b) general phrases
c) specific supporting
d) controlling
11) The Concluding Sentence signals the .............. of the paragraph
a) end
b) first
c) second
d) main
12) .............. does not always need a concluding sentence for single paragraphs.
a) A sentence
b) A clause
c) A phrase
d) A paragraph
13) In order to achieve coherence each sentence should flow .............. into the next one .
a) one by one
b) in order
c) smoothly
d) sharply
14) In order to achieve coherence , use transition signals to ..............
a) separate ideas
b) link ideas
c) arrange sentences
d) link sentences
15) Words such as when and although are considered to be ..............
a) adjectives
b) Subordinators
c) coordinators
d) prepositions
16) Transition signals give a paragraph .............. because they guide your reader from one idea to the next .
a) clarity
b) transitions
c) conjunctions
d) coherence
17) The word "otherwise" is an example of ..............
a) subordinating conjunctions
b) conjunctive adverbs
c) transition phrases
d) coordinating conjunctions
18) The word "indeed" is an example of ..............
a) subordinating conjunctions
b) conjunctive adverbs
c) transition phrases
d) coordinating conjunctions
19) The word "whereas" is an example of ..............
a) subordinating conjunctions
b) conjunctive adverbs
c) transition phrases
d) coordinating conjunctions
20) The word "yet" is an example of ..............
a) subordinating conjunctions
b) conjunctive adverbs
c) transition phrases
d) coordinating conjunctions
21) A dependent clause is always connected to .............. clause to make a sentence.
a) a dependent
b) an independent
c) a sentence
d) a phrase
22) A recent article in Era magazine suggested ways to reduce inflation . The article suggested that the president reduce the federal budget .............. it suggested that the government reduce federal ,state , and local taxes.
a) therefore
b) however
c) for example
d) as a result
23) a way to achieve coherence is to arrange your sentences in some kind of ..............order
a) economical
b) biological
c) astrological
d) logical
24) Every good .............. has both unity and coherence
a) sentence
b) clause
c) paragraph
d) phrase
25) You achieve unity by discussing only one .............. in a paragraph.
a) idea
b) sentence
c) clause
d) topic
26) You achieve unity by always staying on the .............. in your supporting sentences.
a) idea
b) sentence
c) clause
d) topic
27) Opinions are subjective statements based on .............. beliefs or attitudes.
a) a subject
b) a person's
c) a reader
d) an object
28) Facts are .............. statements of truths.
a) objective
b) subjective
c) wrong
d) opinion
29) Identity theft is more serious than any other type of theft. This sentence is an example of ..............
a) fact
b) specific supporting details
c) statistics
d) opinion
30) One way to avoid plagiarism is to always put .............. around words that you copy exactly.
a) brackets
b) quotation marks
c) comma
d) nothing
31) When you use information from an outside source without acknowledging that source, you are guilty of ..............
a) tourism
b) parallelism
c) constructionism
d) plagiarism
32) To cite a source , Insert a short reference in ..............at the end of each piece of borrowed information.
a) comma
b) semicolon
c) parentheses
d) bracket
33) In an indirect quotation, you report the person's words .............. quotation marks
a) without
b) with
c) after
d) before
34) Indirect quotations are sometimes called ..............
a) Summaries
b) reported speech
c) Reviews
d) Direct quotations
35) Indirect quotations are introduced by the same reporting verbs used for direct quotations, and the word .............. is often added for clarity.
a) after
b) before
c) that
d) but
36) The tense of verbs in indirect quotations is .............. by the tense of the reporting verb
a) the same
b) not affected
c) not changed
d) affected
37) A thesis statement for .............. is like a topic sentence for a paragraph
a) an index
b) an essay
c) a source
d) a paragraph
38) The thesis statement Is normally the .............. sentence in the introductory paragraph
a) last
b) middle
c) second
d) past
39) The internet is a communication superhighway. The problem with this statement is that it is ..............
a) an announcement
b) too general
c) too specific
d) stating on obvious fact
40) .............. numerals I, II, and III number the major sections of an essay
a) English
b) Arabic
c) Roman
d) Chinese
41) .............. letters A, B, C, D, and so on label the body paragraphs.
a) Small
b) Arabic
c) Roman
d) Capital
42) Small letters a, b, c, d, and so on label the specific ..............
a) supporting details
b) body paragraphs
c) major sections
d) subpoints
43) Chronos is a Greek word meaning ..............
a) space
b) order
c) time
d) work
44) Chronological order is a way of organizing ideas in the order of their occurrence in ..............
a) sequence
b) order
c) time
d) sentences
45) An essay which is ordered chronologically, can be considered a ..............
a) “a descriptive” essay
b) “an argumentative “ essay
c) “a comparison” essay
d) “how to” essay
46) Using chronological order to organize an essay means putting the ..............in order or sequence by occurrence in time
a) ideas
b) sentences
c) clauses
d) topics
47) In order to be successful writing chronological essays, you need to group the .............. into paragraphs where natural breaks occurs.
a) styles
b) outlines
c) events
d) organizations
48) In order to be successful writing chronological essays, use chronological order signal words and phrases to show the sequence of .............. in a process
a) styles
b) outlines
c) steps
d) organizations
49) The purpose of a transition paragraph is to ............ one section and introduce another section.
a) conclude
b) separate
c) describe
d) move
50) You can organize .............. essay in two main ways: "block" organization and "chain" organization.
a) an argumentative
b) an expository
c) a narrative
d) a cause and effect
51) In block organization, you first discuss all the .............. as a block .
a) effects
b) causes
c) sentences
d) ideas
52) In block organization, a short paragraph often separates one major section from another major section. This paragraph is called ..............
a) a block paragraph
b) a unity paragraph
c) an introduction paragraph
d) a transition paragraph
53) The purpose of a transition paragraph is to .............one section and introduce another section.
a) introduce
b) conclude
c) describe
d) move
54) You do not always have to write a transition paragraph, but it is helpful when your topic is long and complex.
a) short
b) long
c) easy
d) complex
55) In Chain Organization , causes and effects are linked to each other in a ..............
a) comma
b) semicolon
c) line
d) chain
56) Chain organization usually works .............. than block organization when the causes and effects are too closely linked to be separated.
a) worse
b) better
c) as same as
d) less
معلومات حول الكويز
اسئلة مراجعة عامة لمادة مقال الفصل الثاني للعام 1437-1438 هـ د. احمد السقوفي
[أسئلة مراجعة مجهود شخصي - مقال - د. احمد السقوفي]
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اسئلة مراجعه عامة لمادة مقال الفصل الثاني للعام 1437-1438 هـ د. احمد السقوفي
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مناقشة الكويز: اسئلة مراجعة عامة لمادة مقال الفصل الثاني للعام 1437-1438 هـ د. احمد السقوفي
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