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المحاضرة الرابعة - ادب الأطفال - الشناوي
[أسئلة مراجعة مجهود شخصي - Children’s Literature - Dr. Ibrahim El Shinnawy]
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1) in 1800s Children's literature boomed during the 1800s for several reasons. Paper and printing became widely available and affordable, and more people were learning how to read.
2) The population boom across the West meant there was a ......... children's literature market
3) The Crescent Moon by
Rabindranath Tagore
Nandalall Bose
4) Macmillan by
Rabindranath Tagore
Nandalall Bose
5) In India, .................. established the Calcutta School-Book Society in 1817
Christian missionaries
6) in 1817 Magazines and books for children in native languages soon appeared in .....
7) Raja Shivprasad wrote several well-known books in .............
8) Nobel Prize winner .............. wrote plays, stories, and poems for children
Rabindranath Tagore
Raja Shivprasad
9) Tagore's work was later translated into ................. , with Bose's pictures.
10) Behari Lal Puri was the earliest writer for children in ........
11) stories Behari Lal Puri didactic in .................
12) In Russia, juvenile literature reached children through a number of ...........
13) Aleksandr Afanasyev collected over ........ traditional stories, releasing a special children's edition of his eight-volume Russian Folk Tales in 1871.
14) Aleksandr Afanasyev he is Books written specifically for ........... developed in the 1870s and 1880s
15) Two scholars in Norway, ................................, collected Norwegian fairy tales and published them in pamphlet form.
Peter Christen Asbjørnsen and Jørgen Moe
Rabindranath Tagore and Raja Shivprasad
16) Children's literature in Western Europe and the United States began to change in the ........
17) Danish author and poet .................... traveled through Europe and produced many well-known fairy tales in the first half of the century 1800
Hans Christian Andersen
Nikolai Novikov
18) In Switzerland, a........... released his father's manuscript, a story keeping with the didactic nature of Swiss children's literature, in 1812 and 1813
George son
pastor's son
19) The Swiss Family Robinson by Johann David Wyss became ...............after Isabelle de Montolieu translated and adapted it into French.
20) Lewis Carroll's fantasy Alice's Adventures in Wonderland appeared in 1865 in .......
21) The first "English masterpiece written for children" by Lewis Carroll's
The Adventures of Pinocchio
Alice's Adventures in Wonderland
22) Carlo Collodi wrote the first Italian fantasy novel .............
The Adventures of Pinocchio
Alice's Adventures in Wonderland
23) Mark Twain released .......... in 1876
Robinson Crusoe
Tom Sawyer
24) In India 1900s, many writers of stature in the ............. began writing books for children
25) hn indiaThe first full-length children's book was ....................
Alice's Adventures in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll's
Khar Khar Mahadev by Narain Dixit
26) Educator Gijubhai Badheka published over 200 children's books in the ............. language
27) In 1957, political cartoonist .................... founded the Children's Book Trust publishing company.
K. Shankar Pillai
Sukumar Ray
28) The .............. of 1911 and World War II brought political and social change that revolutionized children's literature in China.
Chinese Revolution
Russian Revolution
29) The first pieces of literature intended solely for Chinese children were translations of ............................
Alice's Adventures in Wonderland and Pinocchio
Aesop's fables, Western fairy tales, and The Arabian Nights
30) China's first modern publishing firm, ...................... , established several children's magazines, which included Youth Magazine, and Educational Pictures for Children.
Political Press
Commercial Press
31) The .................... changed children's literature again. Many children's writers were denounced
Chinese Revolution of 1949
Japanese Revolution of 1949
32) The 1976 ................. provoked more changes sweep China.
death of Mao Leedong
death of Mao Zedong
33) Children's ........................... gained great importance in Russia at the beginning of the century.
34) .............. took a gloomy turn by frequently showing the maltreatment of children from lower classes in Russia
35) An example of detective magazines
Sherlock Holmes
Nikolai Gogol
36) The state took control of children's literature during the .......... Revolution in Russia
37) People often label the 1920s as the ............. of Children's Literature in Russia.
Golden Age
stone Age
38) More political changes in Russia after .............. brought further change in children's literature.
World War I
World War II
39) The Golden Age of Children's Literature ended with ............. in Great Britain and Europe
World War I
World War II
40) the period before ................ was much slower in children's publishing in Europe
World War II
World War I
41) In the 1950s, the book market in Europe began .............. from the effects of two world wars.
42) American children's literature sparked the publication in Chicago of one of its most famous books in 1900, which was
L. Frank Baum's fantasy novel The Wonderful Wizard of Oz.
Carlo Collodi fantasy novel The Adventures of Pinocchio
43) Reviews of children's releases began appearing regularly in Publishers Weekly and in The Bookman magazine began to regularly publish reviews of children's releases
44) the first Children's Book Week was launched in ............
45) ................... by Hendrik van Loon, 1st Newbery Award winner
The Story of Mankind
Little House
46) The American Library Association began awarding the ................, the first children's book award in the world, in 1922
Newbery Medal
Caldecott Medal
47) The American Library Association began awarding The ........... for illustration in 1938.
Newbery Medal
Caldecott Medal
48) In 1997, J. K. Rowling published the first book in the ............ Series in England
The Harry Potter
The Hobbit
49) in 2000s Professional organizations, dedicated publications, individual researchers and university courses conduct scholarship on children's literature.
50) Scholarship in children's literature is primarily conducted in ...... different disciplinary fields
51) Scholarship in children's literature is
literary studies, and education
library and information science
معلومات حول الكويز
المحاضرة الرابعة - ادب الأطفال - الشناوي
[أسئلة مراجعة مجهود شخصي - Children’s Literature - Dr. Ibrahim El Shinnawy]
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