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اسئلة اختبار لغويات تطبيقية الفصل الثاني للعام 1435-1436 هـ د. احمد السقوفي
[أسئلة اختبار - لغويات تطبيقية - د. احمد السقوفي]
اسئلة اختبار لغويات تطبيقية الفصل الثاني للعام 1435-1436 هـ د. احمد السقوفي
عدد الأسئلة: 50
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1) ............... tries to develop the language and discourse skills
A. English for Academic Purposes (EAP)
B. English for Specific Purposes (ESP)
C. English for Special Purposes (ESP)
D. English for Occupational Purposes (EOP)
2) Linguistics is bound to represent ............ idealization of language rather than the way it is experienced in the real world.
A. a solid
B. a concrete
C. a stable
D. an abstract
3) The purpose of ............. is to test global competence in a language.
A. proficiency test
B. placement test
C. achievement test
D. diagnostic test
4) ............... Is the academic discipline concerned with the relation of knowledge about language to decision making in the real world
A. Language Planning
B. Applied Linguistics
C. Syntax
D. Linguistics
5) Social constructivism emphasizes the importance of social interaction and cooperative learning in constructing both cognitive and ................. images of reality
A. representational
B. personal
C. fictional
D. emotional
6) In the ................................. , Language learning success is to be assessed by the ability to do things with the language, appropriately, fluently, and effectively
A. Communicative Method
B. The Direct Method
C. Grammar Translation approach
D. Natural language learning
7) conversations, consultations, lessons, emails, Web pages, brochures, prayers, news bulletins, stories, and jokes are examples of ................. .
A. linguistics
B. genre
C. pragmatics
D. paralanguage
8) ................ information is usually conveyed by means of linguistic devices.
A. Negative
B. Positive
C. Cognitive
D. Affective
9) First-language explanation and translation were not possible in the .................
A. Natural Language Learning
B. Direct Method
C. Grammar Translation Approach
D. Communicative Method
10) Lexicography is the planning and compiling of both monolingual and bilingual .................. and other language reference works such as thesauri.
A. references
B. dictionaries
C. archives
D. documents
11) Essay questions can be used to measure higher order ............. skills.
A. cognitive
B. integrative
C. interpretative
D. communicative
12) True or false questions are moderately easy to write and easily ...............
A. understood
B. structured
C. scored
D. designed
13) In subjective tests the learners ability or ............... are judged by examiner's opinion and judgment.
A. performance
B. look
C. style
D. system
14) ...................... is one's underlying knowledge of the system of a language.
A. practice
B. interaction
C. competence
D. performance
15) Language use is in many ways a natural ............... beyond conscious control.
A. knowledge
B. study
C. theory
D. phenomenon
16) In Chomsky's view, the newborn infant brain already contains a ................
A. General intelligence
B. Universal Grammar (UG)
C. Learning ability
D. Minimal exposure
17) Language competence test is a test that involves components of language such as vocabulary, grammar and ...............
A. spelling
B. writing
C. pronunciation
D. listening
18) Second Language Acquisition research concerned itself with both explaining and describing the process of ................. a second language.
A. teaching
B. acquiring
C. overcoming
D. learning
19) Success was measured in the Grammar translation Approach in terms of the accurate use of ...........
A. syntax and morphology
B. listening
C. grammar and vocabulary
D. communication
20) ................. should elicit information on what students need to work in the future
A. Achievement tests
B. Proficiency tests
C. Placement tests
D. Diagnostic tests
21) Feasibility is a ................ concept concerned with limitations to what can be processed by the mind.
A. grammatical
B. sociological
C. psychological
D. morphological
22) Linguists' concern is knowledge as an end in itself rather than with action based upon that ..............
A. knowledge
B. prescription
C. phenomenon
D. activity
23) .................... when a child studies their home language or languages.
A. first language education
B. second language education
C. foreign language education
D. additional language education
24) Noam Chomsky introduced the term Generative Linguistics in ................ onward.
A. 1960s
B. 1980s
C. 1950s
D. 1990s
25) The purpose of language aptitude test is to ............... a person's success to exposure to the foreign language
A. assess
B. predict
C. match
D. estimate
26) Possibility means weather an instance conforms to the rules of ..............
A. grammar and pronunciation
B. pragmatics
C. phonology
D. syntax and morphology
27) The sociolinguist Dell Hymes offered communicative competence in the late ...........
A. 1980s
B. 1990s
C. 1970s
D. 1960s
28) The spread of English has generated intense interest in the study of language pedagogy and of
A. First language learning
B. first language acquisition
C. second language learning
D. second language acquisition
29) Clinical linguistics is the study and treatment of ....................., whether hereditary developmental, or acquired ( through injury, stroke, illness, or age ).
A. speech and understanding
B. communication
C. speech and error analysis
D. speech and communication impairments
30) Content selected in norm-referenced tests is chosen by how well it ................ among students.
A. communicate
B. achieve
C. discriminates
D. refers
31) ..................... should be limited to particular material addressed in a curriculum within a particular time frame.
A. Diagnostic tests
B. Proficiency tests
C. Placement tests
D. Achievement tests
32) ................... is a clean slate bearing no preconceived notions about the world or about language.
A. Lingua franca
B. Paralanguage
C. Second Language Acquisition
D. Tabula rasa
33) Literary stylistic is the study of the relationship between linguistic choices and effects on ................
A. language
B. literature
C. people
D. Letters
34) The cheese the rat the cat the dog the man beat saw chased ate was green is an example of ..........
A. possibility
B. attestedness
C. appropriateness
D. feasibility
35) Native Speakers are considered to be people who acquired the language naturally and effortlessly in .................
A. adulthood
B. childhood
C. brotherhood
D. neighborhood
36) In .......................... Only "publicly observable response" could be subject to investigation
A. structural linguistics
B. cognitivism
C. behavioral psychology
D. constructivism
37) The phrase "chips and fish" is an example of ...............
A. feasibility
B. possibility
C. appropriateness
D. attestedness
38) A communicatively competent speaker may know the .............. , be capable of following them, but nevertheless break them deliberately.
A. steps
B. rules
C. ideas
D. problems
39) ....................... raises awareness of how there is far more at stake in the use of language than the literal meaning of the words
A. Literary Stylistics
B. Psycholinguistics
C. Applied Linguistics
D. Sociolinguistics
40) If a glass is described as "half full" or "half empty" this is an example related to....................
A. Critical Discourse Analysis
B. Semantics
C. Pragmatics
D. Linguistics
41) Successful communication according to Dell Hymes can be achieved by......................
A. appropriateness, and attestedness
B. possibility, and feasibility
C. possibility, feasibility, and appropriateness
D. possibility, feasibility, appropriateness, and attestedness
42) The formal systems of language are .................
A. translation and literature
B. pronunciation, grammar and vocabulary
C. speaking & listening
D. reading & writing
43) If a test gives consistent result it is ....................
A. Valid
B. Practical
C. Reliable
D. Useful
44) The ................. believed that neither explicit instruction nor conscious learning had any effect.
A. Direct Method
B. Communicative Method
C. Grammar translation Approach
D. Natural Language Learning
45) A test is ............. if it tests what it is supposed to test.
A. valid
B. practical
C. reliable
D. useful
46) ................ is the practice and study of evaluating the proficiency of an individual in using a particular language effectively.
A. Language Teaching
B. Language Planning
C. Language Learning
D. Language Testing
47) The generative linguist was interested not only in describing language but also in arriving at an explanatory level of .................. in the study of language.
A. adequacy
B. importance
C. discovery
D. observation
48) The relatively permanent incorporation of incorrect linguistic forms into a person's second language competence has been referred to as .................
A. imitation
B. fossilization
C. stabilization
D. realization
49) In order to give a systematic description of context, Applied linguistics has drawn upon, and also developed ............
A. corpus analysis
B. discourse analysis
C. sociolinguistics
D. semantics
50) Three areas of study which contribute to discourse analysis are ...........................
A. applied linguistics, pragmatics, and literature
B. paralanguage, pragmatics, and stylistics
C. linguistics, translation, and genre studies
D. paralanguage, pragmatics, and genre studies
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اسئلة اختبار لغويات تطبيقية الفصل الثاني للعام 1435-1436 هـ د. احمد السقوفي
[أسئلة اختبار - لغويات تطبيقية - د. احمد السقوفي]
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اسئلة اختبار لغويات تطبيقية الفصل الثاني للعام 1435-1436 هـ د. احمد السقوفي
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